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<br /> ^ � S.Tw�,AnN�I�,w/�M�•Trusta sholl poy all toY�s.oss�ssmmis and oth�r chorq�s,includinp,withaut limitotion,ftn�s ond fm- .
<br /> ., posltions att►ibutcbl�to th�PropK►Y.ond I�as�lald poY�^ts a p�ou�+d r�ts,if an�,b�fa�th�wnM baort»d�linqu�nt.Tru:tor sholl promp• ���fc����-•-
<br /> t�r fiimish to B�mfkiary oll notk�s of omounts dw unG�r this poropraph,and in tlr�rmt Trostor shall mok�po►rm�M di�atly.Trusta shall r..,���,_���
<br /> 1 ` pramptly furnish to 8�ficiory nuipts �vidmclnp such PuYm�r'tf. TNSta shall paY aQ tax�s ond au�ssm�nts which moy b�Nvl�d upon ,. ,,...,�.;:-.y_ _ —
<br /> si rtNnt of th�whob a any '�� '�'
<br /> � g�m f k f o ry's i n t�nst h�r�in ar u p o n this OMd of Trust without repwd to arnr law thot moy b�Kwct�d in�pO ^Y P°�
<br /> ..;r.,:,;�..���
<br /> � ,. ' port ih�nof upo�tM B�r�fkiary. ---=:,-�•r�--�
<br /> ' 6.A/�1i�1 tiMS�i Mt�eNM d�fki�1���h•Trustor sholl mak�all polrmmts of IniK�st and principal and poyme+ts of ony r.�,.?�°r�!'�
<br /> � � oth�r chap�s,f«s and�xpw�s�s conirottad to be poid to anr e�istiny If�nhold�►s or afor b�fkiori�s und��any prior dNd of trustd'x fm he
<br /> . tpop�b�fa�N�dot�►h�y a�d�1�4�""t and praept�Y PoY ond dischorp�an�and all mh�r li�ns,cloim:a chaq�s which naY I� , . . . _�
<br /> s�curitq qront�d h�r�in.lf Trustor fails to muke ony such poyn+ent a fails to pt�form i c����^�������ts�8en�ficiary's hnf _
<br />-� ' DNd of Trost,or in an�pria mortyape or detd of trust,of if any action a praadinp _
<br /> t�rest in tt�PrnpKty,i�c�ud'mq,but not limited to,eminQnt domoin p►ae�dinps,or pra�sdlnps involvirp a d�andeM,or if Trustor fails to pa�
<br /> � Trusta's d�bts qmaraMy os they becane due, then B�n�ficiory,at &naficiary's option and without notice to ar demand upon Trustor and �
<br /> without releasin{�Trusta from any oblipation hereunder,may make such appeorancts,dlsburse such sums,and take such action as is mcessary T•
<br /> , to protect Beneficfary's interQSt intlud'mp.but not timited to,disburaenwnt of roasonable altorney's fees,payment,purchase,contest or com• ,
<br /> promise of any encumbrance, charge ar lien,and entry upon the Proporty to mok�rapairs. In the event thot T�ustor shall fail to prxure in•
<br /> � surance or ta poy taxes,assessments,a any other charyes o�to moke any payments to existirg prior lien holders or beneficiories,Beneficiary
<br /> moy praure such insurance and make such payment.Any amounts disbursed by 8eneficiary punuont to ihis Parapraph 6 sholl become additional � . , . �K
<br /> indebtedness of Trusta secured by this Oeed of Trust.Such amauMs sholl be payoble upon notice f�om Beneficiary to 7rustor requesting pay
<br /> mant thereoi,ond aholl bear i�terest irom the date of disbursement at the rate poyable from time to time on outstanding principal under ihe � 4 ;u;�,=,;
<br /> � � , Nme unless payment oi iMerest ot such rate would be con►rary to applicoble law,in which event such omounts shall beor interest at the highest � -�,:�;
<br /> � � rote pe�missi b le un de r a p p l i c a b l e l o w.N o t h i n g c o nt ainod in this Para g ro ph 6 sholl require Beneficiary to incur ony expense or take ony action �, �
<br /> ' hereunder. ' . `''''�
<br /> , � �' . 7. Attlon�el 01 Rmts.Beneficiary shall have the right, power and authority during the continuance of this Oeed of Trust to collett the J
<br /> ' ' rems.issues and profits of the Property and of ony persanol property laated thereon with or wifhout tokiny possession of the property affected -�,.:
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby obsolutely and uncondirionally ossipns oll suth rents,issues ond prafits to Beneficiary.Beneficiary,however,hereby , ,y�
<br /> consentc to tiu�Trusta's collection and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they ac�ue and become paYable so long as Trustor is not, E
<br /> ,:;�--
<br /> at such time,in default with respett to poyment ol any indebtedness secured hareby,or in the performonce of any agreemeat hereunder.Upon , : __
<br /> ' any such defavlt,BenQficiary may ot an�time,either in person,b�oqent, a by receiver to be appointed by a court,without notice and without �
<br /> � reqard to tFw adequacy of any seturity for the indobtedness hereby sotured, (a)�nt�r upon and take possession of tfw Property or any part i
<br /> . ; theraof,and in its own name sue for or otherwise collact such reros,issues ond profits,includin9 thos�past due and unpoid,ond apply the wnw.
