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'T� .t .. ... . , ;.. •; ;.���i`�'°�.��:r�r, <br /> , �- �v� e r,, , . . , ) <br /> .. . ..�.t���,,' _'�.���Y.. ,;,, .il?1:v:''r� � - -:k�,'r t�f7�L..r' � .15y'�L. r�a�rS:. . :i� f �.�yasu�u v— _ ��—_ ..__. <br /> L �vjy r u .�e� i��,.1� `��:::} C;�.' • ,. ,i� � . �'Pr' 7YIIr�e I ,r s nr- __ � <br /> n � • , <br /> . , .�. , .. <br /> : � , , ' '/�.}� <br /> � :: iOV.iW � ' t �1H1 71 � aS•i C� .1 ia � 1• <br /> . <br /> � ''+a:�w ' " "" .�t. <br /> kuti.. ,iR ,L"_ ..1r . � l:Jy�;.�,....u.w.a�'.wv7"e� -- <br /> . 1_ ",j! �M♦ P ���wI1M» _ . -_ _ <br /> � j.t� .t . ♦ . ' . ...a• ...t..l�'• . � _ <br /> _ �'l.t•:�\�w:.._1� . ..— _ <br /> . � �------ ---- '��I�� .__.�,_.,. ..1"--- . <br /> � � �_�� <br /> . .. � � �a=- it)230`7 �M.� <br /> , � � 1. PAyment oP Princlps�4lnteresl und I.s�te Char�e. Fiorrowrr.hull p;ry whcn.luc Ihc principul nt,und imcrc.i un, ��_°__=`- <br /> " �., the deM evidenced by thc Notc unJ la�c ch•rrgc�du�undcr the Na�c. �• ' <br /> • , 2. Munthly poymenla ot TAxeq.lnwurxnce and Qthe�Char};e!+. Burrawrr�hull includc in rurh munthly puymrm, � <br /> Ingcthcr with thc principal unJ imeres�ux+ct 1'arth in the Notc and�ny luir churgc.. an in+�allmrm uf uny lu)tuacti and �;-'_-� <br /> special w;scstiment+Ievicd nr lo hc levied r�vintit thc Propchy. IhllcaticholJ paymem+�x�round rrn�.r nn�he 1'r���xny,unJ _ <br /> . � Icl pnsmium+for intiur�n�r rcyuircd by Pu�ugruph 4. �_ <br /> . Eoch monlhly ins�ullment for item+IAI, (b> und IcJ �hull cyuul onc-�wrlAh ot' �hc annuul umoun��, uti rr:i+onably <br /> e,timatcd by Lendcr, plu+ un umoum tiutfiricnt ta rnuin�ain un uddi�ionul halancc of not mum thun anc•+ixth uf thc ___. <br /> . �� estimuted nmaunts. Thc full unnuul •rmuum tor cach nem.hall tx�vccumula�rd hy I.cnJcr wnhin �peri�nl cndin�;unr � - - <br /> mamh hefore un item wnuld hecome delinyucnt. l.endcr shull hnld�h�am�wnt.r��llrctcd in wx�lo pay rtems Iu1,lb)und F:= <br /> • Ic 1 Net'are thcy bccome dclinquent. --. <br />'°'' ' • • � If at uny time the w�al of the puyment.held hy l.�ndcr tiu itcmn 1u1.(hl und lcl. tage�hrr with thc future monthly E�_ <br /> , • • puymcnt, for,uch item� puyublc w Lendrr priur u► the due dulus ot'�;uch itcros,exceeJs by more thun one-sixth thc F_'-i_ <br /> ' estimuted umnunt of payments rcquireJ ti►puy+uch itrms when Jue,und if puym�m.un th�N��tr are current,�hen Lender R, _ <br /> ' �hall either refund ihr exrc.�ovcr nne-r�xtb uf thc��timutad puymemc;or rredu the cxce.�ovcr one-+ix�h of thc esiimutcd Fb;;f.. ._ <br /> � puymenl�t�hub��yuent puymcntr.hy Burtuwc:r,ut the ��►tion uf BuROwcr. If thc total uf thc payment�mude by Borruwer �_;.;..� <br /> for itam(•r).