',,r .�-. P ..�(��� I(:�r�� ��li� 71f,� . . /•�.}tr ry dPL �SA'.\1�.�,;S���r._.
<br /> � Y .i� �y_-
<br /> � „-x _ _ _ ,.[,�A1Mfl� '��+f f '�4.`"_.v�__. _ '� ...
<br /> ��` Y --'
<br /> � IDtI.` . - .
<br /> .��.�5'�I�_�:.L _
<br /> . •�'..;i .\ :/..w • •..�� _" � � ...�n. - . ..�_
<br /> .�{I.M.- :�Ap.{{�...�. - _ __ .
<br /> � � 92- �.Q2 39� �:� _
<br /> , .��- -
<br /> �� '"��` ,N ,,,., Borrowcr stwll promptly give l.ender writtcn r�ticc�f any invcstigwion, c�aim. demand. lawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> s �-�����`
<br /> _�n;_..i i�:..._1=..k,_;,;a, Qavemmenwl ur reRulalory ogency nr priv4tc puty im�lving Ihc PmpchY utxl+u�Y H�7�rduu�►Substw�cc or Emfr��nmenwl Law ����__
<br /> `__�F=�.�'�=�"-`-�.=:'�'� of which &�rmwer Iwx actual knowlcdge. If&irniwcr Icum.ti.ar i�.nutificeJ bg ony�tuvcrnrn�nwl or rcgulatory authurity. �Iwt - --
<br /> ,F,'."` any rcmav�)or wher remecfiotian of any Hezatdews Subswn�:e afi'ecting thv Pmparty�K nxx'�wry.�nuwer�i�ll prompUy wke z
<br /> �J�;f.°,�;.��� ' all nocessary rcmodiul artions in uccordarxc wi�h Envir�mnxnt�l l.uw.
<br /> �)r`��•;�,:- • As usod in this ps�tAgraph 20. 'H+uard�wr� Suh►tan�:cti" n�c thux: �ub►tun��dcfine�! as t�uic or h�ardan. wbtilancew by
<br /> Emlmnmenlal I.Aw u�xl the following substunces: Raudine, keru�enr.Wher IlummaMc or u►xic petruleum product+�, toxic
<br /> � ;;,'�w ��;;;:;� � pcsticidts and hcrbicid��s,volw�ilc wiventy.muta�alx containing u�lx�inx or furmulJchyJc, unJ ra�lioaciivc matcrial,.Aa ux�l in ��^�__-_
<br /> � � thlc pangrnph 20, "Envimnmenwl Law" meynY trater�l law► wx! Iww�of 1he jurisdiction where the Propeny iY located lhat �_
<br /> -•-�-"'�'" �'"= • relwe tu hwith,safcty or cnvironmental pmtectino. � _--- -___--
<br /> a-.a_�•,•�t,xi';n::� ..� NONi-UNIFORM COVHNANTS. &irrower yrxl l.ender Punher cavcna�t und ugr��c u.ti follawti:
<br /> ZI. Accelenttiaai Remedies. l.ender slwll glve notice to Borrowe�prbr to accel�ralton followiaR Borrower'x breac6 _
<br /> — .�:�;.::,.,;z.. • , of ony covensint or aRreement In thl� Secu�ity Instn�ment lbut nol p�iar to�ccelerntion unde� pwra�raph 17 unl� _ �
<br /> n
<br /> � �;�;;�.„,�;'` � t�ppllcable Inw provldc�s ntFxrwt+�e).7'be untke shall specity: 1A11hr dePAUlh (b) the actlon required to wre Ihe dei�ult; �
<br /> � ,� (c)p date,not lers than 30 ds�Ye frum lhc date!he taqce la Riven to Bum�wer�by whkh th�defAUlt mud be cured;and - _
<br /> (d)tlwt twllu�+e to cure the detoult on or beFore the dAte speclficd in.the nolke mwv rexult In acceleralbn of the sum�s
<br />�'i'.- ' • � securcd by this Security It�strumem And Rwle of the Praperty. Tl� natiae r�fl further inform Borrower of tbe ri8ht to = _-_ -
<br /> Y:-r o e. relnstate ARer acceleradon pnd the rlght to b�ing n couN Action Ro AsseK the aan-eYlstence of a defaulR or any Wher __
