r! ' , ' ;_�y '`' $t �'t�Et, u:•�, , . \� �`i -xi gc.siL,
<br /> yi.I� ..yia$t ��"' �• ,•� � i `��.� ,
<br /> I�� �'h - ' �✓+a ','�r,...es.nn�r�r�r+wiWKl -- _ ---..
<br /> I ��x �� '��1�
<br /> ,�.�A'Utl�yT�,•lh����i+ry. - _ �c�..ntlr{.+.a.i•+w .L.. .. _--.. .. . -
<br /> ._ .a. •an- _ ,.�aS.:.i..t-+�__... -_
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<br /> . �• �ttu� _-- _
<br /> �.�s
<br /> ; ., . , . 92— in2395 -
<br /> „ .. .. ,. �����-.-
<br /> .. l. Pt�yment ot P�Inclpal�Interesl�nd Late Chu�ge. HuROw•cr,h:dl p.�y whrn duc 11►c prinripal i►1,anJ in�rn�t un. _ __ _ - -
<br /> ' ' - lhe debl cvidenced by!hc N�Ne ond lole churgeti Jue under Ihr Nulc. y r Y _-�-
<br /> . � 2. Mall�ly pAymenls af T�xew Insurwnce and OIher('hwrµes. Hom��«r tihull inrludc in cach munlhl a mcni,
<br /> . �ogether wi�q the princip•rl •rnJ iMcm+t u,.et forth in the Na�e und uny lute rhurEr,. :m imlallment ul�oy liu taxe�und
<br /> � •� , � tiprciul a++�:�unents IcvieJ or tu h,:Icvicd aguin.t�he Pro�xny.�b1lraKholJ paymem.or�:n,und nnt.on�hr Pro�rty.und _* _
<br /> . �c1 pn:miurn+for imurmxc rcyuircJ by Purugniph�3. c�"��''
<br /> ' • .. I:uch munthly inrtallmcnt li�r ilrm. lul. Ih) unJ (r1 +hull ryuid onr•twclfih ot' the annual am�wn�,, u, rcu,�x�ahly �
<br /> --_
<br /> • . . c�iimutcd by Lcndcr. plur un uiu�runt .ufficicn� to mauuain :m addm�m:d bulanrc ul' nut morc th;m unr-,ixlh o! tFK _, . .__ ______
<br /> �___ __
<br /> ' ,, rstimuted umounl+. The full unnuul umuunt for cacb item.hall ix urcumulatcd hy Lrndrr w•i�hin a prri�xl enJinF one �,�
<br /> " � month t+efiin u�n item wnuld hecnmr drlinyurnl. Lendcr+hall holJ�hc umi�unt.r��llrr�rd in Initi�a�pay�tcm�lul. Ih1 unJ _�__
<br /> . , Icl l+efore ehcy Ixr.ume delinyuem. �'��'"�;,:..��=---
<br />� ..----- -� If u1 s�ny time the lotal ot'�he puyment,helJ hy i.ender iur i�coti,i.►1.Ib1 and Irt.te�geihrr�sith the futurc mnnthly .._.:` ,���-
<br /> puymentti fM �u�h i�em+ payAMe �o LenJrr p�ior to the due Juie, uf ,urh ilrm.. rxrcrd, b)• mi�n Ihun unr-�ix�h thc ..°:--+._;,;;,,;,�i y,, -:.LL
<br /> esumuted vm��uni of puyments myuircd to p•ry+urh item.wlwn Juc.und il'paymrnt.un�he Nutr arr runent.�hen Len�r _ �
<br /> xbull aiihrr rcfunJ ihe cxcc.�ovcr une-,ix�h of thr r.tima►�d paymcm,ur credit�hr excc,+��ver onr-.ixth ot'thr rytimuteJ .. �--•-.-- _-
<br /> paymcm,tu subuyucnl puymcnt�by BuR��wer,ut Ihr��pliun ul B��rruwcr. II'Ihc�utal of Ihc paymrnt,mudr by B��rrowcr - _Q�i
<br /> . fo�item lu),Ib).or Ic l i,�n+ufGcirnt lo pay thr ilem when due.then H�,rrow•er tihull pay a�l.cndrr any am��um rncr.,•rry�o ' .4 -•w - . �__
<br /> muke up thcd�fKicncy un or hefur4lhe dutr the item lx�onn�Jur. . „�•� �.., ~''"�
<br /> � As u+cd i n ihi,Sccurity In,�rument."Secretury"mcum ihr Secretury nf Hou�inF und Urban ik velopmcm ur hi�or Brr � ,•
<br /> �•.
