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<br /> I I �h.
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<br /> , I� Vl�► � �.`�. � - ._
<br /> - 1��h' ' •R.�._f s�a�u.�'.:w.- .r.... �+v.�..��-.-T�--- __ ..
<br /> � ±dl �!
<br /> �..,. �..r.'`,?�F t � -.�
<br /> ;�M+�^'++,.:�•N • w, � • - -
<br />— -- _.-:�Y..�..:�_r. : i/ y-
<br /> vif�.w�t.;: ��� _ -�:�_ �--'—__--
<br /> � ., .
<br /> � � �.d. � '_ _ -—.-,_-,_ _
<br /> . [�' -.•r.,r.wt.-_
<br /> �4.�"�'�i�1.-_
<br /> F. � ,.. . ;, ; .. 92- 1Q2396 �; .�� -
<br /> s u,r:'��� payment�r, which atr refe�md ta in Paragruph 2.or chm�gc tt�c amuunt nf.uch p•rymcm+. Any excess pnx�wds over on �r�ra�a. .
<br /> ..��"`�° "",•�''`""': amouat nquimd In pay ull au�Rtanding in�M��incsa undcr Ihe No�c onJ thix 5ecudty Inxtrumenl xhull be puid�o the entily
<br /> �he: . -.::'�•'f• ` Ic��lly entided Ihcrcto. �'___
<br /> ' � '• 8. Pees. l.ender may colleci fecw and churge�authi�n�ed by ihc Secretury.
<br /> � �• �� 9. I;rounda tor Accekrntim of Uebt. �''��
<br /> �..5�•.
<br /> � ��. �w►Ik�iull. Lenckr may,except as limited hy regulutian�irsueJ by�he Serrc:tury in the csue of puyment dei'uultx,
<br /> � ,. . .. rcquire immediute poyment�n full of ull sum.�ecurcd by ihi,Securiry Inrtn�ment if: - _ �
<br /> - � lil Borrower deiuul�c by failing to pay in full uny mwuBly pay�nent rcyuircJ by�hi+Security Inhtrumrnt prinr �;-`_�__'--- -- _ _
<br /> ,- `'� • io or on the due eiate of[hc nex�monihly payment,or =�--
<br /> j• r`-' (ii)Bcmower defauUx by fuiling,for u peri�i of�hiny days.�a pert'orm uny other ubligaiiun.contuincd in ihis �_
<br /> � :.�-�._.�_�. -� .. _.
<br /> � '.. _.,_— --_` SCtulily IIi�INIiiCRi. -- -- °—
<br />-• � �bl�le Without Credit ApprovAl. Lender zhull.if perniiucd l+y applicahle law und wiih �hr priar Approvnl uf thc �,,�. _ __�__
<br /> Secrewry,reyuirc immediute paymem in full of ull the sum.xcured by�his Seruriry In.uurnent if: �,__,
<br /> • li)All or part of thc Pmperty.or u lxneficiul intere+� in a �ru+t nwning all ar pan ot'�hr Pmpeny, is xald or -
<br /> rnhcrwitie�r.�n�P�mc�l(uther�hun by devixc or deMentl hy Ihe Sorrower,und _--t__-
<br /> ' liil The Property iti nat accupied by the purchuur or grumee u�hiti or hrr principul r��idrnce.or the purchukr �.."__.__
<br /> �ir grontee dnc. tio �xcupy the Propcny but hir nn c�r crcdit hus nut becn appruveJ in ucrordance �_
<br /> ' with the requirernenu of Ihe Secretary. � :,.�.;--�—
<br /> (e►No Waiver. If circumstunces occur that would permit L.rndcr lo reyuim immedia�e payment in t'ull,but LrnJ�r _ _
<br /> ., dces nat reyuire+uch PAymcnt+,Lender dacs not waivc it+righ1�with tespect tu.uU,cquent evenk. �,,•!
<br /> � • Id)Re�ulAtio�of HUQ Seeretnry. In many circum�umces reuulu�ian+�ssued by the Secretary will limit LenJer's .:��'s'
<br /> ,ar�re�;
<br /> ���� right�, in the rutic of puyment defuults, to rcyuire immediute payment in full und foreclase if not puid. This .�- • -• '
<br /> �;=-T---- .
