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<br /> r. . , d:�r. ° 92— i(�2 28 0 -�-
<br /> . . �
<br /> '�� ' � TA(i6THER WITH ull shc impruvcmcm+ now��n c�r�al�rr crrc�cd�m Ihc pro�xny.:�nd ,dl ru�cmcn�+, appunenancr.r, a„-,___
<br /> - �,�,� und fixlures now an c�rcuf�cr•r part uf ihc propeny. All replurcmcm.anJ udditi��nti+hull ul�u he c�wcrcJ by Ihi�Srcurity __�W.
<br /> ,. , ln�rument. All uf the f�rc�c�ing ix mtcrrrd�a in thi�+Scruri�y Im�rumcnt ux thc"1'nqx'r1Y•"
<br /> BORROWER CAVENANTS thut Burrowcr ix luwl'ully tirincd ul'Ihc r��uin c�rchy cunveycd und hu+�hc righ��u�run�
<br /> � ^_� und convcy the Propcny anJ Ihut�hc Pru�x ny i�uncncumlxrcd,rxccp�li►r rncumhrunrrti ut rrcurd. Borruwcr wurrrmx und T�
<br /> ' wfll defend gene�ally the Iillr u�Ihe Pro�xny aguinst ull cluim.r und demunJ,,wbjcc��o any cncumhrancc,of recurJ. _
<br /> �� ' �- U TY INSTRUM6NT combine+ unifi►rm e<+venum. fbr autiunul u+e +mJ ix►n-unifc�rm cnvenant� wi�h � � =`-��°'' '==�`—
<br /> THIS SEC RI
<br /> � . `' � IimitrJ vuriuiiun+by juri+Jictiuu lu cu�nliwtc a uniti,rm,crurity in,lnim��nt covcring rcnl�xo�x•ny. �__- _-,_ _ -��,3-_1
<br /> ' � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr und Lcndcr cuvcnunt und ugnx u.tidloW.: .�r--
<br /> ' I, Ps�yment of PrincipAl and Inleregl;Prepayment�nd I.ute CharRes. Borrnwcr�hall prcimplly pay whcn Jur�hc
<br />� � principat of unJ interetit un the�kb�evidenceJ hy ihe N�►tc unJ uny prcpuymem und laie churge.due undrr�he N�de.
<br /> ' ' 2, Funds for'll�xes und Insu�unce. Subjcct tu applicuMc luw�ir to a wriucn waivcr by l.cndcr.Sorrow�r tihull puy lu _
<br /> Lender on the Jay manthly paymcnt�urc duc under�hc N�KC,until Ihe Notc i,paid in f�ult,a.wn 1"Fundti'1 ti�r: lu)ycarly �,�_.,_
<br /> � - � tuxes;►nd assessments which muy uttuio priori�y ovcr�hi.5ecurity Inti�rumen�u+u lien on�hc Prc►perty: Ihl ycurly Icuschold
<br /> ' payments or g�ound rents on �hc F'roperty. if uny; Icl ycar�y hurunl ur pru�ny in�urancc premiums; Idl ycurly Ilood __ •- a-
<br /> insurance premiums, if uny; Icl ycurly mangagc inruruncc pmmiums, iF any; und (4 ;uiy �ums payablc by Borrawcr to
<br /> • • Lender,in uccardnncc with the pnivi,iun�of purngruph tt,in licu uf thr paymcm of mongage imurunrc prcmiumz. Thc.e __
<br /> " itemti Are called"6scrow Items.' Lender muy,A�uny time.collect und huld Funds in an umount nut to excecJ the muximum � =;:;,=-
<br /> umount a lendcr for a fcJcrally rel�ted munguge loan muy rcyuirc for Borrowrr+ eurow uccount unJcr�he fedcrul Reul �•-•• -
<br /> �� Estutc SetUcmem Procedures Act of 1914 uti umended from lime to�imc. 12 U.S.C.� 2G01 el sry.l"RESPA"),unlc�ti unWhcr
<br /> . � . " law tlwt upplies ta the Funds�et�u Iesser amaum. If�o.Lender muy,at uny lime,colkr�and hold Funds in un umuunt not to ���
<br /> exceed the Ie,SCr umoum. I.endcr mny estimute thc umount of Funds duc nn �he bu�is of current dutA and r+eutionablc -
<br /> • � esiimaleti of expenditures of future Escmw Items or atherwi+e in ucrorJunce wilh applicablc luw. '�'�- �,�,
<br /> �•^ The Funds shall be hcld in an in�titution who,e dc�sits urc imured by u fcdcrul ugcixy, instrumentulity.��r cntily �`=�=°
<br /> lincludins Lender.if Lender i.such an in,tiw�ian►ur in uny Federul Home Loun Bank. Lcixler shull apply ihe Funds to puy '��`, _
<br /> • the Escrow Uems. LenJer may not churgr eurrower fnr holding and s►pplyinb �hc Fund., annuully analy�ing thc c+crow —___,v
<br /> ' • � uccount, or verifying the Escrow Items, unle.x l.ender pvy+ Borrawer interest on �he Fund�and applicablc luw permits = -
<br /> . Lcnder to makc,uch a charge. Howevcr,LcnJcr may rryuire Borrower to puy a onc-timc rhurgr for •rn independent real �—r�.�.:,�
<br /> � ' � eslate�ax reporting service used by Lender in ronneclion wilh this loun,unlc„upplics►ble law provides utherwise. Unless un °:�=��.