(b),or(cl i.mwfficient to pay the item whan duu,tM:n Borrawer tihcdl pi�y�o Lender uny umount necessury w <br /> muke up�he Jeficiency on nr befuru�hr du�u th�itum h�comn�duo. --- ' <br /> � As wcd in this Sccurily In�[n,m�nt."Scrr►�tury"mcun�ihc Secrctury��f Hou�ing unJ Urban Dcvrlapment or hi+or her �-_ -._ <br /> de,ignee. In uny year in which the Lendar munt pt►�•a nwnga�c intiurance premium lo tlie Secretury,euch monthly paymenl -- <br /> shnll ulso i�clude cither: li1 un in.tullmenl of �he annuul mongage in.ur:u�cc prcrnium io bc puid hy l.ender to thc , <br /> � • ' Secretury,or(ii) u manthly churge intiteud of u mortKug� in,urunce premium il'�hi� Srrurity Instrumen� is hcld by the �;.-_ <br /> Secretury. �uch monthly in.tullment of the mongage insuramc premium shall be in un om��unt sufficient�o uccumulate the �° <br /> full unnual monguge insuruncr prrmiu�n witb LenJer one month prior to thr date thr full c+nnuul murtgvge insurunce ;a -- --- _�._ <br /> premium i+duc to Ihc Secmt:uy:��r if Ihi�Srcurit�Instn�mcat i.hcld by thc Secrc�ary,ctieh mimthly churgc shull bc in un _ <br /> , umoum eyuul�o one-twrllih of one-hulf�uRent ot ihe oulstanding principul bulunce due un the Note. �:^��. <br /> lf Borrower�enJen�o Lrn�kr Ihc I'ull payment c�f ull,urn�+ecured hy�hi. Securi�y Imtrument,Borrower;arcoum '6""""�"" <br /> shull he crrdiled with the buls►nrc remuinin� tiir ull in+tullmem+ for ilems 1iu. Ihl utxi lcl and �n mon u�e inyur:►nce _`"'—'�' <br /> Y B 6 C:�;��_ <br /> premium intitallment thnt Lendcr huti not txcume obli�utcd to pay to thc Secr�tary,and Lendcr shull promptly refund un� ���._._... <br /> excesti funds to Bcxrower. ImmcJiately Fx�ior�o u(nreclosure ,ak of the Propeny i�r itx uryuixition by Lender.Borrower. �'"":;�;�_,_,,��. <br /> aceount rhull he crcJited with any bnlanrc remuining t��rall installmemti for itemx 1a1,�b)und 1c). �':`;�--- <br /> i, Appllratlon�Pavments. All paymentti undcr ParuFraph� I uud"'zhull tx applicd by �_rndcr a.folluw+: �,�;;�;,,�°� <br /> FlRST,lo the mort�uge insur�ncr pmmium to Ix p•rid hy Lendrr ta Ihc Secrrtary�x to tlx monthly chur�!r by the •�-•�•• <br /> �����. <br /> Secretury insieud at'Ihe monthly mungu�e in�uruncc premium: ���.°`�__ <br /> SECnNI),to uny tuxes,.peciul a„es.mrn�s, kcsel�ld puymem.ur�:round remx,und tirc,tlaxl und�ither huxard �,r� <br /> insurunce premiums,u+reyuircd; --- - - <br /> — __ ------ T!illtU,tn intcrest due unc�er�h�•N�,�r; _ <br /> FOURTH.tu umnrtiiation of thc principul of'ihr Notc: <br /> • I:�tc chargeti dur unJcr Ihe No1r. .'.''°.y" . <br /> 4. �ire,Floud and Other Huzard lnxurance. Burrowrr�hull inwre all improvrmcnt�on Ihc F'�i��x rty,whcihcr nu��• �', • <br /> in existencc or.uhscyucnUy crrctcd. u�!uintit any haiard.,rusual�ir+.and cnmin�:enries, including 17rc, ti�r which Lendcr <br /> requireti inzurnnce. �l�i. in�uruncc.hi�ll Ixr mvintamrd in �hc umount+anJ liir Ihr��i�Ki.tlwt Lrnder rcyuirr,. Horrowcr ., �' <br /> , shull s�lw insurc ull imprcwrmcnt+un Ihc I'ro�xny.wh�thrr now•in rxi.tcncr ur,uh,cyucntl}crcrtcd,agaimt In,.by fla►ds .1. <br /> ,�_� <br /> to the extent teyuircd by Ihr SrrreU�q•. All in�uruncr ,hall Ix rarrirJ with ci�mpanir, approvrd M•LenJcr. 