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<br /> ; � • .I � • �..,, applicablc law mey Kp�wify fbr rcinwwtcmcntl hefom hulc ul'�hr i'�o�ny pur.rwmt to uny�x�wcr of xulc conwincd In �hir+ �,--- .
<br /> ;���:��:,,..��, ��w;,�, �, Sccurfty Intiirumen�:��r Itil cntry uf a judgmcnt cnfarcing Ihi,Sccurhy Inrlrumrnt. 'fh��+c cundiliunr urc Ihut NnRowor. lul -
<br /> ;•.... ���--
<br /> � � �,� puya Lendcr all numx which �hcn would hc duc un�tcr Ihix SrrurUy Inti�rumenl und �hc Nntc us if no acccicru�ion hud
<br /> � ,.y;,t�;;,�,;;�, �•�.� iKCUrrcd;lh)curcK uny ikfuult of uny��thrr cnvrnunt„ur agrccmrm.r;irl puy�ull rx�xn+c+incuncd in cnfi�rcing thiti Securfty —
<br /> • � In�trumenl, including,but m�� Ilmi�cd lo. rcu�unublc imnmcy+'fccti; und Idl �ukrs �uch ucti�m u+Lcndcr may rcuum•rbly
<br /> " � '�' • ~� rcquire to u�gurc thul tim lien uf Ihi+Securfly In�lrurnenl,Lrnder ti ri�h��in�he Pn�(►eny und surn►wer's�►bligu�inn to pay�hc
<br /> `' humR sccuned M Ihir: Srcurft In�lrumcnl xhall cunlinuc uncha�gcd. Upon rcin+��utcmcnt hy RoRnwcr. �hiti Sccurfly
<br /> � ,�►�....,.,.._ Y Y ��``��
<br /> ,. . ' Inr�trumcnt and thc oblfguliunti �cund hrrehy shull remain fully eiPerdvc u�iF no urcelcrullon had�xcurrcd. Howevcr. IhiK �;;:1.:
<br /> •" •- .. • �ight to refnxtatr shall nat r.pPly In thc cu�c nl urccicrutiun widor purugraph 17. �--- =----�---_
<br /> ' 19. Rale o�Notet LhanRe o�Laan Servicer. The Note or u purtiul imerext in the Nc��c(ioge�her wi�h lhiti Sccurity �:�e
<br /> , �� : � � . . Inntn�ment) muy be �Id one�r more times withoul p�ior notice lo Bonuwer. A sule muy retiult in u chunge in tho enUty ��'r�
<br />�er �. ��'��?' (known as the'L.�►un Servicer')�hat rollcclE momhly paymcmK due under thc Note und this Security Instrumenl. Thcrc ul+o �
<br /> � ' '•" � muy be ane or morc chunges of�he l.onn 5erviccr unrelated ta u xule of thc Note. If thcre is u chunge of thc l.oan Serviccr. �^Y_
<br /> ' , •�i . Borrower will be given writ�en natice nf the chnnge in nccordunce with purugruph 14 ubove und upplicuhle law. The notice ��
<br /> � will s�ute the name und address of the new I.oan Servicer and Ihe uddress to which puyments should be made. The notke will �.--
<br /> • alsocontnin any other infonnution reyuiredby Applicableluw. ���"": '°` -�
<br /> � Z0. Hazardous 3ubslances. Bormwer shell not cuusc or perniit the presence,use,dixposol. storuge,or release of any = ---
<br /> Huzardaus SubwtAnces on or in�he Propeny. BaROwcr shall na do,nor nllow unyone else �o da,anything uffectin�the —_� -
<br /> � Property thal is in violation of uny Environmental Luw. The preccding two scntenccs shall not upply to the presence,usc,or � �� --
<br /> ;� . , storage an thc Pruperty of small yuantities af H:uurdou.Substances th•rt nre generully recognized to be appropriAte to normal �_�;:_:_`'"�
<br /> �'•• •� '� resi�iential uses And to maimenauue��f thc Propeny. �" '
<br /> .:. :,..,:. .„_ � ��:":��:_�
<br /> � �,���;,�;:�`•:��° � " Rurtower�hull promptly give 4�nder wrinrn natice oF uny invrstigation,rluim,demund,lawsuit ar other uclion by any `
<br /> � ,.,.r�; .� • govemmental ar regulatory agency or privute pany invalvinF the Propeny und uny Huzurdou�Substance or Enviranmenlal � ��?� �
<br /> ��: , Ls�w of which Borro�ver hus uc�uul knowledge. If Bnrcower Icarns, ur i. natified by uny govemmental or regulatory ;, *�n�.,. _
<br /> '�� •; ��: '" uutharit ,that un removal or other rrmediutii�n of�ny Hazurdoux Subtlunce uffeciing the Prapeny is necegcury. Borrawer .,�;.f+•�_=_ -
<br /> ..;';.',:� sh:►II prrnnpdy luke t►II necessary remedial uc�ions in accordance with Environmental Law. =�'�'�'r''
<br /> ��:,:;.�,�: A.used in this parugrpph 311, "Huaardou�Subsiunce�"aue tlx►se subs�unces defined u�toxic ar hozurdaus substance�hy ;. �
<br /> , �nvirunmentul Luw and the follawing yubstunces: g:�+oline.kerosene.other Flummublr or toxic petroleum praciucis, toxic 'r�i,�5:+: ;,-.
