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.:,�� `i• s1� .}.V _����-i: .c' R,;:r',-,,,•.�y_, -.�...'t� }4.� .`�� r� t'....�....,. ,��~J,14� __ . .....'___ — <br /> � �.Ji tdi2i -r:t „_," _n�. -._ <br /> i< 'v-•/ ti���_ <br /> 1 ��'- <br /> �I�'v' . _ . �:�d '^ . � , • , �_- <br /> •`� <br /> i f�: _ <br /> ' -...L(I.'i}1 i ..c. <br /> _�.L'_d:lY'Sh�ru'h�ie.. __ <br /> — — � -- ---- - - ---- - _. ' — _ _ <br /> -�..�.-. J, - - ' � i• ��_. <br /> ���. �. :�. 92_. io2�,6� <br /> '��r�.. ,yF:.. . ^ ��. <br /> -�"�'Y•�"�''". 4. F7re. �lood and Other Hnzan! Insurnnce. Aor�ower shall iosurc ull impr�►�hc PnKxny. whcthcr nuw in -- --_-- <br /> ��-� --,�_:. ...• <br /> - —..,, existeike or r:uA�eyuently erected, against uny huxLnls,ru�uulties, aixi rontingcncics,including fire, litt wliich 1_endcr rcyuirc� <br /> ��f;,�'�n' z�i,�.s.� �••�� in.ruranec. This insurunce shull hr mainwincJ in ihr umi�un�ti nnd fi�r the prri�xl+ �ha� I.��xl�:r reyuim.. &�rruwcr +hull�Iw <br /> ' rr i'�1 ,, •,. ; <br /> �y;�,.•...ti� ; inrurc all impruvcnknt�on thc Pitiipcny, whell�c�ni�w in cxi.tencc�►r.ubkyuently crcc���l. uguiml lu+�hy tbxxl.tu th�retent <br /> rcyuircJ hy�hc Sccrewry. All imuruncc +hull I►c c•rrri�d wilh rumpanic� uppr�x�Yf hy l.rnJcr. Thr imurancr ��licic.urxl uny �_ <br /> � �� �•��a"•:,�- � reaewals+hull be held by L.ender und slwll inclwfe losz{wyuhlc rluusec in f'avnr of.anJ in u ti�mi cK�epwhle�o. Leixlct. <br /> .,N..:..:.3� ..:�'. . .: _ - <br /> _„�_r�__„__.,..._. In the event of lo.s. Borcuwer tihall givo lxndr�imm�xliute n�Hice hy muil. LcnJcr may nwl�c pnw�f of lu�. U nut m:uic cT -� <br /> '' e�'���•' prr�a�pUy by &irr�ia�cr. Euch in.urunre rampany concemc�f iti hcrcby authnriz�Kl unJ Jirec���l to make paymrm for tiuch lu,ti <br /> - � :.. .,':". <br /> ` ,,. Y: ., dintctly w I.rn�kr,ins�ead i�f to Borrowcr unJ to l.cnJur juin�ly. AU ur uny pun ut'thc imuranrc pr�stititii�muy tk uppli��l by <br />�r�i ' � • L�nder, •r� it.aption, eilher lal to thr reJucli�x� af tha inJcbted�x:+s undcr�hc Notc und thi,Security In�wmcnt. fin�1 to any <br /> .•,:,.,..., .. ..:. <br />�� dclinqu�nt umi�unts applied in�he�►rJer in pam�;�ph 3,und then to prepayment uf principul.i�r(hl tu the rc.rtura�ion nr repair <br />�i'� '. ;.., , uf the Jun�rFeJ Prnprny. Any app�ic•rtion uf thc prcxecd� to the principal �hJll nM extcnd c�r p�stpm� Ihe Juc datc uf th� <br /> r`' � ' �.,.; ' m�mthly paymen[,whirh are referreJ�a in pAmg�aph 2,ur chunge the amiwnt uf�uch payment.. Any exc�ti+in�uranre pr�xctiYls <br />�,'< < �..;-,� a��er m umount rc�yuireJ to pay ull uut�tanding indebtedne.�.c under th�Ncue:uxl this Securily In�truaxnt shul) be p•rid to the <br /> j�.� : entity legally entitled thercto. <br /> t;;'�;, , � . � In �he evcnt uf ti►rerl��+urr uf this Sc�uri[y Instniment or ather transt« ut' tide �a the Pn►pc.�� that cxlioguishes thc <br />�:�; • iixkb�ednesr. �II rigbt,litle and interest��f Borm�•er in und to in�u�nce p���in force shull pu����►che punh�.xr. <br />��..: �. _ <br /> ,: ; �� 5. Occupancy. Preservation. Afaintens�nce and Protection of thc Prapen�; Borrnwer's Luan Applicaliun: <br /> ' Le��ldc. Bc►rrower shall ixcupy,etitublish, und ust the Pmpeny as B�xrower'+prineipal residence within �ix1y J•ry�ofter <br /> the executi�m of this Se�urity Instrument und.hall cuntinue�n�kcupy the Property u�BuROwer'+principul re+iJenre fi►r:�t leu+t <br /> . ��n�year ufle�the Jate oi'cxcupancy,unless the Serrctury determines thi, nyuirement will cuu`c:undue hurdship Por Borruwer. <br /> �ir unles+ extenu•riin� rirrumti�ancez exi,t which nre tx:yc�txl Borcow�er'. rontrul. &►rrower �hull notify Lcnden of any _— <br />'. � ex�enuutinu circumstnnces. Borrnwer shAll not rc�mmit w•a,tr or destroy,dumuge or,ub,tuntially chunge the Prapem�or ullow• "'' <br /> � • thc+ Prupeny tn deteriorutc. reutionuble wear w�i tea►r exreptcKi. Lender muy impect thc Pr��ny it' �he Prop�ny is vac�n� ur — <br /> � -"'-.