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.,���. ,.1�� . .. :;� _-- ._ .rr�.. <br /> �. a:�i�.1 ,. .. -:�'_. .. _ <br /> ._ . .. ...3ri�,�ii�tri4'�..�. ,i-. . ".,,: . <br /> . .ds'',���'+'M1�ie;' .. • . __--- J <br /> . c._._�.... <br /> „a.r <br /> ..__y,n�-+-vw_. <br /> �� <br /> .�u..r. .s........� -.'_ '_" -. __._' _'__.,_ <br /> —_._.__ <br /> :; :► . 92- 102348 �:_;�R u� <br /> ��;�..:,.,::��.��`�, .:." . . : <br /> x ,�.��,,�,�y;,;;.z, .,.,.� TO(lETHER WI'TH all the improvementK now or herr.ufter erectod on�he prnperty,end all e�ementa,apFwrtenwnccw,qrd �;,�;,r, <br /> ���iL..�_�J..�•J4.1.:.:'111���h` ; fiatures now ar here:ifter u pan of Ihe property. All replurements utxl adJilianx shall ulru� Me rovcrcd hy thi+�Security �__. ;`.,,.��_ <br /> -- ,�►-. -� '�F ��� <br /> T�-'" '�>'..� '`:." ---- <br /> � In�trument.All uf Ihe foregaing ia rcfcrrcd�o in IhiR Sccuriry In,lrumcnt us�hc"Prn�x:ny." <br /> �t :°i.:��''�.�.,S.b� . <br /> •n -�� •. .,•-• BARItOWER COVENANTS thot Rc�R�wer is luwfully Rcisal oi�thc estute hcrcby ronvcy��l and hu�thc riRhi to gmnt und <br /> +•� ;. ,.,•�f.: ' —_. <br /> . convey the Prnpeny und thut the Property is unencumhered,except fiir encumhranceti ol'r��ittd. Rarri►wer wurrun�s n�ul wiU q��,, _, <br /> R <br /> . � � '�,�r� •, defend generally the title�o ihe Pr��perty agaimt ull cluims und demundn,subjcct to uny ei�rumh�unce.uf rrrurJ. ���.4rr._;�:�,_` <br /> � �';. �• THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT rombines unifixm covenunts for nutinnal uk und nan-uniform covenums whh limite+l <br /> +'^ .,___ ...;.Y`_:,-.- vtuiutions by juriFdiction tu cunrliwle u uniforni sccuiity ii��.lnimcnt�ovcring rcal pmperty. �,,,""=�-::—-_--- __: <br /> �` � � �� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower und l.ende�covenunt ond ugrce us falluws: <br /> .� ,,< �. ` :�.•' '.._'���' . 1. PAyment at f'rincfpAl pnd Inlerest: Prepayiaent und l.ate Chwrp�es. Bnnowc� +hull prumpUy p�y whrn due Iha <br /> .,' , � : pr�ncipal af ond interest on the debt evidenced by the Nme And any prepuyment unJ lutc rhurgc�due under thc Nutc. �=•'�'�°r��'" <br /> �• � 2. F�unds tor Tnx�pnd Inxurance. Subject to upplicublr luw ar tu u written wuiver by I.endcr. &�rn►wcr �hall puy w �.'.�8��1;0�. <br /> ��.,;. ..���` L.ender on the dny manthly payments ure due under the Notc,until the Nute is puid in full,u sum 1"Fund.")for. lu)ycarly tuxes �'-''�°-'-`-m�""- <br /> ��._���. <br /> �.:,: <br /> .. . and aesessments which may uttain priority over this Security(mtrument as a Ijen c►n thc Properly;(hl yearly leaseh�ld p;iyn�ents r...=,�__.--..--� - <br /> s ' • • , or graund rentc on Ihe Property.if any:lcl ye�rly hazu�d or pmperty imurunce prcmiums;lJ)yr.arty tlood insurrnce premiums, �:s_, <br /> ' � : •� if uny: (e)yearly martgage insurance prrmiums. if any:unJ(� any tiumr puyuble by &►rn�wer co I.e�nder, in accnrdance with � � __�___ <br /> . . :' the provisions of parngrnph 8. in I:cu��f the puymem of m��ngagc innurunce premiums.Thesc itcn�.s ure adlcA"E+crow izems." �.,_ � <br /> •,„', . . .