���f.l� ..u.�.•a!/�Ii .. JYf.__. ^ � �.; .S _ �x..
<br /> ._ y ..• _ � �� ..' _ :. . -__ __- ___.... ._.—.._.
<br /> � (+� � I ' ' _ _ _____ ._ _"_'^� .=�:y
<br /> �I�.' '- _
<br /> YI , %iri(i.-�. - ...__`...
<br /> �yMt �1�.Yw.' .
<br /> . - �nY4.{�k���ti:; . ._ --� .
<br /> N^
<br /> � ' '�,..-'°'.'�" _ _ ' _ ____ _ -•_..-
<br /> �.�,�,� . �; ��`;._ _1(l 2 3 41 _- - --
<br /> ,'�v , 92 _
<br /> ����`.
<br /> �;:,��_ �,,�' II Lende�requ�red mortgeqe insurance as a cond�tion of makin4 Ihe loan socured by Ih�s SeGUr�ty Inslrument.
<br /> •��„���.,,,. i a h.,�►
<br /> S, '~ ' 6orrower shell pey the premiums requued to mamtam tha�nsur�nce in ellecl untd such t�me as the requ�remenl forthe
<br /> ' • - �•��h'�' ���' mwrance termmates m accordance w�lh Borrower's enA Le�aer�s wntton eg�anment or��pplicAble law
<br /> ' •' � � (���p��p�, Lender or�ts agent may make reASOn�blo ontnc!s upon:md inspections ol lhe Property Lender
<br /> • . %y:'"•';`s ' . shall qrve Borrower noUCe at the Ume ol or pnor lo an mapechon specdymg rr.nsonnble cause for the mapecUon —
<br /> .:: � ' : .«; 'e
<br /> ^,�t,,,.... .,,. ' Y. Cond�ntnNbn, The proceeda of�ny AwArd or clA�m lor dAm�ges,d�rect or Consequential.m connccUOnwit h --:
<br /> ,. � .__.....
<br /> _ ..- _._...- ---.._� --- :
<br /> any condomnaUO�or other takmy ot aoy part ol thu f'ropu�ty.ur lor corneyance in licu of condrmnnhen Art± ere y ��Y,-,_ -.�.
<br /> ��' " ' ' ess�qned and ahall be paid lo Lender �`"''!"-
<br /> �����J������^�'•��' In ihe event ot a tolal taking of Inn Proqerty.thfl procecrds shall bo�ppl�od to iho sums secured by�h�s Secunty �F�•••��-='-'�"
<br /> - ,,,.;,..,.., . _. � Instrument.wh�ther or not Ihen due with any excess pald to Borrower In tne event ot n ps►:tial tak�ng ol the Proporty. _
<br /> unlesaBorrowerandlenderotherwiseagreei�wnt�ng,thHaumsBecuredbythisSaCUntylnsirumenishiillber�+ducedby _ ;S�
<br /> j � � ' the amount of the proceeda mulUpl�ed by Ihe lollow�ng hachan (a)the total amounl at ihe sums srcured�mmedialely
<br />�4: • �iL•—i ••�l`�-.��
<br /> �� � belornthetaking.dw�dedbylbllhefanmarketvAluaolthePrqpo:ty�mmed�atelybelorethetaking Anybnlanceshallbe �c�'_�
<br />�' " . • pa�d to Borrawer _ __
<br /> • If Ihe Proparty is abandoned by BorrowQr,or d.aller not�ce hy l.an�l�r to Borrower thet ihe cundemnor o(fers to �_�_z____
<br /> '��� � makean award or sottle a cia�m for damages Borrower I�ds to rospona to Lender withm 30 days after tho datethe nol�ce is �,._„.R
<br /> : �'"=^_�
<br /> �� � � . grven.Lender�s aulhontedto collect and apply the proceeds.at itsoption.Rrther to iestorat�anor repair oi 1heProparty or -�-"� "�
<br /> ' t0 the sums setured by this Setunly Inslrumenl.whether or not ihen due ��J} �1.i,
<br /> r�H' •M��. '3� _
<br /> Y. • ; � � Unless Lender and 8orrower otherw�se agree m wnUng.any application ol proceeds lo pnncipal shall not ezt9nd or
<br /> ���� • �� postponetheduedataof lhcmonthly paymentsreferredto�nparagraphs!and2arcnangatheamountolsuchpayrnents �{�_,;-k
<br /> - " � 10. 8onow�r Not Ral����d; Forb��ra�c� By Landar Not a Walv�r. Extension af the t�me tor �aymRnt or �1 },_
<br /> � �� ° � modiHGation of amorifzetion o1 the sums secured by thfs Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in •
<br /> � interest of Borrower shal l nat operate to release the liabflity of the orlgmal Borrower or Borrower's successors in mterest. ���u-;:
<br /> �,::..;�:.�
<br /> ' Lender shall not be required to Commence proceedings against any succeasor in interest or re(use to extend tirne lor ; ..,,_.
