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<br /> —��,,K�.�i,;;,�;,',. . UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenaM and ag�ee es followa:
<br /> " 1. Paym�ntotPrinclpol�ndlnMrat;Pnp�ynNntaadL�MCh�r�„. Borrowershallpromptlypaywhenduethe
<br /> • � , prinRlpal Qt and intereat on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ` � "' � � �. Fund�forTax��and lnwnna�. 3ubject to applicable iaw or to a wntten waiver by lender,Borrowershall pay
<br /> �- y ' � to Lender on the dey monlhly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a aum("Funda")equel to
<br /> 's� ,_r --�--_. . _ .
<br /> �a " ;a•'' one-twelfth ot;(a) yearly taxes end assessments which may altaln prionty over th�a Secunty Instrument: (b) yeary °���- �°-��_--- -
<br /> � � � Isuahold p�ymente or qround renta on the Property, if any: (c)yeerly hazerd insurance premiums;and (d)yearly o
<br /> � " ' mortgege insurance premiums,if any.These items are called"eacrow ftems".Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> � ' ' basis of current data and►easanable est�metes of future escrow dema.
<br />� TNe Funds shall be held in an institution the depos�ts or accounts of wh�ch are msured or guaranteed by a lederal or
<br />�' "'�"�-� . stale agency(includfng Lendar�t I.ender is such an institution) l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> ., � . � - Lender may not charge 1or holding and applying the Funds.analyzmg the account or venfying ihe escrow items,unlesa
<br /> '' �� � Lender peys Borrower interest on the Funds and appl�cable law perm�ts Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and
<br /> � :
<br /> `,�• •- , Lender may agree in wrfting that�nterest shall be paid on the Funds Unless an agreement�s made or applicable law
<br /> � � requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be requlred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funda.Lender
<br /> � � shall give to Borrower,withoutcharge.an annual accounting of the Funds showmg credits and debits to theFunda and the
<br /> purpose tor which each deb�t to the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as additional secunty for the sums secured
<br /> . '�:.�r� • .,�!^'��. by the Security Instrument. _
<br /> �;";'-. � If the amount of the Funda held by Lender.together wilh the luture monthly payments of Funds payable ptiorto the
<br /> • � o • due dates ot the escrow items.shall ezceed the amount requ�red to pay the escrow rtems when due.theexcess shall be,at
<br /> . • Borrower's opt�on,either promptly repaid to Borrower or credded to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds.If the —°,i�s�
<br /> '� amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufticient to pay the escrow rtems when due.Borrower shall pay to lender any r4__
<br /> ^ amount necessery to make up Ihe deticiency in one or more payrnents as requ��rd by Lender �,.,=_`
<br /> Upon payment in lull of all sums secured by this Secunty Instrument.lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any R:';'
<br /> � Funds held by Lender If underparagraph 19 the Property is sold or acquued by Lender,l.ender shall apply.�olater than ���•;•.:�,!_u
<br /> �� .
