'd , ` ��i_:.ran��`'� � _.—.
<br /> 1��:.��,� .� � _ _
<br />- ,� �;y,. .'��i ��,�. �--� -------,,��
<br /> :».. . .�:a•m.
<br /> f�� � . � :�s_.
<br /> ;�t���w►.-. . •�:,��_ „ . _
<br /> , F�.
<br /> ':"•'a�r',�'�!SC+' __�LT.
<br /> ._Y �' �.� ..�f��y._ _ �.' .
<br /> � � ; ., ° 92- 1 �2 39!y _ �
<br /> � �a: ~� periods�hat Lcnder reyuirex. 7'hr in�umnce cunic�providing thc in�uruncr.hull ix��hukn by liurruwr�+ub�cr��n LenJer'r �• .�-=- -
<br /> ' f ,,, ;.:,r •::-. -..;�.,\. approval which shall not be unrcusonably wilhhcld. If Burcuwcr I'uil�to muinluin cuvrragc dcuril�J utluvc.l.enJcr rnoy, a� ��.,_�.-
<br /> d �; Lender's uptfon,ab�ain covemgc u►protec[Lender+rigbt+in�he Ropeny in uccur�lim�r wi�h paru�ruph 7.
<br /> ° „ All insuranee policie�and rcnewula xhull be arceptable to l,cnJer unJ.hall include u�wnJard munp:�e cluuu. Lender
<br /> � • � shall have the right�o hold the palicie,ond rcnewulti. If LcnJer reyuin:r.Burrowcr+hall pwmpU�•gwr��►l.cnder oll rcccipt� � -
<br /> . „ . � „ , of puid premiumti And renewol naicen. ln�hc�veni ul'I�,+.. sunowcr,hull give prompt noticr�o�Iu ir�ru�ancu carricr und _
<br /> . ' Lender. Lender may make pmc�f af luss it not mude promp�ly by Burn►wer.
<br /> + ;,�: -• Unle�s L_en�lrr nnd Rortower othcnvix a�ree in wriunE,imurnncc pn�rcd, �hull fx:applicd io n�+U�rutiun�K r�pair�►f
<br /> _ . � --.--� - -
<br /> the Propeny dumuged. if thr re,loralian or repuir i�cc�mumirully Icu,iMe u�xl Lendrr� .crurity �+ nut Ic„encd. II �hc
<br /> ,. �, :� re.torntion or repair is not econamically i'eatiihle ur Lender+ucurity wuuld he le�+rncd, Ihr imuruna: p«x'cc�k�hull tx ��,,,_
<br /> � opplied w the sum+�ecured by Ihi. Sccurity In+lrument,whc�hcr ur ni►1 �hen Juc.w•ith uny crcc.• p•rid �u tiom�wer. If ��;� _
<br /> — � Burrower ubundons the Property,ar daes not un+wer within i(1 Jay.u n��tice t�rum LenJer that �he in*urunce carricr ha. �.
<br /> �" - • ° �r affered to setde a cluim.lhen Lcnder may�.�li.:i itt:in:ur.sacr prcr,•re:l�. lxnJer mu�• u�c die rriKV�d•t•,r.•r:��r�v m.�nn• �i-__•_...`:'—
<br /> � _. the Property or to puy.um�+ecurcd hy ihi.S�uriry Inztrumrnt,whethcr ur n.�t�hen duc. The�II•d•ry�xri�nl wil I hgin whrn _Y
<br /> . the notice is given. —=__-•`..
<br /> • " ' ' Unless L.ender und Banawer othcr�+►�i�r ugrec in wnling,uny upplicutiun��f pr�x:�cds tu p�inci�ul shull nm cxtend or ��_ _
<br /> � postpone the due dute ot the monthly paymcros mfemd t�►in purugroph. I anJ 2 or ch:mgr thc umounl.nf thc paym�M�. If �-���-�,�:
<br /> under ura ru h 21 the Pm rt is uc uircd b Le�xler,liurr��wcr'. ri ht iu :m intiu�ance ►licic. a�Nl nxeeds resulting �"'"""" -+-��
<br /> P S p P� Y 4 Y F Y' P` r
<br /> � from dnmAge to the Piropeny prior to ihe ucyui�ilion+hull pa+,to Lender 1�� the�x�enl uf th�.um,+ecared hy Ihic Security
<br /> Instrument immcdiulely prior to the ucyuitii�ion. �• _
<br /> � ' . 6. Occupancy. PrescrvAtlon. Maintenance aod Protectiun uP Ihe Property: ' ''�'`-��
<br /> Burrower� Loan Applicatlun;
<br /> Leaseholds. Burrower shull o�cupy.euubli.h,und use the Propeny uti Burrower�pnnripal rr.idenrr H�ithin�ixty Juys after
<br /> � the execution af�his Security Instrurnent wiJ.huU rontinue to cucupy the Pruperty a. Borc��wer i prip►ipul rrsi�knce fnr ut _ _ _ ______
<br /> leust ane yeur afier the datc of occupvncy, unlesti Lender otherwiu ugrees in writing, which.rantient ,hall not be ---.�...
