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<br /> �wyoxnts may �x�lon�cr bc nx�uirc�l,ut thr i�tiun�►f Ixiktrr. if uk��i��y�l�u�u���tke c�t�r����n th.�ui tOit r�t � �+rrl�Kf
<br /> th�t Lc�;1cr reyuircs►�n,��� ny�u+�i�uurcr u}�pn►veJ by l.c�xler �aiu tuti�umcy r�rilabk su�.l i.uluriik�J. fi��r�uw:i•�twll w�
<br /> (}IC(1fZi1l1UT11C I'Ct;UIl�?t�IP i{YlllKJIII IIN�It�:I�C IIla41.UK��il L'�f��I�lii til jST1'viu�:i Ii1.V f�'.:fL':.w7ilf�:�':.fCy't!}!Y!l:�:11�:`!!T!C`:'t���r
<br /> i�uura+kc c�rtr in w�ti►rJstecc v►•ith wiy writtcn�yntin�ciu tx:tw�ecn&�rr��ucr wx1 l.e�xicr ur:y��licahir law•.
<br /> 9. fu►E��ctlau. l.z�xler�•r iis:y;c�u :iwy nwkc r�:au►�u6tc c�uricx upc�n aukf i��..�xtiti��ns��f'thr PnHkrty. l.cixler�Iwll Qi�•c
<br /> Bunuw�cr ixuicc it du Nnk ot'ur priur tu w�hu.pixliun�tiil'yin� rclxuubk c�w�c f��r ttw in.}kc�lun.
<br /> lp. t'w�x:u�tiva. 1tw: pn►�:a,ic ut';��L �a�rJ ur rl;aim for dannges. dirxt nr conuyucnti�l. in �Ymtx�u•»�M•�ti��ny
<br /> �v��xknuutiun ur cuher t.al,ii� uf uiy�+n ��f the Property. or fur can•ey�ai�ce in licu oi'roi�l��niuiiun, ui.fkr�hy :�..ign�.1 wxi
<br /> sitall bc psid ia tx�kfer.
<br /> bt tF►e event of a wtul wking of the Propcny.�ttc puxe�ds attall be applied to the sumc secunxl by thic Sixuri�y I��ctrunxnt.
<br /> whe�her ar�wt then due. u•ith any excess paiJ to Barmv.•er. In the event af a �;uiial taking ��i'ttu:1'mpei-ty in which du:l;ur
<br /> market value af the Pmperty inunocli;uely beForc tEk tal;ing is cqual to or gn:aier tt�v� tt�e u��uwnt nf the sunu sccw�d by this
<br /> Security Lulrumeiu inuiwdiately befor�:thc�tu{;tng,unless Born�w•cr;md Lcnder otherwise agrce in writing,�hc sun�.�securad by
<br /> this Security Instrument st�ll lx r�e.ciuced by che anwunt of the proceals nwltiplial by the falluwing f'raction: (a) the total
<br /> amowu of the sums secureG immediately befare the taking. dividc�by (b) the fai�m3rket valuc af the Propeh}� immecii;�efy
<br /> befora the wl:ing. Any balance shall be paid ta Bc�rrow•er. ln the event of a panial takit� of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market valuc of the Property inunaiiately txfore the taking is less tl�an tt�c amount of thc sunu sccurai immediately before��•:
<br /> taking, unl.,ss Barrow•er and Lender oiherwise agme in writing or unl:ss np�licable law otherwise provid�s, the proceeds ah„ii
<br /> be Ag�!!�!e�h?ses!?s�!+e�,re!� !+y 11?ic Gr���;cy inG���nwnt whether or mt the wn�.s nne then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if,after notice by Lcnder to Borrower that the conclen�nor offers to r►�ke an
<br /> award or settte a claim for al�nuges. Borrouer fnils to respond to l.eider within?0 days after the date thc noticc is gi�•en,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceods,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Propeny or to the wms
<br /> securod by this 5ecucity Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless I.ender and BomoW�er otherwise agree in writing, any applicution of proeoeds to principal shall not extend oe
<br /> postpone the due date of the monchly payrnents referred ta in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of such pnymencs.
