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<br /> 't'OGETNER WITH all the +n�pru��en�ents now or hereafter ercxted an thc prope►ty. atxi e;ueuknts,uppurtenances, iixl
<br /> ti+ctures naw ar hercaf7er A ���t nf the prup:,rt}•. A!I replacements and additionti sh�ll :►!x� be co�'ercd by this Security �
<br /> Inrtrunx�nt.All+�f tt►c fotegoing i�rcfcrrctil to in this Sccurity Instrunxnt us dtc> "Fiup�rtp." --
<br /> duitRi3�i%En i.aYEZiAN:S that��rrav.•cr is la�:�fu!!y se:sed�f tl� e���<<�t,c�rehy c.�nreya�!mxi h:i.;ttx;riµht tu�r;int:ind _
<br /> ��awr�• the {'n�perty aiul tllat the Prapeny is unencumbered, except tbr encumbronces��f re.:ard. Bun•ouer warrar,'s;uwl will _
<br /> �lCft�►►1�;ciu►.tlly lhe tiele to the Properl�••rg�i��st all elainu and denwuls,subject to an��encumbrances uf recorJ. _
<br /> '1'lllS SECURITI' INSTRi1MENT combiix:s uniform covenants for national use anci non-uniform coveaants with linutecl _
<br /> ��riatiun�h�jurisiliction to constitute a uniform security instrument ca�•ering real property. -
<br /> l�Nll�l)KR!CO�lF.NANTS. Borroµer uiwl Lcndcr cuvcn:�nt:u�d acrc:a,as foitau•s:
<br /> 1. �'�►��iuut oY PrlticipAl And Intemst; !'repayment and I.ate Ctu►t�{;es. Buerow�er .hall prompily p:ry w•t►en due the
<br /> pri�xi�+al��1 airl iot�r�yt an the debt evidenccd bp the Note a�ui:u►}•przpay ment arxllate charges due uiuter the Note. -
<br /> 2. !�'wwis Pur Taxes und lasurs�nce.5ubject to applicable law or ta a ��ritten waiver by l.ender, Borraw•er ch�ll pay to
<br /> lxixl�r un thr Jay nwnthly papments are duc under the N�te,until thc Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Hunds")for: (a)yearly c:►xes -
<br /> cuwl:�.�c��nknt�whicl► nuy auain priarity aver this Securiry In�trument as a lien on the Property: (b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ur�nw�xl reata�ui thc Property, if any;(r)yearly harard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance pmmiunu. _
<br /> if;uiy: (r1}c:uly nx�rtFage insurance preeniums, if any; and (tl any sums payable by I3orrower ta Leruler, in accardunce with
<br /> the pr«vi�i+uu;��f�urugraph R,in lieu of the pa}•ment of mnrtgace insurance premium..These iteinc are called "Eserow Iten�.c."
<br /> Lcixkr may, ut 3uiy tinx. mllcct and hold Funds in an ar�ount nat �o exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federaUy
<br /> relatcJ nk►rig•rge l+un n�y reyuire for Borrow•er's escruw account und°r the federal Real Estate Settlem�:nt Procedures Act of
<br /> 1474 a�xnk�xl��1 Pr�n�ime a�tin�e. 12 U.S.C. Sectior� 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"),unless unother law th�;t applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a Ic�.kr ;u�wwnt. iP x�, l.ender nwy. at any time. collect and hold Funds in ar�amount not to exceed the lesser anwunt. -
<br /> Le�xier nuy c.iinute the an�nuitit of Fu�u�s duc on the basis of current d:ua and reasonuble estimates oE'expenditures of future
<br /> Es,crow Itcnu:ur uthcrwisc in;kconl:uur with applicable law.
