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<br /> �-4 FAIVIILY RIDER --
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<br /> 11�II$1-4 FAMII.Y ItIDfiIt i9[i1�de ttds 29TH �y�' APRIL , Y996 ,�]js =.
<br /> iacotporated iato sind shill be det.meA ta aaund and suppknau the Mott�a�e.Dood of'Itusi or Socurity i�d(the =
<br /> "Socuriqr Insavmeat")of the same d�te given by tAe uisdc�signod(tho"Boaowa")w socure Borrowa's Note w
<br /> �.`-w7-_,�YM`
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<br /> Of t�1C i�i10 Vil�:�COYGli1��1C PIOpd1}I�C9�?i�Od 111 ttiC$OCUt1R}I TAStt�DCA�9R��OCi11R%�8[: �
<br /> 812 RSDWOpD AQAD
<br /> C�AADTD I&I,AI�ID. NSSRASKA 68803 -
<br /> (�"-m;Ad3n��) _
<br /> 1�4 FA11t0.Y COVENAN7'S. Ia addition W the covwtwts ao3�,�ts made io ttso Socuricy Irtstiumea�
<br /> Botmwu�ncl�3er f�utber oovannt and ngc+oc�falbws:
<br /> Pc�ty deacr�od ia the Socurity Iastruma►t.the fdbwi�y ataas ace adcled�o tbo�hoQerty descniption,aad sl'�ll
<br /> �S wawiniLe tLe R+�paty covaed by tbe Security�ast�um�t buildiqg c�aterialz,�p�iianca wd Qoods of�esY
<br /> a�aue wLatsava now or hueafia bcaited ia,oa�ar asecl.or iarcs�do►i m be uqed ia panectioc.�im�t�c Propa�ty.
<br /> lacludiag.but aot liu�ikd w.thwe for d�e purpous of sup{�lyiag or distn'butiag beapqg,coolia�.e�tricitY•B�.
<br /> �t�a.aa�nd ligbt.fa+e pe+eve�tioo and exti�uishin�a�p�a0��securitY�ad acass aontrol appsratu�,Fluaibiag.
<br /> btb oibs.�rata MatKS,arAta�cluse,ts.sinks.raa8es,sooves,refsi8aatas.dithwash�s,disposals,washers.dryac.
<br /> iwnings.swrm win8ows.stonn doors.scraeAS.Wa�ds,shades.cmtains aad unt�ia rods,auacbcd m3cra�s.cabiaas, _
<br /> p�oe]fiag �od attachod tba covaiags noa a baeafter attached w �he PmQaty. all of whicb, ioclu�W�B
<br /> re�lao�mts aod adaidons d�reta shau be doasyed w oe aod rawin a parc of the Pc+oQaty cova+ed by t�e Satiuicy
<br /> Io�uo�su All of d�e faeB�B mYetbar w;th tbe Pfropeity aesrn'bed'm the Secu�ity lagtnunwt(a dse la�old
<br /> ea�ate if tbe Sea�ity Imorumeat i� w a kasei�oW) n+o refarad to io t� 2-4 F�y Rider and We Socurity
<br /> IasONmeAt as tbe"Piopaty.•
<br /> _ • a�e�v�n��nnaao�e�v.r^�N.r.:.w�g wrna t �vt, n�..�. .��.w,e ..� .e..�.� x� n. n�.rw w
<br />- w v�•• .�1..w. ..�� �r^ -.' -.- - __.
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<br /> BO[lOIY�l i1i111 CO�Iy Wlfb � IiWS. 0[�10�OCS. IKQ��i0a1 � IOql11[Ctlft�CS Of �ly �OYtlOmtattl b0�►
<br /> �pp3ic�le 10 eh�PtnQaty.
<br /> . C.SUSORDIIVAIE I.IENS. Sxapt as pamitted by feda�al law,Boaowtr sh�ll not aibw aay liea infaiar
<br /> . b t�o Sec�uity I�ummt t�be perfoc.ted�the Propaty without Irmdtr's prior w�ittea peimisaoo.
<br /> D.jtENT L05S IIVSUQA]VCB. Baro�rer�hai!m�ionia iawsioce a�inst teat loss ia�dditioa q d�e d�er
<br /> h�anls far wfiich�oe is requirod by Unifarm Covao�ni S.
<br /> &"sOitjtOWF.R'S 8IG8'I'TO RE[1V.STA'IT"DELETED. Uaifarm Cov�eo�ot 18 is ddeted. �
<br /> � F.BOitiiOWF.it'S OCC'UPANCY. Un3es� L,mder aad Barrower attw�sce stg�roe ia v�nitis�. the fusi
<br /> . xata�oe in Uaiform (bveafnt 6 coocelniog Bamo�urr's ox�pocy of tLe Propzrty is ddebcl. All�in�
<br /> oo�unsi�od�roaoaeats set fact6 in Uaiform Covm�ot 6 sL�11 re�in io effoct
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