1'I►r in.uruncc r ....•,a <br /> I �licics und uny renewal+ �hull lx helJ hy l.ender :md .hall includr lo�r payahl� cluu+es in faw�r��I, unJ in u tiimi i y;�,..:� <br /> ucceptuble to.Lendcr. f <br /> � � I In Ihc evcM uf lorti.Bun'��wer .rhull givc L�IIJcc inuncJialr nulice hy ntail. l.rnd�r miry make prunf ul luti. if nul --- <br /> muJe pramplly by Born�wcr. Euch in.uranrr cu�np;in�•cunr�rmJ i.hrrrh� :wtlwriird anJ dirrclrJ �o mul�r pa}•mrnt tiir � y , -- <br /> surh los,dircctly li� i�f to Hurra�ccr and lu Lendcr juinll��. All��r:ui�•r:�n ol'Ihc in,urunrc pr�ue�d�may ix ... <br /> upplied hy Lender,ut ilx upli�m.either 1u110 Ihr reJuctiun uf the inJeh�cdnr.,und.r�h�Nute unJ�hi.Serunty Imlrum�nt. - <br /> fint to uny dclinqucnl umoum, ��ri�.a �� �n�urJcr in Paragraph ;. and Ihrn lo pr�paynxm af prinrip:iL ur (bl to tlx <br /> rextarution ur repa�r uf thc damugrJ property. Any appliratiun ul'thr pnxccJ,iu th�{�rincip:d ,hull not�xt�nJ or pinryxmr . _. <br /> the dur Jutr uf thc monthly puyment.whirh arr relrrrrd I��in Para�r.�ph'ur�hunEr ihr :mx�um��f.urh payment�. Any . <br />� exce��in.rurancc procerd.��vrr an anu�unt rcyuired ti�p.�y all uut�landin� indeMednrti, under the No�e anJ �his Securit�� . <br /> , Instrument,hull hc paiJ tn ihc rntiry Irg:dly rn�iilcd th�rctu. <br /> In thc rvent uf liirrrlu.urc uf Ihi� $�cUf11V Imtrumrn���r nthrr tr:�ll�l�if��(III�C lu Ih�1'ru�xrt)• IhJI c�lin�uishC� Ih� ., �.±� <br /> indchtcJnr�+.all riEht.titl�:md intrrr�t i�f B��n�����rr in.m�l lu in,uranrr policir.m lur�•r.h:Jl pa„iu thc pur�ha.rr. , ' <br /> 5. O�rupuncy, Prescrvudon. Maintrnancr und Prol�Ylion of Ihe 1'roprrt��; liorrox•er's Loun AppUcution; • • ° , <br /> ' Leasehuldti. Burrowcr .hall�xrup�•.c.tabli+h. :n�l uu thc 1'rn�xny a� Hurru��rr; r���,���al r�,iJrnrr withm .i�ty Jay, . <br /> s►ftcr thr rxrciuiun��f thi.Srcuriry In.irumrrn und.h:�ll rominu�tu nrrupp ihr Nn�rrn� a.Bnrraarr;pnnripal re.iJrncr <br /> for ut Ica.t une yrar utler the Julc ut��xrup:mry.unle�.ihr tirrr�i:rr�Jelennme,tlii�rryuircuxnt will rau�e undu�hardtihip <br /> for Borrowcr. or unle+, cx�cnualing rircw»+�ancc� �xi.t µhich ;uc Fx���md li��rru��•��r. axuruL linrru��•rr ,hall notify . <br /> , Lcnden ul'uny rxt�nuating cirrum�lun�r.. Rurro�rrr�hall nr�c�,tmm� �va,lc ur�k.tru�.dama�c vr,ub,lan�ially rhangc <br /> the Pro�xrty or ullu�v Ihe I'ra�xrty lo���nahk a•c:u unJ lear r�.•rp1eJ. I_�nilrr mu� m,�xrl the I'roprtt��if�hc <br /> Property i� v;Kanl or ab:urluncd„r th��loan i, in dclault. l.cnder ma� i;d.r i.•:�.�roahl�:ir�i�xi tu pru�rrt :md prc��n•r,uch <br /> vucani ur.�handonrd Pri��xn�•. Hurru��•cr�hall :d,u Fx in Jrtaull il li��rru��er. during thr lu:�n ;�rri��;u��,�� prurc.