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<br /> , notlflaotlon to Truet�e and B�neflclary. In;ihe event any pollcy hereunder Is not�enewed on or before fffteen�15)daya prior to � s
<br /> � Ite expiratlon date,Trustee or BenaHcl�ry may procure auch Inaurunce In accordance with the provlsiona of Parapraph 7. -__
<br /> Trustor ahell deliver to Banellclary tha oripinel pollalaa of Ineurance and renewals thereof or coples of such pollclea and �t=
<br /> renewals thereof. Fellure to lurnlsh auch Insurenqe by Truafor, or renewa�s ea required hereunder, shall, at the option of �
<br /> � Beneflciary,constltute a defualt.All unearned premluma are hereby aeslqned to Trsutee as additfonal security,and a aale end ,
<br /> , conveyanae of the Property by the Trustea ahall aperate to convey to the purchoser the Truator's Interest In and to all pollcles y�
<br /> { o}Insuranaa upontha Trust Propeny,
<br /> S.T�x�s�nd Assn�m�nts.Truator shall pey all texes and apecfal assessments levied or asaessed agalnst,or due upon,the .
<br /> , Property before dellnquency and wlll dellver to Beneflciary copies ot receipts ahowinq payment of such taxes and special
<br /> �: ; aeaesaments.
<br /> � 8.AddHloml Ll�n�.Trustor shall make all payments of intereat and principal,and payments of any other charges,fees,and
<br /> �V expenses contracted to be pald to any exfsting Ilen holde�s or prior beneficlarles under any prlor Deed of Trust,Martgage or
<br /> ;; other aecurlty apreement, before the dale they are delinquent end to pay any other clalm which jeopardfzes the 8ecurity �
<br /> V
<br /> 9ranted hereln.
<br /> s 7. Prot�ctlon of B��dlol�ry'a 8�ou►ity,8hould Trusto�fail to make any payme�t,fail to do any act as hereln provided or il
<br /> i% any ectlon or proceeding Ia cammencad which materlally affects 8eneflclary's Intereat In the Property, Including, but not
<br /> i� Ilmlted to,eminent domaln, insolvenay,arranpementa o�proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent,then Beneflclary or
<br /> { Trustee,but without obllgallon to do ea,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor,end without releasing Trustor from any
<br /> olDifletlon hereunder,may make or do tha same,and may pay,pu�chase,contest or compromise any encumbrance,charge or
<br /> � Iien,which in the judgment of elthar appnars to affect sald Prope►ty;In exerclsing any such powers,the Beneficlary or Truatee
<br /> I may Incur a Hablllty and expeed whatever amounts„Including dlsburaemente of reasonable attorney's fees,which In their ats
<br /> solute discretlon may be necessary. In�lhe event that Trustor ahall tall to procure Insurance,fall to pay taxes and specfal
<br /> � asaeasments or fall to make any paymHnts to exisltnp or prior Ilen holders or beneficlarles,the Beneficlary may procure auch • � •�•
<br /> Inaurence end make eur.h payments.All sums incurred or expended by Beneficlary or Trustee in accordance with the provl•
<br /> ; slons of the Deed of Trust are secured here6y and,wlthout demand,shall be immed{ately due and payable by Trustor and ahall •
<br /> bear Interest et the rate provfded ior advances under the Loen Agreement;provided, however, that at the option ot the
<br /> Beneflclery or Trustee,such aums may Ge added to the principal balance o}any indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear .
<br /> the same interest as such Indebtednaae and ahall be payeble ratably over the remalning term thereof. ,��.
<br /> � B.AulpnnMnt of R�nt�.Benefiaiary shall have the rlght,power and authority tluring the contlnuance of this Deed of Trust to
<br /> � collect the rents, Issues and praflts of the Prope�ty and of any personel property lacated thereon with or without taking
<br /> posseaslon of the Property atfected F►ereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncondltionally assigns all such rents.issues
<br /> , � � anQ pro!!ts fo 9eneflclary. 9enetlalsry,f1Q4V94p1, I1Q�Rh�I C.n11CHI1�R�A the Truator's collection and retentlon of such renta, __
<br /> � lasues end proflts es they accrue and become payable so long as Trustor fs not,at such time,In default wlth respect to pay
<br /> ment of any Indebtedness secur�d hereby or In the performance of any agreement hereunde►. Upon eny such defauH,
<br /> Beneflclary may at any time,elthar In person,by agent or by a recelver to be appointed by a court,without notice and wlthout
<br /> reperd to the adequacy of any security for the Indebtednees hereby secured:(a)enter upon and take possession of the Proper•
<br /> ty or any part thereof and In Ita own name sue for or otherwlae c?Ilect such renta,Iseues and proflts,Including those past due
<br /> and unpald, and apply the same,le�s costs and expenses of operatlon and collectfon, including reasonable attorney fees,
<br /> � upon any fndebtedne�s aeCUred hereby and In such order as Beneficlary may determine:(b)perform such acts of repair or p�o•
<br /> tectlon as may be neceasery or propc�r to conserve the value of the Property;�c)lease the same or any part hereof for such ren•
<br /> tal term and upon such condltfons as ita�udpment may dictate.Unless Trustor and Beneflciary agree otherwlse In writing,any
<br /> applicetlon of rents,Issues or prqfitri to any Indebtednass secured hereby shall not extend or pustpone the due date of the in•
<br /> I atallment peyments as provided In the loan Agreement,and the applicatlon thereof as atoreseid shall not walve or cure a�y
<br /> default or notice of delault hereundc►r qr Invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assigns to 8eneficlary,
<br /> as further securfty�or the pertormance of the obligatlons secured hereby,all prepald rents and all moniea which may have
<br /> � ! been or may herealter be depOSHed with sald Trustor by any iessee of the Property,to secure the payment of eny rent,and �
<br /> � upon default In the perforamnce of any of the provisions hereo�, Trustor agrees to dellver such rents and deposits to the
<br /> � ; Beneficlary. Delivery of wrltten notice of Benelficary's ezercise of the nghta granted herein to any tenant occupyiny sald
<br /> premises ahall be sufticlent to require sald tanant to pay eald rent to the Beneffcla►y untit further notice.