<br /> unrea.onably withheld,or un�z.cxtenuuting rireum.t�ncc.exisl which ure beyand Born►wcr�romml, Borrower tihull not ���-
<br /> dcstroy,damage or impair the Propeny. :�Ilow the Proprny�i►Jetrriorulc.ur commii w�rie an ihe Propcny. s��rtuwer.h•rll "_��� � -'•�
<br /> _ be in default if any farfeiture uctian or praeeding, whethrr rivil or criminul,i+t�gun that in Lc�xlcx y g��ai f'ui�h judgment �-" _
<br /> , "' could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or��iherwi.� materiully impuir the lien crcuted hy thi► Securily I��irurnent ar -.�;:
<br /> �,
<br /> Lender's security intercst, Borrower may cure wch a default und nin+iatc,u�p�nvideJ in par:�Fruph I8,hy cau.ingthe;�tion ���-�
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed wilh a Nling tha�,in l.ender�gaxl fuith determinUtion.precludeti fu�tc�i���re of the Borrawer+ sl.,�t,-_;:
<br /> intereti[ in the Propem• or other mutenal impaimirm af thr lien creu�eJ by thi� Security Instrum:+ri or Lrnder+ �ecurity � �•�^:� �- `
<br /> in�ere.t. Borrower xhall ulso be in d�tault it' Bcttmwcr. during the loun uppliculion prcx:r��. �!:���e muteriully t'alx or �
<br /> ' inaccu�ate information ur,tatements to Lender lor failed�a prirvidr I.rnder wiih uny ma�rriul infortnutii�n!in connrction with �:,:,;,��..�,.,�,�
<br /> :s.,,:_v.. •:�..��..-�
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Noie, including, but n��t limited tu, repre�cntuti�nti conceming Borro�ver: �cup•�ncy of the �+�, ,;.,�...
<br /> _ _ Property us a principal mridence. If Ihiti Security Imtrument is on u Ic•rschuld,Burmwer shall c��mpl��with all the proviyiim+ ;�.+,,1_,_�,-,��,�-�
<br /> ^ of'thc lease. If Bonower acyuires fer uQr�o thr f'mExny.Ihe Icusehoid tmd the icr�itie+huii not.mcrgv uuir•..L�nde s agreec �`,�,_. ....
<br /> • to�he merger in wriling. '"' ' " '
<br /> 7. Protection of Lentler's Rights in the Property. If RoROwcr faik to periortn the covenunts und agreemerns !�
<br /> � comained in thix Security In.trumem.���Itx�rc i, u leg•rl pnxredin�; �hut muy .ignihcuml�• affect I.ender's right� in �he �' �;
<br /> property(,u�-h us u prcxeedin�c in bankrupky,prahate,far ronJcmnutiim or t i�rtc�ture ur w cnfbrcc IAw.or rcguluiioml,then ,. _�t
<br /> Lender muy do •rnd pay fix whatcvcr i� neces.ary ta pmtert Ihe value nf thr 1'rupcny und l,cnckr ti oght.in �Ire Propeny. },,�>:.��.. t��
<br /> Lender�uction�may inrlude puyin��ny wms secured by a lirn which hu� priority over Ihi�5ecurily Imtrumen6 appeuring . �
<br /> in coun, puying reusonahle ateorney.'fe��and entering on the Pr��peny tu mukc repair.. Although l.ender mny takc;xticm ,�'. �•���•'�'
<br /> under thi+paragraph 7.Lcndcr Jiks �nn havr w do+u. .F�...,��. �.�-.-
<br /> , ,.,>•�.