<br /> ^ " defense ot 8orrower to acceleratiop and s�le. If the defaWt is not cured on or before the dAte specitied ia the r�otice. _
<br /> ' �� �� [,ender, at its opdon.mAy requfre ImmedlAte payment in iull ot�II.sume becured by Ihis Secu�ity I�trument without _
<br /> ' fu�tder denwnd And mAy involce the power at s�le pnd�ny other t�emsdie9 permitted by app�Icable law.l.ender slwll be ---
<br /> entltled to rnllecl all expens�incun�ed in pursulr�the remedieR provided in thl�par�raph 21,including,but�wt limited
<br /> '� '���' to�reasonable attorneys' (eeg and casts of t�tle eWdence. _�=--
<br /> - ' ., � It t6epower of sale� inroked, Tn�stee stwll record a nat(cc o�detauU in each rnunty in whicb any p�rt ot the �__
<br /> . _ ° ` " - .. prnpMy L�lu�ted and sball mail coples ot such natice in lhe manncr pre�crlhed by ApP�[cable law to Borrower and ta �_.__.__.
<br /> . the other persons presc�ibed by opplicable IAw.Atter the time requind by applk�ble law.Tn�stee shW1�Ive pubNc nolice _-__
<br /> . � ot sale to the persoas and In the mAnr�er pr'escribed by applicable fow.Trustee, wlthout demxnd on Bomower,shall sell -_
<br /> � � the Prope�ty�t public aucUon ta the hiqhest bidder al the time and�ace and under the terms desig�wted in the notice ot =
<br /> � sale in one or more porcels and in any order Trustee deternilnww. iustce may postpnne sale ui al�or any P�rcel of the ��_.;
<br /> � ' � , propeKy by ublic announcement at tiM: lin.r rod Niwce ai Any previously schedWed s�k• Lender or Its d�rlgnee awy =-
<br /> „ p111+C�171SC 1�1C��1C�y Y�AOy SYIC.
<br /> _ Upon recelq ot p�yment of the prlcr bld. Truster wh�►1) deliver to tbe purchaser Trustee's deed canveying the _ �'=
<br /> property. The recitwls in the Tru�tee's dced shs�ll be prima facie evldence ui'Ihe truth of the statements mpde then3n.
<br /> Trustee st�all Apply tMe proceedg of the wle in the fallawinq order: (a)to ull ca�t.4 and expeaces oP exercist�;the power of �__..._—.
<br /> . sale.and Ihe sale,including the{wyment of lhe T�vslee's Pca.w Actuwlly incuRed,not to exceed the7of $50.00 or`�1/2 �
<br /> of the principal wnoun!of the nute At the time uf the declaradon�i defpull. and reasoiwble Attorneys'fees as permilted
<br /> _ .. -- Ly i��; (b3 ta�{I san:s crrurrd b3 lhLs Ser:sr!!y lnstcumentt en�!!c?xnv excecs to the person or persoas Ie�UY eptitled to ��:.�..=?:��,, -
<br /> .' it.
<br /> ' , � . 22. Reconveyance. Upon puyment uF all +umti xxur�l by Ihis S�tiuriry Instrumcnt. Lcndcr shall requcst Trustee to
<br /> . cecanvey the Property nnd shull suRenJer �hi� Sccurily Imtrumciu u�nl all nute� eviJenring debt �ur�•J by �his Serurity Y�_
<br /> Instrument lo Trustce.Trus�ec shall r��om�y the Pr��perty witlxwt w•rrrrnty atwl without charge to the person or persons legally —
<br /> ' entitled to it.Such perwn��r peru�ns tihall puy any reruniution curt�.
