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<br /> 7YX;ETH6R R'17'k[�ll the improvcments now or hereafttr eroctod an the property, xrul all eaceo 96,�,��ci�i��
<br /> fizturcc now nr herrafter n part of t}u property. �111 replxements and aciditions sttiail alsu be coverad by this Security
<br />_ Inetrun4e+�t. Al!of the fnre�oinP is r+efttm!to in tnes 5ecu�ity Instcument as the"Pm{+erty "
<br /> BOR'ROWER COV�NANTS ttuu BurroK�er is IawfuUy s�ised of the eswte hereby conveyed arxl h�t!�ribht ta�rant arxl
<br /> c�nvey the Prapert}� and thsc the Propeny is uttern;umbered, except for encumbraiues of ra:ard. Borrow•er wur.uus �ttd u�ill
<br /> �lelend gener�Uy the title ta the YroQ:rty n�sunst aii ciaims and cien��ds, �ubject to any encun�rar►ce�oi rec�rd.
<br /> TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform ca��enarits for national usc nnd note-unifomi covenunts with limitod
<br /> vrrWionc hy jurisdicti�n t�constituLe a unifom�sa.ur�ty insiri:ment caverir��al property.
<br /> IUNIF�RI1!COVEI�ANTS.�ormucr znd Lcruier cove�nt and aaree as fallows:
<br /> 1. Nay'meut of Pria�pa! aad Intcn�sc; Prepny�uen2 aad Lnte C:t�rges. Borrowcr shall prwnpilY P�Y w�� �� �
<br /> pri�klpa!of:uxl interest c�n the debt evidenccxl by!he Note and:u�y prepayment and late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> 2. Flu�fi�r 1'wces twti Ip�urauce. 5ubject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Bormwer shall pay to
<br /> l.etxter w�t1u day nzonthly pa��mcnts are due under the Note,until the Nnte is paid in fu�l, a wm("Funds")for: (a)yearly wxes
<br /> atxl tusescments a•hich may attain priority over this Security Irutrument as a lie�i on tt�e Property:(b)ye.�rly leaselwld p�yn�ents
<br /> or QruunJ n:nts on the Properiy, if Any; (c)yearly hazard or property insurance p�tmiums; (d)ye.uly flood inwrance premiums,
<br /> if rtty; (e)yearly nwrtgago insurnnra pmmiums, if any; and(�any sums payable by�rrower to Lender, in accordaiu�e with
<br /> !!k provlciucu of par�raph 8, in tiea of tha paymeru of mortgage insuranee premiums.These items are called"Escrow Itenu.'
<br /> Ltnder n�ay. at at�y timP, mllect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum anxwnt a lender for a fater�lly
<br /> rclataJ moR�ayo loatt may require for Borrowtr's escrow sueount utxl�r the federal Feal Fsstate S;.ttlement Procodures Act of
<br /> 1974 as surxndcd fram time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"). unle�s unoth�r law tl�at applics to the Furuis
<br /> ceW a leuer wnotttu. !f co, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amcwnt rxn to exeeed the lesser amount.
<br /> Iw".7k�T fiLi i.T1�Iiw�C t}1C �tliuiiiii 8i i GTiaw" �i2C Oii u�1C �YS.ii3 3F •�..•., 1 C .1•�..«... C •..
<br /> y � �.wai.IIi a�auw wTi4 I"'�1COSW�iai.C.itilY'iwtw va�.wy�wwN�ww v� ��vf'�r
<br /> Escmw Items ar otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Fundc shall be held in an inctiwtion whose deposits are insured by a foderal agency, instrument�lity, or entity
<br /> (iocludin�Lca�der.if Lendcr is such an i�utitution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bsnk.CX+�der shall apply che Funds to pay Ghe
<br /> Esrrow ftems. Lender m•ry na:clurge 3arc�ucr for hol8ing and�pplying the Funds.annually asialyzing th:escrow account,or
<br /> verifyiny tht Eccrow Items,unless Lender puys Borrow•er interest on the Funis und appl'.cable law permits Lender to rt�ake surh
<br /> �char�e. Hawever, Lender may rcqulre Aanower to�y a ane-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> uced by Lersder in connoction with thls loan. unless applicable law provides othenvise. Untess an agteement is m�de oc
<br /> applicable!aw roquircs intercst to be paid, Lenci�r shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on th;Funds.
<br /> Borrowct and L,eridtr may�ree in writing. however. that intecest st�all be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without charge, en wuwa! occounting af the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose far which exh
<br /> debii to the i�uuudr�at m�de.The Funds arc pt�lged�add�iional secarity for ail sums securzd by th:s Se�urity Ic�sin:ment.
<br /> tf the Funds ixld by Lender cxaad the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender slwll account to BoROwer
<br /> for the exoess Futxls in xcordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heId by l.tnder at any
<br /> time is nat svffuient W pay the Escrow items when due.Lender may so notify Borraw•er in wriang.arxi,in such case Borrower
<br /> shall p�y to l.eader the anwutu neeescary to make up the deftcieney. Borrower shall ma3ce up the deficie�cy in no more th�n
<br /> twdve monthly paymenW,at L,etwler's sok discruion.
<br /> lipon paYmau in full of all sums sxured by this Sec�rity Inswment. Lender shall prnmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> Fuads beld by Lender.if, unckr pus�r�ph 21, Lender shall xquire or seU the Ptoperty,L.ender,prior to the acquisiti�n or sale
<br /> /�L_ h.
<br /> w wc r�u�a"sy,si�aii appiy any run�ixtd'oy I��tia�die time ai acqui�irion or saie as a credu�ainst tlfe S�tat SeCUt�by
<br /> tt�Security Inurument.
<br /> 3.Applk�tloo ot Payouatr.Uttless applicable law pmvides otherwise,all payn�us raoeivetl by I.ender under pnrs►graphs
<br /> 1 and 2 ch�ll be�ppllod: firu. to onY P�Y�charges due under the Noce: second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br />, thini,w interest dtK:faurth,ta principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> - 4.C6�rRe�; I.k�. Horrower sh�ll pay all tues. assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributabk to the PropertY
<br /> wl�ich may atuia ptlority over thls Security Instrument. and lezsehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower sls�l{pay
<br /> thae obliyat�in the mrnner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that n�ufer,Borrower shall pay t}um on time direaly
<br /> W the ptrtan owod poyment. Bortower studl promptly fumish to Lender all notioet of amounu to be paid under this puagr�ph.
<br /> If Bomower m�kes tbae paymetua directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender raxipts evideacing thz p�yqxats.
<br /> Bortuwer►h�11 PromptlY diuharQe any lien which has priority over this Socurity l���m�+unkss Borrowu:(a1 agrPes in
<br /> - wi�w��w i��hiytuciil vP u�c wii�iaiui�a2�ui"w'uji ui2 iaai ii�8 u�ai7ri�i aC;i,�2�ni�u�C iO i.Za��.lv)t%�licaia i�i�t�ici i�liil u�iiC+i
<br /> by, or defa�ds wgxirut enforceme�t of tht lien in. legsil proceedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � eaforament of the lien;or(c)secura from the halder of the lien an agreem�ru satisfactory to Lender subordin�ting th�lien to
<br /> thir Sxurity lnswment. If I.ender ddtrmines that�ny part of the Property is subject W a lien which may att�in priority ocer
<br /> t1�is Security Inurumeut. L,endtr may give Borrowu a notice ideatifying the lien.Bonuv�aer shall catisl'y the lien oc talce one or
<br /> more of the aaia�s ret fatb abovo witbiA 10 dayc af the giving of nodce.
<br /> � Fcrm 3o2a 9190
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