<br /> , . .:ti^�_��,
<br /> � � Any umoun�s di,hur+ed ny L.cnJer undcr thi�p:u�agruph 7 .hall huomc additionul drM ut'B�►m�wer.ecurcd by thi� �
<br /> : • Security Inxtrument. Unle,s Bunuwcr and l.cndcr agrec tn uUier icmi.ul'paymcnt.�he�c amuun�.+hall txa�intcreu from the ��,•:.. „���•.'• .;;�;r' --
<br /> dute ol'Ji+bur.ement i��the Nutc rutc and.hall fn payahle. with imere.t.u�m nobrc Gam l.rndrr�o Bnrrowerreyuexting ��`. � �w��Y_..
<br /> .. payment. .. �,
<br /> ' 8. Mort�age Insuranee. It' LenJer reyuircd munuagr imurancr u. a canJi�iun ol muking the luan .�cured hy thi� , -•��r� _--
<br /> • Security Inxtrumem. Bono�vc�+hul l r N 6 k- y ��,• ��--
<br /> �ry ihc rcmium. rc uired w mainlain ih� nN�n�u�� inwrancc in rifcct. If, ior an �:
<br /> reuson. the ntongnFe imuruncr r��verugr requircd by LrnJrr lap.c+ or �ra��, w Fx: in rll'cct. Hiinower slwll pay the .;;:;,cL,,.
<br /> .. premiums required ta ohtaiu covcrage wh.luntiall�•equiralrnl tu �hc nwrt�uFe imur,mc� previi,u�ly in rffecL:Ll 'J l'OSI • �
<br /> u•.� '; `'r'-:"'—�---
<br /> .r•ubstanliully equivident tu Ihe ci�,t 10 Burtowrr��t'Ihr m�,rtNagr in,ur�mce prrvi�w.ly in rltrct. lii�m un ullemait munFagr ... r: �:-`-'
<br /> � insurer upprrned hy Lrnder. If,ub,i�uuially cyuiv:dcnt mun�;agr in,urauirc cov�raEc i�no�a�•ail;►hlr.Borrowcrshull puy lo �� ��'�`.1.-
<br /> Lender each manth u yum cyu�l to une-t wcltih uf Ih�y.;�rh•mortEa�r imur.uirc pr�mium luing p•rid hy Bormwer when the � , �~ :;�x.:
<br /> in,urarxr rovcr.igc lap�cd ur rru�ed �o tx in effrc�. LrnJer��•ill urrep�.u,c:�nd r�I:un thc.�p:iy�ment�a,a loti,rrx�r�•c in licu ' .
<br /> - of mnrtgagc in�arunce. l_u.� m�rrvc paymcnt.may nu lungrn c� rryuirrd. :n th�upti��n ut l.c�xlrr.if mongage inwrancc �
<br /> covcragc lin �he umuunt und liir the�ri�xl Ihat l.rndrr reyuire,l pro�•iJed h�;m imurer;�pprov�d by Lcnder ugum txcometi � �
<br /> availuhlc and i�ohtainrd.Borruw�r ,h;�ll pay th�prcmium.reyuired a►m�iintam m�xtgagc in,urancr in rftcrt.�x In providc a
<br /> • lo..reurve, untii the rcyuircmrnt fur mi�nEu�c in.unmre end�in arcnrdancr��ith�m}• ��rin�n aLnrment Ixtw•«n Burrower
<br /> • and Lrnder��r:�ppliraM�lu�v.
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lrndcr ar it.aFrrn ma�• makc rra.�m�hlr rntnr,up��o.m�l m,�,ecu�+n,u(d�� I'ru�xrty. Lcnder tihull
<br /> give B�,rrowrr n�iti�c:+I lhr tinu uf ur priix lu:in in,�xctiun,�xril�ing ma.nnahl�cau,r(��r Ilic in,�xruun.
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The prucecct�uf am a�vard ��r rlaim I��r d:una�:r..Jir�•ri��r run.eyurntial.in.•�mnerunn ���ith any
<br /> tim�IcLnnih I�unnle\tae�l�rcddle�tacl�IFI1R�11\sl'NINF.�l Imw�mt'���en.wn 4•�lY �/,��tr?�q,,�•u¢r��
<br /> �.�ral I.�ka Hnrinr�.F.�In� � .
<br /> G��nC.��.�u ImY1�u1��V11 111�.1u�7'�I�IIq .
<br /> � ! 1
<br /> • �� � . __ _. ____. _..___ . .
<br />