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:�a SY 7sINi� I• �':.' . ' � , � <br /> }� 1 . 1 . e•: j i S ��) 4 5�. , f '� I , '"� . i 1' ...'t.' , . `�n' . "'_�.... <br /> '�� - , a �� . '. t . �� t. L�a.:�!, !� 7� -.t .. ''. '�:; -�w,-t�u�, <br /> ��' �lr� , . :i � ,�j sti���13,''r�it `,P II�� `` i` .- � - <br /> 'k� �6�1l�it`dr5i��li!�l� �i4liprr+�ri^�1ty+"a'PI�' l �I ���Of� -"� ----- --. ... .. .... <br /> !,i . .tr..�r�«._ .� � 'r+.uS,,..,�•o� ... . .� . . _-� -.-.�--. <br /> J� L .. -T_7 .� �• , f rd��:rHSi��vn'Rtid�.r:,�. V+� -_ <br /> � . ,.,:.,..,e.:,,._ _ --_- <br /> . t. Y <br /> ��- - .. .__--- :-.:_:'-�� <br /> 92- i �2�g� �''�- , _:� <br /> , �� nubsttuttiall cquivulent mongage insurnnce coveragc is not avuiluble.&�m�wcr shull p•ry tu l.cndcr cach munlh cyual a� ___.__ - <br /> oi�e-tweifth of lhe ywriy mon�p�lwurnnce premium I+eing paid by Bnrrawcr whcn Ihe in�ur�nce c�wcruge IapxYl�►r reuktl to �i <br /> he in effect. l.ender will acoept.usc aod reuan these puyment+ati v I��ss r��rvc in licu uf' nwrtBaRc imurunrc. l��,ti rcurvc <br /> payments m�y no langer be require� the aptioa af l.ender,if monguge imurrncr coveraFc 1 in the a�n��unt aixl li�r thr, peri�xl -_- <br /> thut i,endcr requires/provided by an insurer uppmved by l..ender u�nin txtiomcti uvuilublc and i,��htuin��l. Burruw�r shull pay <br /> t : ' the premiums required to maintain mart$uge in5urnnce in effctit. �x tapn��ide a lu„rcKrve,until tlx r�yuirement tor nu►n�age <br /> insurunce ends in accordunce with any w�itten agreement t►etween Born�wer anJ l.ender nr applics�ble law. <br /> � 9. InepecUan. l.ender or its�gent muy nwke reasonuble emric�uFxm urxf in+�xr�iun�ut thc Pr��peny. l.cixler.hall give �_ <br /> i�►rrowcr nutice nt thc litne of or prior�o an inxpection specii'ying reuw�nuMr wu.c ti+r thc in��xwti�m• <br /> 10. Condemnallon.The pmeeeds of any uward�x cluim fnr Jum•rge+. dirr�'i ��r run,eyuential, in cunncclian with uny <br /> i � <br /> �rondemnadon or other taking of any purt of the Propeny,or lur cunvey:�ikc in licu of cu�uiemnatinn. •rre hrrehy a�•iErx�l u� ����. __� <br /> ahall be paid to l.ender. -. <br /> � In the event��f u total taking of the Property,thc pnxe��J++hall hc�+pplial tn the+um�,crun�J by thi.�tiuriq• n.trum�:n�. L <br /> - --. - whp�her nr nat then due, with any excexs paid t��Borcower.In thc event ul'u panivl wking af thc Prupcn�• in which the fuir � <br /> . rtwrket vnlue of the Praperty immcdiately beforc the tal:ing is equal�o ur gruwter than the t�m�wmt oi'tlu�um.� xtcurcd bY lhiti --- <br /> Securi�y Instrument immedintely before the taking,unless Borrower and l.cnJer athenviu a�!rce in writing. the+um.+�e�uied by _ <br /> this Security Instrument shall be re+luceJ by the amnum of the prce���l, multiplicJ hy thc fi�lluwing t'ruction: lu►the tuwl - <br /> umount of the sunu secured immediAtely beP.