<br /> -v�- . --,. - immedistely prior to the salp M the Property or �ts acqu�sition by Lender.any Funds held by Lender at the time ot �n��^ ,_ _
<br /> • , " applicatlon as a cred�t agamst the sums secured by th�s Secunty Inslrument i..�' _
<br /> 3. Appllc�llon ol Paymants. Unless applicable law prov�des otherwise,all payments received by Lander under
<br /> " � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied h rst,to late charges due under the Note:second.to prepayment charges due under i , _r,` �
<br /> the Note:third.to amounts payable under paragraph 2:fourth,to interest due:and la&t,lo pnncipal due. • _
<br /> /. Charyes;U�M. 8orrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges.fines and impoaiUons atlributable to the l.-.---.—,-.--:-. � "
<br /> - �. Property which may attain pnoruy over �h�s�ecunry insiruma�d. d�'�d laas&hoid peymc^:s or grou^^ rer.ts.�f a�y :��-_�°-=.,°. -
<br /> � gprrower shall pay these obligations in Ihe manner prowded�n paragraph 2.or�f not paid�n that manner,Borrower shall r.` •`m4
<br /> ��.T_V-' _ �--
<br /> � � " pay them on Ume duectty lo the pe�son owed payment Borrower shall promptly 1urn�sh to Lender all notices ot amou�ts to , ,t,-•..-�j.�____
<br /> • be paid under Ihis paragraph H Borrower makes these payments duectly. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender t�.,;y,ti�r„��. `y
<br /> , receipts ev�dencing the payments ����ry
<br /> 1�.=.:--
<br /> Borrower shall promplly d�scharge any hen which has pnardy over th�s Secunty In5lrumenl unless Borrower(a) � ��.�'
<br /> � � ' ° agrees m wr�Ung to Ihe payment of the obligaUo�secured hy the lien in a manner acceptahle to L.ender.(bl contests in ���`*°
<br /> �•-'��� �- .�. ..��
<br /> " good tatth ihe hen by.or defends against enlorcement of the I�en�n. IQgal proceedmgs which m the Lender's opirnon �•_
<br /> �.;'_''"a�1',�v-..
<br /> ^ � operate to prevent the enforcement of the hen or lorledureof any part of the Property.or(cl secures Irom Ihe holder of the � _._.-_
<br /> lien an egreeme�t sAt�slACtory to Lender subordinriung the I�en to Ihis SQCUnry I nstniment H Lender determines lhat any � r;;,._��_
<br /> •. �� partofthePropertyissub�ecttoalienwh�chmayattainpnontyoverlhisSecuntylnstrument.I.endermaygrve8orrowera : -,
<br /> � notice�denUlymglhohen Borrowershallsat�slythel�enortakeoneormoreoflheacUOnssetlorlhabovewithinl0daysof ( ..
<br /> � the gnring o1 notice f _
<br /> � 5. Ha=�rd Insurance. Borrower ShAll keep the�mprovements now ex�sling or herealter erected on the Property
<br /> ' insured against loss by hre.hazards mcluded within th�term"e■tended cov�ra����and any other haza►ds for wh�ch �•' � � � • .
<br /> •� ' Lender requires msuranco Th�s�nsuranco shall hem��ntamed m the amounts and(or the penods Ihal Lender reqwre5. I� •..`
<br /> ThemsurenCecarnerprovid�nglheinsuranceshallhechosenby6orrowersub�ectloLender�sapprovalwh�Chsltallnatbe ` �.;;�:�-
<br /> " unreasonably wdhheld � "^;
<br /> All insurance policies and ren�wals shall be accoptahli�to Li�ndor and shall�nclude a standard mortgage clause. ''+�"°;-
<br /> Lender shell have�he nght toho�d the pohci�s and renew:�ls It L�•�der reqwr�s Borrowc��shnll promplly gwe to Lenderall � •�.
<br /> • ` receipls of paid premiums and renewal noUces In tlir.evonl ol loss.Borrowor shall gwe prompt noUce to the InsurenCe , :��_;_�
