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<br /> � � . . .;k.:.. o..R-:,.-
<br /> :, ; . :.�... :., , : �-
<br /> • .. •.�;,�;'•;, e,
<br /> ,. � . = rnndemnutiun o�eHhcr takin�s ul'uny prn ot tMi F'm�xny.ur I�x cunveyuncr m lieu i�l rumknmauun,un Ikr¢hy u,�igneJ s�nd
<br /> ��;"�• �hull t+c paiJ cu L�nJcr.
<br /> " p e �y�-. • In thc even� of u Iulul tut.ing ul Ih� Pru{xny. �hu pnxerJ, ,hull he :��r��y+ ��� �►� ,u�»� x'�urcJ hy Ibi, ticrurity —
<br /> ^ , In�in�ment.whether�tt nol Ihen Jue. w•ilh un���xce��paid to B�irrower. In Ihc.�.��<<����P:�niul lakin�ul thr 1'ro�x:rty in
<br /> .. . which thr i'uir marAcl valuc uf Ihe Pro�ny immrdiutrly lxti�rr�hc�ul.inu i,ryual tu ur�:rc;ucr ihun Ih�auxwnl ul�hr,um� —
<br /> ` ,. :.ccured by�hi+Security In��rumrm imnuJimcly Fxli►re�ho iul.ing,unle., Nurr�►.�er aod l.cndcr utherwi,x+i�cmr in wri�inE. _
<br /> thc,um.+ecur�d hy thi,Scrurity In.trument �hull Ix n:durcd hy th� umnuut af lFx pnxccd.muUlplieJ h� thc ialluwi��g
<br /> ., � fractiun: ia► die��nal um��unt ni�hr�um• .erurrd immrdli►Irly txliirr thc tahin�.d'Ir•id�d hy Ibl th�lair ivarket vuluo ul'thc L -'_���_
<br /> ., . '. Pn�peny immediutcly txfare Ihr tu�,in�;. Any hulancc,hull ik puid �o tinrm��.r. In Ihc cvent ul Y �1JIUJI lil�ltl�' ul'the _- -- - -. -
<br /> ,`��.�•� . - ProExny in vrhirh ihe fuir muri.cl vuluc��f Ihc F'rn{►eny immrdiutcly Ixti►rc ihr�ukin�i, Ic,.thun Ilk :uu�wnt ul'�hr.um+ �
<br /> " ,ccurcd immediutcly lxf��r� thc tukin�. unlc+• Borm�var :md L�ndcr uthcr��i,e a}:rc� in uriting ur unlcti� •rppliraMlc law -
<br /> - o�hcnvi�e pruviJe..lhe pnxcrd..hall ix upplird lu�hn+um+�rcuRd hy�hi.tirrurily In,trunxnt whctlur ar nut tlu,um.uR
<br /> ' Ihen due.
<br /> ,. " If thc I'n►p►�rty i. uhun�lonrd b� Bnrn,��•�r.ur if.uflcr nntirc hy l.cnd�r I��Hn�ruwrr that the ronJciunur uli'en lu make �,
<br /> ° un uwurd or u�dc a cluim ti�r dum�gc,.Qurn��vrr faih w rc,�xmd a�L�ndrr��ilhin?U d;q•+alirr thc dutc thr n��tice i.�iv�n. �—---
<br /> .,. Lcnder is authoriicd tu collrci und upply �hc pror�ed+.at i�,up�ion,ci�her to n�toruti�m ur rcp:iir of ttk 1'n+�xny or tu thc
<br /> sumti+ecured by thi.Sccurity intitrumrnt,wl�th�r or n�N then dur.
<br /> Unle„ l.cndcr unJ Burruw�r�nhrRViu a�rec in writing. :II1V :1�1�1II1'UUllll llt �1flKl'l'lI�IO�lfllll'I(�:ll.hall nu�rx�rnd or
<br /> � , ., ., .. pn+tp��ne thc dur da�e ul'�hc mon�hly puymrnt�rcl'crred lu in paragr.�ph. I anJ?ur rhangr thc amuunt ol,u�h puymcnt�. �_-
<br /> 11. Bnrrower Not Releasedt M��rbe�r•an��e Bv 4ender Not u Wuir•er, F.xtcmi�m ��f ihe timr fur pu�mmm or —
<br /> � modificution o(:unoniiution�►f�he.um+,�tiurrd by thiti Securiry In+�rumrn�grumed by l.�nder u�uny,ucces,ur in imrrerl -- --
<br /> ' .. of Borruwcr.hull not uperutc to relca.� the liuhility af Ihc originul Borroa•c���r Hinruw•cr: .uccc..�,n in imcrc.�. L�ndcr ��-
<br /> � xhall not Ix rcyuired to cummenrc pr�xerJing, a�uin�t uny �ucce,ux in inlrrr�l ��r rct'u+c tu rxlenJ timr ii,r p•ryment or _N`--.-! -
<br /> , ._,,y ,'�'S��'� , oiherwise modil'y umohiiution��f ihe�um+,ecureJ by Ihiti Scrucily In.Irumcnt hy rea�un ol'any dcmunJ m:uk by�hr originul �_-
<br /> Borrower or BoROwer'++ucces,ors in intere�t. Any tiirlxaranc�h� L�nd�r in e.crci.ing any right or remedy.hull n��t be u ����_
<br /> ,,•.„ �.:
<br /> ',;;;:'�: ' wuiver of or prerludc thc rxcrci�c oi'any�igM or rcmcJy• _
<br /> _^i q ' �z•,�..s. _.
