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<br /> pars�graph 2, ar chai�e ti�e sutxwnt oF suth paY�nr,r.ca.My e:cess {xoc.eocis over �n amcwnt roc�uirod co paY Ail outstandin� �-
<br /> iudebu�iacss undcr the Note a��d this Sccurity Insuument s:�sil bc paid w thc cntity legally entitlod thercto. �
<br /> _ �'
<br /> ; �.�ees. I.e�i�ra�y coU�.t fxs aad:h:zges authaized by thc Socictsuy. ='"
<br /> � �;:
<br /> � 4.��u�u�'+i Co:R::.:r:.-ztb�.u��.`tbi. `_
<br /> �r..
<br /> 1 (a)Detault. L,ender may,exccpt as limitecl by ngulations i.csu�d by the Sac�ctarY in u'�e case of Qay��xn►dr.faultc, -
<br /> roc�uirc inurtiediaL°.�ymtnt in full of all sums securcd by tS�is Sccurity lnsuvment if:
<br /> (i)Borrowu dcfaults by failing ta pay in Gill any monthlY P�Y�t requirecl6y this Sccurity Insuument prior to or
<br /> on the due dute of the ncxt rtwnthlY PaY��.�
<br /> (u) Borrowu defaults by failing. for a period of thirty days,to perform any othcr obl+g�tions coataiaod in thi� __
<br /> Soctuity Insttument
<br /> (D)Sa1e Wit6out Credit Approval. Luuler shall,if pe�miued bY aPPlicablc law and with the prior aPDroval of the
<br /> �:
<br /> Secretary.require inun�diate paymust in full of all sums secured by thic Sacurity Instrunneat if: :_
<br /> (i)All or part of the Ympercy.oe a beneficial intuest in a wst owning all or part of tl�e Propaty,is sold or ott�erwise F'
<br />_ transfe,rrod(oit�er tts�a by�evise or dcsce,nt)by the Bormwcr.and �,:
<br /> (ii)'Itsa Property is not occup�ed by the puccdlser or grantee ac his or ha priacipal t+esidet�oe.or the purchzscr ot =
<br /> grantoe does so oocupy the Property bui his or ber credii has not boen approvod it�accordanca with the roquinmeat9 �_�
<br /> of the Secretary.
<br />_� {cl�Waivt�. if circumstancts OCC1u that w0u1d DCtn111 I.Cttdel IO TY�t111i1C i��1ed1�PaY��iA fu11�bllt I.CItdCt dOGS —
<br /> :� uot require such paymeats,Ieadcr does not waive icg rigt►ts with re�ect to subsoquent evwts. _
<br />'�1
<br /> � (d)Regutatioos ot HUD SecsetAry. In maay circumstances reguL�tionc issuod by the Secretazy► will litni¢L,�uler's -
<br /> _ rights in tbo case of payzneat defaults to require inunediat�pay�eau in fnll and foreclose if noa paid. 'Itds Sec�uity -
<br /> t��r�,��.,rn,does uot autlwrize acakratioa or foroclasu�if not peJmi�:tl by ngulatioas of the Sec�rtaiy.
<br />._� (e)Mort�aee Not Inwred. Boreowet agroes that stw�ild this Security Inswtnatt and the IVote secured tbuaby not be
<br /> r,ligibb for ins�u�nce uader the National Housiag Act within 60 d�ys from the date heroof,I.ender may.at ita opdoa�d
<br /> noi�,itt�standi� anythiAB in paragraph 9. n4uire imatiediate payme�t ia full of aU sums sa^�ed by this SocuritY
<br />- Insaumr�ut.A writtea statemeat of aay authorizod ageat of the Secret�ry datod subsequeat to 64 days fmm the dau
<br /> haeof,docliniag w insore this SecuritY?�ss•,��.^!a�d ihe Note sccured thaebY.st�all be deemcd coaclusive pro.�f of
<br />:—. such iaeligsbility.Notwithst�nd'wg the foregoing,this oprion may aot be wcercised by l.enda ahw the�aava�a�ility of
<br /> � iosuraace is solely due w La�da's failiue t�cemit a martgage iasurance premium to the Secretary.
<br /> 10.Re�cmtesest. Borrower t�as a right to be re3asi�ted if l.etsder has roquired immediate PaYmeat ie full because of _
<br />- Bortvwtr's faiL�re tu pay aa�nouat dae under the Nose a this SecuritY ITMSUUmtat-71�1s right applies evea after fo�+ccio.wre
<br />= procadings are insriuited.To ninstste the Securtty Insnument,Borrowar sl�all tend�r ia a lump sum�ll amo�uits roq�irod to triag
<br /> BOR�owe1's ioCOpnL Cumeal iu�ludio8.i0 the Cxl�lZ1L thCy atC obli$eiio�ls Of BO�Owt!11Z1dCr thiS SCCUiiLy in�+*+��„"!,f0[�+CiDSU[E
<br /> ooats aad rea�onab3e aad cucwasary attotaeys' fas nad expcnses PcoperlY as�soei�ted aiih the foroc:�osure proe�eedin8.Upon
<br /> reinstatemeat by Bomnwes,this Sec�rity Iasunuaeat aad the obligaboas tl�at ii soc�urs sl�ll rranaia in effa�i�s if Ieader had uot
<br /> — t'Wuirod �modi�te PaYmc,a' � in full. NOwCVtt, I�eoder iS not IeQuiled W pals�it*r;netsrr,�.n. if: (t) I.Cader ha9 �a'.e.pted
<br /> niostaee�t af1�a'the�t of fot+ecbsure proceodin8s witLin two years;�*•^••�;°•��y p��8 the eounmaxe�est of
<br /> a eumeot foroc]osure proCee�ia8, (ii) *+��^�*°r�•"-••,i will preclude foreclosure on diffacst $iouc�ds in the fuiure. oc (iii�
<br /> reiosntemeat will�dvasely affect the priority of the liea created by t4�is Secusiry Inst�uma�t
<br /> 11.BOrrOWlr NOt Rek�Sld;ForOeAranae�y i,eoaer titoft a waiva. fixtet�sios�Of i�e tiriio ui Nn)'iiic�i v+�'�-`��.
<br /> � of amati�tioo of the sums secured by ttus Security LLSUUmeat granted by L.endei to aay s�axssor in iot�ztst of Barowa shall
<br /> not opaate to rekase the liability of ttfe original Bocrowa a Barower's six;c�ssor in interest.L.e,ader st�ll not 6e required tu
<br /> - ��P�Bg��Y s��in iatrrest or refuse w extmd time fa payaxat or othawise asodifY amo�zation of
<br />� d�e sams savt�d by this Socurity Instnuneat by ns�son oi�ny dernand made by tl�e aigio�l Bomowa ar Borc�ower's sax•,cessors
<br /> in iata�esi.My farbaraoce by L.eader in wcercisiag any right or remody shall oot ba a wtivei of or pc�xk�de the e.�cise of acy
<br /> �
<br /> ri�ht or ranedy. -
<br /> P�p��ol� MqIaM:
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