�re�he taking,divided by Ibl tlie i'a�r markct vulue of the Pru�xrt)� imm�diatcly� <br /> bePore the taking. Any balunce shull t►e paid to &�rroH�er. lu t�ie event of a purtiul taking uf the Propeny in whirh tlx fair _ <br /> murket value of the Property immcdiutcly hefnre the takin� i.le�S than thc unxwnt�►f� +eeured imnu�liatcly bcforc the � <br /> ' tuMing, unless Bc►rmwcr pnd L.ender othcrwik agr�� in writing or ude�r applicuhle law�nhcrwive prciviJc�. �he prixceds shall _ <br /> be Applied ta the sums secured by this Security lmtrumeni whethe�ur n�t thc tium�ure then due. <br /> ' If the Propeny iti ubandoned by&�rrower.or if,after notirr by I.endcr ta Born►wer that thc a�ndemnor of'fen tu n�akc an <br /> award ar �ule a claim far dnmiges. &�rrower fails to retipnnd tci I.ender within 30 duys ulier�he d•rt� the no/ictQ the ums �. =°� <br /> n • <br /> Lender ix authorize�! to collect and Apply the its optinn,either to mstorution or repuir of th�Pmperl>' , , <br /> � 'y secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or nnt then due. -_ <br /> Unless Lender and Horcower otherwise agrec in writing,any applirution of pnxccd� tu princ�P�� shull not rxtenJ or <br /> p►xtpone the due date of the monthly payment.referrcd ta in para�.raphs I und 2 or chang�the anwunt of such paymentx. 'ti����, <br /> 11.Borrower Not Reles�sed; Farbearance By I.ender Nat a Waiver. Extcnsion af the timc for payment or m�xlitirntion ' `� <br /> of amortizalion of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument @ranted by Lender to any sucresux in int�re�t oi'Borrov�rr�hall ','�, '.•:,'".f_ � ' x <br /> nat operate to rclease the liability��f the urigin•rl B��rrow�r or Borrower'�succesu�n in intereti�. l.ende�shall not br n'quired ti' , . <br /> commence pmceedi�gx ugainst any �ucce...or in interest or refus�t��exund time fur pa�ment ar atherwise rtxxlifY anx�rti�atiun r <br /> ;. ,. <br /> , wc�essurs in ntem, Any�forbearnnce'byt L nder n exerci ing any r bhta�r naiedy�sha Ien x�he aI w iv•r atrurrpre��ude�the : � <br /> ;. _ ,�r1.� <br /> ezercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> � 12. Successorc and As.�ignti Bound; Joint and Severul Liability; CasiRnen. The c��venunc. und agn�rment� aF thi. •;-.�� �s� <br /> Se�:urity lastrument shall bind and benefit the surce�sors and az,ign. of l.ender and &�rrow�r,wt±ject t��tha P��"'i+i�nx uf �` ��_ <br /> - paragraph !7. Sorrower'�cnv�n:m�c and o�reements �hall t►�j��int unJ �c��cral. Any &�rc��wer������ga��h�r��u�has = � - <br /> " Imtrument but dnes not exerutc the Note: la) i�co-xigning this Security In,tniment oniy w ��u��t a ..,g :,-„ : -,'�_`�`_ <br /> �'� Bc�rrower's intere.t in the Propeny under the terms of thi�Securit��Intitrument: 1h1 f+n��t per.onally ��bligutcJ to p:t)' the sum� <br /> secured by this Snuriry lnswment;und(r1 ugree,�hat l.rnder und any i�ther&�rruwer nu�y agree to rxtenJ,m�xiil)•.f'uclx:�r ar :��':, <br /> make uny uccomr►xxlutions with regard ta the ierm���f thi. S��:urity lmirum�nt ix the N��teµ�ithaut thut&rrr��wrr',rumrnt. ;�,� <br /> 13. Loan Cha�es.If the loan+ecurcd hy this Sccurii� lnstrumcne i�sut►jert a�u law whi�h�et,muximum I�rn rhar��. << �' <br /> �� !• und that law is tinu!!