<br /> � payment or otherwise modify amortizaUOn of the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument by reason of any demand '�.�
<br /> made by the original Bor rower or Bor rowe�s successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender�n exerasing any right or �•__
<br /> < 'y remedy shall not be a waiver ot or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. -�-��..=�:.,�
<br /> .._.�.u...,:��_.:+,.. .. eu:_.,.....:..,,.;-_ :
<br /> r
<br /> • .. `,,�° : 1L SueesooraandAsslgnsBound;JolntandSeveralLiabilfty:Co-sfqnerc. Inecovenantsandagratmenlsutl��s },w:;.,.d...
<br /> SeCUnty Instrumnnt shall b�nd and benetrt the succ�ssc�rs and assigns ot Lender and Borrower.sub�ect lo the provisions ,�c4�.�'����
<br /> , , ol paragraph 17 Borrower s covenants and agre�ments shall be �oint and se�veral Any Borrower who co-signs this ���L
<br /> Secunty�nstrume�l hut does not execute the Note lal�s co-sigmng this Secunty InsUumc�nt onty to mortgage.grantand __ _
<br /> � convey that Borrower s�nterest m the Property under the Ierms ol Ihis Srrc:ur�ly Instrument (bl is riut personally obhgaled ��=-"-'"-
<br /> zh+sa:t:,. +�...-
<br /> � • c � ���� mnnt �n�1�r�irnnns th:�l Londer and anV othc�r BorroW�� �n.ly agreo to �' " :
<br /> --_- °_ to PdY ihe ewn5 5ecure�b°.h;�...CC:°'.; . ....r!7.... - --- _ ..
<br /> . 1-- �
<br /> extend.moddy.torbenr or mak�any accommod�lions wrth i�qa.d t�ihe�r�ims c�l th�s SeC�nity InStrument or IheNote ��` `
<br /> � ' wdhout�hat 6orrowFr s consent
<br /> . 1Z. Loan Cha�ges. If the loan securr.d hy this S��CUnty Instninx•nt�5 tiuhµ'cI t0�t 18w wh�Ch SE•ts maximum loan ,,, �r
<br /> • Charges. �nd lhAt law�5��nally m�c�rprntc�d sci Ihiit tho n�t��rost��r nthrr Iqan �harg�s collected or to be r.ollF�cled in ��.` -.l _
<br /> ' ' connecUon w�th lhn lo�n rxce�d thE pramdtc�tt I�m�ts th��n �.�1��ny suc1i luan ch�uqe sh:�ll he� reducud by Ihe;�mount --=- —
<br /> 5��, necessarytoreducethechargetnth�prrm�lta�tl�m�t :uutlhl:fny5umsalr�:tdyccNlr��lodlromBnrrowerwhicheRceedcd ___ --'�_
<br /> �.... . permrtted lim�ts wdl be ►efunded to Burrow�� Lrndri m:�y�h�s��s��In m,i�v th�ti irlund hy rrclucm9lhn prmr.ipnl owrd �,�a•"•_.�'t�!'�'°;..
<br /> W!u]t■rVF
<br /> � " undertheNoleorhymakmq�duer.tp��y�i��'��ItoCion��w��� If,�i,•Iwul�ocfuc��tip�inr.ip,�Ith��iedut:t�nnWillhntr��ted�13A �g9ry�}Cr"
<br /> • parUal propayment wdhout.�ny pi�•{�.iym����t rh.uqr��n�to� th�•N�m� •q+Trl�ta- _
<br /> �. .,: i ..
