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�� , �.-�_ _ _- -��. <br /> ��� '_ _ .. _..._ _'_. .... .._J.� .�.� �.YJ..z11 tT.T•�N��'Ii��. .__ __ _ _ A � _____ <br /> . _�1i1SY+_r��i1�`ti� __ __' . _ . _. <br /> g�"' �'��!�� -� <br /> Fach of th• parti�v to thio D��d of Tzuot hereby requeot• tha�. n <br /> : ..,__ � r_..3t a �Cr Mf �;.�. tS ; w f Swle <br /> c:upy us dr,g ►�V�.14V o. Ba.4� ar... a :. et_c_ c�._ <br /> provided fnr herefnabove be mailed to e�ch auch garty at the = <br /> partias po��: office �ddreao eet forth harein. Upon the occurrence _ <br /> of any dsfault hereunder, �eneticisrcy shall have the option to =_ <br /> foraclose this Dped of Truet in the manner provided by law fAr �he ` <br /> forecla�uro of mortqaqaa on real propelrty. -- <br /> $IXTg: Truetor specifical�y agreea that (a) Truotor, at ite � <br /> expen�e, will execute and del�ver to Beneficiary, promptly upon <br /> raque�t, ouch aecurity inatrumants aa msy be required bp — <br /> Beneficiascy, fn a form and substance satisfactory to BeneficiAry, <br /> covering any of the Property aonveye3 by thia Deed of Txu4t �rhich <br /> wacurity inetruments ahall be additional security for Truetar'� - <br /> fafthful perforsaance of all of th� tern�s, covenante and conditiono <br /> of thie Deed of Trust, the Note and indebtedneea secured hereby, <br /> and any other security instruments exeauted in connection the _ <br /> indwhtadnoao aacurad bv this Deed of Trust; and all �uch <br /> instru�aente ahall be filed and recorcPed at trustor'a expenae; (b) <br /> Beneficiary may, from time to time, bg written instrument �xecuted <br /> and acknowledged by Be�eficiary, maiTed to Trustor and recorded in <br /> the county or countieo in which the Prop�rty is locnted and by <br /> othexwise co�plyinq with the provxsione of the applicabla ].awa of � <br /> � the Sta�e of Nebraska, aubytitute a succeesor or euccessors to the <br /> Trustee named herei� or aatiag hereunder; (c) although the <br /> Trustee, or Trustee's succesaor vr euccessoxs, may be an aqent of, <br /> or attorney for, or otherwise connected with the Haneficiary, such _ <br /> fact shall not be construed �o dfsqualify Trustee to act as such <br /> Treietee, nor shall �uch faat prevant the Truetee or Beneficiary <br /> • from biddinq at a eale and buying any part or all of the Property <br /> at any aale hereunder; (d) that if it should be necessary or <br /> appropriate for the protection of the eecurit� hereby conveyed or <br /> enforcement of the debt hereby secured, far the truste� or the <br /> ' Baneficiary to institute or become a party to any procaedinq or <br /> suf.t in a court of bankruptcy or probate or other court of geaeral <br /> _ � • •a.�J 2�i��i 7 �..�aFa w���arl�s �.,w..������f� <br /> : Vi i'iWiVOti� juiiotitv4ivia� aZt �w�i�vis:vv �si.� �vr�.r L++ j��� s ._ .. . .... .. _. -_ - <br /> by aaid Truetee or said 8eneficiary (including reasonable <br /> attoraey's fees� paid or incurred by �uch Trus�ee or Beneficiary,in <br /> �aintaining, prosecutinc� or def endiag such proceeding ox protactinq <br /> `. their re�pective rights hereunder shall be an additional dabt <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust in li�ee manner with the principal <br /> debt herein dascribed; (e) Senaficiarg, or fts aqents, <br /> � representatives or worl�en, are authorized to enter at anp <br /> reasonable ti�e upon or in any part of the Prcpserty foz the purpose <br /> of inspecting the same and for the pu�pose of perfor�ag any of the <br /> act� it is authorized to perform under the terms of this Deed of <br /> Trustf (f) any forbearance by Beneficiary or Trustae in exerci�inq <br /> _ an� right or remedy hereu�de�� or otherwise affordec�i by applicable _. <br /> law, shall not be a wainer of or preclude the exorcise of a�y euch <br /> riqht or remedy hereunder; aimilarly, the waiver by Beaeficiary or <br /> . Trustee of any defau�t of Trustor uader thia Deed of Tr�at shall <br /> _ not be deemed a waiver of any other or similar defaults <br /> aubsequently occurring; (q) extension of the time for payment or <br /> � modification or anartization of the sums secured by thi� Deed of <br /> Trust qranted by Beneficiary to any successor ia iaterest of <br /> Trustor shall not operate to releaae, in any manner the liability <br /> : of the original Tru�tor and Truator's aucaesaor in int�reat. <br /> Beaeficiary ahall not be required to coam�ence prxeedinge against <br /> � �uch auaceasor or refuse to extend the for payment or _ <br />- - oth�r�ri�c �o3::fy .:�rtizatioz� of the sua� a�:d indebtedn�ss secured - <br /> by this Deed of Tnast by reason of any demand made by the oriqinal <br /> tru�tor and trustor's euccessora in intereat; (h) without <br /> affecting the liabili.ty of the trustor or any other person liable <br /> for the paya�ent of the obligations and indebtednesa secured by this <br /> Deed of Trust, and without affectinq the lien or charge of this <br /> Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or <br /> theretofore released as security for the full amount of all unpaid <br /> obligations, Beneficiary may, from tiaae to time and without notice <br /> 6 <br />