�� interpretecl ,u that thr imere�t��r��ther Inan charge. c��Ilect��J��r tu be rallect�d in rannectian with the �� <br /> I�ian exceed the pennitteJ limiu, thrn: l•rl any such li�an charse�hall he reJuccJ hy the amowit neceti�+rv u�rcJu�e the.hargr � �* <br /> to the permitted limit: anJ Ihl any �um�alrc•rJy rollectcJ tn�rn Burn►wer whirh rxcceJ�J �xrrniucJ limits will hc refund�d to � , �:� <br /> Borrower. I.eixier may rh�x�,c tu makc thi. rcl'und by r�ducing tl�c prinripal uw•��l undcr the N�,tc ar hy m•rking a dirert . ^ <br /> paymcnt to Borrowcr. If u rcfunJ rcducc+ principal. thc rcJuction w�ll hc trca�cJ u+ a panial prepuyment withuut an� . <br /> prepaymcnt charge u�xier thr P:utc. <br /> 14.Notice.c. Any nutirr tu Burru��rr pn►�•ideJ fur in thi.r 5e�urit� Imtrumcnl,hafl tx:giv�n h} �ieli�erin� it ar hy muiling <br /> it by tinl rlatis muil unlc��appliruhlr laa• rryuir�.utir nt aiN�thcr mcthixl. Thr nuti.c tih•rll h�dir�Ytcd lo thc Pru�xrly AJdres+ <br /> or •rny �uhcr addre.ti Bnrrowcr Jc.�gnatc. by nuti�c t�� LcnJcr. Any n��ticc ta L¢ndrr .hull tx given hy tir+t clu+, m:iil t�� <br /> Lcnder's•rJdre�s swteJ hercin or •rny �,Ihrr addre..Len�rr J�+ign�c. hy nuticc tu Burr�,arr. An}• n�Nicc pr���•iJed tix in thir <br /> Serurity Instrunxnt.hall be deemrJ tu ha��e hctin gi�cn t�i Barruw�rur LcnJcr��hen gi�rn a�pr�,�•iJcd in thi.paragraph. <br /> 15.(:overninR Law�: tie�erubilih�. Thi. Sccurit� Imtrumcnt ,hall ik guc�rncJ h. frdcral law anJ thc law uf ihe � <br /> u <br /> jurisJirti�m in which thc Pni�xrty i,I�iratrJ. In thc crent that•rny pra,�•i.iun ur rlau,c u(tlii+ Security Irntrumcnt i�r dx � ntc <br /> givcn�cff�t�h�thPiut the rontli ling pnn�i,iun�ilTn�thi,'enJ�hc pn��i+i.,n.�I�fthi�.`ticrur t},In��rum n�t�andtUieyN�tc arc J�IamJ <br /> � to be,everahle. <br /> . • 16.Bum���er's Cop�. Burruwcr.hall hc_n cn�m�c�mlum�rJ c�,p� „t lhr N��ic anJ ui th�.5eruni} In.trw�wnt. <br /> 17.Transi'er oi the Propert}���r u Be�rPMial IntcriYt in Born���cr. II aU ar any rart.,t�hc Pr��pcn� ur anp iut�rc,t in it . <br /> � i. .oW ur tran.rtcrreJ lur if.�hcn�tirial imrr�ht in Rurru��rr i, •�,IJ nr tran.tcrrrd.mJ Nnrra��rr i.n�,t.�niUural}kr.un���nhuut <br /> , ' ' , . L�nd�r's pri��r writtcn c��n.�nl. Lcndrr m:p. at it. „p�iun. rrywr� mmicJcUC pa�uient in full nl' all ,umr •�curcd b� �h�. <br /> • .� Sccurity In�trument. Ha��c�•�r.thi.aptiun�hall nut hc cr�rci.rJ M Lcndrr if cr�rci+c i,pr�,iiihit�d M I��JCf:II I:IR':l>��I III�J�IC <br /> of thi,Sccurit�•In�tro►�knl. <br /> 11'L��xlcr�xrrciu,thi.��ptiun. Lrudrr.hall gi�r B��rro���r rn�u«nl aiirli'rahnn. I'h¢ ��,n�«.n:�u r���„�.��������xl��t nut <br /> Ic�.than 30 duy, 1'rom thc datc thc nuurr i, deli��rrJ .�r m:ul�J��uhin .�hi�h Nnrrrn��� n�u�l pa> .dl wnn •c�ur�d h� IM• <br /> 5�tiuriq� In,trumrnt. It B„rruacr iail��i�pa� thr.e,um, rrior ir thr��pn:won �,t thi.�rnn.l. Isndrr ma� ui�ukr am rcmedic� <br /> p�rntltl�J h� thi.5�.urit} In.trutncnl��uhnut �wther rn�lirc„r dr'�i,m.1�m f��'n�'��cr. <br /> 18. Rorro��er'x Ri};h! to Rcintitatc. II Burr�,���r nx�•�. .,q•t.