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<br /> G,ASSi�h`RAENT OF 4C�SS5.Upaa i.csuirr'A rcqurst. E�orrov►er sbalt as�n w I�nder sil{e�sns c,f tha �
<br /> pcnp�ray aud sll sacwity dr,�osit�madc ia wnax.ti�oa with kafes o€ttjc ProQarty.Upo�a ttr��ssi�tuna�t,Y.ecder -
<br /> slLf!�va tAe r3;tei to modify.e�tSCad ot tevmin�ue 1he txiYtiag ieases�ui co execuio u�w i�.u� i,caxf�'i�w�
<br /> di�cra�oci.As usod ia tbis pr�n�G,iho wotd"ktso" sh�ll�ue�o "subiease" if ihe Stcuri.Sy Instrtuneat is ou s .
<br /> ba9o'doid.
<br /> Bortowu abso�utely aad uaconditino�sUy ass'tga9�ad Or�nst'as Eo l.�ackr�ll ttu reuts aad reveAUes("Reuts")af tbe
<br /> Propetty,r�atdlcss of W whom tAa Reats of the Ptopaty are payable.Sarower autbotius L.ender or I.a�Cer's
<br /> �geats W eollect the Reats,aod agroes ihat eac1�tensnt of tAe Anperty shall pay ttse Reats to I.ender or I.encirr's
<br /> a�d�ts.F[owevar.Bcxrowv shtll tootive tbe Ren�uaW(i)I�er h�glvea Bocinwer notice of default putsuant tn
<br /> psra�r�ph 21 of tbe Sacurity lawuman aad(ii)L.e�nda 4�aivm antioe to the t�awat(s)tdat tbe Reots u+e to be
<br /> paid to La�der ur I.aukr'9 q�eat. '11�is assi�nmer,t of Rents ooasd0ues aa absolute 4ssiQnme�t md aot �a
<br /> atsi�meat far�dclitioaal sotxuiiy owly.
<br /> If Len�er Qivcs aotice of bcr�cb oo Borrovev:(i)al!Renis roaivod by Bomower sl�all be he3d by Bcxrnwer as
<br /> w,�ae fnr the lraet'it of I,r�der oolv.to be i�OS+od W tl�e sums socutnd by the Sxiuity Insaumeat:(ii)I.et�da s�all
<br /> be eatidod b wljeci aad rac�ve all of tbe Reais of tbe Property: (iii)Barower qgrus that ach W�aat of tGe
<br /> PmQerty sN1l p�y au Itants aue usd unpaia w t.enaa«t,eod«'s�g«us upm l.m�aes's wrinea ae�x a the
<br /> tewa� (iv)ualess�pplicabb law provides otbawise,tll Rwts collected by I,eader ar l.enda'a�eats shs�ll be
<br /> applied fust to tt�e oosts of t�icin�control of aad mna�giag tbe Pmpaty aod coilectie�the Raus.iacludii�.but not
<br /> Wait�ed w,�uora�Ys' fees,raceiva's fas,praaiva�s oa rxeiva's boads,nepair aad maiata�acrae ce�su.;^�,"••,�•
<br /> premiums.tues. a�asq aod otba ch�rgca o� tLe FreQr�ty,and tbea Oo 1he wms aoccured by the Secutity
<br /> Iastnuoeat:(�)1.eAde�r.Lcnder's�;aat�a anY i��Y��rocdva sLall be liabbe q accoant for oaly tLooe
<br /> Reats acxu�lly roceieod:�ud(vi)E�der slnll be eatitled to have a roceiver sppoinced to talro pom�essioa of�ad
<br /> auaage tbe A+uQaty acx3 cdbct the Reats aad pe�ofits daivod from tba Propacty witltic,ut aay showia�as to t�
<br /> �4�Y���Y as�eaaity.
<br /> If�e Reots of the PtnDe�qr �re not �c�t to cover tLe c�sts of talds� 000trol of aad man�� �Se
<br /> Pro�y yod of oo�e�og We Raus aay f�ods ea�peaded by Ireat3a for such p�uposes st�all bocooie�d�cboo�r�ss of
<br /> Ba�m�et tu I.esde sec�,uad by dio SectQity Ic�tcummt purw�nt tn Unifam Co��eaant 7.
<br /> Bnrowet repcexats aad wx�ants tbat Bamwer Ats not exea�oed�aY Prior msignmeat of tbe Rea�aod Las
<br /> mc aoa rvill not pafo�m my.ec t�ie w�a,w prevenc r.mdv fcom e�corcica�g its rigr.ts unda aiis��.
<br /> IRader.a I.enda's agants or a�y appainted reexiver.stuU eot be required oo mla npon.tai�e caotroi
<br /> of or m�iotr�the Prooatv befoc�e ar�Aivia�t aoti�,�e of default W Ha�ow�ar.Ho�,Le,�da.a I�der's
<br /> -- . ---.. _._ _�rats as a A�i�axd rxeiv=r.maY do so st aay�ae�hea a�:k oaysrs.Aay�of Rents .
<br /> shall aot cure a waive sny default or invaW)ate any otbex iight cr rcmady of I.eackr.'i�is�t of R�ats of
<br /> the Pmpaty ct�ll termia�t�a�bea ail tl�e sums sec�u+ed by the Socsuity Ins�ua�eat are paid ie fi�U.
<br /> L Cjt08S-DEFAULT Pit0VL40N. Borrower's def�ilt or b�+eacb unda say aoie or agreement in
<br /> M6icL L�eader hao�n in�arst shsl]be a bceacb undrl cbe Sax�rity Ias�umcat aod I�ada mry invdce�ay of tbe
<br /> �+emafiw pamit�ed by tbe Sec�ity Iasuvmmt.
<br /> BY SIGNIIdG BIIAW.Haro�er aooepts�ad�gt�ees ro tbe lams�od pcflvi�ons c�m�aiaed io tLis 1�F�mily
<br /> Rider.
<br /> �
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