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<br /> ' 12.Suceea�ors w�d AW�iu Boundc Joiat�d Se�•cra!Lt�bWtY:Co�S�ntaw. 1t�a cove.aants �sd a�roemcacs ui wi� _
<br /> Sc�wity Ws�trwa�eat ��1f bind r�d �ac.ru th,. cuxessss: �sd assl;ns of L�cncSer and Borrower, sub,}�ct to the provlslatis of _
<br /> part�ra�h 9.b. Bmnwa'a cove�ita and ��at�eat9 sh�ll bo joiat and sevesal. My Borrowcr who co-si�►s Ihis Socutiry �
<br /> [nsuume�t au docs not cxocui:; iiw hi;�:: ��} ;; ra-�i,�:u^,g �S's �x�:.�is�Fs:..��t enly to�r+o�ge:grsuu s�d coAVCy ttut
<br /> Bor►nwcr`a intaest ia Wc l�roperty unckr Wo tenns of this Socwity I►�si,unu.at; N) i�not pus�nal�y�bllgat�d to pay the sums �`
<br /> sacurod by tlsis Socuriry Instrumcn4 and(c)ACKCS thst Lendr.r and�ny o�her Borcower nzay a,�r�cn cutcnd ma3ify.fori�e.sr or �
<br /> _r_°
<br /> mak,c aay acconu►w3sdoaa�!rith rr,;erd w the terms of this Sxurity Insuuaaent or the Nut:,without that Barowa's catiunG �
<br /> 13.Notice�. My notice to�rm��er ptovlded for in th�Sxurity Insuuaunt shall bc given by delivering it ot by mailing it �;.
<br /> by Cust c]as,s mW unless�aW�e law roqU3rea use of anodser method.The uotice s�all be clirectal co iGe Pcop�rty Addre�or L
<br /> Aay Wher adctre.c�Borruwu designaces by noticz to L.czu9u.My aotice to LaWer shsll be giveu by E'ust class mail to I.eiuler's
<br /> �ddress ctated haein ar any addresa I.aule�r desi�nates by aotict to Banvwu.Any notice provided fa ia this Socuriry Inswmeut � _
<br /> shail be docmed w havo been eivw t�o Ba�rowx or I.wdcrs whta glvw as provlded in thlc paragraph.
<br /> 14.Goveseia�Law;Sevmtbility. 'it�is Security Inswment shaU be governod by falera] law and the Iaw of the �
<br /> jurisdidoo in wdich tha Property is bc�tod.In the evuu t1�:any ptavislai or clause af this Socudty Insuunxat or tbe Nate �
<br /> conflicts wuh applicabie I�w.such conflici st�all not affect other provuioas of t�is�ocurity Insuumeut or the Note which can be �.
<br /> given effect wi@wut tLe couflicting pravisioa.To this e�d the ptovisions of this Security Instrunaeai u►d tt�ee Not�e ate doclaced to �-:
<br /> be soverabb. �
<br /> �� n__.�... �..n n,,..L.... wA�t/ .�...i..�,.+.,,Q^��.nf��Fv pf thic C��j�t i tiTl!'!it =-
<br />- f�1AA\VwG i���• YW r�M Q�• � �� _
<br />. 16.Acei�nmtai ot RmL9. Borrowu unoondida�lY assiSns and uansfas to I.etsder all tha reats and reveAUes of the —
<br /> Property.B�xmwa autborius I.au1e�or I.eader's ageats to collxt the reats and reveaues and har,by d'vec�exh te�nt o:ti�e
<br /> ProQertY b PaY tbe reats co I.et►der or l.e:tider's a,grnu.Howevcr.Pria'to L.eades's ctiodce W Borrower of Bomowa's breacL of
<br />' aay coveaant or agrsemeat in the Security Insaumea�Borrower sls�ll collxt and rxeive all reats aad reveuua of the Property ac
<br /> wstee far the beae�t of Leadv ead Barower.'Riis azs-;gn�vent of rtots oonsdwus an�bsalute assignmeat and nat an sssignmeat
<br /> foc additio�soccuity only
<br /> If I.a�der gives u�otioe of bmxh tn Barower:(a? al!reats re�civod by Botrower st�U be he3d by Borrower as truux for
<br /> beaefit of I�asder oaly.W bc applied to the sums secured by the Secta'ity L�snumeat;(b)l.essda shall be eadtlad W colkct and
<br /> . receive all of tbe reius of the Propaty:�nnd(c)each teaant of tbcs Property shall pay all rwts due aod unpaid m I�der a I.enclar's
<br /> ageat oo irentlor's wtitten demand w the bea�nt
<br />- Bam�va 6a4 na exa�ted any txioc assignmeac ot me reats aad"nas mc and w;ii na pc�io.�m�u,y i�i ii,ai«�;;:w�:�:.:
<br /> I,eader from t�ca�ci,sit�its rights under this part,graph 16. _
<br /> Ler.der st�ll noi be requirod to eatrr upon,take control of or maintaia the Properiy l�efore or afler givi�twtioe of breacb tn
<br /> samaa.xoa+�+a.La�du«a jaaici�uy sippoincea reeeiver may ao so at�ny rime the�+e is�bc+�acb.a�y application of ra�cs
<br /> shall aot c�e or waive aay default or iavalidate any otlw right or reiaedy of I�eade:.T'hig asti�meut of reats of tt�e Ym�ty
<br /> st�all f�-a�inate wben tbe debt aec�red by the Socurity Tnsuumeat is pai�d in full.
<br /> NON-UIJII�QRM CONENAN'TS.Bomu��es aad L�eader fu:ther coveoaai aad egree s►s�'dbws:
<br /> 17.F01'ed0�ur!PM�OCCdWY.If l.lOdlr r+Eqottt�:a�"�i"*�pa7seat ia tdl uader p�ra�rapY 9,Lender msy i�voke tLe
<br /> po�wer ot ssie�od aay otLer remedia permitt�d by appiicsbk t�W.l.esder sball be eatjtled to miieet aY ezpases i�carr�ed
<br /> i�par�+�tie rtaedles�oder tl�par�rapL 17.i�ci�uLng+b�t oot tim�tea t0.�x�Ja' iea aad�ow Q
<br /> �title evkfe�oa
<br /> I!t�e pa�we� o�saie is iavoiced�'Flrastee chall reoord a notia at defadc in eac� eoaat� ia wLieb aa� psrt ot tLe
<br /> Proparty i�ioated aod sW�ai1 copie�at sueb�afWOe i�tLe saa�er preur�ed by spplicabie Isw to Borro�er aad to tie
<br /> other P�P���Y�AP�k law.ARa ttie time required bY sP�bk iaw,Tru�ta s1uR¢ve p�btic�ot�oe ot
<br /> afe to tl�c pesoas and ia tLe maaur�racribed by appiia�le law.'Pi'ustu.�rifhoai demu�d oa BoRO�r,�lwll�dl tbe
<br /> property at pabic aactioo to fbe 6i�6es!6jdtler at t1�e time and ptaa and ander the term�desi�nated io the�otice o�aie _
<br /> i� o�e or �ore paral� aad i� aay order Trastee deteroiaa. Trasta mpy �aetpoae saie of �11 or s�y parod ot tbe
<br />- �-4R(NE� (i606� Pap�b of a InktaU:
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