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. . � ..r/�M.� 'L SaK , _�-� 5q:t1:_F., • ...... �� � � ••.'. ..�_fi. — . <br /> „y:� �,i��.r� .S �. `1 L. � •,TS''' fj{•`�. <br /> I1 t 1� �" 'ct.. ' �� ..1, �`S.� a �r ..ryt-i1 <br /> L__ r v+ ,n.. '�' — ,..,-r.. . ' <br /> _ �� ��� . -.=:�`�*�`' _ . . . .. ,���� '""�`°' --__—_ _______ <br /> �� � .. , - . . . <br /> -:;�,., .. <br /> " _r.. - . ---- — - . .. r�' . �,�:.n.-.�-._� .� <br /> � . .. � .. �92-. ��230� �-_,:;:? --- <br /> ' ' paymentx,which urc r�ferted lo in WrugraPh 2, or rhunge�hc umnunt of�urh puymenl+, Any cxcc�. pr��ccedti over un n,�.�-:_�� <br /> • � • . umaunt required ta puy all nut.lwuling inJebicdness undcr thc Notc anci thi.Sccunty Inxtrument bhull b�puid w tho cMity =__- �--- <br /> legally entided thcr+�to. <br /> 8. �e�c. l.ender muy rollcc�fees und chargcg uuthorimd by Ihe Scrrr�ary. ��'� : <br /> 9, Grnunds Por AccelerAtfon af DebL �'�'-- <br /> Iwl Detault. l.endcr mAy,except ar IimitcJ by rc�ulution+i++urd by thc Scrrctury in�hr cu.r ol'puymen�d�f�ults, �" <br /> � ��' ►e yuire immcdiate pu ymeM in full oi ull tiumti secured by thi�5ecurity In�trumem it: ��'��T`� <br /> 1 i►Bc►rmwer dePnultti by fuiling to pny in full uny monthly puymrnt nryuire d hy I h i+Secu�ity Insin�men l p r iar -� <br /> .. � • „ �o ur un the due dnte uf�he�ext momhly payment,or �'"�=•�— - �-'-�'� <br /> 1 ii1 B�rrowcr dcfuultti hy(uilinF. for u pencxl of thirty duyti,tu pert'orm uny othcr ohligution�camained in thix <br /> ' Security Instrument. <br /> • . Ib1 Ss�le Withoul Credit Approval. Lender shall,if permitted by Applicablc luw und wilh the prior uppruvul of thc `�'w��— <br /> Secretary require immediate payment in full of all the+um�srcurcd by ihiti Security Ins�rumem if: b� <br /> �� (i1 All or part of the Praperty,or u beneticiat intere�l in u trutit nwning all or pun of the Propeny, is sold or <br /> ' o�herwiu:trAnsfe�d(other thun by devise or de�cent)hy Ihc Borcower,und �-`' <br /> (iil The{'roperty is not accupied by the purcha,er or gruntee u�his on c�r prin�ipul rer.iduncc,ur the purchuu�r �.__ <br /> ° or gruntee dc�es so c�ccupy the Properly but hi� or hrr credi� hati n��t Ixrn appmved in urcordunce <br /> with�he reyuirement+of�he Sccrelary. �<�:= <br /> (c1 No Waiver. If circum+tun�e��xcur thui w�u1J permit l.endrr tu rcyuirc immrdiate payrrwnt in full,Bu�Lendcr �:�-t <br /> doc.not reyuirc tiurh puyment+. Lender dc��nw wuive it+rights with re,pec�to tiubseyueM cventr�. <br /> � (dl Regulallons oP HUQ Secretary. In many circum+tunces regulution�is,ued hy the Secrciury will limit Lender's =- _ <br /> • " rights, in the c�.K: af paymcnt defauU�, to rcyuire immediute paymem in full und fa�ecM�+e J na puid. Thia �.