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, . . c;s�....,...... ......: .L., .__. .oafa��- _ -_. Lv�:�_ <br /> —_ _�_.. ..�qy �� ___ _. . .—.—.' <br /> ��`��.w� . .. a .. .��J.�.w,.... ' — <br /> � •:���j,�;l'� � __ -.___—"' <br /> — . — ---w- .,,,,L. _. �_ ��� "� - <br /> �---°- �, �---.-_._._ _ <br /> ; 6,�: �: . � . g2_ ��2280 - <br /> � •• � �. � �ri�xl�Ihul l.endcr reyuirer. Tlir insu`uncc cunirr pn,vid�ug�he in�urance,h+dl Ix� hy Nurrowrr�uhjcrt lu(.�ndc�'. �;4_:__ <br /> � � Ix E Y �.=: .,:. <br /> .�.- :• ++-.... uppruvul wbich,hull nut ik unrca,unubly withhrld. II'Nurruac r luil.t��m.�in�uin cuvrr:i�r dr,rrilxd uM►ve. Lcndrr ma .�u <br /> . Lrndcr:��ption,uMuin c�vcrnEc i��protrrt I.enJcr:ri�eh�+in thc Pru�xny in iicrurdunce wilh paru�ruph 7. <br /> � .. � . All intiuruncc poliric�und nncWUly�hull Im,�ccrrtuMr in l.rudrr und,hidl incluJr��,tundard nwr��ugc claur,r. Lcnder <br /> +hull huvc�hc right�i�hnld thc�x�licic,and rrnrw+d+. II'Lc�xlrr rryuirc..N��rruwrr.hull prumptly givc lu Lcnikr idl recripl. _� <br /> -- -- � nl paid prrmium.unJ rcncw•rl nulicc.. In�hr cvcni al lu,.,H��rruwrr,hull Ervr rr�►�»r�����u«lo th�in,unux•e r�u�rirr and �,� <br /> l.cnder. Lender muy make pra�f ol'In..if nut mudr prumpUy hy Hurrowrr. — <br /> " llnle+,Lrndcr und H��rtower olhen►•i,c a�:rcc in wrilinE. in.w•unrr pnkerJ.,h:�ll t+e uppli�d lu m.lurati�m��r r�pair uf � <br /> __ . n ` .. �. -. T_„'_.�-_. <br /> Ihe Property dumuged. if the reti�uru�iun or repuir i+ econum�raUy Ira,iMr :�nd I.rndrr', ,rcuray i, nui I�+xurd. 11 thr �- <br /> ° � rc,iurution or repuir n nut ccunomicully i'ru,iMc ur l.cnilcr'+ ucurity wuidd ik k.wnrd. thr in.urancr pr�xcr�l, .hull ik <br /> • " , . upplicJ lo the .um. �rcurrd by thi�Sccurity (n�lrument. ahrth�r ur not thcn Jue. wilh uny exrr.,paid�u Norrowcr. li' <br /> � Borrower ubandam thc Pru�xny. or dix, nut an�wcr within ;11 Ji�y+ :�nutirc frum Lrndrr �hat �hc in.uru�xr rurrirr hu+ <br /> . .. � nffereJ to.etdc a cl•rim,lhen Lendcr may cullcct ihc in+uranr�pnxcrd,. l.rndcr m:ry u,r Uic pr�kreJ,w rrpuir ur re�wrc <br /> ihr Propeny or ia hy�hi.Security In.�runnnt,whrther or nol lhen duc. 1'he.�0•Juy�xri�xl will tx�tin when —� <br /> � Ihc notire is given. - - - <br /> • Unles.L.cnder anJ Bum�wer�dhcnvi,�agrec in �vritinE. :my appliru�ion ut�prureed�lu principal .hull iK�� rxtcnd ur --- <br /> • �xntpunc the Jue date ui�the m�mthly puymcn��relcrr�J tu in�,ar.�graph, I imd?ur chunEr ihr amount ul'�he puymrnt.. If <br /> � unJer paragruph ?I �hc Pru�xny i+arquircd hy L�ndcr. N�xruwcr'•righi �o any in�urunrr �►lirir.and pnxcr�l.rc+ultin� T � <br /> .. I'ri�m dumugc w�he Pruperty prior u,thr arquiati�m.hall pa..In L�ndcr lu Ihe exknl of Ihc�umti.erured hy thi�Srcuriry �` <br /> Imlrument immediately pri��r iu ihr aryui,ition. ��.v�� <br /> b. Uccupancy, Pretiervaliun. Muintenance und Protectiun ui' the Pruperty: Burrower'r l.uan Application: �•- <br /> ' Lea�holds. Borrowcr+hull�xrupy.