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<br /> ; .�:.b -d
<br /> � , refened w in pumgroph 2. or chunge ihc nm��unt uf+uch puymenty. Any czccrr pnkced�uver Ln umount required tu pay all
<br /> --��e':�;�`�`�'�`� �"
<br /> - � �;�i"�r,.�y outsda�xiinQ indcbtednesx under the Nate und this Security Inatrumcnt shall bC paid tu Ihe entiry Ic�ally entillul th�:reta.
<br /> ~ �, s. ..
<br /> , ,ry,�,,,,�,�,:..,,»,. • 8.Fees.Lender may rollect fees and clwrges�WhorizeJ by tha Secretory.
<br /> P
<br /> n _. :- �:•;=.+:.�;.' • 9.Grounds for AccelerAtbn ot Debt.
<br /> �::-���.r:.,;-,,;�''-- ... (p) Defoull. Lender may, except ati limital by regulutions issued by the Scrrrtury in �he caxe uf puYn�ent Jef�ultc. �� -���N ----•
<br /> s �:�.,•= '� r� requirc inunediutr paymcnt in full of ull sums tiecurcJ by thi�Scrurity Ins�rument if:
<br /> • ' � . li1 Borrnwer defaults by failing to p•ry in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instrumern pnor w or
<br />�!'� � un the duc date af the next manthly payment,or
<br /> '.r�+�'��; "�` (ii) Borrower defuult.r by fuiling, for u peri�►J af thiny duys, to perf'arm uny Wher obligutions cantainecl in thie
<br /> .• `, . Security Instn�ment. `---_
<br /> � . . . .
<br /> ' ' (b) Sale Without Credit Approval. L.endcr shall, if permitled by upplicable law und with the prior appmval of the
<br /> ' . Se�vetury.rcquire immeciiate payment in full ot'nll sums xecured by this Security Instrument if:
<br /> � (i► All or pan of the Praperty. or a bcne�ciul interest in A tnst owning all or p:ut of tho Property, is sold or
<br /> � � � otherwi�a trnnsfened lother than by devire or drscenU by the Bc�nower, uml
<br /> , �� (ii► The Properiy is no� cxcupied hy the purchaser or gruntee as his or her principal rc�idence, or the ___
<br /> .-.' - - purchASer or grantee d�c�accupy the Property but his or her credi�has not been approved in accordance with the __--� _
<br /> � , , requiremenls��f Ihe Secrctary. _
<br /> ^ • (cl Nn Waiver.If circum+tances�xcur thut woulJ prrmii Lendar to require immeJiute payment in f'ull,but l.ender daes �:_._
<br /> �� not require such pAyments.L.emic�doex�ot waive itx righls with respect io subgequent events. ��
<br /> ,�
<br /> ..
<br /> �YS'��'��,'' ' (d) Re�ulalbns of HUD Seeretary. In muny circumxiunces regulntions iti�ued by the Secretary witl limit Lender's �--�
<br /> • �� rights in the r:�x �►f puymem JeGiult.a� requirc imnxdiatc puyment in full and forerlau� if not pnid. This Secu ty
<br /> Inrtrument Joes ncit auth�irize arrekrAtion or I'orecl�►�ure if not perrnitteJ by regulauons of the 5ecrewry. ��
<br /> (e) MortRage Not Insured. &.rrower agre�h thut shuulJ thi.r Secu rity Inxtrument and thc Notc secured thereby not bc ��F=�=
<br /> � elieihlc for imurance under IIk Naticmul Housing Act within fiQ Juy�from ihe Jute hercol', lw:nder muy, at its option