��n i�mdiU�m•. I���rn+��rt ,h.tll ha�� th� ngltit 1�, h.i�r <br /> CIl[JCiilll�lll U� l�ll� Sl`l'U�li\ �tl�IfU01l`Ill JI�i��1111111kJ .11 .111\ Illtl�rl'�,•I'I�� 1�1�' i'.11"�lil �d 1.11 S��Y�� 1��1' �UC�I �H�1tI' rtl'I�N�.1� <br /> upph:ahk la�� ma� .�xcd� I��r rrm,latrmrnt� hrlor� ..►I� ,•i thr I'r„��rn� �, ��� .�m �,n«rr ��t .:de �unt.un�d �n Ih�, <br /> S�curit} In+trum�nt:ur�hl�nln ol:�lud�mrnt rr.lur�mi Ihi. 5.•�uni� Imlrumcnl Ch��•r.��n�tiu��n� .ir:thcu Fiurn���er'�.�� r.i)� <br /> LrtKkr all .wn.��hi�h thcn aoulJ hr dur un�rr th�. ti�.•urit� I�i�inini.•m .ind Uir ���i� ,�� �1 nn.rcrrl.r.w��n h:id ��r.'urrrd:�h� <br /> curc, am dcl'ault ul:ut� uthrrc„��nant. �u .i�irrmrnl•, �.� �',�)•.�II ���':n.��� u�iwi�d in rtd�,�r.mL ihi• S�iunh Iti,lruntent. <br /> inrludin�. hut n�H IiinucJ tu. ita•,,nahlr .ut,�in��•' trr�. .mJ �,1� i.d,�•••u.h.i.ti�m.i. I .•ndrr iva) r�e",i�ahh rcyuur t„.�.�urr <br /> (fl:ll I�ll' (Il'�1�1�l�ll�til'iU�ll\ �Il�ll'Ullk'lll. �illi�a'1'� II`_�II. �I� I�li F�1���4'll� .Iltil {���11�����'1�������1�'.111��I1 l����:1� I�ll' �U�11��tillfl'l���\ <br /> .. � �...._:.. �_............� .1.�.11 .•.,nnnu.� unrh.ul��ri� � IM�II f�111.Id1C111�'tll ��\ ����ff��aif. (�11� tiCiUlll\ �I1�IfUtllilll .111� 1�1C <br /> �m. AliUlll• .�............. .._.. _...... .._ . . . <br /> i�hhgaliim��crurcJ hcrch� •li.dl rcma�n tull� rtlrcu�r.r,�d nu,��rrl.•r.�h�,ii h.ut ��i:urrcJ 11�,��r�cr. tm. nciu n� �cm.iai. ���.,�� <br /> Ihri apph in lh��a�c.�(:�i.'rlrr.ui��n un�lrr��,�r.q�h I' <br /> 19. tialc oP �utc: l'hun{;c ul' Lovn ti�nicvr. I�hr \��i�• ��� .� p.uu.J inl.•i.•�I in Ih.• \ulc �n+�rlhri ��nh 1hi. ti�•.uru) <br /> �1l\lNllll'l1U Ol:l\ hc•�,IJ�,n�ul'IIN�fC Ullh�\11I�N�U1��tl�q n�Nl�� li+N�+l�����il � �.I�i Ill;l\ Ii�U�I ill.l i�1:111LC I�l I�ll'�Illll\ ��.Il���\Il <br /> a.thc"l.uan Ser�iccr'�Ihat.��II«�•numthl� �•.��m�nt�.:�i:und�•i ihr \,�i:.m�l thi•�r.w it� In�truni�m I'hric,d.0 ina� h,,�nr <br /> ��r nwrc chan��,��f thr L,a�n ti�niiri unrrlate.l t„.i�.dr ��I thr`.a�� It thri:�..�.Ii.�uL.•��! �hr I��,m ti��.i.ri. R„rn���ri ���II h� <br /> g��eq unlleh naU�e�,1 the ihan��m.i�i�,r.lenir��nh pa�.icr.�ph I l.ih���.•.md.qqdi..�hlr I.��� I�h��n�,�i�r ��dl .�.u.•�I�.• n.mi�.�r„I <br /> addrC•• ��t Ihr nr�� l r.m Crr�ii�r:in�l thr .id�rt••.1�� ��hi:h p.i�mrnt..h�ndd hr m.iJ. I�hr nnu��� ��dl .d•,� .��nt.un .m� ��ihrt <br /> inti�rmuu��n r�uuu�rd 1�� .q��lirahlr la�� . • ... . ; r:l.•.��: ••i .in� , <br /> 20. Huis�rd��u, 1uMt:lnc�r. H��rn���c� .hall n��i �:w•r ��� prnnil Ih� p��•.n... ���.. .::•�•r...,:. . :..,... .� <br /> ��J/:U��IIU� tiU�l�l:lllll'♦ ��11 ��f IIl (�ll' Prnprrt� �{��tl"��11�•1 ��1.l�I IL�1 •���. Il��l" .1���`�� .It1���14' i��: 1�� ����. .III�l�11llti .111i�1111�' ��I� <br /> Pn�pert� Illat i� �n �iul.m��n�,1 .m� lim ir�miurnl.d I..ia fhr���.•«<f�n� i��.� •rntrn.r• •h.ill n��l.q����� t�+���� ���,i��ic�r 1�n�im.I <br /> ♦IOT:It:C��II l�ll' Nt'���l1\ ��) �Ill.l�� yU:111lHIC��H ��.1/df�I��ll�till���l.11ki� Ill.11 .�I� :':ih'I.11�� Iii��LI111i�� I��I�i J�� 1�'� <br /> rr�i�lcnhal u�.,.ind t�+m.uiUCnuni��,1 thr Pi��{,rr1� <br /> �� ' Fi,�n� _10l2t 9 3V <br />