<br />aceeler~ttipn httti occurryd, reinstate as provided itx Section I9, by causing the action or proceeding to be
<br />dismissal with to ru.litxg Iltal, in i.cttdcr's judgment, prccludGS fprfciturc pf the Property or othct• material
<br />impaittrrcttt of I.c•nclcr'ti inlcrytit jrt the Property nr rights tuxdex this Security lnstxumetxt- The proceeds of
<br />any award nr c:lsrint liar clrtmugcti that arc attribxttablc to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Propcriy
<br />are ltera:l)y axsi!_>ncc.l anci shall be Maid to Lender.
<br />AIJ. Misc~lluncous 1'roceccis that are not applied to restoration ax repair of the 1'rnpcrty shall be
<br />applied i:n. the rn'der.pravidcd L'2)r irx 5cction 2.
<br />12. Bt-xxmvcr Not Relyarad; Forbearance By Lcndcr Not a Waiver. Extension of the tires far
<br />paymc,nt nr artociilicatiotx of atnurtiiatian ofthe sutxxs secured by this Security Insttvmyni granted by Lendyx
<br />to Borrower or any Successor in Itxtcrest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower
<br />nr any 5ucccstior;ti in. ltxlcrest oC l3nrrnwer, Lender shall not be required to camtrtenceproceedings against
<br />any Succcssnr in Interebt of Tinrrowcr err to rctitsc to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the stuxts taccurcd by this Sccuxity Instntmcnt by reason of any demand made by the original
<br />Borrower nr flnv ~ucccstiors in Interest of Barrawax. tiny forbearance by Lender in exercising any right nr
<br />rcmccly including, without liniittttinu, Lender's ucceptancc of paytncnls from third persons, entities or
<br />Sucaassux5 it.,. interest of l3prrawcr or in amounts less than the amount then date, shall not be a waiver of pr
<br />preclude the ~:xurcisc of arty right pr retnydy.
<br />1:1. Joint :,nci 5cvcral Liability; Cn-signers; Sueceasors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants
<br />and agrees Ib,.al florrnwcr's ohli~:tttions and liability shall he joint and several. However, any Burrower who
<br />cn-signs this Sccr.aril.y It.,st.,rutx,aatt but does opt execute the Note (a "a;a-signer"): (a) is co-signing this
<br />Security Instr-tuncnt only to tno.rtgage, grunt and cnnvyy the co-signer's intexcst in thy Property under the
<br />terms pf ibis 5ccurily instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument; rrn<1 (t:} ,tgr4a;s tltat..i.ctxder and any ntltex Borrower can agree to extend, modify, foxbcar or
<br />melee any ttccomnta.,dation5 wlllt rel;ard to fire terms al• this Security Instrument or the Notaa without tht
<br />co-signer's consent.
<br />Subject to rite provisions of Section 18, trey Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes
<br />Borruwcx'ti ol~lii~;,.lionti under flair Secuxity Instntrxtcnt in writing, and i:; approved by Lender, shall obtain
<br />all of Barrowca-'s rights sand b~nGlits under ibis Security Instrument. Borrower shall eat be released from
<br />Borrowor's uhlilr;rtiur,.s aucl liahilil.y under this Security Inslrutnr~nt unless Lender agrees to such release in
<br />wxititxg. •I'hc c:n;~c•nttnlti ;tnd ag.rcements of this ticcurity Ittstrtuncnt shall bled (except as provided in
<br />Section 2U) :a.n~l I)cnetlt the sucucssors and assigns of Leradex.
<br />l4. Lpun C'Irstr};cs. Lender uzay charge I3orrowcr fccs far services pcxformed in cotmeclion with
<br />Ciorrowcr'S clalinrlt, liar rite purpose of protecting Lctxdyr's intcxcst in the Property and rights under this
<br />Src:uxil.y Jnxt,z.cnruat- including, but not lin•tited in, attorrxcy5' fees, prnpyrty inspection and valuation fees.
<br />In regard I.n any nt l,cr Ices, tl,c absence of cxpxcss authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific
<br />fcc to I3orrowcr• shall not he construed as a prnhihitipn on the chaxging pf such fee. Lender may not charge
<br />fccs that fu•e expressly prahihitccl by this Scextrity Instrument ax by Applicably Law.
<br />If the Lo;ut is subject to a law which sets maxitnxuaa loan chat'ges, and That law is finally interpreted sn
<br />that tlt4 inlt:rest err other lawn charges callcctcd or to bar callccted in cpnnectiun with the Loan exceed the
<br />pcrtniitcd linxit~, rl7cn- (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the utnaxtnt necessary to xeduce the
<br />charge: to tl.,u purn,i.tta:tl l.iuxit; aucl (b) any sums already callcctcd from I3nxrowyx which cxcccdedpcrmitted
<br />limits will hr rufunclccl to 13nt•rnwcr. Lender rttay clwosc to tnakc this refund by xedueing the principal
<br />owed under Ilse Nnlc or by ,nulc.ing a direct paytnCnt ko I3orrawcr. If a .refund reduces principal, the
<br />reduction will he Ircalccl as a partial prcpayntcnt without any prepayment charge (whether or not a
<br />prepaytrtent c:h;u-t~,.• is provided li,r under the Nolc). 13nrrower's acceptance of any such refund made by
<br />direct p..cyrnu,l ro I~urrnwer will constitute a waiver of any right pf action Harrower might have arising out
<br />of such uvcr•chcu•t+.c.
<br />7ti. Notices. All nutiacs given by Harrower nr Lcndcr in connection. with ibis Security Instrument
<br />must he in wririnf~. nny ,natiae to Burtowor in cotutcctipn with this Sectu•ity InstrttrXtcttt shall he deemed to
<br />have been l;ivcn to T3orrpWCr when mailed by first class mail ax when actually delivered to k3orxowyr's
<br />notice acldrexti i I' ;.c•.nl by t,)i.hur )7.t4ans. Notice to any ora,c Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers
<br />unless ~lpplicablu Lttw cxprcrsly requires otherwise. Thy ^uticc address shall be the Property Address
<br />unlesti 13orrawer h,,.s drsignatcd t- sxtbstitxttc notice udclryss by notice to Lender- Harrower shall promptly
<br />noti['y Lcndcr of 13orrowcr's clrangc of address. If .l.cnder specifies a procedure for xcpprling 13arxpwer's
<br />change rrf acldre~ss, I,Irctr I3a.rrowcr shall only report a change of address through that spccitied procedure.
<br />NEBRASKA- Sinra;r. 1-~,mily FartnieMaetFreddls Mee WNIFARM INSTRUMENT ,
<br />-8(NE) tus;rl run •aaar~s inluais: ~ •.-~~• Form 3028 1101
<br />S x
<br />