<br /> . 13. LeqlslatlonAllectinqLendar'nRlghts. urn.�Un��•n1ui��xpu��Uu���d.�{�{�hc.�hlt•I:twsh:�slh����If��clofrrndrrmg '�..' , -_
<br /> • Any provision of the No�orn Ihis S���.unty InShunu�nt u�umlrnr.�•.�hb�-u c o��t�n��tn�IS h•ims L�•ndoi.�iI �ISOpOun may '" _
<br /> '�_� ° requue�mmedial�paymentinlull�if.dl�,unLSi�ru���,ltiylhis i��iu��lylrst�unu�nt.uvin��ry�nw,M��.iny�vm�•rL�rsper�miltcsd i
<br /> • . by par�grAph 19 H L�ender ��xere.ist•s Il�is c�pticm L��ndf•r �.h;�ll Lik�� tti�• tito��r. tip��c.�ht�A m tho tiocond p�rngrAph of ;���i:'.:-
<br /> paragr�ph 17 '. _, -
<br /> . 14. NOtICe9. Anynatia�toBrnrnwoi pmwdi�d t���in thisS���u��ty Intil�umnnt tih;�il n����rvan hyd��livrnnq itor by �, .. _'�_
<br /> " �, ' m�ibng rt by fust class ntad iu�lrss.�ppliCnhlt•I.�w rri�unrs ua.��ul.inuthoi �urthud Tn��n�Hn�•tih:ill h�+�1ueCted tothr ,T
<br /> Iht�r�ddrr�ss Bunow��i drsii���.�I�•�hy nnt�i r tn l����dt•� Any nut��r tci Londrr 51�a11 b����ven hy ��:, ,u'� �_
<br /> , ,_ Property Addr�ss or any o .. ,.
<br /> . � fustclassmedtotender's,iddrrssst�trdlievrinrn,u�y��tli�•i.iHcl�rstiLe�ndt���lrti�yn.ih�st�ynulic��t��E3nn��wi�r Anynalice �r7'z��'e�rli=
<br /> . . -id..��.K:
<br /> ,� , prov�dedforinlhis5c•cuntylnStium�•ntsh:tllhc��tr��mrtltoh;�v��he���nqivontuBc+rrnWr�n�l,���d�rwhrnqivrnasprondc�d . •..•. _.
<br /> , m Ihis pArAgrnph ,~:,�.cl_..;s'-.-:
<br /> ';,,'.,,, •- . .,�,... F.:_.
<br /> •a,T•;:.`.-!_
<br /> �•�'�:' 15. Governing Law:Severabillty. Th�s;i•cu�ily In�.t�umrnt tih.711 h��q��w�������t hy trd�•�:�I�.iw.1n�1 Ih� law ol the �- - ��.:
<br /> .�....-;
<br /> •�"h�K�'_.
<br />• . �unShcCUon In WhiCh th�Property�5 loc:d�d In t�ir��vrnt tliat.�ny�„c�ws�„����� ��+u�,�•��f th�s ti����n rty Instiument or thc� i�'• . , -
<br /> Noleconfhcts with appl�cnblFlaw suCh Gcmll��t�,h��ll�int,�Il���t ulh�•i ��iu��ti�o�����I thiti Sr�wity Intitnim�•nI ur IhcNUt��
<br /> � . � � wh�chcanbegivenr(lectwithautth���nntluhnqprnv�s���n Tuth�ti��ndth�•����w�sinntiutlhiti5�•i.u�itylnshwnc�nl:lnAthe
<br /> 1 NOte ti�c�decl,ir�A Io hi• srvor;�hlo �
<br />� ' � 16. Borrower'aCopy. e��i���w���•.hdll h�•�p�rn��iu•��,nl�,�n•�.1 ,��,:,d t���•f�,��r.u1�1,�t fruti S�v unty Inslrumrnt
<br /> 17. TransferotlhePropertyoraBeneliciallntereatinBorrowe�. i'.��i�.,.���vi,�+���,tu���r��,�{���ityur���yn,t�nr5t �n
<br /> � �I�SSOIdurlransfc�rrrA (c1�if�bc�n�tiCial�nlor�tit�nH�,n�nv,•i ���.��1�� ,�t�.�n�.h•�r��d.�n�ll3n�r��vi�•i�,nnt.�ndluralE�ivsonl
<br /> II _ w�thoutL��nder':.priorwrdti•ncc�n«�nt lt�ndr�me�• .rtn,�,��hn�� �.•�pwe•immr�fi,�to{,dyn�onlui+ull�itJlls�unStit�cuird hy .
