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<br /> �S- Y��►�4
<br /> renowal4, modif3cation• or axacution• thereof, th• paym�nt of any
<br /> othsx indtbtedn�R� •�curea narnby v� �r. �:t� p�=fe='�!'='^•^w r,f any _
<br /> agrtle�aei��, cova�az�t or warXant,y herf�n contained or set forth in
<br /> n�y aqreamen� or inatrument executed by Truotor in connectian with
<br /> �he indebtedmeee haraby secured, �eneficiary nu�y daclnr� a13 auata
<br /> aec�rsd h�reby ima�diately due and pAyablv and the ��a ch�ii
<br /> t�heraupen becamn due and payable wi�cTnou� preeant.:,ant d�m=RC�,
<br /> protezt or notice of any kfnd. Thereafter, Beneficinry may deliver
<br /> to Truatee� a writte�n daclaration of default and dema►nd for eala.
<br /> Truetee s1�a11 have the power of s�2e of the Property end if
<br /> Heneficiary dacidas the Property is ta be sold, it shall dapoait
<br /> with Tru�tea this Deed of truet and the Note or notea and �ny other
<br /> documents evidencing expenditure� secured hereby, nnd shAll deliver
<br /> to Truvtae a written no�ice of dQfault and el�ction to caLSe the
<br /> Progerty to 6e eold, and Truetee, in �urn, ehall prepare a aimilar
<br /> notice in th0 form required by law, which ehall be duly filed �or
<br /> record by Truotee.
<br /> (af After tho lapae of auch time aa may be rQquired by law
<br /> follawinq the recordation of Notice of Default, and Notice of
<br /> Default a�d Notice of Sale hava.nq been given as recpuired by law,
<br /> �nr+�gt•e; wfthout demand cn Trustor, shall sell the Property
<br /> hexeinbefore dQecribed, and amy and every part thereof, in separaze
<br /> parcels or en masse as the Truat�e ma►y elect and in such order aa
<br /> trnastee ntay determine on the date and at the time and place
<br /> deaignated in said Notice of Sale, at public auction to the higheat
<br /> bidder, the purchase price payable in caQ�a in lawful money of the
<br /> United States at the time of 9ale. The pe�son conducting the sale
<br /> may, for any causse he or she deems ex�adient, po�tpong the aale
<br /> from tima to time until it ehall be completed �nd, in every suah
<br /> ca��a, notice of postponement ahall be qiven by pu�Ilic declaration
<br /> thereof by euch per�on at tha tims �nd place laat appointed for the
<br /> sa].e; provided, a.f the sale is poatponed ¢or longer than oae (l�
<br /> day beyond the day de�iqaa�ed in the Notice of Sale, notice ��ereof
<br /> shall be given in the �ame manner as the oriqinal Notice of Sale.
<br /> Trustee sIIaii �execuza niiu uc'ssvci �v �::� x^.Z:�^�?�*-�wr it! I3aAC1 _ _.,
<br /> conveying the property so cold, but vaithout aay cov.�nant or
<br /> warranty, express or implied. The recita2s in the Deed of any
<br /> matters or facto ahall be conclusive proof of the truthfulneas
<br /> theraof. Any person, including without limitatio�a, Heneficiary or
<br /> Tru�tee may purchase at the eale. Said sale shalT be conducted at
<br /> tho real e�tate forming a part of the Property or at the court
<br /> house in the county in which the Property to be aold, or somaa part
<br /> tl�ereof, is aituattd.
<br /> (b) Eihen Truatee sells pureuant to the powers hertin, Truatee
<br /> shall apply the proceeds of the aale to payment af the co�ts anri
<br /> expenwes of e�:�rcis�nq the power o€ �salQ and of the oale,
<br /> including, wi�hout li.mitation, the pay�ent of Trustee'a fees
<br /> incurred, which Truatee's feee shall not in iu e 1%2 of al� ofcthe
<br /> the sum of Five Eundred Dollars (S500.00) p
<br /> anaunt aecured hereby and remaa.ning unpaid and then to the items
<br /> se� forth in �ubparaqraph (c) of this paragraph FIFTH in the order
<br /> therein stated. -
<br /> (c) After payinq the itema specified in subparagraph (b) of this
<br /> paragraph FTFTH, if the sale ia by Trustee, or the proper court and
<br /> other coats of foreclogure and sale if sale is pursuant to judicial
<br /> _ forecloaure, the prxeeds of sale shall �te applied in the order
<br /> - atated �elow �cn S�ae papx��t af:
<br /> (1� Cost of any evidence of title procured in connection with
<br /> auch sale and of any revenue required to be paid;
<br /> (2) A1� aums then secured hereby;
<br /> (3) The remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally
<br /> entitled thereto.
<br /> 5
<br />,__'
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<br />