<br />ThcrC may he only nr7c designated nnticc address unciet this Security Instmment at any nnc tuna. Any
<br />nnticc Ic, l,uulc:r shall he given by delivering it ur by wailing it by first class mail to Lender's address
<br />Stated .hu~.in un.lcss .T.4;nder ha.ti designated souther address by notice to 8orrowcr. Any notice in
<br />cO.tlnccl.ic,n ~~•it.lr Ihix Sc:curit.y lrrtitr(rwernt tshttll nnl be dcelncd to have been given lu I.cnder r_ttttil actually
<br />r~ceiva.l I,y L(:.rul(:r..lf :>,cry notice required by Ilxis Security Instrtumcnt is also required under Applicable
<br />Law, lhc: /lpplicahlc: Law rcquirernent will satisfy t)xc corresponding rnquirernent under this Secutity
<br />Instnu7i Cn t.
<br />1(-. (~ovcrning T,,aw; Sevat•ability; Rules of Constructxan, 't'his Secuxlty Instrument shall he
<br />governed by li:ci(:ral luW azid lh.~ law Of the jurisdiction its which the Properly is located. All rights and
<br />nbligatiuns cc,ntainc:cl in this ticcurity Instr'umcnt aru subject to auy requiretxicnts and liwitations of
<br />Applica.hlu )~:,~, . ~~p17)icablc; Law tnighl explicitly ur implicitly allow the parties In tzgrct by contract ar it
<br />might he silent. but such silence shall not he cnnsiru4d as a prohibition against agreement by canfxact. In
<br />the event. that any 17rnvisinn or cl.uuse of this Security Instrument ar the Note coullicts with Applicable
<br />Law, such c<-nfliet ;;hal,l trot all'ccl.Olher pravisiuns nl'this Security lllstrumeni ar the Notc which can be
<br />given effect without the cunflieli-z;; pravision-
<br />A:; uticcl in Ihix ~ccr.rril.y lrr.slrruncnl: (a) wards of the masculine gendrar :shall mean and include
<br />correspundir_rg nur.rlcr wurclt; or words of the Cezxxinine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and
<br />include: the: plr.rral urr.d vies versa.; and (c) Lha word "may" ,gives sole discretion willlaut any obligation to
<br />take auy actimr.
<br />~ 7. 13t)rru,v(•.r'rt L'opy. 13u.rrawer shall be given nnc copy of the NnIC and of this Security Instrument.
<br />:1K. '1'ranst-ur ut' the Nropcrty or a Bcnciicial Intereaf in I3urruwer. As used in this Section 18,
<br />"Interest in thr Property" means any legal nr. beneficial intGresl in the Property, ilxcluding, but nut limited
<br />to, thaw bcr,.ul ici:.(I i>tlcrests trantiferred in a bond li,r decd, contract. for dead, installrntnt sales contract nr
<br />escrow a~wrectiicnt. the intent nl'which is the tran:5fc.r of tills by >~ormwer at a futurs dale lu a purchaser.
<br />if all. or airy part ol'the 1'ropcrty or any Interest izz the Ptoprsly is sold air transferred tar if Borrower
<br />is not a natural i,ursc7n steel a bc:ncticial interest irr, l3ol-rOwcr is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior
<br />written amscnl, L.caulcr may rccluirc innmedial~ payment in full of all sums secured by this Security
<br />Inalnw.acnt. lic,(a•r:ver, ibis nl7tiern shall oat bu exercised by Lender if such exercise is prahihitcd by
<br />Applicable La(~•.
<br />It' Lunclcr crc:rciscs thin nptirn7, Lender shall give Burrower nnticc of acceleration. The nnticc shall
<br />provide a l7c:r•ioel n(' nc)t ICSli 1,har). 3U days froth the date the nnticc is given in accardat7ec with Section l5
<br />within wlric:lr I~orrc,wer i.il,.rsl pay all sutxxa secYn•cci by this Security Instrrwxent. Tf 13nrrower Pails la pay
<br />these strn,x trric,r l0 11')e axpirutian uP Ibis period, Lender rnay invoke any rcmcdias perwilled by this
<br />Sccuriiy Iu.strnrrrcrtl willzuul further nnticc or demand on ]3orruwrrr.
<br />1y. Barrn~~~cr"y Ril;ht Ur Reins?tute Aftct• Acccleratian. If Borrower meets certain conditions,
<br />l3orrnwar s,fra.ll h,rv(; ll.tc right to havc enforccln,cnt of this Security Instrttmont discontinued at any time
<br />poor to the uarlicr:l oi`. (a) Svc: days beforq sale ol'thc Property pure3usuptl to any power oi's3alc cantaitzed in
<br />this 5ecur-ity lnxlrcunenl; (h) finch other period a5 /\pplicablc Law might specify for the tcrmizxation of
<br />BnrroWC:r'ti ri~:hr io rci.nstatu; ar (c) entry of a •juclgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those
<br />conditions ;.u-u tPrii 1,3urruwoe: (a) pay4 Lcndcr alt souls which then would bar due under this Security
<br />Instnunc:nl suet tlrc Nota rzs iflw acc(:leratinn had occurred; (b) cures any deFstult of atxy nthex covenants or
<br />sxgrcerncnrs; ((:) Inrys all c:xpez,seti incurred in enfnreinl; this Security Instrur7xent, Including, but not limited
<br />lo, reusonahlc:. attorneys' I~cun, properly inapeetion and valustl.inn fees, and other Pees incurred for the
<br />purpose o1' protecting Latcler's iul.eresl in the Property and rights under tlxis 5ecuriiy Instnumcnt; and (d)
<br />takes such action as t.cnclcr zr.)uy reasonably require t0 aasura that Lcndcr's interest in the property and
<br />rights under 117iti ~ccurity Izzstnrment, and t3nrrawer's obligation to ptly the sr,tna secured by this Sac;utity
<br />Instxuzxxcrrt, sl~;t.ll cunlinuc unchanged. Lender may require that ]3oxrower pay such reinslalement sums and
<br />cxpcusc:> in ono nr nun•c of the 1'ollawing fgnns, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c)
<br />ccrtil:ieel chcci<. h.rnlc chuck, trc,)tiurer's check or caslxier's check, Provided any :;uch check is drown, upon
<br />an institution ~vhonu clcl7utiil.s arcs insuxcd by a teetotal agency, instrumenttllity Or entity; or (d) l~lcctrnnic
<br />funds 'l'.ranslcr. llpatr rciirstutur)unt by 13arrower, this SGCUrity 1-rstrumenl and nbligatiants secured hereby
<br />NEBRASKA- Sir,[lir, i=arnily - FannicMaO/Freddla Mac UNIFQRM IN$TRUMEN'T ,~„
<br />~, -a(NE) tua„r P®9m,~ Arta rnrna~sa; ~T Form 3028 1/01
<br />~~
<br />