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<br /> . OEW Of T�IKT �'a ��
<br /> ' THIS TRUgTp�ED,m�de thb 23 de f Marc h t9 9z by nd mo� David Staroetka ��,a
<br /> �� -•� � 6 Chriatine A. Star etka us e a� w� e t ononte n common anriy 1�. �ta oe"�ca ane .
<br /> whaa m�il(np addr�a k$tarobt � �iueban� an w��o. 2210 Circle Driva Grand I oland NE 68801
<br /> � . (horein"Trwtor")��ndllt N/�0�wMso maping Addraas i�P.O. 8oK�97.Wood River�NebraskA 88893,(NereM"Truuee��and"B�fkluy��) �'`�
<br /> FOR VAlUA9lE CONSIDHIATION, includinp th�ind�bt�dn�ss ird�ntifi�d Mnfn ad th�trust h�nin crwt�d, tA� rK�ipt ot which is Mnb� I _
<br /> � aknowbdp�d, Trosta(rr�vxabl��raMs, transfrrs,conw�s, and assipns to TrustM, IN TRUST. WITH POWER Of SAIE,tp tl�bm�iN and
<br /> s�cu►ity of B�fkiary,w�da o�d wb��ct to th�t�rms ond conditiais of this OMd of irust.the r�ol p►opQrtY d+suibod as tollows: �- _�-=-�---------,_---- -
<br /> , r�—
<br />� Lot Sixteen (16) and the North Seventean Feet (N 17') of Lot Seventeen (17).
<br /> all i.n Slock One (1). Stewart Place Subdiviaion. in the City of Grand island� �
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, excepting certain tracts deeded to the City of Grand ____
<br /> Island aAd racorded as Document 1188-101715 and Aocument U88-101714. ___
<br /> � :•� �_-
<br /> All of Lots Fifteen (15) and Seventeen (17)� Block Four (4) in College Addition � , ,.
<br /> to West I.awn in the City of Grand Island� Hall County,Nebraska. . _
<br /> � � '' - —.�
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<br />� � 70GEtM6k WiTH,dl ren�s, pro(iis,royaliies,+ncome ond athcr benelits derived from thP rool property:all Itases a subleoses tovering the _
<br /> .- •�.
<br />, real propartY or any portion tFureof, now or hereofter existing a entered into,ond oll riqht, titla and interest of Trusta th�reunder.oll in• j�
<br />� tQrests,astot�a othw tlaims,both in law and in equity, which Trusta now hos or may hareafter atquirQ in the red property;all wsements.
<br /> riphts•of-woy, t�nenNnts,hereditaments ond appurtenooces thereof ond �hereto; oll oil and qas riqhts and aofits, woter riphts ond water
<br /> stotks all rlpht,titl�and intoresf of Truslor, now owned or hereolter ntquired, in and to ony land lYinQ within th�riyhl•o1•way of ony street or .
<br /> hiphway adjaninp the reol prop�rfy, any and all buildirps, fiRtures.improvaments, and appurtenantes now or hereafter er�tted thereon or
<br /> bdaqinp thaeto. (h�r�in referrtd to as"Improvement"or"Irtqrovements"1:ond any and all awords mad�fa►tFw takinq by Qmin�nt domoin �
<br /> a b�an�praeedinq or purchase in lieu thereof,of the whok or my part of the real prope�ty.
<br /> All of tM fonpoinq ostot�, property ond interest hereby conva�ed to Trustee herein collactively refarred to os the"Property".
<br /> (a1 The poyrnent of indebtedness evidenced bq Trustor's note ol even date herewith in the principal sum of 120 000 00
<br /> twent� thoueand and no/L00-------------".---'°'°°—... _ _Dollars lS—__►--=- -- �• „
<br /> together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein,(here�n,together with ony and all renewals,modificatiom,o�d extensions thereof,
<br /> �eferrfd to os the "Note")both principal and interest on the Note being paYable in acordonce with the terms set fath therein,reference to
<br /> which is hereby modQ,the final poyment of principol and interest,i f not sooner paid and if no renewals,madificotions or extensions are made. �•
<br /> due ond poyabte on �"larch 1_r_2007 and any_reneWals or extension_thereof. ___ __ ____ _ _ .
