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<br /> ACKNOWLEDOMENT TO DEED OF TRUST '""":.;��.,;. .��
<br /> The undersl�ned"Trustor"as IdeMlfled In the followln�Deed of Truat,whetherone or more,understand that the dooument ,- .,,�,��;�„a--��
<br /> � � they are about to execute fs a Oeed of Trust e�d not a mon�a�e,and that the power of aal�pravlded for In the Oeed of Trust ';� !".�"•�?��:°:'
<br /> provldes aubstantially ditferent rlyhte end obllpetlons to the Borrowera than a mortqape fn the event of a default or breach of .. .,,,.�;t,,- .
<br /> � oblip�tion under the Deed of Truat,Inoluding,but not Ilmlted to,the Beneficlary►'e ri�ht to have the PropeAy fdenttPked In the '�:�:`�:�- �
<br /> , , followin� Deed of Trust sold by the Trustee without any Judlclal prxeedin�.Truator reprpsents and wanants that thla ��,�:.
<br /> • Acknowledpment was executed by them before the executlon of the Deed of Trust herealter eet forth. � . �,.,,
<br /> . -;�._'',�.����' ;�� _
<br /> - — -;,-.-.��
<br /> �_5'�'�' Inartin J. Bart ing ._ - —
<br /> ' � �. - - - -
<br /> :,'� �UI'iR,c¢, � Q�u�t� ' - �
<br /> Connie (�. Bartli�g � . ----__--•
<br /> :�� .
<br /> 2p Plarch 19 92 petW�� �lartin J Bartlinc,�and , � .��'"�
<br /> � THIS TRUST DEED made this �Y a f • E � .-
<br /> Connie m. Bartlina, H�arid��after call '�Trustor", whose maUlnp addresa Is�fi1S ;���� � ,. ��G��= � � -
<br /> Arend R. Baack ,Attomey at Law, whose meUinp addesa fs� Q � � �� I5� �-� t' `
<br /> �.:..
<br /> � as"Trustee';and Home Federal Savinya end Loa�Aseociatton of arand Islond,who�e malll��addrees la 221 South Loaust, t: +�'�'
<br /> P.O. Box 1009,Qra�d Island,Nebraska 88802, as"Beneficiary". � '`� �
<br /> ' .. � For valuable conalderatlon, Truator Irrevocably�rente,tranafers,conveya and asslgns to Trustee,In truet, with power of I �',�
<br /> � ' ' sale,for the benef it and aecurity of Beneflolary,under and subJect to the terme and oondn�ons of thia Deed of Trusi,ihe fvliow- r �
<br /> Inp deacribed p►aperty looated In.�,a],l�`�++*+}� �'rand I s land ,NobrASke,t0 wit: I.
<br /> ., �v
<br /> � Lot 8, Block 1, in Southern Aares Addition to the City of Grand Island, , . j
<br /> Hall County , Nebraska. � -
<br /> � �';:�.
<br /> ��
<br /> topether with all buildings,}ixtures, improvements and appurtenanCes thereunto belonging, it beiny ayreed that all of the ,
<br /> , � foregoing shall be herelnalter referred to as the"Property". �
<br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURIN(i performance of each agreement and covenant of Truator herein contq�ned and the pey
<br /> , ' ment of the principal aum o} T�� •1veThousand Dol lars and 0/00 Dollar�(S��00 0 �,
<br /> .•� .� as evldenced by a Home Federal Home Equlty Loan Agreement between Trustor and Beneflciary(the"Loen Agreement"1,pur•
<br /> suant to w h ic h Bene f ic lary w l l l a dvan c e tu n d s t o T r u s t o r f r o m t f in e t o t i m e e t t h e i n t e r e s t r a t e s a n d u p o n t h e t e r m s pr ovided
<br /> thereln, together with any sum or suma of money wlth interest thereon which may hereafter be paid or advenced under the
<br /> �• terms of thls Deed ot 7rust,bot�principal sum and Interest thereon being payabie according to the terms set forlh in the Loan
<br /> Agreement, reference to which is hereby made,af the offiCe of the BenetiClary In Grand Island. Nebraske, or ot euch other
<br /> place as Beneffciary mey deslgnate fn wrfting.
<br /> � 1.W�Ranty of Tltl�.Trustor Is lawfully selzed of the Property:has good right and tawful authority to sell and convey the Pro•
<br /> perty;the Property Is free and clear of all Ifens and encumberances except I iens now nf record:and Truator wlll warrant and de•
<br /> fend the tltle to the Property unto the Trustee and Its succesaors and asslgns forever agalnst the clalms of all persons.
<br /> 2. P�ym�nt of Princlp�l md Int�nst.Trustor shall punctuany pay the principal of,and Intereat on,all edvances under the
<br /> Loan Agreement and wlll punctually perform all ag�eements,conditions and provlsions of eny other aecurlty Inatrument given
<br /> In r.nnnar_.tlnn wifh thls transactlon
<br /> � 3.Pnt�rvatlon and M�leqmnc�of Prop��ty.Trustor wlll not cornmft any waste upon the Property at wlll,at all times,maln•
<br /> taln the same In good order and conditlon and wlll make,from tlme to tlme,all repalrs,renewals,replecements,additlons and
<br /> Improvements whlch are reasonably►equfred to prevent wasta, Impelrment,or deterloratlon of sald property. No bullding or
<br /> Improvement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shell be altered,removed or demollshed without the prfor wrftten
<br /> Consent ot BenefiCfary.
<br /> � 4.Insunnc�.Trustor,at Its expense,will malntaln with fnsurers approved by Beneliclary,fnsurance wlth respect to tne Im•
<br /> I prOVements and personai proerty constituting the Property agelnet loss by flre.Ilghtninq,tornado and other perils covered by
<br /> standard extended coverage endorsement In an ernount equal to at least one hundred percent of the full replacement value
<br /> thereof,and insurance again�t gu�h�ther ha�ards and in euch amount as Ic cuatomurily carrlod by owners and operators of
<br /> slmilar properttes and as Beneficlery may requlre lor Ita protectlon. Truator wlll comply wlth such other requirements as
<br /> Beneficlary may from time to fime requeat to►the protection by Insurance of Ihe Interest of the respective partles. All In•
<br /> surance policfes malntalned pursuant to thla Deed of Trust ahall name Trustor and 8eneficlary as Inaureds,as thef r respectfve
<br /> � Interests may appeor and provlde that there ahell be no cancellgtion or rnodifleatlon without fllteen(1S)day9 prlor written
<br /> 1� � 1
<br /> . .
<br /> �, _ - -
<br />