� <br /> . . . Securi�y Imtrument dce�not uutharit.e accelernuon ar foreclasure�f not permitted by rcFulation�:of the Secrctury. -,,f � <br /> , lel Mort�age Not Insured_ Burrowcr ugreex ihat should thi�Securiry Inztrument,md�he nate xecured thereby nut „ <br /> be rligible for imurunce under th�N•rtional Hau�ing Ac�wi�hin 8 months f'rom thc -'� <br /> , dare hereof,l.ender iis option and notwithx�anJing anythin�!in P,�rugraph 9.reyuir�immcdiatc puymrnt in �'`=�� <br /> - ' full af all sums secured by thi. Sccuriry Ins�rumenl. A wri�ten.tatcment ai uny authoriied ugem uf thr Sccrctnry ���r;,�-- <br /> . � dated zubscyucnt to 8 months from thc Julc hcreof,drelining tu intiurc Ihix Security �'=_ �' � <br /> Ins�rument unJ Ihe note seeumd thereby,tihull t►e deemed conclu.ive pnxii'�►f such inrligibiliry. Notwi�h,tunding �:�::�-=�-� _ <br /> �:�';,� the ti�regoing. �hi.aptiun rnay na tx exerci�ed hy Lcnder when the unuvuiluhility of insurunce ix solaly due to ��}'r,iy__. <br /> . l.ender,failure lo remit u mon�;uge in,u�uiK�premiuw iu Ihe Sc�rctary. �'` <br /> �•••'�' 10. ReinstAtemenl. Borrowerhus a right ta lx:rein.t�ted if Lendcr ha. reyuirrJ immediute puyment in t'ull bccauxc �:,•:T:—�� <br /> af Borcower's fuilurc ti�puy un arnaunt Jue under �hc Nolc or �his Securiry Instrumcn�. Thi+ nEht :y�plicti evcn ufter "•':���°�s��i� <br /> forcrlasurc praceding�are in.ti�ulcd. Ti� rcinstuir �Ix Securiry Imtrun�ent, sorn�wcr .h:dl tendcr in a lump sum �+U °�'�""•-- <br /> ___ _ __ umoums requircd to brinF Borrowcrti uccuunl cumnt including.����hc extent �hry urc uhliE:uion�of Borruwcr under thiti r ;,'" � <br /> Security Imtrumen�,forecl��sure mx�s�rnd rru�onuhlc unJ customary�uuomeys'fec+and rxprme�prop�:rly u+sixiuted with • �-� ;•��•�� - <br /> the foreclosurc proceeding. U�n reinstulement hy Borrowcr.thiti Security In.tniment anJ �he ohli�uti��n.thut it ucure, �� `.�� ��,,. <br /> •'� shull rcmuin in ei'1'ect As if l.cnder huJ nrn r�yuir�J immcdiatr payment in full. Huwcvrr,Lendcr i,not myuired to�ermi� �, � <br /> � reinstutcmcm if: (il Lendcr hu+ucccptcd rrmstuicment aftcr th� commrnrcmrm nt'li�reclosurc pr�ke��ding�withm twu -, <br /> ' ' • ';i, yeur� immediutely precedinF the commencemeni ��I' u currrm tiirerlu.ure procecdinE, (iil rein�lute�mnl will precludc ':'.,., <br /> ,, , ' foreclosure on dift'emnl Fround,in ih� 1'uture.��r liiil rein.tatcment will udvcr�cly uliccl the priority ol' Ih�lien crcated by �,1;',-.