�. � ` �� L.endar mny, at any time, callect and hold Funds in �n amaunt n�n to exrcexl thc muximum amcwnt u Irnder for a fec9eratly =� <br /> ••; � �'.� related mortgage (oan may reyuire fi�r&ttrower's e�crnw nccount under the fecleral Reul Estnte SetQement Pr.►ce�ures .�ct af ;�:.. <br /> � ''�� � ' 1974�.s umended from timt to timc. 12 U.S.C.Secti�m 2601 er sey. ("RESPA").unless another law that npplies to die Fundti �r'�'`�'°== <br /> . ;� � _. . ... ;:''�`. <br /> • �:�,��t.����� .., sets u leszer amount. If xo. LenJer may. al nny time. collect utxl hold FunJx in un umount not t�►excred the le.+�r ara�wnt. � Y, : ;;�;�,,` <br /> " � ��'�i= Leixler muy estimutc the amount of�unds Jue on thc bntiis of cunent dete und reasonuble e�timates of expanditures of future ,,F'• ._-�- <br /> ' . �'`�' �� ' Escrow Items or othcrwisc in arrnrdanre with applicablc law. '�� +1 �°'��� <br /> � ' Thc Funds shall tx: held in an inrtitution whose de ►xits arc inhured b u fedcrul u enc , imtrumcntalit nr cntit tv y �' <br /> p� Y 8 Y Y• Y �r�._-- <br /> (including Lender.if Lender is surh un institutionl or in nny Federat Home I.oan Bank. L.endcr.hull upply thc Funds�n puy�he ���� <br /> ��;..,-: <br /> .. ,�.t„_,;;,. ,��_. Escrow Itcros.l.endcr n�ay nat char�ee&.rrowcr fon c�ilding und upplying thc Pundti, unnuully thc c+crow account. or fa, � <br /> . verifying�he Escrou•hrm�,unless Leader pay�kiorn�wer imerest un�he Fun�l.wiJ aNNli..�bt�laa•permits L.ender to make���ch �`���'°-=� <br /> � � • , � a churge. However, l.ender may rcyuire Borrower�o pry u one-time chnrge for un independent rcal ey�ute tax rep�irtinR .ervicc .���>,..?•i,,;.: <br /> ' •� ., used by Lende� in cnnnec�ion with this loan, unless upplicuble law provides athcrwisc. Unle�� un ugr��mcnt iti mude or „ •�,, _ <br /> " ,, . applicable luw requires interest ta be puid.Lr.nJcr shull nu�6c rcyuired to pay Borrowcr uny intcres�ur curningti nn the Fundti. �_�,___ _ <br /> Bc►rrower and Len�er rnav agree in writing, howcver. �hut interetit shull he paiJ on the Funds. Lencler zhull givr t�Borrowcr. R�a= <br /> - - without charge, an annuul uccnununF nl the 6undx, tihnwinF cr��ii��un�i dcbiiy tu ti�e FuiiJ, �+nd the purpn.c fcir u•hi�h esch �'�'� • <br /> ' �,:,;:� , debit to the Funds wuz madc. The Fundx arc pledgcd as aJditiunul ticcurity li►r all sum�+ecurcci by this Scrurity Instrurt�nt. ,•�• : .� <br /> , '�•i.'"'` If the Fund�held b��Lender excecd the unxwm, permitteJ tu Ix held by upplicuMe luw, l.ender,hall uccount to&.rmwer ��'�t'�s� <br /> . ,�.•.. �.t•, <br /> . ' for the excexs Fund� in uccordunre�vith �hr rcyuircnunts of applirublc law. If the anH�un�of thc Fund.t�eW by l.cnder •rt any � ,� `'' <br /> ' , time iti not sufficienl N�puy the Exraw Ilcm� whcn duc.Lcixlcr rnuy u�n���ify &►rrower in writing,und. in�xh rasr B�xrower ����� <br /> � shall pny to L.enJer thc amount ne.r.xury tu makc up ihc detiriency. &►rmwcr r•hall muke up lhe Jeficiency in ne�mnre Ihan ..,,,••,� <br /> .