<br /> ' � � 23. Substitute Tru�tee. l.endcr, at itti i�pUun. nwy 1'n�m timc�u tinx nm��vc Tru��cc•rnJ appoiat a �uc�etisor�rustec to __---
<br /> any Trustee uppointed hereund�r hy an in.trunknl rec��nled in thc cuunly in which ihi.Scrurity In,trumenl iti reconled.Witlwut ��::=r- _
<br /> �� ,�� conveynnce of the Property.thc�uccesW�r trurter�hall tiucc��d to ull 11k tiUc.�x�wcr ancl dutic�ronferred upnn Trustce herein ,�,�.c•.
<br /> .. . wid by applicabk luw. ':.�"`.-�
<br /> `�'� •• 1A. Request for Natices. Borr��wc�rryu��l� �hat rapic�+ut'dic nolicc��d'delaull unJ wle(x:+ent Io Borrower's address :;,��;�.�, _-,-
<br /> . ' which is the Property Addnh+. ' -
<br /> ,, Z5. Rlders to this Securily ln�trument. U i►n�ur nx�ru ridcn are r!ecru���d by &�rrowcr and rec�ttd�l to�ether with this
<br /> .. ' Security Instrument.the r�wenant+and agreemem.uf rarh ,uch ridcr tihal) Ix in�uqx�ratrd intu suid shall amenJ and tiuPPlcmrnt
<br /> ' ' ' � the covenunts und ugreement�of Ihis Security Inti�rumcnt as if Ihe riJerld werc u purt uf thi�Se�vriry Instrument. _ . . .-.
<br /> ' .. . [Check applicable boxl��►) _ ..�1��=3�-
<br /> iF�-z
<br /> �vI�:r—
<br /> .. � ..i _ .�'r`T-i�w�-.
<br /> � • �Adjustable Ra�r Rider �Coixluminium RiJrr C�I-4 F•rntily Rider __-
<br /> GraduAted PAyment Ridcr I_�Planncd Unil Dc�•cli�nunt Ridcr L J Biwrrkly Paynicnt RiJcr ....•,;==-�
<br /> []Balloon Ridrr �-_�Rate Imprn�•rmrru RiJcr L J Srr��nd Honx RiJer ,`'�`c� _-
<br /> .� �.�,. . . Q V.A.Rider L�II Olhcrltil��,pttitfv� ACKNOWI.EDGElQ:NT OP POWER OF SALB ;., .,_�..;_.-
<br /> r,' rii'G�;� _-
<br /> ., ' ., -"�.`�M'�
<br /> .. ., " I
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW. &�rruwer arccp���uid:�grre.to thr tcrnr and ca�•enwu ranwined in this S�.ruriry In.trument anJ i
<br /> in•rny riJcrl.l rxccut��l by B�irrow cr.ind rrrurdrd ��nh ii. t
<br /> F
<br /> : _ Witnesses: �12GZ��!"1� �h �� ---_�Scul► .
<br /> ,_
<br /> •&�rtuwcr �
<br /> � .
<br /> --—° — - ,,� .
<br /> �cL 71�cL��_ .?,�.�, � �,s�:,�►
<br /> ���,«,,,,.,
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<br /> � �s�:�i� - -- ---__ _..--� ---- ---- �s�.,i�
<br /> =---= - — — ._ .. . Iw��n,"rr 11�an.wri �
<br /> STATI:OF NEBRASI►A. IL'ount}..: HAI.L
<br /> Thr taregum�:�ntitrum�rn u:i.ar6n����IrdZ:rJ Iw I��rr nir ihi. 19th `I:�> �i1 Mareh ' 1992 '
<br /> . W ilru�.my hanJ anJ n�Hariid kal at �rand Is18nd. Neb ka ` in.:uJ('uunt�.�hr datc al�,rc�cud
<br /> My Cuntnti„iun Ii�Far«: �I� �� , _ = , % '�`/� , Y, C /1_ ' n[` j..�i.�L"��L�(�_�i/�l(��
<br /> c
<br /> \�n.�n hl�. �
<br /> ���,*MI�� ./
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<br /> ���,��1� Foim 3028 9�90
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