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<br /> � . .�,�-• �: - - - _ ° - -
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<br /> Y2.Sua�an ud A�ciRu��O++e�;Jotat aad SeverAl�,V�ility�CoS+�na�. The cov�� and wircc�su of ihL9 _
<br /> ! •_-.J� .� On.«...w N���u•� 1n I�M �1((��I��[11�! [lf =
<br /> `�� �(�(�bj� �p(1 �011NI1{h0 TUCCCLKYii aWW iNfl�tili V+ L.tsw�.a Miw �+w.v..... ...v�...�. ... ..._ � —
<br /> pua�rrp�A 9.b. Barower'a coven�nt� Kxf �groauwt� sJvJl bc Jolnt and sav.ral. Aay Bo�mwu wiw oo-xt�ns th19 Secwity =
<br /> Ins�nunen:but dow not exw^.utc tha 1v'otc: W ia ccrsl+aiaQ this Socurity in�v��t a�fy to ma.-tQ:,Zw G�=t snd coa�ey ihat _
<br /> Sa.'ra��cs's iai�ssi in sbc Ptc�iY �'it�ae t.,rnu oi thia Sacarity tastru�ca�(b)i�t�W�����modifYYf bcat or -
<br /> cxurod by this Socurity Inct�'ut�e�fi aad(c)a�trRS�t L.snder aud aay cxis�:t Basowu auy f�me _.
<br /> �aas cs�y sxa.-acra�'.s n:ish rse:.�t�s.�e tttms of thit Socurity[nstnw�t oc tbe Noto witbout tha!Bormwec's conseu� _
<br /> 13.Notioty. Any nottice to Bocrower providcd far iu t3�ls Socu�tY Ias��nt sha!!be girrcx�by deliverin�it o�by a�ailiag it =
<br /> by first cla,s cnail ualts�s wppllcab3e law requltes use of sa�er metlwd.7tsc twtica shall be dinxted w tbe Propaty AdcS'css�' -
<br /> aay otAa ad�rtss Bam�ver designates by cotico W I.enda�.Aay aodct to l�encki shaU be given by�"vst class wail a I.ec�dcs'A -
<br /> addt+cs�stsud t�ereia or aay address L�a�dcr desigaxus DY oodce W Bamwa.My notloe pcov9ded fat iA thls SocurisY Iasnum�u
<br /> �11�c cieantd ta have ban giva�ta Borrawrr ar Lenda wha►�ivao as pravidod iu this porcgraph.
<br /> 14.Goverain,�I.s►w;Sevenbitity. '1� Securiry Inswmeat sl�U be �avemal by fedrtat l�w uu1 thee Iaw of thc _
<br /> jurisdictioo ia whicd tha Prnpesty is bcatal.In thc eveat th�t auy pmvisio�a or clause of this SecuritY Insuument or the Notc
<br />' oonfticts with�?icabie hw,sucb conflicr shall aot�ffoct otT�provisioas of thiis Sr�urisY In�ua�t a the Nae which can be
<br /> givca effax witbarat d�e coatllctit�Di'oYision.To tlis etW the provisions of this Socority Iasaumcat and tbc Note are doclared to
<br /> be savershlc.
<br />: 15.Borrov�er'o Copy. 8amwu shall be givu�one coaformod coPY of this SecurisY 1��+„*^�^•
<br />_ 16.A�t of 1tes�. Borrawa uaconditbn�llY aui8aa �nd transfers to Lcada ail we ra►ts�r3 c�°veuu�oi:� u.
