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<br /> c. �{�� or pro�aty Insur�tp��e. Borrow•cr sluli �nep the improveuxnt� iww �*,f:�titt� ar hrr�sUer emtec! rn t�e '_
<br /> pn.�,r�y inwr,_rj ue+itwt la�s by firc, hszsnLS iixluJr�4 w•Ithin thc trrm 'exte�� �Y��•�r+yr" +��++��Y�'�fk�•��'`�'. inrituiinr —
<br /> flaxis ar flaxling.Pur which l.e�xkr rcyuirec in..ur;uk�.Thi� insur:uxti sha11 t+e ntain�Yiik�.f iu th� arw�untc;;a:3 fur:h^�v!'ic��
<br /> ttwt l..cixkr nx;uires. 1'hc in�anux�c carrirr rroviding thc i�i.ur,uk� a1u11 b� chuscn hy f�uruWir �uhjc�I lo l.etxl�r'.uppnn��l _
<br /> whi�li .1wi1 ixu t+�tt.ttti:t.sats�sbly withhel�l. !f&►�raw�r fuil. to nuintu�n c��verr};c �tcuribed :►hu�•c, l.eixler m:y, ut l.c�ul�r's _
<br /> o�tion.�+t�in ruvera�e ta pre�t«t Q�ci�l:r`�ri�;nt� in�hr Pr��+erty in��•rJw�xc with para};ra(►h 7. _
<br /> All imur.uk��xdicic� :uxl r��kwal� �ttiall t+e u�ticptaMc (tl I.C/MItP Uila� �{:tI) Ifkl�3t�C J J���1�:l1tl HM►ilY�1�l cl.wk. Lc�ulcr
<br /> �lull ha�•r Ghc riuht tu lu►IJ 1hc p�,licics•r��l re�kwals. If Lc�xlc�rcyuirr�.&�rr�+wrr�t►all pn►uyuly 4i►•c to l.cn:lcr all rtitiaiix:uf
<br /> p:►iJ premiunts�uxl rti�xwal n.wl�cc.In tfx c�•.ia ul tu..�.IA1fhl�t'CI�L'iII `�t•t Pl��liT�it(it`iiCi;�►tt�i:�wr�iur rsrrier au�!l.rnJcr. _
<br /> 4u:l:�r rruy ms�cr pr•wf rP 1�►��if�kK n�:ulc�rwnpsly by�nrruw•cr.
<br /> Unlc`s l.ciutcr:u►•J Bnrrc�u•cr otherwisc:►�rci in w�ri�lnb. i�uura�xc pnxccds sltall be upplial to rcstnraticui c�r mpair uf th�:
<br /> Property dan���d,if the rcstc,radun ur re�air ic ecwwmiuQly fcasible�iu1 l.eixlrr'�cecurity is not te�.cened.lf the restoration ar
<br /> reEuir is ixu eccKxu�tic�lly fe:iciblr�,r l.cider's se�urity u•�wld be le.cscncd. tl�e insurance proceods shall be upplied to ttu sums
<br /> uxurcd by this Securiry la+uument, whether ar nut tFun due, with uny excc.cs paid to Barrow�er. lf Borrower ubandons the
<br /> Pr.�perty, or cioes nat unswer within 30 clays a natice from[..ender d�at the insurance earrier has offececi to settle a claim,then
<br /> L.endcr n�y collat the insur,u�ce proceeds. Lender �nay use the procads ta repvr or rrstore the Prapeny ar to pay sucns
<br /> si�cur�Yl by this Security instrume�lt,whether or nc�t then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othe�wise s�ne in writing, a��Y apPlicutian of proceeds to principal shzll not eztend or
<br /> postpone the due daie os the nwnthlv pa)'n�:��ia icic��iai.o ::�j.:..:b»Y!ts 3 � ? i+r�t►anae the anwunt of the P�Ynietus, lf
<br /> und�r parigrrph 21 the Propeny is acquimf by Ixnder,Borrower's right to any insurance policies znd Proceeds resulting from
<br /> clan�e to the Property prior to the acquisition st�all pass to L.etxler W thc extent of the sums secuced by this Securiry Instrument
<br /> immediatzly priorto the�cquisitian.