<br /> The Fuiulc sJull hc hcld in ;ui in.�titution w�hose deposits are insured by a fcderal ugency, instrumentnlity, or entity
<br /> (ir►cluclins l.eixkr, if l.e�xl�r ir�uch:u�instiwtion)or in any Federal Home!avi B�tik.Lender shall apply the Fwuls w pay the
<br /> E.ccraw Iten��. I.etxkr nuy tx�t�h:ttge Bormwer for holding:uul a�+plyin�the Funds, annually analy�ing the escrow accotiuu,or
<br /> verifying the E�crow Iten�.�.unle��l.ender pays�rcower interest on the Funds and upplicabte law permits Lender to m�lce such
<br /> a eharge. Hoa•ever,L�:ndc�nuy require Borcow-er to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate ta�c reporting serviee
<br /> uscd by Lender in con�xx:iion with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> applicable law rcyuirc�interest to he p�id,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest oti•eamings on the Funds.
<br /> 8c�rrower urxl l.eixlcr nuy agrce in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendet shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an�uuuul ;+ciiwiuing of the Funds, showing crcdits and debits to the Funds and the purpose fot which exh
<br /> debit ta the Funds w�s nuJe.The Fu�uis are pledsed as additional secwity for all sums secured by this Securiry Itutrurtunt.
<br /> If the Fund�heW by l.cixicr cxcccd the amounts perniitted to be held by applicable law, l.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> fo�the exce�c Fwxls in�a�rd:uu�with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufflcient to pay the Fxrc�w ItenLC when due. Lender may so notify Bonower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> shall pay ta Lender the w�xwiu ixce.wry to make up the deficiency.Bc�rcower shall ma{ce up the deficieACy in no more tltiu
<br /> twelve mot►thly payntents, ai l.ender's sale discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in lull of :►II �unu secured by this Sacuriry Instrument. L.ender st�all promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> t'Wttis itciu uy iciwici. i�. iif'wiC:�w"ui.aciwjn�i�:. �.n.°i`.'�.C'.°..�7�Z.°..:��:st�t setj�h�.P�,�,wnY,l�ndrr;nri�r t�the xauisition or s�le . _. -
<br /> of the Property,sJ�all apply atty Futv.it�heW by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcxtit agai�ut dtie surac securz.�i by
<br /> this Security Itutrument.
<br /> 3.Appllwttoa of Pay�nu�t9.U�desc npplicabte law provides othenvise. alt paymenu received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 st�all be s�plied: firsl, to any prep�ymeot charges due under the Note: second, to amouius payabte under paragraph 2;
<br /> Wird,to intercsi due; fcwrth,to principal due;nnd last,to any late ch�rges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�es; l.leuc. Rcxrower shall pay all t�ces.assessments. charges. fines and impositior�s attributable to the Pro�etty
<br /> which rnay attain prioriry over this Security factrument, and leasehold payments or ground renu, if any.Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obtigations in the matuticr providal in paragraph 2.or if noi paid in tt�at maw�ec.Borrower sh�ll pay t}u�m on time dirocdy
<br /> to the person owod paymeiu. Borrower shall promptly fumistf to Lendcr all notices of unounu to be paid u�er this paragraph.
<br />- ;;3:;r.r::�rr::�.�.4_s t!:=�e�8�I1?�..^.is di�eCl�y,Anrn►wer chall promptly furnis6 to I:ender receipts evidencing the p�ymenu.
<br /> Borruwer shall pranptly discharge:uiy lien which has priority ocer this Security Instrenr.era unl�ss Borro��er:(a}sigrees in
<br /> writing to thc paynknt of the obliration securod by the lien in a maruur zcceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends a�aln�t cnfurcenxnt of the lien in, legal proceedings v�hich in the Lender's opinion operatc to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(r) kxurc�f'rrnn the holder of the lien an agre�nent s�dsfactory to Lender wbordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Inuntment. lf Letxier�ieternunes that:u�y part of the Propen}• is subjoct to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. Lcndcr may givc Rurmwcr a noticc identifying the lien.Borrower sl�11 satisfy thc lien or ta{ce ona or
<br /> more of thc aciion�set fwtl�abc�ve witttia�IU J�ys of thc diving�f nodce.
<br /> Foma 3028 9190
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