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:�'��tt?"•�`:(�'�e�bia!_ _f� 4 ,i..�'. �". •k� �.{t������_.l__}�a'ty�}ts. 'iSL".'�,...,_, . <br /> vl�iflk <br /> ���� - �� . . 11�, ' �'^ ., ' .��*pF*�-_-_-- '� � <br /> . ,�,il� � .., ;�G' ' - .. <br /> • .... <br /> -. . ._._._�., .. '-_ ° - - <br />__ _. . . ...�.. -' ' - -- <br /> .. <br /> --- -. . . - .. - "� ._..� <br /> � � r� .� � "�- -- - -- <br /> .�r�� :� 92-- 1u22"7� <br /> �- .. . <br /> ,�� �''• ' ' 12. Succcssorn And Assi�ns Bnundj Jaint and Sevct�l I.IoMNtyi ���SlRnern. Thc covenonts unci agrcemems oi this <br /> :�'_=-'—�•:�_=�__..*✓ � Secu�lty Instrument .r•hnll hind und benefit the successnrs un�f araignx ��f l.ender und 8orrower, subject to the pr�vixiona of 6� <br /> ,�� .;•_ �� ',:�� purngraph 9.b. Bormwer's cavenanu: and agrecments sholl he jnint and hevernl. Any 8arrnwer wh��rn-xigns thix Security <br /> � •}�� lnstrument but does nc�t execute �he Note: lu) i�co-signing ihis Securi�y lnstrumem only ta mortguge,grunt und remvey�hat <br /> ..�,,_,:;,' ,;.;.:1 d,_r?. Borrower's intere�t in the Propeny under the tcm�s of thiti Security Ins�niment:lb)is nnt pena►nully ubligu�ed tn pAy thc�ums — <br /> � � - secured by�hia Secu�ity Ins�trument;und(c)ugrecx thut l.ender unJ nny nther&�rcower muy ugrec to cxtenJ, m�xlify, fi►rbeur or <br /> o �'� ��"\�r� ��° make any accommndatinns witb regw�d to tlus terms of this Securiry Inslniment or the Note without thW &�rcawer's conscnt. <br /> ," ,. <br /> _ ___.. _., - <br /> _ �. �: - _ ,-_�--_-• <br /> �•�-•� •' �� •r'� - 13.Notices. Any notice to Burrower proviJed for in thi� Secu�ity Instrument shull t►e given hy dclivering it ur by mailing <br /> ., f- ��..F'...�:,=��.. <br /> . it by first clatis muil unless applicnble law requirc. use�+f unnther methad. The notice sholl ix:direc�ed w the Prapeny Address <br /> � ° or uny other address Borrower designute+ by notice to L.ender. Any notice w Lender shull be given by flrst clas� mail to — <br /> a��s, <br /> ° Lender's addresg sta�ed herein or uny addres+Lencier designutes hy n�tice[o Born�wer. Any nwice provided fo�in this Secu�ity <br />�%' ��'� ' . " • In.ctrument shull be deemed to hAVC been given la Born�wer or L.ender when given ag provided in this parngraph. _ <br /> �_. . <br />,r r c- <br /> i''�.. . , ° l4. Governing law; Severability. This S�tiuriry Iny�rument tihall bc govemed by faleml law anJ the luw of the <br />• � ' jurisdiction in which the Pmperly is I�xuted. In the event thut any pmvisi�u�or rlause aP this Security InstrumeM or the N�te <br />;,,.,: , � . „ ; .„ .., conflicts wieh applicnble I�w. such c��nflict shull not uftcct�uher provisions of this Security Imtrument or the Nate whinc�an be �, <br /> . � � given effect without the conflicting pravisian.To �his end the provisiun5 uf�hix Security Instrument and the Note are declared <br /> , a . . •• to bc severable. � <br />. .i , <br /> ., �� l5.Borrower's Copy.&mower shall bc given one confarn�ed copy of�his S�turity Inatniment. —_ <br /> � " . 16. Assignment oP Renls. &�rrower uncondi�ionully ux�igns �nd trunsfers to Lencicr ull the rents and mvenues of the — <br /> • � Praperty. &�ROwer autharizes Lcnder or l.cndcr's ugentz a►cullect the rents und revenues and hereby directs each tenunt of the � ,_�;"�- <br /> � , Propeny to pay thc rents to Lcnder or Lendcr's ugenth. Nowever,prior�o Lender's notice to Borrower ot Borrower's breach of <br /> �`- <br /> � any covenant or ugrcement in the Security In.tniment, Borrowe�shall collect and mceive ull rents nnd revenues of the Propeny �?'