<br /> (6)The perfarmante of each ayreement and covenant of Trustor F�erein contained:and
<br /> (c)The poyment of ony sum a sums of money with interest thereon which may be hereafter poid or advanced under the terms of this Oeed of , , .1:
<br /> Trust,
<br /> (d)The poyment of ony future advances necessory to protect the security or any future advonce made et the optionof the parties;ond ;
<br /> (e)The perfamonee of an obl'gotion of ony other person named in this Trust Oeed�o o beneficiary. ,
<br /> '� 1.M��nt of Pdndpdend Mt�nd.Trusta sholl promptly poy when due the principal of and interest on the indeDtedness evidenced by the
<br /> t� Note,and all other charyes and fees as provided in the Note,and the principol of and interest on ony Future Advonces secured by this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> , 4,werrMfy o(TfN�. Trustor is lawFul�y sei:ed and possessed of good and mdefeasible t�tle and estate to the Property hereby conveyed ond
<br /> hos the right to grant and convey the Property;the Property is free and clear of oll liens and encumbrantes ezcept liens now of retad: ond
<br /> Trusfor will warrant and defend the title to the Property ogoinst dl claims and demands. .
<br /> 3,Mei�t�n�net qd CoMpli�ne�wifh laws.Trustor sholl keep�he Property in yood condition and repair and sholl no1 commit waste or perm�t
<br /> impairment or deteriorofion of the Property and sholl comply with the provis�ons of ony lease�f th�s Deed of Trus��s on o leasehold No improve-
<br /> ' ment now or hereaher eretted upon the Property sholl bQ altered.removed or demolished withou� �he pnor wr�tten consent of Beneliaory.
<br /> Trustor shall comply withall lows,ordinances,regulations.tavenants.conditions and restnct�ons affecting rhe Property and not commit,sufler
<br /> or permit any att to be dane in or upon the Property in v�olotion of ony low,ordinance. regulotion.covenant,cond�tlon or restrKtion Trustor
<br /> shall complete ar restore promptly and in good workmonlike manner any improvement on the Property wh�ch moY be domoyed or destroyed ond
<br /> _ _�� _�_:_.i__�_�.._.,..�.,...,..,�...,�...,,�e.��i����rn��hvd�hnrpfaw nnd for anv olterotions thereof.
<br /> poy,wnwi uua,w.�w���.a�w .,,.,,.. rQ..............._...-•- -- - . _.
<br /> q, M�w�ne�.Trustor,ot its expense,will maintam with insurors approved by Beneficiary, insuronce with respect t o the Improvements ond
<br /> personol property,tonsfitutinq the Property,aqainst loss b�fire.I ightning,tornado,and other per�ls ond hotards eorered by standard extended
<br /> eoverage endorsernent, in an amount equol to ot least one hundred percent of the full replacement volue thereoi and insurance against such
<br /> other hozards and in such amounts os is customarily carried by owners and operotors of simular properties a os Benef iciory rnoy require for�ts
<br /> protection.Trustor will comply with such other requirements os Benefiiwry moy from time to time request for the proleNion by insuronce of the
<br /> inferests of the respective parties. All insurance policies maintained pursuont to this Deed of Trust sholl narna Trustor and Beneficiary os in-
<br /> , sureds, as their respective interests may appem, and provide tho t there shall be no cancellotion or modificotion wnhou�no less thon 15 days
<br /> � pnor written notificotion to Benefi�iwy. In tlw event any policy hereunder is not renewed on or 6e!ore 15 doys prior to its exp�rat�on da+e
<br /> Benefitiary may praure such insurance in accordante with ihe provisions of paragrnph 7 hereof.Trustor sholl delivn to Beneficiary the original
<br /> � policies of insurance ond renewnls thereof or memo copies of suth polities and renewals thereof.Failure to furn�sh suh insuronce by Trustor or
<br /> renewals as required hereunder sholl,ot the option of Beneficiary, conshtute o default.
<br /> ' �
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