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<br /> w�� ..__.._.,____.... . __ _ _- _
<br /> '�- - -._- _ --�--•—=� — =--- _ = -- -
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<br /> '. �_i,V�� � _��"��C-�•- —__ ��.__ .
<br /> _ - — --_1!�!�___- -___?Yf� _ - -_- _ _Latc-�i�ar��t��r-a�_� . [
<br /> �6� i��3'��
<br /> �fp�f�t Z, OI� C�t�C 1�1C Rp]�%1�31 �WL'1t qy�. My CXCCYit pl0000I�1 OYt7 �t1 Y110UA1 IYC�LIttld 10 �I �II Qi1W�K�111Q _
<br /> '--.•--�.—��_�=ua�ac wa,r�oie�c�ts socurity rnsu�mat:,�ls�ll b�psia tc��ne er�a:y lc�al�y a�du«1 tl�w. _
<br /> i.Feer. Lcader w;y colbct focs�►ttid chatQcs wthaizod hy the SocrcWry.
<br /> 9.G�uoc�C[ar Aooek�ratioa ot D�bt. -
<br /> (a)Default. L�usder may.except as Iimitod by reguladons issu�od by the Se�erctary iu We case of payment d�feults. -
<br /> rcquire lmmafiace paycneat ia full of all sucns secured by chis socurity tnswmEnt if: _
<br /> (i)Borrower defauIts by failing to pay in fuU any rtwnthly paYme�t requircd by Wis Socurity Insuurtuau pdar to or _
<br /> on thc due d�s of the next monthtY PaYmr�t,or
<br /> (ii) Rarowa defaults by faiWiQ. for a period o�' thisty days. o�p�fo�m auy oth�r oblig�aoas cmtauud in tlils
<br /> ��j�incen�n�..f '-
<br /> iol SYie h�ii6oui��edii A{�r�v�ii. IG'ttiri s+'►BIi. u Ix-+uti��1 bY e�PllCaible,L-..+ �-►d w;Li itk'.��3i iy"�3i� �i� -
<br /> $a„+"'�:,iiy.iC�{:1�1II1IatdL1L',Q�}�CA11A fllu Of 1u SIISRS i�."9.."�by 1bLS�CCtlfily TIISh'LliriCllL If:
<br /> El All or p�t of the Property.or a 6enef'uial:ntarst dm�nust owning all or part of trie Aroperty,is sold or oL'�wis�
<br /> cransfeirod{edKr than by device or des�ceac?by tbe Bon�wer,and _
<br /> (ii)The Property is aot occupied by th�p:.�cl�se�or gantee as his or hu griuc�,pal resitknce,or the purchaser or
<br /> gratttoo dors so oCCUpy!Le Pcoperiy but his a de:C¢�cl'et h�ttol tlota apptove[1�3xoidanCe wit11 the t�q,,;�snr„rc
<br /> of the Soct�et�ry.
<br /> (c)No Waiver. II�'c.arcumstances occur ttsaa w�ould permit LetHi�s to r�Wire immediate payment ip ffu+l.but I.wder does
<br /> aot reyuirC�ttC3�Baay��,I�entia�uclCS uUsl w�ai��it�l riYitu wiu5 ccaMa.i hJ---�ui,a�yii'u�.e�"u,u. •
<br /> (d�Re�hoos oP HUD Sa�et�*y. m many Circums�s regv�2atioiu issuod by the s�cretary w;ll limic t��S
<br /> rit�hts ia tbc case of paynx,nt defatilts w noquire untao�:�plymeot ia full and forocbse if not paid.Tbis Sc�uriqr
<br /> t�Q•••,,•,,•^•does oot autborize uceleratiou aQ��c�a.losuie if not pam�tt.�d by regulations of the Secrot�r�y.