�t <br /> • thix Securily In�trument. � "��': <br /> ' 11. Burrower Not Released; Horl►earance by I.ender Not u Waivrr. C:x�cn.iun of the tirne of puymcm ar r �•••�a <br /> • ... . maliiicution��f umuniialion ol'Ihr wm.securcd h��thi,S�curih• In,mroxnl Er:m�ed by L.cnJcr to uny tiucce,.or in mtere.t ��; •!��''� <br /> � �if Borrow�r ,hall nol oper:nc lu rcicas�1hr li�ihility „f ihr ori�inid Rurrowrr or Horrowcr's .ucrc�.or in inlrrctil. Lender �•�:^; ` <br /> �hull not lx reyuircd to commrnc� prucrcJ�ng� ucain.t any ,uccc„ur in inlrrc�l ur rrfusc to cxtcnJ timc ti�r paymcnt or ��• .;.;; <br /> olhcrwi�c mcxlit'y amuniiatiun o( lh� tium� ururcJ by thi+ Sccurity In,trumenl hy rra,un uf any dc�nand maJr by thr ; �'; <br /> . ��riginul Borrowcr or Borruwcr;wrrc,�on in intrm�t. Any f��rtxarancr hy l.rndrr in cxcrcisinti uny right or rcmcdy�haU � .. . __ <br /> • • not t�a wuivcr ol'or prcclud�Ilx �xercix of;my righ�or rrmrdt•. i , <br /> 12. tiucce�.surs and Assi�ns linund; .loint nnd tie�•erul I.iabililv; Co-til�ne�z. 'The covenuw� ;uiJ aErrements ��f <br /> �``;�! thi+Securi�y Inxlrumrnt,hall hinJ :mJ txnet'i�thc wrcc..on und.u.ign,��I'LenJer nnd HuRUwer. .ubjrci tu ihr pruvision� � .. <br /> ol'Pur��ruph 9.h. Burn�w•cr'. r��vrnuntti anJ agrcrmenn .hall hr,jain� unJ .rvrral. Any Burrowcr who co-��gm thi� � , <br /> Sccuriry Imtrumrnt hui d�xz no�r�cccutc�hr N�ar: �:u i+ru-�igning Ihi�Sccurily In.trwnrm unly a�m�Ktgugc,grunt and :�' <br /> convey thut Borci�u•er�in��rr,t in thr Pr���xny under�he�rmi.�►f thi.Seruriry In+trumrnr,ihl iti n�,t�xr.unull�-uhliguteJ to � <br /> ;�i' pay h}tl.i�Srcur�i�In+irum�nt:and�r►agr�c��h:��Lcndcr imd imy uih�r B�,rruw�r ma�• agrcr to cxlend. . <br /> ' mc�dify.forlx�r or makc any accottimndauom���nh rcgard�o thr Irmi.ot�hi� ticcunn•In,lrumcnl ur thr NiHC withou��hat <br /> Norrowrr;comrnl. . . <br /> li. Nutice+. Any n��ticr Io Hurc.,wcr �xuvi�kd fur in ihi, ticruri�y I�istrument .hull Ik�i�•en hy drlivrring it ���ny . <br /> m•riling i�by fir.t rla.,mail unl�.,u{�pliu�Mc la�e rryuirc, urc uI��n�uhrr mrth�al. 1'h� nulirr ,hall Iw JircctrJ ta Ihr , � <br /> Pm�xny AdJrr,ti ur um ��Ihrr aJdres+ Hurruwcr Jc.i�n:nc,h�•n�,tirc tu Lrndre ,\m nunrr tn l.cnJcr,hall tx�i��cn by . <br /> • tint CIJ��I11JII l�l Lenilcr', addrcti�,IUtcJ hcrrin ur any aJdre., Lrndrr dr.i�.n:u�, h� nnticr lu Burr„wrr. Any nntirc <br /> ' pruviJrJ ti�r in�hi.tircuri��•In.trurncnt �hall Ix• de�m�d���h:i�r Ix.n�:i�•rn t�� Horn���rr��r Lrndrr N•hrn Ei�rn�t�providrd , <br /> � in Ihi.paru�r:�ph. <br /> la. (iovcrnin� I.LN': tir�•erahilit}•. I i�i. S.ruril� In.