<br /> ' Calner and Lender Lender may make proof of loss�f not made promptly by Burrower i �=.�
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrowor utherwise agree m wr�t�ng.insuranct�proceeds shall bo apphed to restoration or repau ';';�;�
<br /> �� ' � ot the Properly damaged.d the resloration or r�pau is i�conor.ucally feasiblr and Lendc�r s secunty�s not lassened H Ihe �
<br /> ' .1�.':� restorahon or repau is not econom�c�lly tpas�ble or Lend��r's secwdy woui�i be lessimed.the msurance proCeedsShall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by th�s Se�cunty Instrument whelni�r ur not Iht n du�� w�th,iny t•xcess paid to BOrrower If
<br /> Borrowf�r abandons the Property.or does not answf�r wrthin 30 days a notici hc�m L�nAo�that Ihe�inSUrance cdrner ha5
<br /> � Off2red1o5eltleaclaim.IhenLc�ndermayco�lertthrinsu�arn:�•p►oci'Pds Lrnderm:ryusetheproceedstorepavorrestore
<br /> t , the Property or to pay sums secur2d by this Secunty Instru�nr.nt.w��r�lhir or not Ihi�n r1uc� 7Nr 30-day period wdt begm
<br /> ' when the notiCe�s given -
<br /> UnIe55LenderandBorrowi•roth��rwi5���lqre��u�wnU��q ,���Y��PPI��,�t'�"��'��������'t'ASt�pnn��palsnallnotoxtendOr
<br /> , poStpone lhe due datA ut thc monthly p.�yments n�f���f��1 to�ri p�r aqr.ap�is 1.fn�1?„i c h+�nqo Iho amount of th�payments It
<br /> under paragraph t9 th�Property isac�l�ured by Lendi�r_6orrowe�s��qht t�>n��v���tiiu.u�cr poi�c�es and proceeds resullmg
<br /> � ", tromdamagetotheP�opertypr�ortotheacqu�s�hunsh,iupa5stc�l�����1�vtolhri•ati�ntuftht•5umssecuredbythisSecw�ty
<br /> ' . Instrument immc�dsttt�ly pru)r to thP:�cqu�SibUn
<br /> 8. Prese►vetion and MafMQnance of Property:Le�seholds. E3oncivrr� -��,�n nul d��struv ��r aan:,�g�or substan•
<br /> hally change the Property.allr�w th��PropertV tv d�lon.irat��o�cur.im�!��•��st�� II tl��ti St�r W ity Instrum��nt�s on n Irasc!hold
<br /> a.....,�.,o.cr,an rmm�lv with the nrov�tiions Ot th��Ir�ist�.a��d�I Hor rowrr:iru�u�� s h��+tdlr to R���P���prrt� Ih�le�dschold 1nd
<br /> _-.—_- IBQ t�tle sh:tll not mf�rgp unl�ss Lt�nder 1gn>rs lu Ih�mr��7�'i m wii����q
<br /> 7. ProtectlonotLender'sRightsinthQProperty:Mo�lgagelnauronca UHo�row��r�a�lstop�•rlurmtr„�cuv��n.+nts
<br /> andag�eemCntsconta�nedinlhisSecunty�nsUumt�nt a�Ihi�re�s.il�q.�Ipr��c��t�dinqth.i�m.iy5iy�����c.�ntlydlfpctLe�nder5
<br /> nghtsmlheProp�rrylsuchasaproCeed�ngmbankruptcy prohatr �orcu��dumn,ihun��rtuemlpre:i���w5orn�qul.�UUnS1
<br /> then Lender m8y do and pay for wnatever is nt�ci�ssa�y������utr�t Itie�v.i!u����I thi�ProprHy dnd Lend�r S����h�� ui thi
<br /> Property LendeYs act�on5 may include p,tY�nq any ;u��._ St�cun•ii bv ,i ��e�n wrui'h h.�s pnui�ty ��v��r U���tircurity
<br /> InsUument-appeanngin�ourt pay�rig�c.tsunable.iR�nn��yti I��r�,�nde�ntt•�uiu�,nt�����'���G,rrtyt�sm.�h��in�i.lus Alth��uqh
<br /> Lender may take act�on under th�s parag�aph 7 L�ndrr durs nut h,+ve�tu 4u s��
<br /> Any 3mounts d�sbur5ed by Lender under Ih�s p.uag�aph T sh.dl bi�cc�m��.utd����,��.���toht nt f;u�r„wrr ti��iur��d hv th�ti
<br /> Securitylnstrument UnlessBorrower,indLenderay�eeloothertermsu�p.ry�»����� ����'s�'���"�'�,nt�:sh.►iihr.irmtrn+sthom
<br /> ti the date ot d�shurcn�,�,nt at thc Noto ratr Jnd Sh,tll ttP p.ly�lhlr W�th intt����ti� ut����� nqhi e� hi,ni��mi7��r h+B��rriiWrr
<br /> � requesing payment
<br /> I
<br /> i � �
<br /> i
<br />� � __ - .-.
<br />