<br /> dc,ignce. In uny ycur in which the l.cnJcr mutil puy��n��nB�t���n�uruncc prcmium a►thc Srcrriury.rarh m�mthly paynum *�•:T_.
<br /> ' shall alx► in�ludc eithcr: lil an in+tullmrn� ot' the unnual mungu�tr in+urunre pRmium a� Ix paiJ by LenJcr lo dn �`� � "• ,��,:_,.,_
<br /> .- �. � gecreuuy, a(iil u munthly rhurgr in.rtrud of a mortgage imurunrc prcmium if+hi+ Scrurity Imtnimem �. held by the . --�.
<br /> gecrcl�uy. Euch monthly in.�s►Ilmem of�hr mortgugr insuranrc prcmium�hull he in w�amount+ul'tiricn�to urrumulute thc , :;��. �`_
<br /> full unnuul monEaFc in.urance premium with LenJ�r onc month priur w the Ja�c thr full annuul mongAgc in�ururnr -
<br /> •• pmmium i s due lo Ihe Serretury:or if thi+Security In�trument is helJ by�hr Secnntury,euch monlhly ch;uge+hall t�e in an �' .
<br /> umaunt eyual ta ane-tweltih of one•hulf p�:rcrnt��f�he out�tunJinF principul balanre due on the N�xr.
<br /> ' lf Bortov►er ienden to Lender ihr i�ull payment of ull+um+�ecured hy thi. Securi�y In+trumrn�. Borruu•er+ tncuuN " ..:+%_-
<br /> zhall he cn�diteJ with the bulunce remaininF tor ull instullmem� ior it�m> tul. (b)and Icl :u�J uny monFage in.uranre ;,,^_N_
<br /> prcmium inslnllment that Lendcr ha�not l�romc obligated to pay�o the Serretary,nnd l.ender,hull promptly mf'und an),. �,Af��,
<br /> . exce�s funds to B�xrow•cr. Immediutely prior to u inrecle►�urc tialr of the Pro�xrly or it,ucqui.ri�ion by l.endar.Burrower� ��,=
<br /> uccount shall be cmdited K•iih any halanrc r�maining 1'or all in,tallmenl+for ilcm.la►.(bl und 1c1• : ..:�
<br /> 3. A 1[ealion of Payments. All puymentx under Paru�;raph,I und 2.hall he applird by Lrndc�u.li�llo��:
<br /> ��o ihe mortgagr insurunce premium to I+e paid by Lenckr tu tlx Srcretan�or w ihe nxmlhly ch•rrgr h}�the • y,
<br /> Secrcwry instcud oi'tlx�mon�hly mangage in,umnce premium: `_
<br /> �,to uny taxes,special a�se.smem+„Ieu�chnlJ paymem.ur ground rem�,und fire.tlaxi und other huzurd • _ ��-
<br /> --.-_ __. _.. invunrk�prcmiumx.as rcqu�rcd: - - �•�•�-
<br /> � THIRI), to intere�l due under the Nute: • : • —
<br /> FAt RTH.ta amoniia�ion of the princip•rl of thc NMC:
<br /> FIETH,eo late churger due undcr the Nute. •��# '
<br /> 4, h irc, Flood and Other Ha��rd Insurunce. H�xruwrr.hall imure ull impmvrm�nt,un thc Proprny,whcthcr now :��
<br /> in existence or+ubreyucnUy crectrd,s�gain,t uny haiard.,ra.uultiu.,und cuntingenric,. inrludinF fire, for which Lendcr
<br /> requircx inwr:mce. This insun+nc�t yhuH tx maintuineJ in the aimuum�anJ fi�r Ihc�x:rialti�hut L.enJer rcquire+. Borrower t ,.
<br /> , �;hall also insure all impruvcmrnt,un thc Pmpcny.whrlhcr n��w in exi�trrnc ur+ubecyucntly crccteJ.aEum+t lo�.b��IliH�d. ; . ..';;�.,�'
<br /> to Ihe extem reyuircd hy the Srcrrwry. All in+uranre.hul I Ix carrieJ with ci�mpanie�appnwed My Lrnder. Th�inwra�xe � �,- .
<br /> �licies und any rcncwAlti +hall Ix heW hy l.rnder and +h►dl incluJc latis �,;�y�,nir �iuu+�. in hrvix of, and in a form t ,� sr9
<br /> ucccptablc In, Lendcr.
<br /> In theevem��I' lu.ti. Burti�wer shull�tivc LenJcr immcJiatr n�nir� h�• mail. l.cndrr ma}•muke pnwt'of lutis if not � a•:,•,�:.