<br /> fer�fo�t�s�e:tio+t Issrnd_ Sc�uwer�roes tt�t shout��is Secusity tr�•,,,,�*•�es�tbe Note socraed tbarby aot be
<br /> e�b3e for�noe uader t'�Natiatial Housiag Act ais�ics 6a daps from the d�te d.-�of.I.eader may,�t its optww aad
<br /> aotwithsnodiaB aaything ia p�ra�raph 9. re9uir� im�-���paymasa c� f�ll of all suals secue�od by Wis Soc�uity
<br /> r�,�r A wriuca stataneat of any authorized ageat of the Suretary dated subscqueat W 60 d'riys frora the d�te
<br /> hereof.dectinin8 to insnre this Security Iasuwncat aod tbe Note secure�tbaeby. st�l!be docmed coaclusiva pr�oof of
<br /> sucb iadig�bility.Notwit�st�ndiag 4'se foxe�oiag.this option may not be cxaeisod by I,en�lar wba�t�e uosvaiLbility of
<br /> insuranoe u�olely due W Laxkr'e faiWce w naait a matYs�e iawrance preaaiura a tLe Secca�cy.
<br /> ia�a�. e�wrr iw s rigat m a�a6 u i�eada i�nq�QOU IInmom�e paiymeai m iau �e oi
<br /> Bormw�er'a failu�+e b p�y ao�m000t due�u�c1a ehe Note ot thi�Sec.�rity Inu�womt.'I�is txght appl3es�vm�fotecbau�e
<br />� pcooealia�ar�iasawted.To reiastate tLe Securiry Insuumast,Bortoova stiall�essda ia�ku�p a�m�11 amoutsu nquirod ta bring
<br /> &xmaer'��ccoont currdot incIudit�.to�he�actex�t tbey m oblig�tiot�s of Bamower ucKler tbis Soc�rity�4 faracbsure
<br /> costs�nd rea�ooab�e aod cu:loa�ry at�orneys' foa aad exP� P�'oP��Y�odatad witt� t6e faebcbwre pncbodio�. Upoa
<br /> re�a�t!ry Bart�ower.t!�Soc�ity Instruma�t and tbe obligatioos th�t it za�u+es d�ll ramia ia e�'act as if l�asi3a had oot
<br /> e�equirod Lnmodiafe paymast in fiill. Howava. I.eader is not crquired to penuit s�i if: (� L�enda has�capmd
<br /> �alemeat after tuo c�c�t of faroclosure pcoceodiqgs withia ta+o yeAra immedia�ely pcncedi.�g tbe commeaoaneat of
<br /> s cumeot fooeclos�a�e pnoceediag. (u) rc.instasanmc witl pncWd�e faeclosiu+e ao diffes+mt gi+au�ds ia tbe tut�u+e. or (u��
<br /> � tr�7mt will idveigCly affeci the pli0ciiy Of 1lie liea Crt�ted by this$ecuuity rn�r.,,�,n,r
<br /> . 11.Borro�rir Not Rdea�edp Focbaraaa By I.eader Not a Waiver. F�cteasioo of tbe time of p4Y�+t ar modific�tioa
<br /> of ama�ti�ation of tLe sums sacured by this Security Inst�nuoeat�uad by I.er�da to any s�e,s9or in inra�si of Barrower siWl
<br /> not ope�a�e to relea�e tbe liability of tLe origin�l Bortower a Borrowa's suocessor in iata+est.L�e�sder shall not be tequirod to
<br /> commeoce pooceodiqgs�aa�any suoccssa in intarsi a refuse to ea�twd tix far paycneat or otbawise modify amor�adon of
<br /> . d,e sum4 securod by dns Seciu;ty insbvmenc by reason of any demand made by d�e aiginal Bomowa a Bamwa's a�es�ors
<br /> in in�st.Aay farbea�aoce by I.eades ia exacisi�aoy right a rea�edy sliall aot be a waiva of ar perclude t1�a exar�e of aay
<br /> ri�ht a rrmody. .
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