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•�' `� . .:tr� +�.' "�� r . , .. ��� �lrr�r � <br /> � ..���; <br /> 1� - w..�s� .M!vr�r 2;,,M,,; ,. _,�:�:._ --- - <br /> J a' l��h 1� . —_�'__— —_.___.." __�"iS <br /> � '�I.. ' .tita�-^l�. - . . ...�i.±'':;..1[mC'��s.i__. _ �'��.. <br /> . .�..�._ ., . - --- <br /> .. - �_. _�,_... . . . . �:=-_��'-�.,v..�� <br /> � <br /> . 92- 1 Q 24 01 � <br /> . � , <br /> apF►lic�blc luw muy �pccify fur rcin+lulcmcnq hcforc tiulc af thc Properly pur,uunt tu uny puwcr ut'salc c��ntuincd in ihis �--�,-�-- <br /> ^�� �. Sccurliy lahtrurncnt:�x lM entry�►f a judgmenl enforcing Ihix Sccurity In�trumcnt. Thou condidun.ure �hat B�rruwcr: Iul ��- _ <br /> � puyrr Lendcr ull nunt� w•hich �hcn wnuld tn Jur undcr ihi.Sccu�i�y Intitruumem unn �h n u�rreJ in�nf�r ing thi�Sccun'ty -1-- <br /> �kcuRed:lt;rurc+any defuuU uf uny iNher cuvcnsml�or ugrccments:lc)paY� I►� . '• ���^--- <br /> ' Ins�rument,iix:ludir�p.bu� not limitcd iu, nawnuhle uuurneyv'fcc,: und Idl lukc+ �uch ucti�►n uy Lendcr muy nu.unubly � <br /> , "�� rcquirc tu a��ure Ilwl:th�lien of Ihi� Sccurity In,trumrnt.LenJcr±righlti in thc I'rnprrty und Borruwc�'ti obligaion iu pay ihc �,,.�•.- <br /> ,ums s�Y'ured by Ihii ticcurily In�tn�mcnl rhall con�inue unchunged. Upnn reimlutement Ny Borr��wcr, tbi� ��urity <br /> � - In�uunnu�+�nd tlx:ub�i�; hrnby rhall rcmnin fully eff�ctive u�if no acrelerution hud ixcurn�l. Huwevcr.�hi� �? <br /> � ' . right lo n►insiutc whull nut•rpply in ttx ru,c ul'u�celcru�i�►n undcr parugruph 17, ��_ -�---- <br /> i���-=���` ----- <br /> 19. Sale uf Nut�: ChNnae oP I.usan tiervicer. The Nutc ur a purliul inicre+t in thr N�dc Uogcther wilh�hix Security �e„4,,,,_. <br /> u ��,, <br /> Instnimcnu may Iw: wld unc ur m��n�imc. wi�huut prior �xnir¢tu Burrowcr. A,:dc muy rc�ul�in a chungc in ihc cnu�Y ___ <br />� . • _ �...;. lknuw�u+Ihe 'L.oar�Servircr"i Ihat cnllec�,monlhly payment�Juc under thc Nute and thiti Sccurity In.trumcnt. Therc ul�o *d,:},..-- <br /> �•'., .....Y.------- <br /> --- - -^ muy hc om ac morc rnangc.ui ihc I.��un Scrvirer unrclalcd to u yulc uf ihr Notc. 11'�hcrc i+u chungr ot'�hc Loun Scrviccr. ��.�: ��� <br /> � .'' B�xrower will bc girc�n wpltcn n��icc uf�he chunge in acc�xJunre with purugraph 1�3 ulx►vc and applicuhle law. I hc mHice �_='���_���� <br /> - will siatc�he namc u�nl�ddretiti o(thc new Luan Serviccr und thc addre�+io whirh paymem,+hould he made. The nnticr�vill � _,_�__ A <br /> ulw c�mtain any o�har inti�miu�ion��yuircJ by upplicuble luw. •"`'"�,:�''` ;' <br /> 20. Hautrdau►�Substanceg. Borruwrr�hull not causc or pemiit Ihc prescncr.u.c.di.patiul..torugc.�x rcicu.c uf uny ,'��:��,��i,� <br /> .���_,=, <br /> ° Haiardour Subxtuncr.+c�o or in the Propeny. Barrower tihull not du. nur ullow unyone clK �o ck�.uny�hing aflertinti thc ;,��.� <br /> 4 �.�... �- <br /> pmperiy�hui violution of uny F.nvironmentul Luw. The prercdin�twu unt�ncc+,hall nol upply to the prexence.uti�,ur . ��•�:_ : <br /> � ,torogc on�he Prop�:rly of,mull yuunli�i�.of Hu�ardou�Subx�unces thu�+uc Eencrally recognized to tx upp���pn•rtc���nunnul _ �:�,_ <br /> n.idcntiul usc+and u�muin�cnamc��tthc Piniperty .,�;�•:_ ' <br /> Bunow�r+hul�promptly givc Lcnder wnucn noticc of any invesliFatiun,cluim,demarni.lawxuit or othcr ucti�m by uny �,:�_ �� <br /> ovcmmemal ��r re uluto u�cnc or riv;�tc an invulvin� the Prc� rt and an H:v.urdous Subtil.mrc�x 6nvironmental �;_,,�;;,.__•_ _ <br /> g t� �Y b Y P P' Y b P� Y '. >' ,� .