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<br /> 's ���.���j���4w�t.Trosfor sholl poY all tox�s,ass�ssmenis and other charq�s,Includiny,without limitation,fin�s and im• . , r y,"'�'_
<br /> • Y • •'. ,�.:
<br /> ' ' poHtions arnibutabb to tl�PropKty,ond bas�hold Pol'�nt:w pround nntc,if ony,b�fa�th�sans b�come ddinqwnt.Trusta sholl promp• ... :
<br /> tl�fumish to B�+�efkiory oll notk�s of amo�Mts due ur�►this paopraph,ad in th�w�nt Trusta sholl mok� poYm�nt dir�ctly,Trusta shall �
<br /> prampti�furnish to B�raficiary reaiPts�vid�ncinp suth po�m�+os.Ttusta sMdl po�r oll tox�s and ass�ssm�nts whkh moy b� levi�d upon � �
<br /> 8�ficiory's iMK�st h�nin ar upon this DNd of Trust withouf rpard fo orry low thaf mo�b�N�oct�d impoiino po�n�^r of ih�whol�a cnr F �.
<br /> ( part tMrwf upon th�B�ficiory. i �
<br /> . � 6 �����������i�ewifr.Trustor sholl mok�all poym�nts of intK�st and principol and pa�mtnts of on� ;
<br /> I othK charq�s,fNS and��p�nus cantrochd to b�paid to any�xistirp IimholdKS a prior b�iiciorNS w�dK any pr�a daad of trust a ma- �
<br /> � tqop�b�fa�th�dot�tlw�o►�d�liipwnt ond p►ompt�y pnY and discharp�°^y ad all oth�►Ikns,cblms a charp�s whkh moy jeopo►dit� tM
<br /> i
<br /> • � ssturity g�ant�A Iwnln.If Trustor(oi{s ta mok�any sueh pa�n�nt a (dlt to p�rfam on�of th�cownanri ond opra�m�nts tonfa�wd In this � .
<br /> . O�d of Trust,or in any p►ior mortyap�a dt�d o(t�ust.of il any action or pra�dinp it commmad which motKiolly off�c►s B�n�}iciary's in• � , .
<br /> tN�st irt th�Prap�rty,includinq,but not limited to.emin�nt domofn prakdinps,or prot�dfnqs involviig a d�c�nd�nt,or if Trusto►failsto po�
<br /> • Trusta's d�bts y�nKOtly as tMy becom�dud. then e�neficiary,ot 8�ficfory's option and without nolin to or damond upon T�usta and :.
<br /> wilhout nt�asinp Trusta I�om ony obl�yation hereunder,moy mok�such opptaranc�s,disburs�such sums,and toko such action os is necessary � �
<br /> to protect B�neiiciary's inttnst includinq,but not I�m�ted to,disbursemmt of r�asonabl�oHorr��'s fNS,po�rnent, pu►chase.ca+test a com• �
<br /> promise of ony encwnbrance,chu+9e or li�n, and entry upon the P►opKty to make repairs. In ths evtnt lhot lNSta shall fail to praure im I
<br /> s�xanu or to pay toxes,ossessments, a any other chaqes a to moke any payments to eristirg prior lien holdtrs or beneficiorits,8eneficiary
<br /> may praure such insurance and make such payment,Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuont to this Paragroph 6 shall 6QCOme additiono� ;
<br /> � • indebtedness oi Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts shall be poyab�Q uDon nofice fram Ben�ficiay tu Trustor raquestinp pay i
<br /> ` mont thereof,and shal!bear interest from the date of disbursement ot the ratt poyoble from time ta time on outstanding p►incipal urder the •,�!�-;
<br /> t Nofe unless payment of interest at such rate would he cor�frary to applitable low,in which event such omounts sholl bear interest ot thehighest i
<br /> rate permissible under opplicabl� law. Nothinq contained in this Parayraph 6 shall require Benefitiay to incur any expensQ or take an�action i ; -�•
<br /> • hereunder. � '
<br /> 7. b�M of R��ds. Beneficiary sholl hove the right,power and authority during the continuance of this Deed of Trust to collect the , ,.�
<br /> rents,issues and prolits of the Property and of any personal propertY laoted thereon with or without taking possQSSion of the prape►ty olfeded � �"
<br /> • � hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns all such rents,issues and profits to Beneficio�y.8eneficiory,however,hereby , Y'a=
<br /> • i consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they actrue and become poyable so long os Trusta is not,
<br /> . ot such time,in detalt with respect to poyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of ony agreement hereunder. Upon • �
<br /> ' l any such default. 8eneficiary moy at any time,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appointed by o court,without notice and without ,
<br /> � � j regord to the adepuay of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, iu)enter upo�and toke possession of the Property w any Pnn � � � ;
<br /> � theraof,and in its nwn nome sue fa or otherwise collect such rents,issues and profits,including those post due ond unpaid,and apply the some, � ; a�'�
<br /> � less costg and expenses of aperation und callection, including reasonabte attorneys fees,upon any indebtedness seture3 hcreby, a�ni ir� suth " ,.
