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<br /> dElO 0i TlUST ' ~. - _
<br /> �;--
<br /> 23rd March _.t8 �2 . ,by and amonq �oy� L�. . . :�""'� -_
<br /> � • THIS TRUST DEED made this dey of ---'"'�`�-
<br /> Luehr and Judit� A. I.uehr� husband and wife Wood River, NE 68$83
<br /> whow maltinp addroca k Rt. 2 Box 75. - �.
<br /> �i
<br /> ' � ' (horein"Truata");and Ilw�MMD Ilrfl,whoso mailing address is P.O.8oz 487,Wood River.Nebraska 68883,(herein"Tros1uQ,"and"�n�wllciary"). ��:'=
<br /> o�
<br /> FOR VAIUABIE CONSIDERATION, includirp th�ind�bUdrnss irdmtifi�d h�►�In ond th�trust h�nin cnot�d,th�napt of whith is hK�b� �'�-���"—
<br /> � ' ockrawlodpQd,Trustor irrvvaably yrcnts, tronsfers, conveys, and ossipns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH POWER OF SAIE, fa th�b�rMfit and � ' _ _ __
<br /> .,
<br /> ��cu►i t y of Baafk i a ry,w�der and w6 i e c t to the tenns and conditions of this DNd of Trust.the rsol propert�d�urib�d os follows� � �
<br /> • ���`
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<br /> TOGETHER WITH,oll rents, profits,royalties,income and other benefits derived from the real property;alf leases or subleases currr�ng ihe ; ,�.,� ,
<br /> � ` reol property or any portion ihe►eof, now or hereafter ezisting a entered into,ond all right, title and interest of Trus►or thereunder. all in- �`
<br /> terests,estata or other claims, both in law and in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereofter acquire in the real property; oll eosements ���
<br /> riyhts-of•woy, tenements, hereditaments ond oppurtenances thereof and thereto; all al and gas rights and pro fits, woter rig h ts a n d w a t e r ,
<br /> stock;all riyht, title and interest of Trusta,now owned or hereafter ocquired,in and ta ony lond lying within the right•of-way of any street or ,
<br /> highwoy odjoining the real property, any ond all buildings,fixtures, improvements, and appurtenances now or hereaher erected thereon or
<br /> belonging thereto,(herein refe�red to as "ImprovemenY' or"Improvements"1;ond ony ond all awards made fa the tal�ing by eminent domain �.r�
<br /> or by any praeeding or purchpse in lieu thereof,of ihe whole or any port of the reol property. ,
<br /> All of the foregang estate,property ond interest hereby conve�ed to Trusree herein collectively referred to as the"PropertY"•
<br /> ' THIS DEED OF TRUST SHAII SECURE: Three hundred
<br /> . (0)TM pa�ment of'ndebtedness eviaenced by Tru$t r's note ol even date herewith in the pnncipol sum of._._.. _ ._-- . - - - � �
<br /> fi�ty thousand and no/1�)0-------------- ° . . Dollars (S__�50�99�90_ 1.
<br /> together with interest ot the rate or rotes provided therein,lherein,►ogether with any and all renewals,modificotions,ond extensions thereof,
<br /> • referred to as the"Note"1 both principal and interest on the Nate being poyoble in accordance with the terms set forth therein,reference to ;
<br /> which is hereby made,the final poyment of principal ond interest,if not sooner poid ond if no renewals,modificotions a extensions are mode.
<br /> due ond poyoble on_ _ _March . pL._2012 -�- -- •— - - :
<br /> Ib)The performance of exh agreement ond covenant of Trusta herein contained;and
<br /> lc)The poyment of ony sum or sums of money with inte�est thereon which moy be hereofter paid or advanced under tl�e terms of this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br />� (d)The payment of any future advantes necessary to protect the security or any future advance mode ot the option of ihe porties;and
<br />' • (e)The performonce of an obligation of any other person nomed m this Trust Oeed to a beneficiarY•
<br /> A 1.Parnant of PrMicipd and IM�nst. Trustor shall promptly pay when due the pnncipol of ond mterest on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br /> r Note, and all other chaqes ond fees as provided in the Note,and the principol of and inrerest on ony Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> � 2.w.r..�►o�TMa.Trustor is lowfully seized and possessed of good and indefeosible t�tle and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and
<br /> a � has the right to grant ond tonvey the Property;the Properry is(ree and clear of oll liens ond encumbronces except liens now of record: ond
<br /> Trusior will warrant and defend the title to the Property agoinst all cloims and demonds.
<br /> 3.M�int�Mnt�and Conlpli�wNM lawt. Trustor shall keep the Property in good conditan and repoir ond sholl not tommit woste or permit
<br /> impairment or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with rhe prov�s�ons of any IeaSe�f th�s Deed of Trust is on a leosehald.No improve-
<br /> ment now or hereofter erected upon the Property sholl be oltered. removed or demol�shed wifhout the prior wntten consent of Beneficiary.
<br /> Trustor shall comply with oll Inws,ordinonces, regulations.coveaants c�nd�r�ons and resfr�cr�ons offecting the Property ond not commit,suffer
<br /> or permit ony act to be done in or upon the Praperty in violat�on of ony low. ordinnnce.regulotion covennnt. candition or restriction-Trustor
<br /> shall complete or restare promptly and in good workmonl�ke momer any �mprovement on rhe Property wh�ch moy be damaged or destroyed ond
<br /> ; poy,when due,oll tloims far labor performed and moteriols furn�shQd theretore and tor any airerations rnereor
<br /> , 4. In�w�ne�.Trustor, at its expense,w�11 mointam w�th msurors approved by Beneficiory, insurance with respett to the Improrements ond
<br /> � personol property,constituting the Property, against loss by fire.I�ghtning, tornoda.and other penls and hotards covered by stondord eKtended
<br /> tove►aye endorsement,in an amount equal to ot leost one hundred percent of the fu�l replocement value thereof and msmance agamst such
<br /> � ofher horards and in suth amounts os�s tustomordy corr�ed by owners and operotors ol s�rnulor properties or as Beneficio�y moy reqwre for��s
<br /> Iprotettion.Trustor will tomply with such other reqwrements as Beneficiary may from time to time request for tt�e protectionby msurance of the
<br /> I interests of the respective porties. All insuronce policies mamtamed purzuont ro this Deed of Trust sholl nome Trusta and Beneficiay as m�
<br /> sureds,as their respettive interests may oppea, and prowde thot rhere sholl be�o cancellation or modificotion wifhout no less than 1 S days
<br /> prior written notification to Beneficiary. In ihe event any polic�hereunder �s nor renewed sr. or be!ere 15 doys prio�rn�rc ptpirntinn d�tP
<br /> Beneficiory moy procure such insurance in accordance with ihe provis�ons of poragruph)hereof.Trustor shall deliver to Benefiaory the or�gmul
<br /> policies of insurance and renewols thereof ar memo copies of such poliaes and renewals thereof foilure�o furnish sueh insuronre by Trus�or o�
<br /> � renewols os required hereunder shall,at the option of Benefiaory.const�tute o�iefoult
<br /> �; �
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<br /> �
<br />