- _ -. - abYndoned or lhe I�an i5 in defnult. Lrnder mny t�ke r��:���►nahle• :irti�m tn nr��le�l t�nd prc•rrv� .uch vsM�m nr uhunJ�meJ �—.—,.-_ - .- <br /> Pn�{xny.&�rrnwer�hall vlsa be in default if Bi�rmwrr,during�hc loun upplirati��n pnxes,,guve mu���ially f'•rltie��r inurcuratc ==°_.-.: <br /> G L!(�-.�._ <br /> inli�rni�tion or stutemcnts to l.ender lor failed tu proviJc l.ender wi�h uny m�xcriul inti�rnwtionl in .annecti�m with the loun ��--=�W- <br /> _ - e+�i�e:s��by the Note. inclu�lin�. �+ut nr1 limit•'d 1��, r�(►mu•otntiam rnn�xmine &�rrua�r'� �xcupuncY ��f the Propeny as a _ _ _._ <br /> �`' principul residcncc. If�hi, Srcurity Instrumcnt i+on u IrauholJ, &►rrowcr rhull rum ly u•iih thc rnvi�ions of thr IC8lC. I� �A' <br /> "�,,:'.• P P , � ':c.� <br /> � &�rrower ucquires fee tide to t he P roperty, t he I�uK hu l J:in d fee tide s t w l l n M t x:merg e d u n l e c s L xnder u grees to the mer gcr in ���`== <br /> -.J,��� .SY�_ii• <br /> � writing. <br /> . �� 6. CharRes te Barrower ond Prntectian oi I.ender's Rights fn the Propert�•. &�rruwcr .hall pay ull �ovrmmentul or _.� _ <br /> ' municipul chArge+, tinc�unJ impinitiun,tha�ure no[ included in par•rgraph 2. B�irruwrr �hull pay �hc.� obligati��m�m time <br /> , • Jircrtly to the entily which i.��wed the puy�ncm. If fuilurc to pu��woulJ aJvcrnely ut'tcct l.rnJer'.interc�t in the Pmpeny.upon - - <br /> �• l.enJer's requ�st &�rrower shall prumpNy furnish tu L.enJrr r�ceip�s evidencing�hc�e paymem+. __ <br /> %��•��, If Barrowcr fuilr tu m•rkr dxsc payntentti�►r Ihr payme�ts reyuircd by p•rraEr•rph fuil+to perli�mi any uthcr r��venant, __...--- <br /> ,�''��;,,;;.... <br /> :,�;.�;,.;, und ugreemcnts conwineJ in thi.Security bn�Nnunt, ur Ihere i:u Irgul pr�xeeJing �hat muy.ignilir.mdy� al'f'ert L�nJer'.riFhts �,z�;;�-�1sc:; <br /> ' �,;.��,�,(��;• in the Property l,uch us a prcxreding in bunkru�+tcy. ti�r r�mdemn:uiun ur a,rnli�rr�la���+ur r��ulali�+m1. thcn L,�:ndec mu�• do ���. - � <br /> ' '�'� � and r whatc�rr i. nrccs,u to rntcct Ihe valu.i�f thc Pro n � anJ LrnJcr'. ri ht. in the Pm ny, incluJin acment u( <br /> , ,� P'Y 4' P Ik ) 1� P� F P' _-=._,.,F-..:..__ <br /> ` tuxes,hur.u�d insumnce ond nther itemti menti��ned in para�traph?. ������-�- <br /> ,. ,�?�!::�:.--_ _ <br /> Any amuunl,dishurx��l b}• Lender undcr thi�paragraph .hall hrrum�an ;�JJi�innal d�hi ��( B��rrnwrr anJ hr.ecue«l hy ''"�`="c--=-- <br />� thi�Security Instrumrnt. Thrtic amoumti ,hall hear intcrc�t fmm the dutr��t Ji�hunenkm.ut th�Nute rate, •rix/at thc uptiun uf ����,�-!�A;. <br /> ; Lxndcr. xhall be immediately Jue u�x1 p�yable. ;' ,.. ,�;;i'•�°' <br /> � 7. Candem�uttion. Thc p�ixced+ i�l'um a��ard irr rlaim tur Jum•r�r,. Jirert ��r rnni�crti��n �vith uny �j :, .',•`':~`: <br /> rondemnation or �wher taking af any pan uC tlx� Prn�xrn. ur for r�►n�•ryanre in place of r.,nJcinna�i�.n,rr�licrehy u,�i�netl anJ <br /> � <br /> � � ,hull he paid to L.cnder to thc extrnt„C thc t'ull arnumu��f thc inJrbtcJne,. ihat rcm:un,unpuiJ umkr thc Nuta a�xl this Sc�urity ':� , <br /> Imtromrnt. Lendcr.hall appl�� +uch pr��cc� tlxr rrJu�nun�d tli�indrhteJnr..unJcr th.N�,�c anJ�hi. �rurity In�trurn�nt. � <br /> tir,t to any Jelinyuent amuunt. upplwd in Ihe �,rd�r pn,�idrd in paratraph �. :u�l then in pr�pa}nx�nt uf prin�ipal. Any � <br /> �PPlicatiun ��I'�h� pr�kc�d� t�� the prmcipi�l +hall n�u cttrnd �,r ��+t�mr �hc Juc Jatr ��C Ihc nrmlhh pa;�r:n�.. ahi�h urc <br /> �a�4plNE1 v.�,�,.�,.,,. � <br /> { <br /> t <br /> J_ � - - — -� - -- -- - <br /> F - <br />