<br /> . � arder as Beneficiary may determine;(b)perform suth ucts of repair or protecf ion as moy be netessar� ar p►oper to tonserve the value af the �.
<br /> , , PropeNy; (clleose the some or n�y port thereof for such rentul,term,and upon such conditions as its judgmmt moy dictate or terminate or od• ' '.�
<br /> ., . just the terms and conditions ot any existing leose or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in w►iting,a+y app�ication of rents,
<br /> �. issues or p►ofits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl not Q�tend a postpone the due date af the instdlment poyments as provided in said , L•�
<br /> : promissory note or chanye the amaunt of such installments.The entering upon and takinQ possession of the Property, the collection of such � ;'°;,.'..�9;
<br /> ' ; rents, issues and profits, and the apqlication thereof as aforesaid. sholl not waive a cure any defeult a notice of default hereunder, or in- � ,
<br /> ; volidote ony act dane pursuant to such notice. Trustar also assigns ta Beneficiary,as furiher securit� far the performonce of the oMiqations : . �
<br /> securad hereby,all prepoid rents and all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro• , _
<br /> � perty,to secure the papment of any rent or damoges,and upan defaulr in the perfamaxe of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor aqrees to ,
<br /> deliver such rents and depasits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of 8eneficiwy's exercise of the rights gronted herein,to any tenant oc- {
<br /> • cupying said premises shall be suffinent to require said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiay unti!further notice. � •
<br /> g,Cond�wn�tlon.lf title to any port of the Property shall be token in condemnation proceedings,by right of eminent domain or simila action, i
<br /> � or shdl be sold under tMeat of condemnation,all owards,damages and praeeds ore hereby assigned ond sholl be paid to Beneticiary who sholl ,
<br /> ' � opply such awards,domoges and proceeds to the sum secured by this Ueed of Trust,with the excess,if any.paidto Trustor.If Trustorreceives �
<br /> . . � any notice or other informotion regarding such actions or proceedings. Trustor shall give prompt written not�ce thereof to benefieiary. '
<br /> . . ' Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appenr in and prosecute in its own nome ony such afion or praeedings and shall be en• ,
<br /> , � titled to moke any compromise or settlement in connect�on with ony such act�on ar proceedings. +
<br /> � p, pun�dl�� Not Exdusire.Beneficiary sholl be entitted to enforce payment ond performonce of any indebtedness or obligations secured '
<br /> hereby and to exercise oll rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other ogreement eKecuted in connection herewith or any laws ,
<br /> now or hereafter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations setured hereby may now or hereaffer be other-
<br /> � � . wise secu�ed,whether by mortgage, deed of trust,pledge.lien,assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust na its
<br /> enforcemenf whether by court octan or pursuant to the power of sale a o�her powers herein contained, shall prejudice or in any ma�ner affect
<br /> �'� �' Beneficiory's right to realize upon or enforce any other security now a hereafter held by Beneficiary.it 6eing ogreed that Beneficiory shall be
<br /> enlitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereofter held by Beneiitiury in such ader and manner as it may in its ab-
<br /> >; `- solute discretion determine.No remedy herein confarred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of ony other remed�herein
<br /> w by Inw provided ar permitted, but each shall be cumulative ond shall be in addit�on to every other remedy g�ven hereunder or now or hereofter
<br /> ! existing ot low or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy prov�ded hereunder fh�s Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which i�moy be
<br /> otherwise entitled,may be exercised toncurrently or�ndepenAently.}rom time to t�me ond as often as moy be deemed exped�ent Benefitiary
<br /> pnd it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohib�ting Aenef�uary from seeking a defiCienCy judqment agoinst
<br /> the Trustor to the extent such oction�s permitted by low.
<br /> 10. Te�nlf�r of Prap�Ar;As�wnpf(on. If all or ony port of the property or any mterest therein is sold transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Benefitiary s prior written consent excludmg Ia1 the creat�onof a lien or encumbrUnce subord�note to this Deed of Trust, (b)the trea•
<br /> tion of o ourthase moneY security mterest for household appliances Itl a trnnsfer by dense.descent or bY aPerotion of law upon tl�e deoth of o
<br /> ! joint tenont or �d1 the gront of any leasehold interest of three years or less not conto�mng an oprion io purcnase. on��r����a�����a�. �:
<br /> ' Beneficiory's option, declare all the sums secured by th�s Deed o( Trust to be�mmed�otely due and poyaUle or tause the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> � of defoult.Beneficiory shdl hove waived suth option to accelerote�f.prior to the sale.transfe� or conve�ance. Benef�c�ary ond the person to
<br /> ; whom the property is to be sold a transferred reach ogreement in writi�g that the tredit o}such person is sarisfoctor�ta Benef�ciary and rhot
<br /> ' the interest payable on the sums setured by this Deed of 1�ust sliall be ot such rot�t as Benef u�ary sholl request
<br /> i�
<br /> �
<br /> �a
<br /> Ky ,
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