<br /> 6.i3ocup�.�y,=a;:�.ia:.,�.aia:msnce and Protecti�n nE the ProQerlv:Borrower's I.oxu Applicatioa;Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,e.uaalish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the executi�n of
<br /> this Security Instn�menc arxl shail continue to occupy the PropertY as B�rcower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> ttu date of oecupancy.unless l.ender otherw+ise aSrees in writing. which consent shall not be unre�sonably withheld.or unless
<br /> extenuating circunutances exi�e which are beyond Bortower's control, Borrower st�all not desaoy. damage or impair the
<br /> Pcoperty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrowcr shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lendei s good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> property or ott�erwise au,^:riaUy impair the lien creaced by this Sec:urity tactrumzxu or Le�tr's security interest.Borrowea'rtmY
<br /> curc such a default and rrinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ttrat, in Ixnder's gc•af �itls deteimin�cion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other m�ttrial
<br /> icnpaimunt of the lia� created by thic 5ecurity Instrument or I.ender's securiry interest. Borr�wer shall also be in default if
<br />' Borrower,during the loan application proc.�s.gave materially false or inaccur�te infomiation a�yt�tements to Lea�der(or f�iled
<br /> � to provide Lendet with any mzterial infom�ation)in oannection with du loan eeidencod by the Note,includiag,but not limited
<br /> to.reprcsentacions eanoeming Borrow•er s occupauc}•of the Property as a principal residence. if this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> � leasehold, Borrower shall comply �vi*h all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fet tide to the Property. che
<br /> - leasebold aad trie fee titie�aii�roc mer�c u�uws;����:�-.�:a�`��.:.;rae:i:s:�.^:•^��
<br /> 7.Pmtect:m of[.et�tta's Atgitts ia tbe Propaty.If Borrower fails to pecfotm the covenu►^u an�agrze�rjetiu cont�it�d in
<br /> this Security Insinunens.¢�'there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the I'roperty(such as a
<br /> proceoding in bankrupt�:>.Probate.far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or regulations), then Lender may do aad
<br /> ' pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. I.ender's actiau n�ay
<br /> include paying any sius� secured by z lien which has priority over this Sec�_rity Inct,�-�sznent. appearin8 i� court• paYi°g
<br /> rrawnable auorneys'fees and entering on ehe ProQerty to ma3ce repain.Although Lender r:���tske actiun under this Py�C�
<br /> 'l,L.ender docs not itave tu do so.
<br /> My amounts disLwa�sed by Lendet under this pus�graph 7 sl�all besau�' add�tional dcbt of Bcx�v:�r secural by this
<br /> Security Instrunwu.Unl�s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of pay:�ent, these amounts sha11 Dear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursemcnt at the Note rate and stiall be payable. Kith intea�est, upon noticc from I.ender to Borrowu requcstitLg
<br /> _ -_ pAYment-
<br /> g,Mortgs�e Ias�erance.If Lender requireci mortgage inwrance as a condi+tian of rnaking thc loan secured by tlus Sa.^ur.ry
<br /> Icut�ument. �orrower shalt pay the premiums required to �ntintain the �noct�sge inwrar�ce in effcct. if, far any rcason. the
<br /> • mortgage insurance coverage cequire�by L.ender lapsa or cea.us W lx in ef3'ect.Borrowu s}�all pzy the premiums requirod to
<br /> obtain ooverage subst�tially equiv�lent w Uye mortgage insurance previously irz effect.at a cost substantially equiv�lent to the
<br /> wst to Borrower of the[nortga$a i�uur�noe previously in effcet, fram an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Leader. If
<br /> . substantially tquiv�lent m�rtgage inwr�nce ooverage is�wt available.Borrower sl�all pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> otx-twelfth of the yexrly mortgage insur�nce Premium b�ing Pa'd by B°'nawer when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased w
<br /> be in effxt. I.wder will acoept, use and retain tliese payments as a loss reserve in licu of mortg�ge insurance. Loss reserve ,
<br /> Foem 3028 �l9�
<br /> � ►.o.aae
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