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I1 , .: -.�Ir�,. �.,: � .f 5 ! ��..i��j. t , ._ U_ _ -�.w;,, �..�...._.�� . .-- <br /> . � I���u r��`fdf 1 f y �'i r r..r---- ` ---._. —-- ------- <br /> �' ��_. �E:�.tL . ����.-,. . I �+.'i,..'�.-- <br /> . _ _ <br /> "-- - � . . .t "..... .. ' . .. ..�:,.:__ .. <br /> � .'j���or.,�,��:,�;V�. ' - _'`°- ,,.---- ---..._ <br /> .. , �'A�,�j�h.i6lsCY.}��,. . .r'-i:i-:.__ <br /> .�- , �.,�:�:. <br /> �� �a� :. 92— 102 348 <br /> ..,, ,.,�°,��-}�: , s, Il��nrd or propeMy laaut�ncc. &�nowcr shull kcep the impravements now cxiating or hereufter crectod on the <br /> "' ;";`���,�!; pruperty in.r•urai u�{uinst lu�ti hy li�e. iwiArd� in�luJ��l wiihin the term "cxtcmferl�uverage" und any nthcr hu�.�rds. including �;__ <br /> f1�NK1w��r OiH�ling,fi�r whirh l.enJer rcyuire+ in�urancr.�hall Ix muimuinMl in�he um�wiu�wxl for the pedads <br /> " � �. ���•� th•rt lxndcr rcyuins. TIw in�urumc currirr prav�dinR thc imurunrr.rhull tx�rhn�cn by &�rruwcr suhjcrl k� l.cndcr'. appruvul <br /> ' .° •�r, wl►ich r.hull ai� tx unreuwn•rbly withlxW. If 1�►rruwrr i'uil+k► muiotnin r�wcrugc dc.rrii►�J uix�ve. I.rnJer muy,a� l.ender's <br /> �,a..,:.� ,,.�:,..�, -- <br /> ,�,� .;,,.... opti�x�. ��Muin c��vcrugc a►prutec�l.cndcr'�righ��in thr Proprny in�xc��rdanrc wiih purugraph 7. <br /> ...._ � AII intiurunce Fx+licic�un�1 renewul� �hrll he ucreptaMc to lxnJrr und +hull incluJe u s�undurd monFuge clru�e. l.ender <br /> .. - �-; tihull huvcihc riglx a�Ix�ld Ihc pnNrir.and rencwal�. U'Lendcr rcyuirc�. f3�rrowcr.hull pruuipily gi�c�u I.cuJ�r aU rcccip�s of �_ - _ - <br /> ' ' ' puid prcrnlu ms und re�ewul nuuces. In Ihe even�nf I�i.rti, &►rmwer.r•hull give prompt nrnic�to the inxurunce currier und L.ender. � <br /> . lxnJer may nwkc pr��f at'latiti il Mn nwdc pr��mptly hy Horrowcr. -- <br /> Unksti I.cnder unJ Rimower ngrce in w�iling,imurnnce pr�x���lti shall he upplicJ to restorntion or repair af�he <br /> F` � ,; Property darna�ed,if the re�lorution.�r repair i�economicully fca.cible und lAnder's ticcuriiy is nat le��cned. If�he res�orutian or — <br /> ' �'� repuir is not a�namicully fea.ible or l.cndcr's securiry would lx:Ic�sen��i,the insurance prixceds shull be s�pplied to �he sums = <br /> , �� ., � �ccurcd by �his Sccurity Inc�rument, whether �x n��t thcn duc, with Any exce+ti puid t•►&�RUwer. If Borcower ubundon�the N — <br /> ., Property,or dciex not an+wer wilhin 30 duys�Mnice frum l.enJer�hut the intiurance carrier hus offered ta setde a claim,lhen �.; T <br /> �: <br /> � '� I.ender rnay mllect the in�urunce p�oceeds. L.ender muy use the procerds a+ repuir or restore the Pr�iperty or to pay wms — <br /> � � " �: ssecured by thix Security In+trument, whcther or no�thcn duc.The 30-duy peri�xl wil l begin when thc notice is given. ._r+�- <br /> '° Unl�s I.ender and &►ROwer otherwi,e ugree io writing, any applicution ot' pnxecds to principal shall nrn extend or �_• <br /> ' �t ne the due datc of the monthty puyn�ents rcfeReJ to in purugruphs 1 unJ� ��r chunge the amaunt of the paymenls. IP �`"�`_`�,� <br /> .. . P�• Pp � <br /> � ' � under paragniph 21 the Prnperty is ucyuired by Lender, Bonawer's right tn any intiurnnce p��licie.und pmceed,msulting from <br /> � . damage to t Ix Property pric�r to the ucyuisitian shall to I.ender to the extent of the sum�secured by this Secunty Instrument �= �.- - <br /> � � immediAtely pri�x io thc acyuisition. �.+. <br /> " 6. Occuponcy, Preservation,Malntenonce and Protectiun of the Praperty;Borrnwer's I.u�n Applkalton:Le�seholds. ` - <br /> � . Bormwerxhall cxcupy,extablish,and ure the Prnpeny a�r Bcirrower's principal rc+idence within tiixry Jays atter thc cxecution of ��`-�?