<br /> lass tostf and ��pQnses of oporotion ortti�ullactian �ruludirtg scesonobk attor!�Ys fees. upon any indabtedn�ss saured her�by,and in such _�
<br /> � ordar as Banaficiory moy detarmine; Ib)perform such ac�s ot rapoir or protection os may be nocessary a proper to conserve tFa value of 1M '
<br /> Property:(c l lease the same or any part thereo��a such rental,�erm,ond upon such conditions as its judqmQnt may dictotQ or terminote or ad- � �
<br /> � just tha ttrms and eonditions of any eMisting lease or leases Unless Trustor and Beneficiory oyr�Q otherwise in writing,ony applieation of rents,
<br /> ' issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl�ot Qxtend or postpone the due date of the instoSlment payrrwnts as prorided m said 4
<br /> promissory note or chonge the amount of su�h mstallments. The entering upon ond taki�q possQSSian of the Property, the collection of such
<br /> , rents. issues and prolits,and the opp�icotion thareof as aforesoid, sholl not woive or cure any defuult or notice of default hereunder,or in• �
<br /> validate ony act done pursuont to such notice. Trustor olso assigns to Beneficiary, as further security for the pe►formance of the obligotions
<br /> � secur�d hereby,oll prepaid rents ond all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with soid Trustor by any lessee of the Pro- .
<br /> perty, to seture the poyment of ony rent or damages,and upon default in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to `
<br /> � deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. Oelivery of written notice of Benefitiory's exercise of the rights qranted herein,to any tenant ot- '
<br /> �upying said premises shall 6e sufficient to require said tenont to pay said rent to the Beneficiay until furfher notice.
<br /> I g,Co�d��atbn.If title to ony pat of the Property sholl be taken in condemnotion proceedings,by right of eminent domain or similar action,
<br /> or sholl be sold under threot of condemnation, all owards, damages and praeeds are hereby ossigned and shall be paid to 8aneficiary who shall
<br /> � apply such awards, damages and praeeds to rhe sum secured by this Deed of Trust, with the excess,if any,paidto Trustor.If Trustor receives
<br /> ony notice or other informotion regording such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to beneficiary.
<br /> Beneficiary shall be entitled, ot its option,to cammence,appeor in and prosecute in its own nome any such action or praeedinys ond shall be en- ;
<br /> titled to make any compromise or senlement in connection with any such oction or praeedings. ..
<br /> q, p�m�p��Not E�elu�iv�. Beneliciary sholl be enti�led to enforce payment a�d performance of ony indebtedness or obligotions secured
<br /> hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other agreement executed in connection herewith ar any Iaws
<br /> now or hereafter in lace.notwithstanding some or oll of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby moy now or hereaiter be other-
<br /> f wise secured, whether by mortgoge.deed of trust, pledge,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the acteptance of this Oeed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whether by court adion or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined,shall prejudice or in ony manner offett
<br /> Beneficiory's right to realire upon or enforce any other security now or hereofter held by 8enefitiary, it bemg agreed thot Beneficiory shall be
<br /> entitled to enface this Deed of Trust and any othe�security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order and monner as it may in its ob-
<br /> solute discretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of ony other remedy herein
<br /> or by law provided a permitted.but eoch sholl be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> existing ot bw or in equity ar by statute. EverY Power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed ef Trust to Beneficiary�r to which it may be
<br /> otherwise entitled,moy be exercised concurrently or independently.from t�me to time and as often as moy be deemed expedient 8eneficiary
<br /> ond it moy pursue incons�stant remed�es.Nothmg herem shall be construed os proh�bitmg Benrf�ciory from seeking a deficienty judgment ogoinst
<br /> � the Trusbr to the e�tent such odion�s permitted by law.
<br /> 10. T►atfa of PropM�t AttumOtion.I(all ar any port of the property or any mterest there�n is sold. tronsferred or tonveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Benefitiory's prior written consent.eMCluding la)the crention of a lien or encumbronce subordinate to this Deed of Trust, (b)the creo-
<br /> � tion of a purchase money security interest(or hausehold appliances. Ic1 o tronsfer by devise.descent or by operntion of law upon the deoth of a
<br /> _. _.. �_.....�..,ia:..•o.o�r �f IF1fPP �anrc or less not contoining an option to purthase. Benefitiary may, ot
<br /> �oint tenoni vr (di inr yiu��S �� ..��r �a�•�..�.- ....- -- •
<br /> Beneficiory's option,declare oll the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be�mmediotely due ond paya6le,or cause the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> of defoult,Beneficiary shall hove waived such op►ior�to accelerate if,prior to the sale, tronsfer or conveyance, Beneficiary and the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferred reoch agreement m writing that the credit of such person is satisfoctory to Beneficiary and thot
<br /> the interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rote os Beneficiary sholl request.
<br /> . I
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