<br /> - •• ° fi Security Instnimem ekK.nut autharir.r accclerahon nr foreclosure if not{xrmiped by rc gulntinns of the Secrotury. .� ,,z•u.��_�,
<br /> f;,.,<<:
<br /> " ., lel Mortga�e Not Insured. Borrowcr agrec�Ihut shoulJ thi�Scrurity lo+tn�ment und Ihe nule xceut+ed thercMy not '-'�yr�_'_._
<br /> �• br. eligi6le for insur�nce under the Nuliunul Housin Act witbin from�he '�;;
<br /> R 8 months . ��:s�,._.yT_"-
<br /> dute hcrcof, Lencier rnuy,at iis option und notwith.tunJing unything in Pura€raph 9,rrquire immcdiatc�aymenl in c---=.
<br /> full of oll cums secu�d b [hi�Securit Instrument. A wrillen,�utement of any autharized ugem oi'�he Secrelury -�--�
<br /> ' dalcd subsequent to S �otlths y from the date hercof,declining w incurc Ihis Securiry w'"�"%`�T'�:�
<br /> 1 � ' � � Instnimem und thc note secumd theroby.�hall i�decmed ronclu�ive prcx�f af.uch incligibility. Notwithstunding � �„�
<br /> Ihr foregoing,Ihi+option may not be exercised by l.ender when tlx unuvuilability of inwrunce is solcly due to � ��,��
<br /> Lender ti failure to remil u murtguge in�urance poemium co the Secrct:uy. . � :'
<br /> . 10. Rei�statement. Borrowrr hus u nght to im rcin�tuted if'Lendcr ha�required imrncdiulc payment in full ix�cuuse ,:,�;A;,K
<br /> . of Borrower� failure �o pay c+n umount Jue undrr thc Notc or thi� Security Instrument. Thiti righ� upplir, �ven ufter � . .��1 t
<br /> � , forecloxu�proceedingx are in�iiluted. Ta reintitute the Securily In,trumeM. Borcower ,hull I�nde� in v lump xum all •�-....�,.^��i
<br /> "'--—.- amount�reyuired Io bnng l3orn�wer's uccount curreni incfudiug,tu lile eaicnt thcy are ots1igaiion�:of 9orrnti+�er ander th+� —____--•
<br /> Securiry Instrument,foreck�sure mtits und renumublc und cu.tomary uuomry+'fce�und cxpen�e� pn�perly u��uciu�ed with �.:'ti�'�'!�-
<br /> the foreclosurc proceeding. Upon rcinstutement by Borrower,�hi.Sccurity Inatrument anJ the ot�lignnons thut it secures ;�y�����-,�
<br /> ° shall remain in effect us ii Lcnder hud not rcyuired immeJiutc puymcnl in full. Howcve�.Lender is not mquired to pertni� "�''- •"' •
<br /> . • reinstAcement if: (i) Lender hnx uccepted remstatcment aRcr dx commencemem ut'foreclosuR procredings withm two •� '' :+
<br /> , � years immediutely precedinF Ihe commenerment of u rurrcnt fureclo.urr pr�xeeding, lii) min+tu[ement will precluJe ;.�.' `'���,, f ��
<br /> foreclosure on different�round.in the future,or liiil rein.tutemrnt will advenely uftcct 1hr priority of the lirn created by �,��..�:,.._��'.,.,�,V���
<br /> this Security Imtrument. ` ���` �`� '`'�''T`=`
<br /> 1l. Borrower Not Released; Forbearancr bv I.ender Not a Waiver. Extenxion of tNc time of p�ymrnl or �. •..�-� '_7:,�y•
<br /> madifiwtion af umorti�ution of Ihe�ums secund My Ihi.Srcurily Ins�rumrnt�rumeJ by Lendcr lo any wcce+sor in imerext � �'��
<br /> of Borrower�hnll not operatc to releatic Ihe liability uf Ihr ori�:inul Borrower or Burrowrr:�ucre�u+r in intcre.rt. LenJer
<br /> ' shall not be requir�d to cummence pnxcrdin�;.agum�t uny u�rr.,or in imerezt or nfu.e u�extend iimc i'or paym�m or
<br /> ' othcrwisc modify amorti�aeion of thc �um, .crurcd by thi� Securiiy In+trumrnt hy rcu��M uf a�y dcm•rnd mudr by Ihe
<br /> �".�;,�, original Borroweror Born►wer++ucce,.on in imcr�.t, Any li�rheur.�nce hy Lender in rxcrcising uny right ur mmedy xh•rll . .._ .._.