<br /> pesticidct anJ herbicides, volatile solvenls, materia ls comUining us b ex io� o r formuldeh yde, und rudioncUve muterials. As ,,. ,,,���.`_
<br /> ,+ • � ' used in�his parugruph 20,"�nvimnmenial Lnw"means federnl luws und luws of the jurisdiclian where the Propehy is located s,.�,:i,��;:,��._
<br /> ths+t relute to heuUh,sufcty or envimnmental pr��tcctian. � " ��i��+"---"--
<br /> . . . , .` , NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. k4i�ROwcr und l.cndcr tunhcr cuvenunt•rnd agrec u.fuUuw s: '�''�"�f'•���
<br /> ,,- . • �•,._....ru..�
<br /> � � 21. Accele�Atiun; Remedics. Lender shall give nutke to Borrower prior to acceleration Pollowtng Borrower's . ,,.��.+P:in��+
<br /> �' � • � I breach oP an covenant or a reement in this Securlt ln�trument(but not rior to accelerution under ura ra h 17 •:!;r^�'°s�`��_ _`
<br /> P � P ,..�:. =,��,:`.�
<br /> • , .', � ��� � unkss appNcAble lew pruvide�n otherwfsel. The noNce shall specify: lal the dePault;(bl the uGiun required to cnre the ''�p.,�;,;,�;>:� _�,:
<br /> � ---�`���,� I�' default:(c)A daia.��ut ie�.s than 30 days t'ram!!�e date the stotice is givNn to Ii��rrnwe�by which the default muRt be _ ��,'r':• `�"•_--_
<br /> � ' � cured;and(d)that faflure to cure the default on ar 6ePore the date specified in the not(ce may result in acceleration uf ;ii`�','�,"!:�`
<br /> � • ��, .i''� ' the sum�secu�ed by this Secerity�Instrument and sale uP lhe Property. The notice xhall further infbrm Borrower of �;���, ,;~'���
<br /> the righl tu rein�tate after ucceleratiun and�the rfRbt tu brins a court acNon to assert the non•existence of s default ur ���.��,' ,:: t
<br /> � � � any other defentce of Borruwer tu accelerution und sule. IP tBe defaull ix not rured on or bet'ore Ihe dale speclRed in � ,� :
<br /> ' � Ihe notice.l.ender al Ilti oplion muy require immediate paymen/in fufi ut'ull sums secured by lhis Securlty losfrument : -�.�,"•.�,,•:
<br /> wilhout furlher demand und muy invoke Ihe pn�ver ni'sule und uny othe� remedies permitted by applicuble law•. ^''''� .
<br /> „ Lender shall be entilled tn collect all exprnses incurred in purtiuinR the remedies provlded in tMti puru�ruph 21. •r f Y��'+�
<br /> including.but not limited to.reas�x�ablr ottorneyx'fiMti und rust�oi'title evidrnce. �"'x'��'�' ., .
<br /> If the power of wle is in�uked.lYu.tee shull rccord u notice oP defaull in eanc�ountv in x•hi�h u�y parl of Ihe � � +,_'_�,'
<br /> . Property is localed and.r•hull muil copies oP ruch nntice in Ihe muoner pn�cril►ed by upplicable law to Borrow•er und lo _i._i
<br /> ' ' � Ihe other personc prescribed b�• upplicuble lux•. A�1er the timr reyuired by upplicuMe lux�. 'llrutitrr tihall Ri��e public :j-,-�__
<br /> nulice of'sale tu the persons und in the manner preuribed by applicublr la��. 7lruztee,ailhout demund on NnrroKea �
<br /> shall sell tbe Propery�at publk aucdon H�the hi�h�sl bidder at Ihe time und place und under Ihe Irrm�desiknwted in ' �
<br /> the notice uP sale in one or more purceh and in un� order 7'�uxt�ti determine.r•. 'IYustee mar pu�tp�me.rule oP all or uny - �
<br /> � parcel of'the Property by puWic announcemrnl vt the timr and pluce of um�pre�•iously scheduled tis�le. I.ender nr itz .. :s.r�'•
<br /> • degignee may purchvse the Propert�•at uny�ule. � �
<br /> Upon receipt oi pvyment uf the prirr bid.7Yu�ter xhull deli�er to the purrhaser Trutitee'.r•deed com�evin�Ihe
<br /> Properlv The recitals in the 71�ustee'x Jrrd.hull be primu fucie e��idcncr of Ihe truth oF thr slatrmentx made thrrein. i
<br /> 'I�ustee shall apply/he proceeds of Ihr�ule in Ihe fidlmr inK urdrr: Io1 to ull rost�and expcnsrs of erercising the puxer
<br /> ,��,.
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