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<br /> � TOQ�7'HER WITH all Ihe impravcmcntw oow or hercafter crectcd un the pro{xny.und ull ca.cment�.uppunenunrcti. _.,__
<br /> ;�.,,%,',�. - .,� � nnd fixwrex n�w on c�reuiter u part of'thc property. All replacements and uddilion�+h�ll uho hc rovcred hy this Secunly —
<br /> ; • Inatrumeol. All af the foregoing is refcRCd�u�n this Security Inslniment u.�Ihc"('roprny."
<br /> '� BORROWER COVENANTS�hut Bnrtowcr iti IuwPully sei�ed of llxt c�tutn c�reby rum�yrJ und hr+�h�right����:runt -
<br /> und cnnvey ihe Property und Ihut thc Property is uncncumbered,exccpl i'ur cnrumbrunrc+uf recurd. Burruwrr warrum�and
<br /> � will defend genernlly�he litle to the PropenY a8uinst all claimx c►nd demandx.subject u�uny encumhrunce+ol'recunl.
<br /> ' THIS SECURITY INSTKUM�NT combinr+ unifunn cuven;uus far natiunal u.r .+nJ n�m-unili�rn� covenantfi wilh� �_ _ �__ _
<br /> � ;'..',� l imite d vnrfutions b y jurixdiction Io constitutr u unifonn+�:curity instrumcnt rovcring reul pnipeny.
<br /> " UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender covenunt und vgme as fnllc�w.:
<br /> � "'�"-`1-- — ==-_-- 1, Payment ot Prioci�wl and In/erest;Preps�yment and Late Charges. Burr��wcr�hull prump�ly pay when Juc thu
<br />�_—;: .
<br /> - principul af und interest on the debt evidenced by Ihe Note and uny preps►yment and iut�charRcs dur under tix ���� = ____
<br /> 't " 2. �nds Por'Ihxc�s and lasurance. Subject�o applicabl�luw or ta u wriucn waivcr by L�ndc�.Borrowcr xhull pay to
<br /> Lender on the duy monthly pnyments nrc due under thc Note,until ihe Nwe iy p�id in full,u�um l"Fun�l."►for:lul yeurly ��
<br /> ' taxcs and asses�ments which muy attain priority over this Securiry Instrument us a lien un lhc P�vpc'rty:Ib1 Y���Y 1e��huld �-_ _
<br /> �� �', payments or ground rems on the PropenY. if unY: lc► yeu�ly hazurd or �roperty insurancc premium+: IJI ycurly fl�n�d �_:
<br /> ' in+uroncc premiums, if uny: (el ycsuly martgagc in+urAnce premiumti,if uny: und lfl any sums pay:+ble by Borrawer ta
<br /> f . Lender. in necordance with the provision�of paragruph K,in lieu of�he puyment uf mongage insurunce premiumti. These v,
<br /> � items ttre cnlled"E.+crow Item.r•.' Lender mpy.ul uny ume,collcct and hold Funds in un amount nut to exceed the muximum
<br /> � umount a lender for u federally related moRgage lo�n may require Por Bnrrower's excrow account under the federul ReAI —_.__
<br /> Estule Seulement Procedurcs Act oP 197A us amended from time to lime.12 U.S.C.�2601 er se./.1"RESPA").unlesti An�lher _.
<br /> ' luw�hat applies ro the Funda+ets u lesscr amount. !f so,I.ender may,ut nny timc,collect und hold FunJs in un umount nat ta �,+,.-;,�, � �_
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. Lendc� may e�timute the amount af Funds due on the basis of current data und rea.�onabM �
<br /> estimates of expendiwres of future Escrow Items or othervvige in uccordunce with applicable IAw. �
<br /> The Funds rhnll tx held in an instiwtion whose deposits ure insured by u fcderul agency. instrumentality. or cntity �' :
<br /> (iocluding Lender,ii Lender is such an institu�ion)ar in uny Feckral Home Lnun Bank. Lcnder shall upply the Funds�o pay ���
<br /> the Escraw Itemg. Lender muy not churge Bortawer for holdin�.and upplying the Funds,annuully anulyzing the escrow _
<br /> ' ; . � Account,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lxnder pays Borrower interetit on thc FunJs and applicuble luw permits �,__ —
<br /> � Le�der to muke such a charge. However. Lender may requim Borrower to pay v une-time ch:uge f��r un independent real _�
<br /> ` � estote tax reparling service used by Lender in connection with this loun,unletiti upplicAble luw provideti atherwi�e. Unless un __ --�.
<br /> '�'' `" ' ag�eemem is made or upplicoblc Ic+w requires interest to be puid.Lender shull not bc requireJ to pay Borrawer uny interest or ��u�;igq�,.:
<br /> : � ,`. curnin��on the Funds. Borrower und Lender may ugree in wri�ing.howevcr,thnt intere�t tihall bc paid an the Funds. Lendar •�,-.,-„ �
<br /> � �� shs�ll give to Borrower,without churge.:ui annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debi�s to the Fund�and Iho ��
<br /> � u se for which e+►ch debit lo the Funds was mude. The Funds ure pkdFed Ati udclitional x��curiry for ull sum�xecured by ;: �:�11Y,;'��"'�
<br /> ------ Q � ; . ,,, ;•,__ _"���-`-
<br /> • this Security Instrument. � Y ,PP
<br /> If the Fundti held by Lcndcr exceed the umounts rmitted to be held b a licuble IAw. Lender �hAll accaunt to �''� _
<br /> ?3: .' �:.1,,� ., .