<br /> � -- . --� � agtecmcnt is mude or applict�hle luw require�intere.�io Ixe puiJ.Len�ler shall nut t►e reyuired to puy Borrower uny intere,t ur ��
<br /> cnmings on the FonJ�. Bc►rrnwer und Lxnder may ugrce in writin�,howcver,lhut int�rest xhall be puid on thc Funds, l.ender ••�..�
<br /> , ' shall givc to BoROwer. withow churgc,un unnuul ucc�wnting oP�hc FunJs,,howing credit�uixl�kbiis ui thc Fundti und thc • °���,��;�`s=
<br /> � � � purpose for which cuch debit to the Funds wuti mude. The Funds ure plcdgeJ uz udditiormi security for all tiums secured by � � �=�F�=����=
<br /> ' iGui�s!'�1►=
<br /> this Security Instniment.
<br /> '-- �-_ - if ti�c Fu�iJ. hel3 by Lcndcr cxcecd ihe amaunt�: permitted to be held hy a��+lic:�hlr luw. Lender�hull account w �F�:r��
<br /> ' Borrower for the excess Funds in accorJance with thr reyuirement�of upplicuble luw. If�hc amoum uf the Funds held by
<br /> � ' Lender u�uny time ix no�sufficient to puy thr E+crow Item, when due. Lender muy.o notify Borrawer in wriiing,anJ, in �'q �
<br /> such cuu: Borrower shuU puy w Lender thr umount necess•rry lo make up�he deliciency. Borrowrr shull muke up thr • � ..� ';
<br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lendrr's wlr Ji,cretion. -.
<br /> Upon puyment in full of ull sums.ecured hy ihi,Sccurity Instrumen�,LenJcr shall prumptly rcfund to Barrower uny . .
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If. under parugruph?1.LenJcr shull uryuirc iir ull Ihe Propeny,l.endcr,prior lo the acyuisilion or �
<br /> .ulc of the Pmperty. .holl upply nny Funds held hy l.rnder al �he time oi'ucyuisition or+ale us u credil uguins[the yums � �+,��
<br /> secured by this Securi�y InstrurtH�nt. . '�"'
<br /> •• 3. Application af Payments. Unle,. sipplicabl� law pruvide� othcnvi.c. all payment, reccived by Lrndcr undcr • :��i-
<br /> p•rrLgrvphs I.�nJ 3+hall hc applicd: fnt.�a any prrpayrrKm chargrti Jur unJcr thc Nm�; umounh payabl�undcr l ,���•• '
<br /> puragraph 2;IhirJ,to intcrrst due:i'�iunh,to principul duc;•rnJ lu�t,tu any lutc chargc�duc undcr Ihc Notr. � Y2-x`':�_
<br /> �r:�•.,
<br /> . •1. Clwrges: Liens. BnROwcr+hull puy aU �axe.. a��ntti. rhur�c,. fines and imp�»ition+ attributvblr �o thr '�r .�
<br /> �...:: .
<br /> Propeny which muy attain priurity over thix Seruri�y In+�rument,and Iea,chuld payment+�x ground rent+.if uny. Bunuwcr , ��„�;,.
<br /> +hull pay Ihc.c��bligatiom in Ihe manncr pnwidcd in para�;raph 2,�►r if not paid in th•ri munner.Borrower shull puy Ihem on •
<br /> iimc JirccUy lo the person uwcJ puymcnt. D��rrowcr+hall promptly fumi.h tu Lrndrr all nu�icc.�►f amounls to Ix paid unJcr :
<br /> this p•rragruph. If Borrowrr muketi �he+e paymen��direcdy.Bi�ROwer shull promptl��f'urni.h to Lender receipt.evidencing � :
<br /> thc payments. • .
<br /> '. . Borrower.hall pr�xnpUy dixh.ugc uny licn whirh h�s prioriry uvrr Ihi+tierurit�•Imtrumm�t unlc+s Borrow•rr:lal�grce+
<br />. . . , in writing to thc puymrrx at'thr i�hli�,niun+crumJ hy�hr lien m a mannrr arceptahlc�n Lrndrr,lbl c�,ntr+t�in giuxl(uith the
<br /> : lien by.or defcnds a�►iimt rnt'�xccnum uf thc lirn in.Irgal pr�xrrdinE.whirh in the Lrndcr'.��ini�x�uperatr tu prevcnt Ihc
<br /> enf'orcemrnt of ihr licn:ar lcl,ccurr.tFom Uic huldcr ol'�h. lien an a�rcemrnt .a�i,l:wtury w Lrnder.uhordinating thc lirn ,.
<br /> � io this St�uriry Imtrumcnt. If Lcndcr d�t¢rn�inc.that any pan of thc F'ro�xhy i,.uhjcct tu u licn whirh muy ultuin priority .
<br /> ovcr Ihi�5ecurity Inslrumcrn.l.rndcr muy givr Bormwrr a nuurr idrnutying ihe licn. Borrowcr,hall.atisl'y�hc lien i,r tuhe ; ,
<br /> on�or morc of thc aclion,,rl limh uh�rv�within IQ d�y�ol Ih�Eiving ut�nutic�.
<br /> � 5. Hazt�rd or Property Insurynce. Horruwer�hall I�rrp thc improvrnuntti ni�w rxi+ting un c�rraller rrectrJ on thc
<br /> ' pmperly imurcJ aguin�l lu��h� 1'irr.hvarJ.inrludrd wi�hin Ihc Irr►n"rxlcnJr�i cu�crugr"and any ulhrr haiarJti.inrluding
<br /> tlocxi� ur tla�dinN, tiir�vhirh L.�ndcr rryuir�+ in.uraucr. fhi. in.uranrc .h:►II hr maimainrd in thr •rnx�um. und for thc
<br /> Furm 1027i 9l90 �pa�r:,qn�ti�¢r.v
<br /> �
<br /> �� .
<br /> � y � - - _
<br />