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<br /> S. gI�•� �• P:��.:tc ia:uraac�. Qarro�cr s1u1! i;,:p tt�: in�ru+,�:�i���t� tn+w• etii�tit� �+r hrrcaRc► rrcti•�r�l �y� thr _
<br /> Pr�eny incun*ci Against Ins�hy fire, hsuardc incluJoJ K•ithin thr term "extrixlaJ r�����r,►�;�"uxl um uthar hataiJ�, uklud�nK T
<br /> tlaxisur 11axlinF. tur which G:iulcc reyuires incura�xr.ilii.r imur,ux� .riwii tk nµinia6k.i I�i:�..n�.tiun:.;�r,:: l;,:th»�.;;::;l:
<br /> that l.cncicr rcyui�eti. Thc insur,uticc carcicr pro�•iding th, imur,uur �hall h� etW�wn hy Fi+�r►•uw�r whj�yt lu(.�+ak�r'. ��y�i���+l
<br /> w�hirh.hall iu�t be unrc;w���:tbl�• withheW. IF &rrruwcr flilc iu nuiotai�►c�����ny;c cl�kriN.��.l utM,sc. Lci�ler nu�•. ul �.�u►k�'s
<br /> ��li�+n,ulusin r++var�ge t��pe.uctii Leixlcr's riehls iii thc Pr.��ny in:s:c+i:d,uw:� u ith ir,tt.+�;r:u+h?. _
<br /> Alt insurance pt�licic� anti renew�l� �lull lie �tieptal+l�!o lxsxkr ,+ixl �li:tll iiklu�k i!�Iilkl.l[J IIMNi�lit�ll' �Iruw Iwt�Jer =
<br /> shalt ha��c thc�ight tn hold thc�licies juxl reiuw•al.r. If'Lc�xkr reyuire.. &+�r�►wrr�lull pn�nµ�t{�};i�e tu[.ciwl.i wll i.ti:144.��1
<br /> paid premiun�,e and renewal notices. Iii the event uf lu�.c.[3orrow�cr�lull bi�c prun�+t �xNiec w�tk iilwr,uk�c�arric�wr! IrnJer.
<br /> Lerx.ier o�ay ntake pra�f oFluss if nat ntatic pmntptly by lk�rruw�cr. —
<br /> Unless l.ender and��nou•er othen�•+tie ngrce in writing.imur•riwc pr�katit.�1�1)hc:y�pli�yl l��r��turrli��n ur �.�v�r��I 11►c R
<br /> Property Jan�ged.if the rectaration or repaic is ctio�umucally fe:i�ible;u�l l.c�kicr'�+�tiurity i�rN►t I��x�uri. IF tl►r r.�u�.��iun��t
<br /> rcpair is not ecunomically fe.a.�ible ar l.e�cier's sexurity u•cwlJ t►r Ie�.�eni�1,1I10 IIIWPS1kC(�t'�xCC�IJ�tiI1:lII A�Y�1�tI1pI tp lIk WUI�
<br /> �ecurul by this Securiry InstNitiicnt, whcther c,r ncu tlun due, u•ith ;ui�• exre.�s paid tu Burr�zv�:r. Ifli„rntiw•rr;►twxl�u►► tlx
<br /> Propeny, or dcec not aruwer u•ithin 30 d�ys a iuuice Prom l.cixler �hst thc inwr:uuc c;uricr h•r.�i+ff'cred tc�titU�u cl:►im, theu
<br /> L.e�der may collect the insur,u�ce procecds. L.etxter n�y use the proceals t�� repair ur restorc�Ik i'n�ny u: tu�*a�� �uut�
<br /> s�:urcd by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.Thc 30•day periai w�ill t+egin uhcn thc ixui�r ix 4i�•�n.
<br /> Unless Lender a�ul Borrower otherwise agrce in writing, any applicstism of pnxc�tiis t•.priiui�vl �tull ix:1 cxtcirl ur
<br /> ��a:�onc thc duc datc of thc monthly p�ymcnts referred ta in paruonsphs 1 anci ? rr cha„�e ri,�,.nwx,�u of tl►e na}nticiur. If ,
<br /> u�.r paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender,Borrow•er's right�o:uiv i»..ur;uue policics:ux1 pnx�cals rcwllin�fr.►tn
<br /> �nage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall p�s to Lender to the extent af the wnu aecur�xi by thia 5ecuriry btwtrunnttit
<br /> inuncdiately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occa�►acy.Preservatlon,Matntetwnce and Protectliu�of tbe Property;Borrower'o I.uan AQplic�twu: l.wcehultl�.