<br /> maJc pmmptly hy Horrowcr. Euch in.uramc�rompuny r�mccmrd i.hrrchy authoriirJ imd dirur�cd ti►mukc paymcnt ior
<br /> � zuch lo�s direclly lu Lrndcr,in�tcud of�o f3��RUwcr und tu LrnJrr jumUy. All nr any pun of�hr in,urancr prcxrcJ.muy br ,
<br /> ' applieJ by Le�xkr,ut it.apti�m.either lul to the redurtion uf thr iiiJchtrJne+�under the Notc und thi.Srcurity ln.trumcn4 � • _
<br /> fint to uny dclinyuen� i�me�unt+ upplied in �he orJrr in F':ir.�gruph ;. and thcn a�prepaymrm uf principal. ��r(b)�o thc � :
<br /> rcstorulionur npair of Ihr JumaErJ pro�xny. An�•:i(K+liration�d�thr pnxced,ta Ihc pnnripal.hull nol cxtcnJ or Fw.tpi� . .
<br /> � the due datc.,f Ihr m�x�thly paymenl.which urr rcicrrcd u�in Paragruph 2.or rhun�r ihr:nnount uf+uch p.rym�nt,. Any � ' r. ._
<br /> • exce�ti in.mtnce pr�xred.uver an umaunt reyuireJ to pu�•aU outstanJing indrMednr.� unJrr�hr Natc and Ihix Secunry � .�. � .
<br /> , Instrumeni sh�dl t+�paid�o�hc�ntity Icg•rlly�nuUrJ dicm�u. ,'
<br /> . In ttx evem uf ioreclo�ure uf thi,Securily In�trumrni ur nthcr trun,tir��f uUr �u thr NruFxny that rxtintiui,hr.ihr
<br /> indchtcJne�,. all right,liUe and intrre�t uf(�urr���+•rr in:�n.l w in,uranre pulirir.m ti,ra•�hall pa„Ii�Ihr purchaur. . .. ...
<br /> 5. Occupency, Preservntion, Mainlenunrr und Pr�N��ation of the I'roperty: Borrower's l.oan Applicatian;
<br /> � ' ' l.ee!leholds. Borruwcr ,hull ixrupy.�+whli.h, anJ u�c thr I'ro�xrl� a� Botri,��rr� prinripal rttiiJcnre within,itly Juy� ,
<br /> afier tlx execwi�►n of ihi.Srruriry Insltumcnt anJ,hull r�,minue tu urrupy�hr I'r��pe�1�-a.B�,rro�eer:principal rr,iJcnrr
<br /> fix ut leatilm�e ycar al'ter thc Jute u(�xcupanc��.unl�.,�hr 5rrrcl;in dr�rmunr�ihi,rcyuirrment u�ill rawr undur hard,hip
<br /> for Borrc�wcr.or unlcr> cxtcnuating rircuni.�ancc+ rxitit which arc Ik��ro�l li�.rcuacr'. run�rul. Ni,rri�wrr +hull nulify
<br /> Lcnden of any¢xtrnuatinF rirrum,tuncc+. Hurrowrr xh:Jl nut rianm�t �ca.ir��r d�,lruy.damagr ur�uhct:+ntially changr , .
<br /> thc Propeny urulluw ihr Pru�xrty lu detrriuratr.r�a.unahlr��rar und learr�crp�rd. I.cn�kr ma� in,prc��hc Pn�prrly it'thc
<br /> .. Pn►peny i,v acum c,r ubunduned ur ihr luan i.in del:iult. LrnJrr ma� �.il,e rr:�,unahle:�c�iuu tu prutert and pre,rrvc tiurh
<br /> v�xum ur�bs+mloned I'�„�rt�•. I�urruarr .hall nl.0 tk in Jrl:�uli d li„rru��er. Junn� di� lu:ui :y,plicauun pnkr��, �avr
<br /> mrtcriall��F�Izc or inuccur.iie intiimiau�►u ��r .�atrmrnh i�� Lrndrr ���r tail�d a, pruvidr I.rnJcr ��nh any matrnul
<br /> Iinti�rmatianl in ronn�ction ��ith Ihe I��an r�•idrncrd M thr 1�ae. mrlu�hn�:, hw no� lunurd t�,.rcprc.rmaiiun+runcrrnin�
<br /> i Bnnuwer's�xcupanr<<�Y thr{'ru�xrtr:��;i��rmri�,al n,iJcncc. II ihi.tirrunt� In.lrunt�nl i.an:�Ira��hi�IJ. Rurri��srr�hall
<br />! C��ntply wilh thc pro�i.i��m��f th� Ira�r. II H��rn,��.•r:ir.lun�•• �r.•ntlr n�tl�r I'n�prrl).thr I�:��rhuld:md(rr tidr �hall ua1
<br /> Ix mer�;cJu�ilcti,Lrndrr:i�.rrr,t�,thr mrr•rr�n��ntinL.