�rumrm ,h:�ll tx• ����rmrd h� I�edrral I:�a :utd�hr law� ul ihc <br /> juri.Jic�ion in which thc Pm�xny i,loa•;ncd. In Ihr eccrn Ih:d :ui�� pruv�.iun ur rlaux uf thi�S�curil� In,lrwnrrn ur lhc <br /> Nntr contlicl���ilh applir:�blr la�r..ui N cunllia•1,h:�ll nut .ill�•�t ulh.•r prn�i.ium nl Ilti.tirrunt� In,trum�m ur Ihr Ni�tr <br /> which can ix giv�n rfl�.l withuul IIk�•unlliclin�pn���i.i�,n. lu thi.rnd Ihr�au�i.inn.ut ihi�Srrurilp In�trumrnl anJ Ih� <br /> Notr arr drelarrJ lo Ik�e�irahl�. . <br /> I5. Burrower'+l'op��. liurr����cr ,h,ll Ix�i�.n nnr runlurmrd rn�,� ul thi�tirrwn} In.num�nl. <br /> 16. AsxfRnmcnt oi Rents. liorto��rr wxnndili�,nalh ati,ipn�:ind u:urtrr+1��Lrndcr:ill Ihr�rnl, :md rrvrnu..„I Ihc <br /> • Fko�xrty. Borruw�cr authuriic�Lcndcr a�r Lrndrr'.:i�rni•iu���Ilrct Ihr i�•nl..u�d r���rnur.anJ hrrrh��Jirrcl.r:irh trnunt i�l <br /> thr F'n�prn�•lo pa� th�rrn�.ti,Lcndcr ur LcnJrr'. a�.rm.. Il�n�.•�rr. prwr t��LrnJrr'. nuhcr�u N„rnn�rr ul Ram,:rrr; <br /> hrcach��f any cuvrnant ur:��;rcrnx nl in thr tir�unl� lu.irumrnt.liurr�����•i .li:ill r��llrrt:md rrr.•��r all rrnl,;mJ rrvrnuc.�,i <br /> thc 1'ro�xny u.Iru,lrr li�r Ihr fxnrtiiut Lrndcr .iu�t linri�����r. �Ilii..i.,ignm.•m��I rrnt.c�m.u�uir,an ah.�dulr a..i�tunrm <br /> und nin an a..i�nmm�t f��r aJJitwn:d u�•unt� �,nl�. <br /> If Lendrr�ivr�nutir�•uf hrcach i�►Bnrru��rr: �:U:ill n�nl�rr�•rn•rd h�'Itarrnari .hall hn c�ld I,� Hnrru��rr a.Iru�t�c <br /> li�r Ixnrlil��f LrnJrr unh.t�, Ix :���u.•�i���th� wm. ,e.urrd h� il�c 1r:unt� In.uumrnl: �hi Lrndrr +hull Ix r�inUcd tu <br /> roUe�l:mJ rrcrivc uU u(thc rcnt, �it Ihr 1'n�pertc::�nd�:i r.i.l�!rn:mt ul Ihr I'nq,rn� .h;dl��:i� :il l r�nt,du�an�l unpaid Ii� <br /> l.rndcr or l_rndrr'.a�.rnt nn Lcml�r'.��nurn dr�iiand a��hr irn:im. <br /> Rornx�•cr h:u nu�rxcrwrJ�n� �wwr :n.i�nmrn� „I Ihr rrnl. .ind h;�. nat :md ��ill m,t �krtonn an� acl Iha� ��auld <br /> prcvcnl Lendrr t'nim r�crci��ng n. riEht.widcr thn 1'ara�!r:iph Ih. <br /> LcnJrr�hall not tx rcyuimJ turntcr u�m.ial�r r�mlml ul nr m;unl:un thr 1'ru�,ri�� Ix•lurr ,�r :il�trr �:i�m� nuurr ul <br /> hmuch u,Kurtu��•er. Huwr�rr.l.rnder ur a judici:ilh ;�p�x�intr�l �rrri�rr m.�� d��.��.�1 :m� uror �herc i. a hr�arh. Am <br /> �rr��«u�,n��r n�n,.n�n�,�n.u«.�r,,:��.�:m� drL�ult ur im:ihdatr am n�hrr n�:hl ur irmrd� „I l.endrr. I'hi.:�..iLinnrnl <br /> of nn1.uf�hr I'r„�xm�haU�rnni��at.��hcn thr dchl ,crurrJ h� thr tircunt� In�lrumrnt��p:ud m tull. <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ' ���,�c� +.q 1 r,�c, � <br /> � _ <br /> /+�� i <br /> 1 ( . <br /> i <br />