<br />� _ . IhisSocunlvinstrumcnlHawove•rlh�sn�it�nn�.��.�lln,�tl��•r.�v��•.�.�11�v1 �.���1�•��f. ...��-�tio�����uNilnl<•dhyfrdo�a�l.�w�is��l
<br /> mo datr ot th�s Si�riudy Inshum��nt
<br />� IlLtndPrC%�2rhti��5lh�tiUptiui� Lrn�1�•�••I�.dl��i�r[irnn��•,rrn��h�� ��I.r.i�•I�•�dt���n Th��nqticrtil��dl���„vu1�•:�p��n�id
<br /> • 0111011t'SS Ih��n 30 d(lyS f rU�l�thr rl:llt•Ihr nt�hc��iti drl���•i���t.n n+.til,�.1 7.�thin ti•�hit-h 13n��nW�•r q1u5t pey dll tiUmti y.Pl�uP�1�ly .
<br /> �hiSSt�tunfylnstrumcnt uBu�r��wr�t.ui�tn;�.iyth��ti�•tiun�:�i�i��rt•�t'io.,a��ii.ihunuttni�{��•��0�1 lf�nq��� rn��Vmvok�.lny
<br /> �emed�os���n,�ttrd�ty this�r�iii��� In•;r�im�•nt Wilhnu��u��l�,•� n�.��� •.n �1����i.lndnn (3n�r�;•.v�•r
<br /> 18. Borrower'sRfght toRelnslafe. ir R��r�,��y��� ����•�'Iti���rf.lu� t i�n(1dn��i> Bix����yr�•.1�.111 h:hr tlu•i��ht tnn:��•r
<br /> PI110�CQIflP11��)IIhiSSPC:UnIyII�StrU�nrntil�tif�)nUnu�•,1.it.i�l��tiln�•�ttu�rli�t�le���.1rIn��Uf �.115ddytil���<ut�Il,,tth��pV�ulq .15
<br /> .�. ..� .�.,•a.
<br /> - -- ------_ _ � ;�pphcable law may sprcdy���i r���nc�at�monn i,i•iu��•ti,d�•���i���•P�..��.•�tr�'•��,;..r�:;t„.;r;i%:•;.:�::.. .:�..:::...::��:•_. •......
<br /> I 5ecun�Ylnstrumont.ot Iblon�ryut,f�uUym�•ntrnlcu�in��thr.5��111��lYlntillllltl��n� �hUS�'��`�1d�hUllti.11f`1h,ItBnnnWri 1.�1
<br /> � p7y5Londt�rallsums�vhidtlhonw��W4h��due�undrrtluti5�vuntyln�t���m��nl,�n<11he�Nu���ti.idru�,�er��lrr,�t�nnucewre�d
<br /> (h) t'uft�5.lny ACldull�))dny nlltr� t'ocrn.lnib��r .up��rmrntti �i 1 {�.iyti .111 t�y�rn5r5�n�u�rrq �n�.nfrn�inq Iluti 5rnif ity
<br /> I Instrum�mt �nclu�linq hulnutlm�d��dto r��as��n,�hl�•.�Ihun��y� t��rs .�n�f�d�t.iti,•s�ucr�,i<�t��,n,+sLrndr� �n.�y,r,tticm,th�Y
<br /> + requrtrfo:155UrP�h.t�th��h�•nol�tuti$rcun�vlritihum��n� 1�m�1rr�:�iqn�tiuith��Prop���t�•�1r�iBnrrrnYriti��hh�LNu�nlu��.h
<br /> ' Ihe sums s��cur�vt hy th iSSrcunty Irxtiumrnt tih.pl�i,n��nur urn li.7nq���1 I Ipnn���inti�,ttrn,��nt hv Hunmvri this`,i�•CUr�ty
<br /> , inSlrumc�nt.ind Ihi�uM�qlhc�nti s��ru����11i��n•hv�;n.ill��vn.un 1�d���•th•i 1�..�,�s.f nu.�r,o����.u�,u,i�.�,t�,<<uurd H���tir����
<br /> Ith�g nqM b rA�nst.t�e Shlll nol:tpply ui�ho c:i5r UI dcc��lo���tu�n unAri {�.uaq�.tpn5 t:i iir 1;
<br /> i �
<br /> i
<br />