<br /> � 12. Successurs and Assi�ns Bouad;J��int and tisverul Liubility;('asignen. �1'he c���"�n;+ius a'nd ugRem`°�'"��hi. �,:--- .
<br /> '''" " Secunry Inxtrument+hall bind and ixnclit�he �uccessur,und as.igm of'Lenct�r a�xl Burn,��cr..ubjrct ta the pruvi,iom of
<br /> ,� �• parugr.�ph 17. Bnrrower± cov�nunt�: und agrrement,,hull tx�jaint •rnd ,��•rral. Am Bum���r� whu co-,ign, �hi� Securi�y ��-���
<br /> �••:�:..... .
<br /> �;;,;"f' � IMtrumcnt hut dce.n�n rxrrutc Ihc N�Ne: lu�i.ca-sipning�hi.Sccuri�y In.�runkm unl�•tu munpaEc.grunt und cunvcy thut =,,,,-:,-._.
<br /> �� Borrower:intentii in Ihe Propeny unJer�he�crm.ni Ihir.Securily Imuument: t h)i�nul�xnunaUy ohtigated t��pay�he,um� --�-�=�-�
<br /> �� ;�, cecureJ by thi,Scrurity In+irununt:und Icl ugrre+�hai l.endcr•rixl uny utlkr B�xroNC�may ugme w cxtend.nuxlify.l'orFxar v��.,s _
<br /> ''���,%;� ; �-'•f:�? ' or muke any accommi�lutic�m with regurd to tlx: tem�r ��f thiy Securily In,uunxm or thr Natc wi�h�,ut thut Borruw��rl '
<br /> • ,:�r�!` con,ent. �. �
<br /> r'-. — - !i, �,��nn ('harges. If thr luan ,erured hy thi, Security In�trument i, .uhj�ct li�u IaH� wbirh ret,muximum Iwn 4 .� --
<br /> P
<br /> {'_..
<br /> , �+ - '- charges.and thut luw i+tinully intrrprctcd�o�hu��hc in�rrc,t ur od�cr l��an ci�a�gr,..� .�icd+��tu!x rv!lLttcd+n�•����n��tiun �'.
<br /> ' � ,;.�;�: with Ihc(oun crrced the Exrniiucd limilti.�hrn: UU uny�+uch luan rhur�r shall Ix+rrduccd hy th�amuunt n4ce++ury w r�Y1u�1 �°
<br /> �'�•;•,�' �hc churgc tu the pem�iucd limir und Ihl any.umr�ulrcudy rollcrtcd Irom Bi►rcnwtir���hirh r��crdeJ�xrn�iucd limih will he -
<br /> '._'I V�' •.:f`�{ 'S.
<br /> ' rcfunJcJ tu Bi�rcnwcr. Lrndcr may ch�x�•r tu mukc thiti rofund h+-rcduring thr principal uHCd undcr ti►c Nutr or by ma6ing a , �~°�'.:.,.,r
<br /> dircrl payment u�B��m�wcr. 11:►refund reducr.principal,il�r redurtiun will Fx trrcurd u,a partiul prcpayment wi�Ix�u1 uny n" lr .
<br /> •'�'� prcpuymcnt rhar�c undrr Ihc Nutr. °T==--
<br /> ....�-• la. Nodces. Any n��tirc lo Burru�v.r pru���ded ti�r m d�i, ticcuri�y In•tn,axnl,hall he �iven h� dclivrrin� it ur by f '� .,,,.-.
<br /> muiling i�hy lir�t rla.,muil unk�•upplicuMr lu��rryuirr,u,c��(anothrr mclPaxl.77u nutir�•ludl Ik Jirec�cJ tu thr Pm�xr1>' ;;,y�'.