�+tahli.h,a��d u.r ihr Pru�xny u+Norrowrr:principul re+iJrncc widiin .ixry duy+after __ <br /> � Ihc rx�cu[iun uF ihi�Securily In+lrumrnt•�nd.h:dl eoniinue iu�xcupy Ih� Pr�,�xrty:i�Horre�wrr: prinrip•rl rexiJ�ncr ior at �_. - <br /> Icu.t un� ycur ultcr the dutc uf �KCUpanry. unlc.+ Len�lc� ulhrn+i.rc agrcc. in writing. whirh r�m,rnl .hall noi Ix� ��.-- <br /> unrcu,onubl��withheld.or unl«.cxtcnuuting cirrum.tuncc,crisi which arc ix)�imd kiiiROwcr',con�rol. flnrr��wrr.hull not � "_: <br /> dc.troy.damagc ur impair �hr N'�,�rty.aUuu th�Pru�xny lo detcriora� rommii wu.t�un�hr Pr�qxny. Norro��•�r�hall <br /> Ix in dcfuult if uny liirfcilun ur�iun ur pnxrrding.wlxth�rrivil ar rriminal.i.tkEun Ih,u in Lcndcr�g�Kxi frith jud�;mcnt _ --_ . <br /> ci�u1J rrxult in forlritum ui tlx Pro�xny ur ulhenvi,� m�eriully imp��ir Ihe lien crra�ed by Ihi, Srcurity In�trument nr �;:�--_: <br /> Lcndcr;�ccurily intere+l. Horro��rr m�y cur�.urh a del'au11 a�id rcin+latc.:u prav�ded in par.►praph 18.hy r;�u�ing�h�action —___ <br /> .'> or prur�rding U�Ix di.mi.�eJ with a rulin�that. in l.�Mlcr;g�x�l t:ii�h delrmiinutiim.pnrluJe�ti►rfcilur�uf Ihc Borrowcrk --- <br /> imrrr.t in Ilic P�u�xizy ur uihcr ivatrrial intp:tirment o( dK lirn rrr:urd M thi. Sccuritv Imlrument ar Lci�lrr; ,ecuriry �� <br /> inlcrc.�. BuRUwcr +hall ul,�► ix in drfaidi il' f3urrowcr.durinE 1hc loan appliriuian pnxr,,. gav� m:ucnally Ial,c ur i..�.--- <br /> inurruratc iniittmulion�rnkniti In Lrndrr lor 1'ailyd 1��pra�•idr Lcndcr a ith nny matcrial intiimuni�►n�in c�xincrii�m wiih ____- <br /> �hr I��an cvidrnceJ hy ihc Nole. inrludin�. hul nnt limiled w. rep��enlali�m. runceming Rorru�vcr;ixrupu�xy i,f the �����,;,_ - <br /> -- -- Nro�xrt�•a+u prinripal re.ridenre. If�hi.tircuriry In�trimiem i�un a(e:�•ehold.Burro�ccr,h:dl rumply wilh ull ihr pruri�iun, ��,,�� <br /> ---- - --- ul Ih�Iru+c. If Barrrnvcr acyuirc,Icc UUc lo Ihe i'ro�x`ny.�hc ic:�,chu1J�m�{i11�i��lid�,h:iN n<�t mcr�r unlc::::l.rndrt'agrc`rs ` <br /> tu thr mcrgcr in writing. ` '::" . <br /> 7. Prolerdon ��'I.ender's Ri};hts in Ihe Properl}. II' 13urru�vrr fails In �xrkinn thr c��venunt. :md :�grcrmrnt. �.,�•..,�.-;. <br /> ., , , , <br /> runtuined in ihi� S�cunly In�trumeni. ur �hrrc i, a Irgul pnxcrding �ha� muy �i�mlirurnly ull�ci LcnJrr;right+ in thc ,.�.�_,:_,',� , <br /> �. ... <br /> I'roExr�y�.uch:i�:�pr.xerding in h:ml.rup�ry.pruha�r.�i�r cumlemnaiiun or li�rlei�ure ur w enlarre laa•�ur rcEulati��ml.Ihen ; ;�,.:4 <br /> LcnJcr mi�y du and pt+y A,r��•hatrvcr i,nrre„ary lu pruiccl thc �•alur ul Ihr Prup�hy and Lrndrr�ri�!ht. in thr Pr���xity. .. <br /> ' Lendrri aeI1110ti 1118�' i1KIU/It�l:i}•in�!uny,um•.rrwrJ hy a licn��•hich ha�priurit� uvrr Ihi+Securit}•InNrumcnt.ap�xaring '.