<br /> Borrower fur the excess Fundx in accordance with thc reyuiremcnt,uf applicuble luw. If Ihe umount of�he Fund�held by " �,,. '�:�
<br /> � Lcnder at any time is not aufficient�o puy ihe Escrow Itcros when duc.Lendcr may tio n��tii'y BoROwer in writinb,and.in �.; .
<br /> p , .�r��..�.•..,.� ;
<br /> � such cane Bortower xhnll puy to Lcnder the umoum necc�tiury to makc up the detlricncy. Borrowcr xhall mukc u the '4t+ {,
<br /> ^ defwicncy in no more thun�welvc monthly puyment,,at Lender's tiolc discretion. �+,�4��'.,r'"x•'�:,. ,.
<br /> thiti Securi� In.trumcnt,Lender shall pn►mpdy rcfund to Borrower uny � �. 1„,���. _��.��
<br /> • Upon payment in full of ull xum�,ecured hy Y �7�
<br /> � � � Funds he1J by Lendor. If,under puragruph 21.Lender tih•rll ucyuire cx.cll ihc Propeny. l.rnder,prior to�he acyuisition c►r �� �t,. „ : ,.,i,
<br /> �1� sale of th� Propeny. tihull apply any Fund� held My L�nder at the time ot�acyuisition or�ale as a credit uguimt the sum� �f•.�:v��'.•-.:- ���-.�-
<br /> secured hy this Securiry Inslrumcnt. • '���
<br /> i 3. Applic�tion of Payments. Unl�s+ applicahlc law provide, �nherwisc, all payment� rcceived by Lender under —Y` :
<br /> ; puragraph+ I und'_'shull lx applicd:fir.t,to any prcpaymcnl char�cs due un�kr Ihr Nu�c: +ccand,to amuunt+payablc under �� •;_L �, __
<br /> I puragraph 2;third,to intcn:tit duc;t'ourth,to principal duc:;utd lasl.w�ny lute chargcs dur under the No1c. , , �`' �•�
<br /> . �.�.-•
<br /> �• 4. Charqes; LienR. Borrower shull pay ull taxc�. ax+rxsmentx, churgcs, fine, and impo,itiom ultribwable to the ,,: .. ;: � �.
<br /> • ".�' Property which muy uttuin prionty ovcr ihi,Security Instrument. and Ica.ehol d paymem�ur�!rnund�enlx.if uny. Barcower , ;;'�',;.,;,,,,,_..
<br /> �• shull pay thesc obligatione in the munner provid�d in paragraph?,ur il'nat paiJ in that manner.BoROw•er�hall puy them on ;'' " '.� '',����,;,,ti;_
<br /> 1 •''"•� �:;_
<br /> time directly to Ihc penon oweJ puymrn�. Borrowcr shall prompNy fumi.h ta l.rnJrr all nnticr�ul'umi►unl�lo hc paiJ under :•, _
<br /> thiti puragraph. If B��rrower maker Ihex payment�direcdy.Borrowrr,hall prompU�� furni,h �a Lendcr receipt�rvidencin� ` �: :'��`-
<br /> the payments. . • . , _
<br /> Borrowcr rhull promptly di.char�e any lien whirh ha+prioriry av�r thi,tircuriry In�trumcnt unlr��Bormw•ce 1�1 ugme, � +�r�_i�--E
<br /> in writing to the puyment of thr ubliEati��n�crured hy�hc lien in a manner acrept�Mr to LenJer,lbl runteti�y in gocxl Faith the �Y" -
<br /> ' lien by.or defends uguinst enl'orcrmcnt of thc licn in,Irgal pnxccdiogs whirh in thr Lcnd�r'+upinion o�xrutc w prevent�he � , _��y,�_
<br /> � enforcement of the licn;or Icl+ccure+fram the holder uf�hr licn an a�rcrment.a�i+tactur}•u� Lrndcr,ulxxdinuting the lien _
<br /> ' ta Ihis Securiry Instrument. li LenJer deterniinr,that any part��f th�NruFxrty i,whjert lu a lirn which may attuin priority
<br /> over this Security Instrument.Lendcr map give B��rrowrr a mnicr idrn�il'yin�:th�licn. Hurruw•�r.h•rll suti+fy thr lien or tukr '�; .,
<br /> one or murc of thc actions+et fonh atx►vc wilhin I11 day�uf thc Eivint uf nulicr. , .
<br /> $, Hazard or Property Insurunce. Burmwcr tihidl krep Ihr impnwrment.rn��� rxi.ting un c�rcal'ter�rected un the .,
<br /> Propeny i�sured again+�lo.s hy(ire.har.ird,inrludrd within the�rmi°extrndeJ iu�rragc"and any�nhrr hacard�. mrluding
<br /> floods or ilaxiio�t, fur whirh Lrnd�r rcyuirr, m.urancc. l�hi. in.urunrc .hall ik maint•rmed in �hr amuunl, :mJ lix �he . .
<br /> t
<br /> '�' � Form JOlB 4l911 ��a¢e•J a/o�wee.a� '
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