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<br /> _.�-_�����'..��� the princlppl Mm�wM of the n�Ne at Ihe fime ot Ihr decls�rptMm iA defpull,wnd�ew.wmwMr ru��rneyH'fi�rK w►prrmllled Q�=-�--�
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<br /> �'P ',::^.,_;�� .� �on. �,.�,�-
<br /> ' '�`'�� " 22. Reconveywnce. U m puymcnl uf n!I tium��rur�d My�hlv Securi�y In�uunwn�. IAnder �huU reque+t'Itu*Ic�� Io �__
<br /> ? ' • rcc�mvcy �hc Propcny und*�vll nurccudcr Ihi� Sccurily In!�m�mcnl unJ nll nolc+cvldcnc�nµdcht �crur.�d hy IhM 5crurity �,�.�_
<br /> :; .:;�.�:�.�~.�; .': Inslrument lu'(tuRlec. 'IFuhlcc �hull rccomcy Ihc 1'n�pehy withaut wurc+mry und w�llh��u1 churgc 1���hu �r�:un��r �nrhott. �;,:_;.�_F. .�.
<br /> ,` . ;=�,R-�.� : le�ally cnliUcd lo it, Such penwn�►r pcn�ona xhull pay uny rccordalion cu�lx. _-
<br /> -��`°.�`.,:"�",;;* - ,, 2J. Substitute 7lruatee. Lendcr.ut ith apUun.may from timc la timr rrm��vc'Ihi�lre und�ip��in�a�ucccsa�r trutilcc to � T::�_....
<br /> • " �-��� ,, , any 7tustee nppointed herounder by un inslrument recorded in Ih�county in whirh �hin Security Inr�rument is rrcarded, �. ,�i�.��.��;
<br /> - ' �`. Without cameyance of the Property. �he succe�xor�rux�ec shall aucreed t��ull the �itle. puwer und duties conierred upcm �__.
<br /> .,;z'�`��� ��'::., a:�-�-
<br /> ^g"s '' � 'Ih�atee herein and by applicabie luw. `="`�"''`•'"'."
<br /> ' '� 24, Request tor Noticex. �aROwer requeRtx�hut capies of�he naticex of defoult and�+ule be�ent�o sorrawer�uddre�s ����,�,,v,�s�
<br /> .,,. . . • •_lr.��.�,.
<br />�,�, . .. which is the Properly Addresc. �'•�.� --"..�
<br /> z.��.,
<br /> • , ZS. Riders to this Security Instrument. If onc or marc ridcrh urc executed by Borr�wcr und recorded�agethcr with ,, ,�,'��
<br /> ,:usa2.-:=,...:�-
<br />��;;; � � n. , this Securiry Instrument,the covenum�unJ ugreemen�ti of eoch wch rider xhall be incomnrn�ed intu und hhull umend und , _�.
<br /> • � ., ;.•: supplement the covenan�s und agreementK of thi�Serurity Inelrument us if the riderlsl were u pun of this Securfty lobtrument. .1;�� :�_
<br /> ' ` , ' (Check applicable box(esl I ���
<br /> - �a,�
<br /> „r:;--�,�T
<br /> ;:: . .
<br /> ` " � �Condominium Rider �1-4 Fumily Rider ".;�,::~•''�-"°.,:��"-J
<br /> . • . �Adjustoble Rote Rider . ' ---•
<br /> a ,_ __ :��:
<br /> � � �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit[kvelopment Rider �Biweekly Puyment Rider - _ �v
<br /> _ � ..�y. , °.. ._.._
<br /> l'�(�J�"��,.'��r}�5�� ' i.Yr.n.�.
<br /> ' ��'''°:`''��!<i�rt{�<<'�2��!'�,z;� �Balloan Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Hamc Rider 4 ,_, ,
<br />. ,j' -y};�'�1 ''� •' � f.y;wF. �f� _.
<br /> :;,, .,�,,,,����f�� ' �,.:��-,,,....,; , � ,.:,
<br /> � I� 111�`•, � -. ;:I�:��1'f,' , 1 �/-
<br /> � �}'�iY� �.�:.�1� -ll: f "
<br /> �.,., '� 1,r, , :�.,,;;,,:, �Other(s)lxPecify� ,. '.�F`.',_
<br /> �•. , • ,..� . ��; ._,
<br /> �;1:;�.t , Y f,:�;_.
<br /> '`"`+' " � BY SICiNING BELOW,Barrower accept�und agrees to the terms and covenunts contuined in this Securit Inalrument
<br /> , ,,.,;,�.. ., �r.:.....:.;.
<br /> and in any rider(s)execuled by Borrower and r�corded with it. .. .'"`
<br /> .. - --.�_ . .. �r�,.�:-
<br /> . , �� ._
<br /> . ., Witnesses: t,;;�`e�.',;:���
<br /> , ;,���;;,; • ....r.
<br /> . '; �' (Seal) ;' -
<br /> ,.� •Botrower ''�� ��'�:
<br /> ;s�s:e.,..�• .:.�� cott D. He�c �,,.,�ti.,.�::,..-
<br /> :.;,,n,^---=-T-^-- -
<br /> __ : ,.• ..�•,..:. 5�7 80 15�� i; � :'', �����1„
<br /> , . 5oc:a/l Security Numlx:r
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<br /> .. . . ! f � �h.�r.iC?• �F-h...
<br /> y� �J.`�f�,� �seall ,,.,:
<br /> :� :
<br /> ' Ann M. Nart �n"""K0` . �
<br /> " �n� 82 5420 y .`"s:`
<br /> Sociul Security Numbcr ,��±F_:;,:-_--
<br /> � �"r;_�:_ .�.
<br /> s
<br /> STATE OF NBBRASKA. He 11 County�s: � �+::�-� ___
<br /> �� ,bci'ore me,the underxigned,u Notary Public ,� "`~:M
<br /> � � Qn ihi, lSth duy of Merch, 1992 . -�"
<br /> duly commissioncd und yunlified for+•rid counly.{xrsonally rumc SCOtt D. Hart e�d Ann M. Hart , `�?�:_
<br /> " eaeh in his end her own ri�ht� and as spouse of each othercomeknown�obe�hc �
<br /> .4�-
<br /> identicul persons(.) whose name(s►are sub.rnlxJ to the furcgoing mtitrumenl und ucknowledged the execution thereof to _L
<br /> be their voluntury uct c�nd deed. . "=
<br /> . Witness my hand und notarial seul u� G r d� Ne b r e s k e � i�nid coumy,the ,
<br /> date aforesuid. GEIERIIL NOtAfI�•State o1 NeDiulu �.h L � r d�Zi�,�,�- .;_
<br /> . My Commission expires: DAVID R�ONMEN No�ary Publk - • -
<br /> � � _ IA�Comm.Exo.I1ug 4,19 : ,;�;�- ---
<br /> • U 5T FOR RECONVEYAhCE ''��''��`:
<br /> „ � TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> ' The undcrsigned is thc holder af thc notc or notes xccured by thi+DecJ of'Ttust. Said rn�tc or notes,togcther with all
<br /> other indebtedness secured by�hi3[ked of'I�u�t,havr Ixcn paid in full. You urc hrrcby directrJ tu runcel svid notc or notc�
<br /> und this Deed of 7iruxt,which ure delivcrrd hercby,und li�rec�nvcy,wi�hout warranry.all�he c+wtr nuw held by you under
<br /> this Decd uf'lirusi w the per.on nr persons legully entitled thcreto.
<br /> Dutc: - -
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