<br /> . ' nut t+e u wniver uf ur prcclucie the �xerci.e of uny ri�!M or rcmrd�•. `�'��ri :
<br /> �' :,� " 12. Successors end Assign5 Ilound;Joinf and tieveral�.iabflity;Co•tii�ner�. The covenun�+and ugreemrnts af '•.`��,:�r._��.�,
<br /> ' " • ` this Security Inslronknt shall hind anJ txnetit�hc�ucc�titiun:+nd u.sigm ut'LenJer und liurrower,xubjeci tu the provitiion, ,• ..�_� ---
<br /> � , � of Pumgraph 9.b. Borcowu•'+covenunt+ and agreemem, shull Fx�joint and uver:d. Any Bo�-rowcr x�ho eo-�igns thi� �'�'=�—rm�=�
<br /> Securiry In.trumcnt but dix:�not rx�wutc Ihc Nate� la)i.ra-signin�thi.Sccurity Insirumrnt only Ic.tm�rtgage.grunt unJ . i=-==
<br /> , ` . convey Ihut Borrowcr:in�crc�t in the F'ru�xrty undcr Ihe Irrm�of thi�Srrurity In+trurncnt:�bl i�nut�xnunully obligulcJ ti� �v��,:
<br /> �• •• pay the sums secureJ by Ihi.Seruri�� In,trumen�:anJ lrl agrcr+thal Lc�xtrr anJ any nthrr H��rrn�r�r may agme�o rxtenJ, '°�`�'`_`
<br /> . m�xlify.forlx:v or makc any accomm�xlutiom Niih nEarJ to thr tcrni.�H�hi.Sccuri�y Imtrumcnt ur thc Note withum�hut .�~�_
<br /> ' Borrower's rnnxcnt. ���`
<br /> 13. NoNces. Any n��tire tu Borruwcr pruviJrd tix in thi,5rruri�y Inytrunxnt.hall t+��ivrn by drlivcring it ur by �"
<br /> mailing it My firxt clu�. muil unlr�s applicoblr L•iw rryuirc. urr ut an��lh�r mclh�xl. 1'hc nutirc�hall Ik dirccled to the c "
<br /> � Propeny AJJrc+s or uny other;iddres. Borrowrr dc.ignute�hy n��lirc la Lcnder. Any�na tirr lo Lc n dc r.h u l l t x�!i v e n b y ►
<br /> ,' � tint clas�mail to L�nJrr+ adJrc�a+t:�tcJ hrnin ur any addre.+ I.enJrr detii�n:uc� h�• n�Hicc tu Horcuwcr. Any noticc
<br /> ,. Qrovided far in�hic S�rurily In.trumen�,hull Ix dcemcd tu ha�c h��n gi��en tc�Hurt����cr ix L�nJcr whcn gi�•rn u�provided
<br /> m Ihi.puruEraph.
<br /> 14. Gor•ernin�Law:tieverabHity. Thi. Srrurit� In,tnmicm.hall Fx L���.rned h} I�rdcr:d la�� anJ thr law uf thr
<br /> juri+diction in��•hich thr!'r-��rrt� i,I�Katrd. In Utr r�•rnt th:u am pn,�i.i�Hi ur rluu.c ul�hi+Sccurily In•trumrnt ur thc
<br /> Notr ronflic�s with opplicabk la��..unc�unflirt �hall nui allert ���hrr pr�,�i,um,uf thi�ti�curity In,tnimrnl or thc Nulr
<br /> whinc�an Ix�:ivcn cff�ct�a•ithuut thc�unllic�iu�pru�i.iun. '!;,thi��nd ihr pru�i.i�nr��(ihi,Srrurity In�trumrm�mJ th� ,
<br /> Note urc declarrJ tu lx�r�crahle.