<br /> PmQaty.BorroaYr au@wrixes I�der a I.rs�da's ageAts to oollect t6e rcntv and revca�s and hec�y dirocts eacb teaa�u of the
<br /> �Y�WY�reots oo I,cader or I.e�a's agcats.However,p�iaz w I.eadar's nodcc 1m�aaar�w��er of Bamvu�er'o bce�cb of _
<br /> aay coven�t or�eemeac'sa tbe SecuritY ias�oe�t,Borrower sha11 oolleci�nd reoeive a12 raas aa3 revwues of�e ProQrity as _
<br /> trustx far tha beael'u of I,�s�3Y aad Bocrm��er.'IUis aui�xat of rents oo�astin�tes��a�solute acsi�at�ad ax 9n�ssign�awt _
<br /> foc additioc►�.saaai�r oelY•
<br /> V Law3ar gives nodce of breach to Barowa:(a)all rmts rocelved by Ba�rowa sball be held by Bormwa ac uwYOe fa
<br /> bwe�ic o€isadri only.w be applied so tbe wms sec�red by the SecuritY Iacv+�fi(b)Lwder shau be mtitsod�o ooibci aod
<br /> rocr�ve all of the reats of t�e A�o�rtY��od(c)eacb trarmt of tbe PrapatY sl�ll WY all ra�ts due and uaptid to I.e�der or I.ender'�
<br /> �e�t on I.endet'a aritlea deaund to tbe tewn�
<br /> BareoMer lu�oat�eculed�aY Prior�t of tbe c+eats ao�1�aot aad will not parfam�y�ct d�t would pc�e�►aot
<br /> �,,,��s«��,,..r�.N+•;�e ri.t►�a nk4i thie�fYraelo�1Ci _
<br /> w�����.��
<br />_ L�eoder thW Dot�e tOqua'ed W ewer upoa.taice coottd Of Ot an�iatnin thC proQaty befOCC Or�Der QiviaB notZ00 Ot 6reiCls b
<br /> gon�owrr.Hoa►evu�I.a�der or a.jNdir3�11Y�oiated receivef m�y tb c�at aay duie tbere is a 6rearh.Aay applic�tbn of t�ts
<br /> tha11 t�at auc oc�vaive�aY defa�L or iavalidate aoy cx3�ei ri�ht or rtmedy of I.etidet.�is a�si�ntneat cf nents of d�e ProQaty
<br /> sbaU lamiml�Mhea d�e d�ebt securod by t�e SaauitY Ias�u�i v P�ia fiil1.
<br /> NON•Ul``Il�ORI�COVENANTS.Bam�wer aad I.eada fiutha ooveaant aad�gcee as folbws:
<br /> 17.Fondr�wre Prooed.re.u l.e�aar r«piea f..eaiate pa�t ia coY raaes p.ra�ra�i 9,Lesda ms�iaraic�t�e
<br /> . pc�w�er af ak�d aq od�r re�edksµr�ittd b�appicable I�w.l.eader�i�1 be e�deied to coiect aY aepe�es�c�re�d
<br /> t� p�rwis=t�e re�eies �der tii�psn`ta�1� 17.rcldit+bat aot limit�d bo,re�o�b�at�a�7�'tees isd aoWs ot
<br /> O�e evide�ce. ia w�y3c!aa�psut o�t�e
<br /> U ti�e po�wer ot wk i�hvotal.�'ro:tse ct�rc+�oord r�otke t�1 defa�it i�a�Y oowet7
<br /> �rcpertj i�iocated aad�aD�ail oopies of sac6 iotice i�tLe wrer p�ajbed b�appli�aYe taw to BoROwe�aad to t�e
<br /> atler peno�s PrLCribal bl�PP��law.Attee tie tioe reqnired by appiica6ie ltw.Tr�fee sY�pre p�blic�otioe aP
<br /> �aie b tTie peraat a�d i�tYe saeur pracribed br appiicapfe 1tw.'I�o�tee.wit�oat de�aad an B�te�,�W tie
<br /> pt�opert�.c p.biic sectioa a ue Ui�be�t biad�ar a iie ti.e aod place aod.�der t�ta�s aes+�sted i.t�e�ohoe or sale
<br /> . ia o�e or �oc+e paruci� aad in aa7 orda' 7'ro�tee ddan�i�a.Trustee�y Pori�o�re sde ot aY or yy Wrod o� tye
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