<br /> �'- und notwilhstunJing anyihing in p•rrugruph 9, rcyuirc immcYliatc{�uyn�nt in full�if ull xums�ecur��! by this Sccurity
<br /> ° Inrlrumcnt. A written �tutenxm ��I'any authorir.c�J ugem ot'ihc Sccrctary datcd xubscyuent to 60 days frum the date
<br /> hereol',Jeclining tu inxure thix Security Instrunxnt und�he Ni�tc.crured therchy,shall be dcem��i conclusive pr�x�f�►f —s`—
<br /> ��������-• xuch ineligi6ility. Notw•i�hstanJing tfir tiircEuing.�hiti�iptiun may iwt hc rxcrciticd by l.cndcr when the unavailability �,,,._,,... --
<br /> ���+'� of insurunce i�wdely Jue to Lender'x fuilure a�remit u martga�c in+urance premium lo tha Secrelury. _
<br /> 10. Reinctatement. Burrower hu+ a right to hr rcm�lutcd it' Lenilcr hu� reyuireJ immediutc puyn�ent in full hccauxc ol'
<br /> &�rrower'� 1'ailure tn pay vn aouwnt duc undcr the Nute or thi.Srrurity In+trumen�. This right applie,cvcn aller tiireclinure ��=�-F=_--
<br /> pruccedings arc instilutcd. T��rcin�l.i�� thc Suurity Instrumenl, Horru�ver ,hall irnJcr in a lump+um all amount,rcyuired �o �-==�=�''` '
<br /> ' hring &�rrowcr'� acrnunt curccnt inrludin�, tu thc cxtcnt thcy arc ohli�:a�irnn��t'Bnrruwcr un�cr thi� Scrurity Imtrumcnt. ...`ii��;;i:;�--
<br /> .. fnrcclotiure ro,t+ uixl rca�anahk unJ cu+k�n�rv alturncy.' Ic�. and rx�n,c� pru�xrly ati.ixiat�wt with thc ti�rccluwrc . � 'r
<br /> pnxceJing. UFxm rcin.lutemem hy B��rruwer. Ihi�Scruri�y In.lrumcnl uixl Uic uhl ig•rtiun,that it Krurr,.huU ren�in in effect ,�:;
<br /> as if L.c:ndcr had n�N rcyuireJ imnxdiute payment in(ull. H�►wr�•cr. LenJcr iti nui rcyuircd t�►pc�rmit rrimlatement if: lil Lrndcr � �
<br /> hax ucreptcJ rrin.w�ement aflcr thr cummrnecmcnt ut�forcclu+urr pr�xc�ding,N�ilhin ta�o ywrs immcJiatcly prrccKlin�: thc --
<br /> ' . comnxnrement uf a rurrrnt lirruluwrc praceeJinE. 1 ii1 rcin.latement wi II prcrluJe tiirerlu,um un dil'icrent graunds in �he . ,,,=:::
<br /> futurc.ur liiil rcin,rrtrnknt will ;Klvrr+cly aflicl the prii�ri�y u1'thr licn rre:�ted hy thi�Srrurity In.trument. . . �
<br /> ' 7e=-
<br /> ll.Korn�aer Not Nel��►sed:Forbevrunce B��Lender Nnt u N'ui�er. I:xten��.,n�,t'�hr tinu ol p:iynknt��r nuxliticution uf' ts;; :
<br /> amortiwliun af thr,um�.rrureJ hy thi. kruril�• Im�runnnt �ranlyd h�•Lrixlcr t�� anr ,ucrc.rur in inlcrc�t��f Borroa•cr tihrU �.,.�
<br /> �; „' nol operatc iu relra.c thc liability of ihc uriginal Burn�wcr ur R��rru«cr'ti�urcc��►r m intcre.t. I.rnJ�r,hull nnt he rryuireJ tu ' ..
<br /> . commcncr pnxerJin��aNain.l:un .urer.sur in inl�re.t ur rclu,�t��ertrnd um�G,r p:�}�mrn1��r�nhcr�ci�� nuHlil�• •rmortiialiun �:. ..
<br /> , ut Ihc ,um+ +ccur�Yl h�• thi� Srcurit�• In,irument I,�� rra.un ul :im �Irmand nwi.1� I» �he ��r�ginal Burrnwrr ��r Burru��cr'. I
<br /> i '.t, ,uccc+,or� in intrrc�t. Am I�ahear;m�� hy l.cixlrr m rxcrr�.inE :my right ��r r�m��i� �hall nol Ix a ��aiv�r ul��r prerluJc Ihr
<br /> , , c�rrri.e al'any ri�;ht��r rcnud��.
<br /> � „
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