<br /> Addms ur:uty othcr:�Idre++ B�Kru���r dc,iEnutc, hy nutirc tu l.rndrr. Any nc,li��tu Lrndcr,h:dl ix gi�cn by lir,l cla.. s .�
<br /> ms�il lii Lrndcr.uddrr,ti.tatcd hcrcin or uny utlier uddr►�,.Lcndcr de,ign:u�,h}notir�u�liurruw�r. Am niNirc proviJed lix -
<br /> in thi. Srrurity In,trum�nt .h�ll tk derm�d lo huvc hern �:ivrn w Borro��rr or Lrnd�r ��hrn gir�n a� pr����idrd in thi� : ".� `
<br /> puragr.iph. � . 4 .
<br /> �� 15. (:o��ernin}; Luw: tie�erubNily. "fhi.ticrutit} Inyuumriu ,hull hr �u��med hy� frJcral I:��� and thr laH• of�hr . �Y:_
<br /> � juri,dirlK+n in��•hirlt Ih�Pro�xny i.I�hu�rd. h�thr evcnt that any pruvi,iun ur rlau,r uf ihi�Sucuriry In.tnmicm ur Ih�Nutr i r:��,--
<br /> � �...�k.��,
<br /> • runtlicl>�vitN:���r��ni�law..uch runtlirl.hull nut uUer�udter pru��i.iun+ol'Ihi.tierurily Irntrwnent ur th�Nutr��•hir can F.:,�F{L`
<br /> im givcn�i'1'crt�vithout �hr cunllic�in� pru�•i.ion. 'li��hi.cnd ik�c pro�iriun,��t thi.S.curi�� ln+irurncn� and th� Nut�are :'..,_;�,�
<br /> .. dccltu'cd 1��Ix�cvcr.►M�. : 'p'.�n::��_
<br /> „ ,:i=_,.;
<br /> 16. Borrowrr'x('op��. Rurru��rr,hall Ix gi�rn unr cunlunnrd r�ry,���(ti�:\ul�:uid ul dti.5erurih In.trum�nt. r�--,
<br /> 17. 7'ramfer oPlhr Prnprrlv or u Nenctl�iul Inlcrc.t in liorruacr. I(:iH„r an� p:ut uf INe Pn��x:rl��u un)•interr,t in ,�:.;;''��=__
<br /> i1 i�wIJ �►r Iran.lerred lor il a txneticial intrrc,i in Rurr����cr i.,uld ur ir:unfcrrcd:uid I;urruHCr i�n�H a nutur:d per+nnl � '
<br /> ' wilhuut Lrndrr+priur�vriu�n run.cnt. l.�ndrr muy.at it.up�i�m.reyuirc immrdiatr p:►)meiu in(ull uC all.um..crurrJ hy ; .. �`' _
<br /> . ., thi.Srrurit�•In.trwncnl. Ho��rvcr.thi.�,ptiun,h�dl nut h.ercr:ned M�I.rn.ler il r��rri�e i,pruhibi�ed b}•i�deral 1:�K•:����t� ..�y
<br /> :.,,�
<br /> �� ° thr datr of'Ihi�ticcurily In.lnimcnl. ..
<br /> If Lcndcr rxcitii+r,thi,uptiun.LrnJer,hull�i�'r liurn,��rr n��tirr ul arrelerati„n. �fhr nuiicr,h.�ll pru��id�a Fxri�xl uf
<br /> . not Ic.,lhan;0 diq�,fn,m du da�c thc nuure i,drli�•crrd ur mailrJ��ithin��h�ch Horru��er mu.�pa� :ill,unn.crurrJ I,y�hi,
<br /> tiecurily In.lrumm�t. II' Burr����rr f:�il� tu �r+y Ihe,c .um. �uii,r k, the c���irau�m �d thi. �xri�Kt. l.rndcr may invul.�any � .
<br /> rrmrJir.�xnnill�J h�•Ihi,Sriurih brlrument a•i�huui lunhrr nuU.��„r d�m:oxi un liorrm�cr.
<br /> It{. Borroeer'+ Ki�;ht to Reinxtule. If Hurn,���r mret. rrr�ain r�,n�l::n,n,. Rurr„���r •h:dl ha�� thr ri�:h� Iu hac�
<br /> ` rnt'�inentcnl uf Ihi� �ccurit�• In.lrumrnt Ji.r�•nnnurd:�t:m� iunr pri„i u,ih�r.�-1��r nL �.0�d;i�• �ar.urh ulh�r prri�kl u.
<br /> ,,
<br /> i. timpl.I.muh f�wnie�lue Frrddie�lu.l\II•Ilk�l l\�1 Rl�lF�1 �nd.nu�t���.•u.im• 9911 .i•,�c� �,.1^P,���••�
<br /> ,,,.
<br /> t,� . � ,
<br /> 1
<br /> t
<br /> � �
<br /> ' � � — _
<br />