<br /> � 9.COnd�mn�tlan.lf tltle to any part of the Property shall be leken In condemnatfon proceedings,by right of eminent domain
<br /> t or sfmllar actlon, or shall be sold under ihreat of condemnatlon, all awards,damages and proceeds aro hereby assigned and
<br /> ', � shall be pald to Beneficlary who shall epply auch awartl,damages and proceeds to the sums secured by the Deed of Trust,
<br /> � wlth ihe excess. If any,pald to the Trustor.
<br /> ` � 10.Futur�Adv�na��.The Loan Agreement providea for advances from tlme to tlme to Trustor by Beneficlary as provided
<br /> � thereln.In addltlon,upon requesl of Trustor. Beneficiary,at Beneflciary's optlon, prfor to reconveyance of the Property to the
<br /> Trustor,may make addltlonal future advances to t�e Trustor.Such future advances,wfth Interest thereon,shall be secu�ed by
<br /> this Deed of Trust when evldenced by promissory notes stat�ng that sald notes are secured hereby:provided thal at no time
<br /> • ehall the secured princlpal and�uture advances,not including sums advanced to protect the security,exceed one Aundred per•
<br /> Icent(100°io)of the orlglnal princlpal amounts secured hereby.
<br /> �• �, 11. R�m�dl�s Cumuldivs. All remedles provfded In thls Deed ot Trust are distfnct and cumulative to any other rlght or
<br /> ��i remedy under thls Deed of Truet or afforded by law or equfty,and may be exercised concurrently.independently or succesafve•
<br /> _•f- iy.
<br /> `� 12.ACCYiYI�tlOn;Romodlos:S81i. A deteult shall exlst�n the event o�'
<br /> ; : (A) Any fraud or misrepresentetfon by the Trustor in connect�on with ihe Ifne of credit which ihis Deed of Trust secures:
<br /> t � (B) Any failure on ihe part nl the Trustor to meet the repayment terms in respect to the Loan Agreement and any other ad•
<br /> vances under thls Oeed o1 Trust hereby secured;and.
<br /> � (C) Any aCtlon by the Trustor prohlblted by ihe terms o�the Loan Agrec�ment or this Oeed of Trust or any fa�lure of the Trustor
<br /> i fn arf aa ran��IraA hv thn 1 nan Anraamwnt nr th�c(]wwrl nt Tnisf Rach ot wh�ch Trustor herebv aarees have an adverse ef•
<br /> � teCt an the Benetfc�ary'ct security for the Ilno of credlt established and the rlghts of the Benof�ciary �n such secunty,
<br /> �
<br /> � end upon the happenmq o}Hny such Qvent ol dBteult.Benel�cidry may deciare alt sums socured hereby immediately tlue and
<br /> � payahio by de�lvery to Trustee��w��tten declarat�on c�f clefault The Trustee snall nave the power o�sale of the Property.and il
<br /> � Benellciary dr..^,�res thP PrhpFrty to be soid. �t shall deposrt w�th Trustee th�s Deed of trust and all prom�ssory notes and
<br /> � Aocumenfc Nviq.�ncinry PzpPnr�ilurRS secUred heraby and Shall�1ehvPr to Trustee a wntt�n �,ohce o�default and?lechon to
<br /> ceUSO thp Prr�•oHy to be so�d 3nd the l�rustee�n turn Shall prNpare.i r�ohce m the fprm rPqu��eA bv�aW.whiCh shall he dulv fd
<br /> pd for recorcl hy TruSteP
<br /> t
<br /> � IA) A�ter the�apse of such t�me as ma� be reqwred by law fouow��� fhn rr�^���!���^���a�•i np�iCg�>f defaulL.�nd nnf�n� ni __
<br /> � � de�auit and noUC@ o�sa�e having been grven as requ�red by law.Trustee.wdhout dem;�n�1 u�� Trustor.shall sell Ihe Proper• —
<br /> , ty u�the date and at thAt�me and p�ace designated�n said not�ce uf sale.at Puhhc auct�un to m��h�qhest bidder thtr��ur
<br /> � ' ChBSR pnCe pdyab�e in��wful mqney ol the United Slete5 at the time��}5ale 1'he perso��conductinq the sale mav,}n�.�ny
<br /> � ..,^ CauSC�(jB��'����1�r�t.�oSt�c�ne the saie Irom time to timc�until��tihall h«�r��mpl�tPd,ln�.in�wrry ;urh r.�i�;r�, not�CC
<br /> t� �
<br /> �� .
<br />