<br />• Barrow•er shall o�-tiupy, establish,and use the Propeny as Borcower'r principal residence within sixty days aRer the exa�ution of
<br /> this Socurity lnstsument ��3 shall continue to occupy the Property as Bonow•er's principa! resicience for at Ieast i�ne ye:tr afkr
<br /> th:date of occupancy, unles.�Lender Wherwise agrees in writing, which concent stull not be unreu�nably withheld,ar unlCSc
<br /> extenuating circunutances exist which are beyond Borcower's control. Bc�mower shall not de�troy, danuge or in�i� the
<br />. Properry, allpw tll�PfOpClty t� deteriorate, or mmmit w�ctc an the Propeny. Borrow•er sh�lt be in�iefsuU if any farfciwrc
<br /> action or proceedin�, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in fo�feiture of the
<br /> Pcoperty or otherwise materially impair thc lien created by this Stcuriry instruntent or l.endet's securiry interest. Borrower may
<br />' cure such a default and reinsGtite, as providod in paragraph 18,by causing the action ar proceeding w be distnissed with a ruling
<br />; that. in Leader's good faith determinuion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's inierest in the Property or ot}�er material
<br /> impairme:s3�f the lien created by this Security I�strument or Lcndcr's wcurity interest. Bomower shall �Iso be in ciefault if
<br /> Bor�WOr.�uri.�the loan application process,g�vt mlterially false or ir�accurase infom�ation or statem�n��to Lender(or failod
<br /> to pro��idc l.ender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including, but not linutod _
<br /> ro,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence.If ihis Socurity Instrument is on a
<br /> lea,sehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the leasc. If Bottower xquircs fee titk to the ['ropetty. the
<br /> Itase2�old a�the fee title shall not nierge unless 1.ender agr..•es to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection ot Lender'o iiight�tn tDe Yropa�ty.if 13orrawer faits�o Qerrorm en=rnvenarus�ad agroemencs coraaineo in
<br /> this S�urity Instrument, or there is a legal procceding thas may signific�ntly affxt Le�er's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> pr�oaeeding in banktupicy,prob�tc, for conden�tion or forfeiture or to cnforce laws or regulations), then Lender may da and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's righu in the Property. C.endor's xtiwts may
<br /> include paying any sums securad by a lien which hac priority over this Security instrumeni, appearing i� court, paying
<br /> . reason�ble attois�eys'fees and entering on d�e Pcoperty to m�lce re�airs. Although I.etuler razy t�ke xtioa under thi9�ar.�raph
<br /> 7.I�des does not have to do so.
<br /> ' My anwunu disbursed by Lender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional dobt of Bonower sxurod by thic
<br /> See�iry Inst�ument. Unless Borrower and l.endu agrce to other terms of payment, these anbunts shall lxu inureu from the
<br /> date �f disburs�a�ent at the Note rate and st►aU be payable, with interest, upon notice from L�u�der w Bwrower reyuesti�
<br /> yuy�:,�K.
<br /> , 8.'llortg,�e Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a oondition of m�lcing the Iwn serurod by this Security
<br /> Ins�tcua�esu, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the martgage insurance in effut. if. for any rcason. the
<br /> mwtgzge insurince coverage required by Leader lapses or ceases ta be in effact.Borrower shaDl pay tlu premiurtu rcquired tu
<br /> obtain co�•erage substantially equivalent co the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a oosi wbstantially equivalent to the
<br /> � oost to Borrowu of the mortgage insurance previously in effert, from �n �ltunate mortgage inwrer approvod by Lender. if
<br /> ° substantially equicalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Banower st�all pay to Lend�r aeh mauh a sum equal to
<br /> one-taelfth of the yearly mortgage insur.snce premium being paid by Borrower when the insuruxe covorage lapsed or ceased w
<br /> De in effect. Leader wili a�oe,pt, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu oi martgaYe inwru�ce. Loss reserve
<br /> ; Faa�30Z8 �1�0
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