<br /> 15. Hormw•e�'s Cap�•. Rnrn.�scr,hall tx�.i�cn nnc runturni.J r�,p�•��I Ihi.tirrunl� In.trununl.
<br /> 16. Assi�nment of Rrnts. Burru��rr urn•unJitiun:�lly:i.•i�n..ind Ir�n.trr��u l.endrr all Ihr ��nt.and re�rnue.uf thc
<br /> 1'n►p:ny. B��nuwrr authoriic.LcnJcr„r Lrndrr',agrnl.tu iuU.rt ihr rcni.:mJ rr�rnur.;md hrrcM•Jinrt.rarh tenant ul'
<br /> tl� Pn�{xrty tu p•r�•tfk rent�ta LrnJrr ur l.rnJrr'..��!rnl.. Ilu��c�rr. pn�tt to Lrndcr', nati�c t��B�,rtuwrr ul Hurrow•cr:
<br /> . hrearh ot'uny covrn•rm��r xgrremern i�i thr S�•cun1� hi.uumrnt.B��rtu��rr.h:dl r��ll�rt:�n��mre��•e all nnt.anJ rc��enue.ul
<br /> ' th�Pn�perty a�Iru.trc I�,r Ilx Ixnrf it�if Lrndcr an�l N��rru.�rr Ilii.a..i�nmcnt uf r�nt.r�m,�itut«an ah.��lutc a..i�:nmrnt
<br /> und not wi a+�ignmcnl ti�r adJitinnal�rrunty unh.
<br /> "._" - .��. 1�_ .1...11 l...l...l.l 1...p.. a�n�.t.+.•
<br /> II Ll'flIIN��;IVI'\IIUIII'C OI I1R7C1111�iium,�.cr. �al aii�cui.�a•�c�:<< ��. u..i:::YT.�...��.....�.....: ....::C•••,:'••S..._..._'
<br /> for beneli�ui'LenJer onlJ•.lu Ik :�pplird�u ihr .um, ..rurrd h� �hr tirri�rit� In.trmncnC�h�l.rndrr,hall Ix enti�IrJ t�,
<br /> cullect anJ nreive ull ui�thr r�m..�t�he!'ru�xrtp::ind��•�r:irh irn:mt uf�he I'ru�xny.h:dl pu� all r�nn due and unpaiJ tu
<br /> Lcndcr��r LrnJcr::�Ecn�un LcnJrr:w riu�n Jcmand���thr�rn;mt.
<br /> Bi�rruwrr ha� rxN caccutcJ any priur a„i�:nnxm ut'thr nnt..�ntl ha� nut and wll n��t�xrii�rni:my •rrt that ��•uuld
<br /> pn�vent LenJ�r frum cacrci.ing it�right.undrr thi.l*arr�raph It,.
<br /> LcnJer+hall nul tk ra'quiRd lu�nlcr uEum.I:a��unlr�d ul ur mainlam Ihr 1'ruprrtJ•t+rturc ur alicr ���mE nulicr u1'
<br /> hrcuch tu BurtoNCC How�vrr,Lendrr ur a juJiriall) :�rr�,���<<,+ reccicir ro:i) du ,u a� am umc�h�rc i. a hnarh. ��m
<br /> appliratiun uf mnt�.hall nu�rum�x wan•r anv JrfauU ar im.�hJatc:ui�uthrr ri�ht ur RmrJ�nt'l.�otJcr. llii.;i„i�nmrnt
<br /> uf rent+ut'the I'ro�xrty�huU trm�inatr whrn thc drht.rrurcd hy thr lrrurn� In.trumrnt i.p:ud�n tul l.
<br /> ����,a ��.r�r���er,�
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br />