� <br /> , twelve nKmthly paymen�,.u� L.enJer'+ti�dc Ji.rrrtion. - �, -� <br /> W P'Y ,�.,.nt <br /> - U m a ment in full uf all .um. +crured hy thi. Scrurity hi�trument. LenJer�hull promptly rcl'wxl a► B��rrower uny �' :..� <br /> •• FunJc held My L.enJcr. If,unJer puruErapli 21,l.ciulcr+h:dl uryuirc�►r,cll thr Prupchy. LcnJcr, prior tu thc uryuisilinn or+�Ie :;.: _v <br /> .� � • of thc Propcny, .rhull upply uny Fund.hclJ hy L.rndcr at thc�ink��i aryui�iticm i�r�ulc as u cr�dit again�t thc�ums sc�ured by .�.` <br /> this Sccurity Inrtrunxnt. `;y. �" <br /> ,°�;, 3.A icudon of Pa•ments. Unlc.�u licahle law ravidc�olhcrwi�c, all a nknt.a�ceivecl b l.cnJcr unJrr ru ru hs ' � <br /> PM S Pr P p'9 Y p� E P .`r,,_.,;� <br /> 1 and 3 tihull Ix: upplicd: iirst. to uny pr�payment rhurEe�Jue wNler thc Nutc: ,ecand, t.►anx�uat�pu��•rble und►r para�ruph 2: ;,�n;_ <br /> third.10 imerc�t du�:f�wrth. tu primipal Jur:und I� any la�c churEc�Ju�unJcr thc Notc. � ' '�''' ;- <br /> .. 4.Chory�eh; I.Iens. B�►rrnwcr,hull puy aU tarcti.ati.c..mcnl+. rharge+. tineti anJ imEx►sitin�i.aaribui•rhlr tu the Pr�Kx;ny •.r "-=`"�-"- <br /> �_,h::_—._ <br /> which muy uuain priorit�•�»•cr tlii. Scruriry In.trwn�m. anJ Irasrhuld paynknt.ur grounJ r�nt., if au�•. Borri►wcr�hull pay • .,��:�. <br /> • ' thexc�►Nligationn in Ihc numnrr providrd in puragruph ?.��r il'nut paid m thut mumkr.F3�xrowcr.h•rll pa�•thcm im tinx dircctly • �_ <br /> � to thc perni,n mved puyment. &�rr��wcr.Iwll prum�tly furnitih tu I.enJer ull nutire+cif anwunt.tu hc paid unJcr thi�paragruph. . ;"::�',---- <br /> If&�rr��wcr nwkr�thr�c paymcnh Jircrtl}•.Burr�►�vcr ,hal I prumptly I'urni�h tu Lci�icr rcr�ipt.cvidcncing thc puymen�x. ' :t;�'�;�-�; <br /> , `:,� . � &►rcowcr tihall prumplly di�rhurNr any licn ��•hi:h hu,prioril}•occr thi� 5ccurity In.trumrnt unlr�r&�rr��wcr: 1ul ugrce� in r .' . �"�� Y. <br /> writing�a thc pa)�mcnt uf�hr ubligutiun.��:ur�tl hy thc licn in:���,,��,n�r:�..���:�ni��.�i.�„a«: �hl ci�ntc,t�in g�xxl faith thc licn :,�r.. ' `,•.,�.' <br /> • . .,��., � by. nr dcl'��xl� ugain.rt cnli�rccmrnt nl' thc licn in. IcEal pr��cc�tlinE. �vhirh in ih� Lcndrr'. ��pini�m ���xratr a► prevcnt the '. . <br /> � enfiircenunt of Ihc lirn:ur 1�1 xcurc.I'rum thc h�dd�r�H'Ihc lirn an agrr�mcot,ati.tart�,n k+Leixlrr,uhurJinaling Ihe licn lo . <br /> � thi.S�wurity In.trumrnt. If(_indcr drtcrminr,�hat an} r:�n��I'Ihe Prn�xnr i,.uhj«�t�,a lien��•hirh ma�•:�ttain ��rwrit� �,ver � <br /> �, � thi.Sreuril} 6�,trmncnt. Lrnd�r may gi�•c fiurr��acr .�n��urc idrmil�ink Uir li�n 13.m,����r.h.dl ..di•f� ihr lirn���•tak� unr or l <br /> �.�,' � . m�xc uf thc:�ciiun.�ei lunl►ubo�r w i�hin lU J��„�� ;:ir���i:iL��I n,,urr <br /> � Form 3D28 8l80 ' <br /> ', � . ..���- <br /> , <br /> 'r ' <br /> ; � <br /> ,� I <br /> � _ .., . . . <br />� <br /> '. <br /> ' <br /> I <br /> . . � — -- — — -- — <br />