�x• =•r�•_ <br /> . Law ut' which Bo�nwcr hur uc�ual knowlcJgc. If Born►wcr Icum+.ur n notificd by any govemmental ur rotiuluti�ry 1. ^, . , : -. __^_ <br /> � vulhority,thu� any rcmc►vul ur o�lkr rcrneJiutinn of uny Huzurdous SubWuncc:dicrting the Prop�ny is neccswry.B�►rr��W�� , . �_(ry_3_z <br /> �hall prnm�tly tak4 all nrcc++ury rcrncdial aciH�m in uccordancc wiih Environmcmal Luw. . ��`, <br /> ° As u,cd in thi�p•rru�ruph?II. "Huzardou+Subs�unces"•rrc th���r wb+t•rncrs dclineJ•r�toxic or hu�anli�u.�ub,tancc+by :.i _ <br /> , Em irunmen�ul l.uw and�hc t��lluwiug wh+tunrrx: gauilinc, ken»enr.other tl�mmuhlc ur ioxK pctroleum pnrluct�. loxic <br /> , �.��c�d�.�na �:rn���d�..volatile udventti, muteriuls cunwinin� ur ti►miulJehydr.•rnd ruJii►uclive malcrial,. A+ <br /> u.ed in thi+paraµruph 20,"�nvirnnmcmal Lux%' mirans federul law.und law,of the juritidiction where ihe Property ix Icxu�cJ <br /> Ihat telulc lo haultt,.+ufety ur envircmmenlul�rotection. <br /> NON-UNIF�I)RM COVENANTS. Burtowcrand Lcndcr furtlxr covenunt anJ agrcc u,fallow�: '�� <br /> 21. Accelen�Non: Remedles. Lepder chall�ive nntice to Burrnwer prior tu acceleralion fnlluwln� Borrower's .: <br /> breach of pny c�e��ens��l or agreemenl In tAls Security Instrumenl Ibut nut prior tu ucceleralion under paru�ruph 17 .�'� <br /> —_---- �n�y 8�►nlisn6l�law•Qrovides otherwisel.The nutice shall speciiy: lal the default:lbl the uctian requlred lo cure the ' . �-�� <br /> ^ default:lcl�dllEe.nat less thwn 3Q da�s iram the date the notice is given to Burruwer,�i itili�Cll Zlit�Cf:iilll 11!!!5!I}P , <br /> ��.-_ <br /> ' cured;and l dl that Pailure/o cure Ihe def�ult un or 6efore the dute speciiied in the notice may result in accelerutiun uf � . ��� <br /> the sumv securod by thk Security Inslrument and sale uP the Property. The notice shall iurther inform Bnrruwer ol' � <br /> the ri�hl to reinr3tate ufier acceler�li�m und the ri�ht to brin�u a�un uclion to a�.tiert the non-exi4tence of s�dePault or . <br /> v uther defen�e uf Borrow•er to uccelerudon und sale. If the dri'ault is m�t cared un or befi�re thr date speciiied i; �, '� <br /> �n, <br /> tbe notice,l.entktr ut its option muy reyuire irnmediate pa�•ment in full of all�ums tiecured by this Security nslrumen . <br /> willu�ut furtli¢r demund and may in�oke the powrr oi tiule und uny nther remedies permilted by epplic�ble law. <br /> Lender shull 6e eMilled to co11ec1 r.dl e�peuxes incurr��d in pursuin� the remrdies prn�•ided in this paruKraph 21. �, .r��,�. <br /> �� includinu,b�el oot limiled to.reu�muble uUorner•s'Pers und costs oi litlr e��idence. <br /> If Ihe pov+er nf sale iz invok�l.Truslee shull record u noticr uf defuuq in euch couol�'in which uny purt uP thr � .�^�. <br /> Properl��is I�Ktiled und shall mail copiex of such nolicr in the munner pr�cribed by applicuble law•tu Burruwer uod tn ; ;�::_- <br /> the�Hher per.w►ns prexcribed by upplkuble lax. �Der thr time reyuired b} upplicable IaH•.Tru+lre�hullµi�•e public , <br /> nolice oP 4ule lu the prr+ons und In tl�e munner prc�crilxd b�•uppli�vble lu�r. '1'ruslee.wilhoul demund on Borrow�er. �'` , <br /> shall xel)thu Pruperly ut public auction In 1hr hi�;hetit bidder ut thr time und placr und under Ihe Ierms de+iRnated in ;. , <br /> t�im't,�e;4 P�ie ty brr ublic unnouncement ut th�1 mrrund pt�e oi'un}�pre iau�ln aheduled sulwl l.rnder or its � � " � ' <br /> p• ° P P , <br /> dcwi}�nee mu�purchux thr Properly ut um�sale. �. <br /> lJpun r��cQipl uf pacmem uf Ihe price bid.7'ru�trr�hull deli�cr to the purchuser Truxtee� dred com•e��in�;thr <br /> P�nperl�. Tl�s recituls in thr Trustrr'+deed �hull 1►r primu f'ucir e�ideme of thr truth oF thr statements made therrin. <br /> 7Yrst�w�Khull uppl�the prvkeedti of t he suk in Ihe Pollowin}�ordrr: lu 1 lu uU cusls und c�►pen�c+uP r�erci�i ng thr po�srr ` <br /> ' ''�Rt-: <br /> � . . , _ <br /> � .. <br /> . j_ '. <br /> F�Km 4128 4��M ��a�¢r?���n pder.� <br /> � <br /> 1 1 <br /> ' � �1 . _ _ _. . <br />