�. L:IYI' <br /> mutcrially 1'akr nr ina�•cur:nr inti�rniaunn or ,talrtncnt. t�► LrnJrr l�n� I:�iled I�� pru�iJc Lrndrr ��ith :my matrrial <br /> infiirnwtiunl in connrcti�m H•ith Ihr lo:m r�•idrnrcJ h��hr N„ic.� nui IimurJ►u. r�prr�entahun+runrrming <br /> Borrower:ixcup•rnry of ihr{'r���x rt� a�a prinri�,al rc��denrc. II thi.ticrunt� In.trumcm i•nn a Ie:�.eh��IJ.I3urru��rr rhall � <br /> rumply with�hc pruvi�i�m,of�hc ka.r. II H�,rruucr ar��uire.Irr uil�•t��thr I'r�qxn}.ihc le:�.rhuld:md fcr rolc.N:dl nu� <br /> � Ix mrr�ed unlcti,l.rndcr a�:r�r�lu Ihr mcr�rr in ��nun�:. <br /> , 6. Charke�to Norrnµ�er and Protection uf Le�Hler'�Itighh in Ihe 1'roperh. li��rra��cr.h:ill p:�� ;dl E�»rmmrnt:�l <br /> „r municipal rhar�:r.,tinr, and im�x�.iunn�Ihm au•nut �nrluilcd in I'ar,i�ra�,h '. N��rru��rr.h:dl pa� ihr.r �,hh�au�m.un <br /> � timc directl}•1�� Ihr rnlity whirh �, �����d Ihr p:��mrnt. II I:ulwr lo p:�� ���+uIJ :�d�rr.rh ,�tterl I.rndrr', mtcrc+l m dir <br /> I'ro�xny.u�xm L�ndcr', rcyur.t liun�����•r.hull pnnn��tl� tiimi,h k�LcnJrr icrrq�hr�idcn�m� thr,r p:i)ment.. <br /> II' Horrowrr(ail. 1u mal.r lh�u ��:i}ment+ ur Ihr ��a�nutn. rcyuirrJ hy I:va}�r:�ph 'ar tail. to rcrt��mi any ulher <br /> covcnunh und aErcrnknt�cunti►inrd in thi�tircurm In+IrumrnL„r ih�•rc i.a Ic�:d pnarrdmE Ih:u m:i� ,i�nitiranlh :dtirl <br /> t .....�...:- .:..6�. :n�h..I�r.u�.+rfv Iwrh :�. a nnw•Pi•�Ii1H� IIl I1.111�.f11ltl�'\.1Uf iUlllll•I110:d1U0 111 IIl l`IIIUfiI' �:1\\��1f fCL11�:111P11ti1. <br /> lhen LenJlr m.�y J��;md pa}•ivhalr�rr i.ncrc,.:u�I�►pr�nrrt thc �uhic u(ihr I'iup,•rt�,inJ Lrndrr:n�h�.in thr I'ru�xn�. <br /> including paynum uf�axe..haiarJ in.ur:mrr;inii nlhrr u�•im m�nlionrd in P:ua�raph �. <br /> Any amuwih di.hurrd h� Lrndrr undrr ihn Pur.i�:raph �Is�ll Ik�•�an�•an ci�ldm��o;il Jrhi ul liuriu�.ri and hc�rrund <br /> hy 1hi.Scrunty In�trumrnt. Thc.r:nn��unt� +h:�ll hc:u intcrr.i I'n,m�hr du�r„t dnhunrmcnt. :u thr N�,�r ra�c. :md at ihc <br /> optiun uf Lrndcr.�hull Fx immrJiairly duc:ind pu�:iMr. <br /> 7. ('ondemnution. 7'hc pnnrrJ.��f:ut�•;i��arJ „r�•I:utn I�rr Jama��,.Jirrrl ar i•an.ryw•nlsd. m ii�uuicuuil��i�h dm <br /> candemnatiun ur ulhrr tal�inE of;m� p:in ot'tlir 1'n��x•n�.ur I��r c��mr�anre in�,larr��t i�mdcmn:uiun.:�rc hrrch� a„i�.neil <br /> and tihal)tx paid 1u l.cndcr iu Ih�r�t�nt��t'thr Itdl amnunl nt Ihc iiidchtrdnr.•Ih:d�crn:��n.mip:uJ undrr Ihr ti�qc.�aJ th�. <br /> Srcurny In,trumcnt. LcnJcr.h:�ll:ippl� .uch�tti,ucJtilu Ihr nJu�uun ul Ih.�in.kl,lr.inr..un�l.•r U�r Nntr anJ ihi.ticrunt� <br /> In.trunt�nt. lir.t to :my drlfnNucm anu�unl� .��rr«i m Ilx urJrr pr���idrJ in P:uaLr.q�h !. :roJ �hrn ta ��rrp.i�mciu ut <br /> prinripul. Any appGcauun uf thr proccrd. 1u Ihr {mnripal �hall nni �•�trnJ �,i pi..q+unr thr dur d.��e �+I Ihr nwnthl� <br /> �i.�.....�.,�.,���� � i — <br /> �� , + <br />