<br />' ll.Borrower I\ot Rde9scd; Forbwrswce By Lender Not s�Waiver.Extension of ttie time for payment or rnodificatiori
<br /> of amortization of th.°,sums secured by this Security Irutrument granted by Lender to uny successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll
<br />- not operrte to releace the liability of the origin3l Borrower or Bottower's successors in intetest.Lender sF�all not be required to
<br /> commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eztend time for paymeni or othetwise modify amortization
<br /> of the sumc securcd by this Smirity Insttument by reason of any demand ma�ie by the original Sorrower or Bc�mower'c
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbear��►ce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or praclude the
<br /> extrcise of any right�ur remedy. �
<br /> 12. Svecess+�rs aad Assi�n� Bo�d;Ja3nt sind Several I.iabil�t�;Co-signers. The covena::u and �reemeius of thi_c
<br /> Seeurity Inctrumeat shall binc�. a�3 benefit the siu;cessors and assigns of Letxler and Borrower, subject to ttu provisious of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's m�•enu►ts and agroements shall be joint and several. Anv Bocrower who casigtu this Securiry
<br /> ,• InsUument but does not exocute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Insirument anly to mortgage, grant and coc►vey that
<br /> , Borrowcr's intenst in the Properry utder the temu of this Socurity lnstrument; (b)is not personally obligatod to pay the wms
<br /> �3'���:t::.°...�C°"'.'�:j::.:�`.w:°...3'�.�9.^'..���j.°.e^2.�.�,.°«'ir:i..�i«.K°S::s.°�^j"t1M!�^:1'a�awx mf�ea�w f�^�fw�vi�����.fn�r K. ---- �
<br /> ;�' make any xcoaunoctatioac with rcg�rd to the terms of this Security Inurunxnt or the Note witiwut tlu�t Borrower's conscnt.
<br /> � 13.I.oaa C6arges. If the loan secured by this Sec�rity Inst�ument is subjed to a law which sets muimiun Io�charges,
<br /> ��� and that!aw is fi!�ally intetpreted so that the interest or other loan charges co!lected or to be oollected in connaetion with the
<br /> . lou�ezceod the p�rrnittad limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be xeduozd by the�roount necessary to:educe the ct�rge
<br /> . to the pamiitted limit;and(bj any sums altra3y collected from Borrow�r wfiich eaceeded permiued limiu wil!bt tefiinded Ga
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may choose w maice t1v.s cefund by reda�cing the principal owed vnder the Note or by maling a direct
<br /> payment W Borrower. If a refund raluces prineipal. the reducdou will be ueatai, as a putial PrepaYmeni without �ny
<br /> P�Ymau charge unda the l�ae.
<br /> 14.Notices.My notice to Borrower providod for in this Security Inctraunent shatl be gi�en by delivering if a�by mailing
<br /> it by firsc class m3i1 unkss applicable la•.v requires use of another mUhod.The notix shall be directed w the Prq�erty Address
<br /> or :r�y c�tlse: ��� Parsow:.s desig.-�ates by :.aric� ta :.er.3er. Any natice to Lend�r sha!1 bs git�e.^_ b; �rst ciass m3i1 to
<br /> : Lender's address stated henin or any�th.er address Lertder designates by noticx to Borrower. Any notice provi�3 for in this
<br /> : Seca�rity Instrumcnt sha11 be deem�3 t�have been given to Borrower or Izndcr when given a5 provided in tlus peatgt�h.
<br /> 15.Goves�g I.aw; S�everab�i4ty. This Security Iiutiwnent s�l be govemed by federal law and � law of the
<br /> , jurisdiction in wisi�h the Property is located_La the evenc t}�at�ny procision or clause of this SecurirF lnsinunent or the Note
<br /> conflicu with applicable law, such conflict st�il not affect other provisio:ss of this Securiry Instrumer.t or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect wi.hout the coaflictio� provision.To this ead che provisions of this Security irstrument and the Note are dectarod
<br /> , � w be severable. ,
<br /> 16.Bwrowa's Copy.Borrowu sJ�ll be giv�n one confom�ed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � Form 3028 9►SO
<br /> '� M�p�a o+6
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