� <br /> ,. in cuun.payinE rra,onable:u�urne�•.'Ier,and rr.�erine un ihr Prupcil�•1u mule repairr. Althuugh Lrn�kr rnay tukr ucti�,n �, <br /> unJcr thi,par.iEruph 7.I.enJcr J�x,n���h;��r tu du,u. , ,__ <br /> Anv am�xml+di.hur.cJ 1,�• Lcn�lrr un�kr ihi+ �,aragraph 7.hall Ixc�,mr addiii�m,il drM ul' liorru�vcr �erurrd by thi+ <br /> � tirrurih•�In,�runun�. l inlc..I;�Kru��cr and I.rndcr a�:r�.w uihrr�rrm.ul paymrn�.ihr,c amnunt,.h;dl hcar inlrrc,�f'rom thc : . <br /> daic al'Ji,hur,rmrm :n ihc h�Nr rale and .hall tk��snahl�.��ilh inier..�. u�x�n n��iicr from Lrndrr t�► linrrowcr rcyu�.ting i .,�_�'•�• <br /> � pnymrm. � - - <br /> 8. Mort�aue Intiurunee. U I_endrr reyuircd nwr�ga�:r in.ivanre a,;►rundiliun ol'mal,in� Ihr luan xcumd hy thi, • <br /> Scrurilv Inslrumcnl. N�a'nx�cr�h:dl pay Ih� prcnnumti rryui�rd t��maimain Ihr n►un�!aEr imurancc in efYcrl. I1. li�r uny <br /> rcauHi. thr m��ng:�gr in.ivancc rrnrraEc reywrrJ hy LeiKlcr la��,r. ��r rra.c. w Ix in rlfcr�. Bi,rrowrr,hall pay �hr : . <br /> � pnmium+ rryuircJ ia nl,�ain a�r.r.�ir ,uh,i:inti:dl� r��ui�al�ni h, ihr nu,ngatr in,uranc� prc� in rllrr�. at a c�„� <br /> .. � . rub.lunlially cyuiv.drnl t�� Ilte ru,l lu linrr�,��.r nl Ihr nwn�aie in,uranrc prrv�uo.l}• m�•((��m:m:dtematr nturlga�e . <br /> in,urer appru�•cd b�•l.endcr. II wh.t:utli:�ll}•ri�ui�•alrnl nuxt�:��r in•uranrr r„�er.�ge i,nnl;iv:nl:ihle. Rixn���rr,h:dl pay lu . <br /> . Lcndrr rarh nwnth a ,um cyual lu�mr-���rUih al ihr �r.irl� nu�rl�aEe imur:uur prcmium hring paid M Hurru��er wh�n ihc _ <br /> intiurancr ruvrra�c I:i���cd ur i•ea�rd lu Ix�in�Ilrrl. I.�nd�•n��!I:i�•«'pl.u.e and rcl:un Ih�+i pa)m�nl�a.a lu.,re,rn r in licu ' <br /> ��f mnrlgugc in+uranru. Lu„ rc,rnr pa�mcm. m:p nu IunL�r hr icyuind.:�I Ihr��piiun ul I.rndrr. il'm��rt�:��!r in+uran�� „� <br /> ' r�rvrr:��.c 1 in thr um�nmt:�nd li�r ihr�,rriud ih;u Lenil�r rcyun-e.i�,ru�ided h� :in m,urrr:�ppru�rJ hv l.rixlr�•a�ain Ixr��mr. <br /> � a�•ailaMl�:md i,ohtained. I�urru��rr,hall��:�) Ihr��r.nuum�n•.�mird tu inaini:un m��rl�a�r itnur:wc�in u�pr��ci�lr a <br /> losti rrxr�•c.unlil thc r.yuircnxnl li�r mun�:a�:r m,w:wr<<�nii,in:ira�rd;nur��itli am ��riucn:itrcennrn tkl�ccrn liunuarr <br /> and(.rnJcrurapphc:�hle la��. <br /> 9. Inxprction. Lrndcr a� il.:i�rnl ma� mal.r i��:�,an:�hl.rnu�r,iywn .md in.prrn� lhr I'rup�•rt�. I.rndcr.h:dl <br /> givc Rurmacr nutirc :ii ihr Um:�d ur pn��r 1„.in ui.�,crliun•�,�rd�m}�ra�un.ihlr..iu.r h,r ihr m.��r�n�,n. <br /> ' . ���. �'undemnution. �{I���PtiCC������ :111\ .1\�.1Y����I i�:llltl I��f i�.ItII.IL��.��Ifiil��f i��I1��t�11�0U:1�.111 CUIIIIiiU��ll\�11�1 :10\ <br /> smclr I.nml� Fnonk��lur•treddlc\luc 1\IFIIR�I I\�1 NI�IF.\1 1 nu�nm 1'��.:n.,nn �1 WI •��.�;. :,. •;•.������ <br /> � I.d.�.R�..ur..l.nnn In� � <br /> 1..��.d1 Uma;:vvrn I\\��1��7'�11111 <br /> ' I <br /> t <br /> .41 <br /> �. <br /> • �i � - -- _ <br />