`.+'�.. ...-- <br /> �.•.....-'°-='_- <br /> *_-_�� as tn�titee for 1hc benefit af Lender und Borrower. This a�tiignment oP rents constiwtes an absolute uxsignment end not an —_—° <br /> • .. ass�gnment foraddnionai x�uriry�mly. ���ys��-^� <br /> �;tiT.:_ - <br /> . ,,- � . If Lender gives natice of breach ta&�rrower:(u)all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bo�rower as trustee for =- <br /> ' " benefit of l.ender anly,to be upplied�o Ihe sums secured by the Security Instrumenl; lbl L.ender.hull be entiUcd ta collect und i _ <br /> � s`-- - reeeive uU ol the rents oi the ProFx:ny; urKi �ci cuch �nouot uf ti�e Prop�.rty sha:l pay al! renlx due and unpaid to Lender or __ <br /> " • Lerwcr's agent c�n l.ender's wriucn demand�o thc tenant. °__--- <br /> .. N9 " <br /> �� ,���� Borrower has not ex�utcd uny prior as�i�nrrxnt uf thc rent.r and hati n��t und will not perfu�m uny act that would prevent _ <br /> I.ender from exerci�ing its rights unJer this parugrnph 16. = <br /> . . �i r-:-- <br /> � l.ender shall not lx requir�Yi to entcr up�m,tuk�contrul of ur maintain thc Prnperty bePore��r ufter giving nnticc af breurh �"`"z:a;R <br /> to &�rrower. Hawever. I.enJer ur u juJicially up�►in�cd recrivcr may J�� +��u�c�ny time ther�is u bmach. Any applirution��f ` <br /> . rents shall nol curc ur waivr uny J�I'uult ��r invalid•rte any ud��r ri�:ht ur renxdy of I.cnJer. Thi+ a,si�mnent of rents of the '��,;::;,m "�' <br /> , �.,'�•, . Properly shull terminate when thc Jcht.crurrJ hy the Scrurilv In.�rument i+paiJ in full. �.�;�::-° <br /> - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Hnrruu•cr and I.cnJcr funhcr���ccnarn unJ agrrca+fi�0ow�: `. 7�f;:; <br /> 17.Foreclnsurc Proccdurc.If'Lender rcyuir�h immcdi:Nc pa�ment in Pull undcr purugruph 9,I.endcr ma��invoke the = <br /> �r '� ' pow•er �►t sale and any other remedies penniped b� uppllcahle lu���. Lcnder shull be entitk�d to collect ull expens�s E.'_'•;�_, <br /> %�'��,• incurred in pursuin�the rrmedies under thls paru�raph 17.Includin�;.bu1 not limited to,re�nable altorneys' Pcex and - - <br /> �� <br /> �..,..���.;„,�-: <br /> •• „ . . c�t.�oP dlle evidenre. • ,,.-«�, . <br /> ��-- <br /> IP the pnH•er of xule ix invuked, Tru�l�w zhull r�YUrd u rn�tice oi deiuult in eucb count�� in N•hich any part of the � =`'`_ _ <br /> ' Property Is Incuted and shull muil copi�w�d'such anticc in tl�e munner pr��+crfbed b}• appllraBlc laa� to liurrower end to w <br />�I � .r,,. the ather persu��.ti prcxrfl►ed b�•epplicaMe lu�c. Aftcr the timc requimd by uppOcablc la��,T�est�Y shull Rive public nnticc --:.�;_ <br /> � �` ' of'sule to thc pen�ms und in thc munncr pnyrrii►ed I» upplicublc In���.'fruct�w, ���{thout de�nund nn Borroa�er, tihall sell �, �, <br /> � "� �� the Propert�•at publir uuctinn In tlir hiuh���bidder ut the time and pl�e und undcr thc term+d�i�;nated in the nolice of . <br />' ' '. tialc in one or murc pn�ccls und in am nrdcr Trux�ec dctcrmincs. 'I'rust�r mu�� p��+t��ne sulc oP uU or um• purcel uP the . <br /> � . Property In• public unnow�ccment ut thc time �md plurr of an� prc�iou+l� xheduled xalc. I.cnder on c�d�hi�nee may <br /> ,� .''� purchusc thc Propert��at anv sale. � • � <br /> ,�, . �-4RINE) r�.�.. ���n '- , <br /> m � . <br /> f. <br /> :i. � <br /> •�.•- <br /> ,,;., .1 <br /> „ <br /> � <br /> I <br /> i <br /> . � - � — - ! <br />