<br /> 6. CAnrgesto Borrowrrund Pr�Hrctinn oiLender'�Ni�hl+in the I'rnpert�. Rurro��cr.h.+ll pa} all gu�rmmrmal
<br /> ur municip�l rhar�c..linc+:md im���niun.Ihal arc n��l mrluJrJ m 1'.u.�Er:iph _' I���rm��rr.hall p:i> Ihe,c obG�.auun.un
<br /> timc dir�cdy lu Ihc cnlit) ��hirh i������d thr pa�m�'n�. II tculinc n, �,a� ��uul�l aJ�rr.el� aftert l��nd.r'� inlrr��l in thc
<br /> Ifi�peny.up.,n Lcndrr:rcyur,�Rurru��rr.h:dl pnmipd� lumi.h�u Lrn�lrr ir.rq��•r�iJ�•nrm�Ihi,r paym�nt�.
<br /> II'H��u�crr laih tu ma6r thc.r p:i�mcot. �a Ihr �►.i�mrnt.rr��urrrJ h� 1':ira�:raph �. ur 1;��1, lu �,erti�mi anm ulhrr
<br /> .•nv.•nant.•rnJ aerccmrnh cunl:►incd in thi.Srrurit� Ia,Irumrn�.ur ihrir i..i Ir�:al pr�xrrdin�ihal m:��• •igmtirantl� :►t(rrt
<br /> . . ...:__..:a::. ...... ..i-.�:...,.�
<br /> Lcndcr: righu m thr���U�kfl) (�Ui�l .1�J �tf��l'C�'dlll�! 10 n:1llAfll��IC�. I��I iunuctnu.�i�uii .�i iu.0..�. .... ..r,.............
<br /> then Lender muy Ju au.l pay ��hatr�rr i�nei�••ar� a,pn,ir.t�hr�cdu���1 ihr I'n,�+rn� and Lrnder'��n�hh�n thc I�r���xm•.
<br /> incluJingpa�nknt ul�a�c..haiarJ m.ur:inrr.md uihrr itrm.mrnuonrd m I'ar:igr:q,h�.
<br /> Anyaniuunh�li�hunrd hy Lrndrr undri thi.I':�r.��:r:q�h.h;dl Ixr��mr an:idJiu�m:il deht ul Run����rr and Fx.r�urc�l
<br /> hy thi�S�YU ri�y Imtnuiirm. 'I'hru anu,un�.•h;dl hcar nurr�•i Irani �hr d:ur ol .G,hur+emrnt.:�I 1he Nu�r ratr. :uid :u Ih�
<br /> ��tionofLrndcr.,hall tx unmrd�al�l� dur:uid��:i�:�Mc.
<br /> 7. ('undemnulit�n. 'I'hr pr�xcrd,ul am ;���ard ur i laun I��r dcunagr..�linci ui �un.r.{urnu.�l.m:annrrtian uuh an�
<br /> condemn�lKmur other taAing uf um pan��I Ilir I'r��{xm.��r hn•:umr�.m.r in�,lacr ut .�,ndrnmauun.are hrnh� a����nrd
<br /> anJ yhal l h� paiJ tu Lendcr lu th�r�l�•nl�,f Ihr lull:unuunl ul Ihr mdrhtrdnr,.Ih:u irm:un.unp:ud und�r thr tiotc,in�t Ih��
<br /> ticcunl� In.trumrm. l.rndrr.hall appl� .uch pnxrrd.t„Ihr rcJuru�,n al the mdiMrdur.,undrr Ih�Nntr:md�h�.tiii•unl�
<br /> In�trunt��u, tir,� tu any drhnyuriu amuunl, :ip�,hr�l m du ��rdrr pm�idr�l m P:v:�}:r.�ph ;. and th�n in prcpaymrnl �•t
<br /> � pnn�ipul. �1m :ippliruuun ut Ihr pnxrrd, t�� ihr pnncq�al �h:dl n„t r�lrnd �,r �,o.tpunr thr �lue d.:h ��1 thc m�,tuhl�
<br /> 1
<br /> � ��,,,c�:,.r J�•,�r�,�
<br /> . �'� ! � --
<br />