�,-- � <br /> ^r`::��,;.-- <br /> , this Security Instrumem unJ shall c��nlinue to occupy the Pmpeny ati &irrower's principal residence for at Ieu.t one yeur oRer , <br /> , �,_ ..,. � the datc of accupancy,unle.r•;C.ender�xherwise writing, which cunscnt shull not be unreasunat+ly withheW, or unless -.��_;;y' <br /> �a:a!+.:ti!:n---- <br /> . extenuutinF circumstances exist which are t�eyond Horrnwcr's cunlml. 6orcuwc� ,I�ull nut dc.Uuy. Jauwg� ur inipair thc .�_...___._..�.. <br /> .. ° � Property,nllow Ihe Pmpeny to detcrinrulc, or rummit wastc on the Propeny. &�rrower xhull hc in dcfnult if any forfciture "`"'" <br /> �t::. <br /> • actian or prceeeding. whe�her eivil or criminal,is hegun thu� in l.encicr'ti gixxl fuith jud@ment ccwld rctiult in forfeilure of ihe ..•�- <br /> ' criull im uir thc lien crcuteJ b this Securit Instnrment or I.endcr'ti security interest. &nrowcr ms�y �-'�-+,'`�"'_ <br /> ,. rroperty or nthenviu mnt y r Y Y <br /> cure such a defauh und reinstate,as provided in purugraph I R,by ruu�ing Ihe actinn or pr�x��ling to he dismis�ed with u ruling „A•'"' ".,�� <br /> T that, in I.e�der's g�l failh detcm�inution, pnduJes fircfeiturc i�f the &�rrowcr'ti intere�t in the Pmperty or other mwrris+l —::�h-�°=:� <br /> �� impairmcne af the licn crevted by thi�Scwrity In.rwment ��r Lcndcr's �ecurity intcrest Borrower �hull ul��� t�e in dcfault if : , :ti� <br /> r• �`��,�• i <br /> ' . &irrower,during the loan uppl ication pnxcsti.�uvc mutrriully 1'altir or inuccurate int'ormation or statcmentr tu lxnJer lor failed - <br /> . �o provide Lender wilh Any material informationl in connection with the luan e�•iJenred by the Note, including. hut n�n limited � <br /> to, represen�di��n�coixerning Bomnver's�xcupanry of the Pn�perty as u principal residence. If thi,Seruriry Instrument i+un a <br /> leusehnld, Borr�wer xhull comply with ull thc pri�vi.i�►n. uf thc leuse. If Borrower ;�cyuires fee tiQe to the Property. the ,�,;:,�,,,�., <br /> � �� leasehold nnd the fec tiUc tihull n�K mcrgr unlc.s lAnder agrcc�tu the mergcr in writing. �, . . .. , <br /> • � 7. Pirotection of Lender'x Rl�hts in Ihc Pn�perty. 11'&�rruw�r fuilx��►perf�xm�hc covenunts and agrecmcnt�runtuined in W��,_�.�,� � <br /> . this Security Intitrument. or�h�n i� a Ie�!al pnxceJin� thut muy �ignitirandy uf(cct Lender's righls in the Propr.rry (such ati a .;, ;;;, ;_ _ <br /> prcxeeJing in b:�nkruptcy,pr�ib:�c, tiir c�mJcmnation ur fi�rl'ciwre or tu cnti,rcc luw�i�r regulutionsl,then Lender muy do and • '-"__ <br /> a for whatcver i, n�es.•r ta mi�rt �Ix vuluc�►f thc Pru n und LcnJcr'ti ri�ht�in thc Pra n L.�:nder'.actions may •' '�'�`�� <br /> P Y rY P Fk y k Fk Y• ' °. - <br /> � � inrludc i un swn+ .ccund h• a licn ahirh hu� riorit� ovcr thi� Srcurit In+trument, u .�rin� in couh. in `'"� <br /> Pay� Y 5 P > Y PP�' b I�Y � <br /> •' reasnnuble attarneys' fces und entering��n dk PruFx:rty to mukc repuir,. Althou�h LenJer muy tukc uction unJer thi. paragraph f�`=- <br /> � ' • ' 7. I.ender d� niN have tu do xo. �°'�••`-�:w- <br /> . Any txnouniti disbursed hy L�nJcr under thi� paragraph 7 shull hccome a�lJitiunal dcht ut' &irmwer ,�cureJ by this „'.;�,;,�,;,� <br /> � ' Security Insuument. Unlrss Bormwcr and lxndcr ugrre ta ather trrm�ul'p•ryment. Ihe+c umount+ .Nall Ikur interest fram the -�==='"= <br /> , date of diclwrsement ul thc Notc rate u�xl tihull he puyublc, with intcrc�t. upun n�Hicc t'�ian Lender to Borrowrr reyuc�iing -�- <br />