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�i, � � . . �. -,....«.� . �_ -:_ <br /> M .�___._s _ <br /> ���;,� �� , _ . . -� __ _ <br /> , �,�y� � .'�� '���.- • .- .. <br /> . . <br /> . .�..., � .s... � � <br /> .. - � s�.�__�___ -_-. <br /> ;� ��� <br /> 92— io�2s3 <br /> :� � i : <br /> "�!'�°+'ry°�''n'q'�. ���F. TO(iETNER WITH uU the fmprovemcnta n��w or herca8er er�tcd on Ihc propeny, und LII eusementA, ri�hu, <br /> ��_::����'M_ appurtcnances,rents,royal�ies. mineral.��il and gas riBhts and pm�lx,wu�cr righ��wiJ rpwk und ull fiz�urc� �x�w+rc hcre�per r _ , <br /> — — part af thc propeny. All rcplacementx and addilian� r�iwll �Iso be covered by thi�Scru�ily Inattumcm. All oi'Ut�torcgoin�I� <br /> '�-��.. � �,�,,p�7, refcmai tu in this Security Inctrument ys tla"Property.,, <br /> :_�'° • . . ., ..'- — <br /> �*���••;.:��w• ..` � BORROWER CdVENANTS thut 8urmwcr Is luwfully heisai of�he ctitutc hcreby��mvcy�d anJ ha+ihr nghl ti�grunl und <br /> ���� amvay the Pmpeny und that the Pmperty is unerk�umbered,except fiir encumbrunces ol'ra:�ttJ. Bnrruwer wurrynt. u�xl will <br /> °-_�� . a;,: � r" defend generally the dtle to the Pmperty against all cluim.unJ demaodc.aubject tu uny encum6rances of record. ` _ _ <br /> -- .f.';.:�jt.., ,�, ._.. <br /> ., �.°_ <br /> ��*"'�'�'��'-�"^�'`' � 1. Poyment of P�incip�l.lnterest and l.ate Clurcge.Borrower ahull puy when due the principul u(, iuMi interest on, the <br /> '�+ �= '� ^ } debt evidenced by the Note�nd lute churges due unde�the Note. <br /> ..,. . <br />� ::"'.,' ' •. r <br /> 2. Monthly Payments of Taxes� Insurwnce and Other Clu�rges. Banower shull incluJe in cach m�►nthly puyment, <br /> t. r�:.:.a'. . <br /> � - together with the principal nnd interest As set Pohh in the Nutc und any luta charges,an inst�llment of uny lal tuzes und special <br /> • asscssments levied or to be levied ugAinst the Prapeny. (b) leasehold payments ur ground rents on ihc Pmpeny, w�d (c) <br /> E k .. . ` premiums for insurancc reyuired by paragmph 4. <br />;�s <br />� � .9�..u>r��nr. '. <br /> � . Each manthly installment for items 1u1. (b),und(c►shall equal one-twelfth of the unnual amounts,us rea.u�nably estims�ted <br />' ' • by Lender,plus an amaunt�:ufficient to maintuin nn udditional bulancc uf not mare than une-sixth af�he cuim�ted omountz.The <br /> y,. • . ' � full unnuAl amount for each item tihall be accumulated by LendPr w•ithin a periad ending one manth befbre un item would <br /> :�•,r..; <br />.i:� �•-�. � become delinquent. i.ender shall hoW �he wiwunts callec�ed in truat ta puy items ltt). lb), a�d (c) before they l+ecc►me _. ____ <br /> a.�^ ��`• ; � delinyuent. <br /> � �h . If ut uny time the tutal of the payments hcld by Lender fur iiems (u). Ib), und (cl, together wiih the future monthly � <br /> '" •� payments for wrh items payuble to Le�xier priar to the due dates af sucl� items,exceedti by more than one-+ixth the estimated <br />. '� �:;;, amount uf payments required to pay tiuch item+ when Jue,und if payments on the Note ure current, then l.ender shall either [•,v <br /> ' refund the eacesti over une-�ixth of the estimated paymen�s or credi� the excess over on�-sixth of the ertimated payments to � <br /> �,. ^ ., subsequent payments by Barmwer, ut the uption uf Borrower. Ii the tatul of thc paymems muJc by Borrowcr for item(ul,lb), �;�__ <br /> : , or(cl is insufficient w pay the item wlicn Jue. il�cu [3.�uuwer shatl �►y to Lendcr uny umount necessary to make iip �he —_-__ <br /> , •� deficiency on or before tlw date�he item becomes duc. -- <br /> �' _•.,a� ,�• .�.�.. <br /> _ -- A�u�i i�ti thia ae:uriry fa�irumcnt. "Sccrctar3•" nieans t8e Secrefary nf Nou�ing,nrxl llrh•rn Development or his ix her = , <br /> ""`���:� � desipnee. In uny year in which�hr I.rnJcr mua� puy a monguge inaurunce premium t��the Secreta cach monthl a mant <br /> � � rY• Y P Y �:;_ <br /> .��v��;�?,��.., �►hall alw include eithcr: (i)un instullment ol'�hc•rnnual monguge inau�unce premium�o he paid by l..ender to the Secre�ruy,ar �'� <br /> �,..? <br /> : r,���� ' ' (iil A monthly charge insteuJ of' a martg:�gc insurunce prcmium if thir: Security Instrument is helJ by the Srcretory. Fach �.�-:;_�=. <br /> � rf' "'`' • monthly installment of the mortgage inwurunce premium sh:Jl be in un•umoun[wfficient to accumulxe the full unnuul nx�itgage <br /> � � ''�'Y�:%'''. � • insumnce premium with L.enJer one month priur�o th�dute Ihe full�unnual mi�ngu�e insurancc prcmium is duc to the Secrctary. �,.: <br /> � ur if this S�xurity Instrun�ent i� hcld by thc Secrctary. en�h monihly charge sh+�ll be in an unwunt equal to one-tweU'th of ��" <br /> one-half percent uf�he outs�anding principul bulunce due.m tha Nc�tu. <br /> ..�+� . � , . If Rorrtiwer�ender�to l.rnJcr the full payment��I'ull wrn,.ecureJ by this Security Instrumc�nt. Bixrower'ti uccount shall �-_- <br /> "`� " t�e crcKlited with Ihe 6rlancr remuining li�r all in,tullmcnta fiir itenu lal. Ib), and Ic) unJ any im►rtg•rge insurunre premium �'-=` � <br /> ,. :,__ <br /> � ;�• instnllment thut l.�:ixler hua n�n lx�cix��e uhliguted�o p•ry t�i ihe Secretury�. anJ Lendcr.hull promptly refund uny exre..I'undti to � <br /> •'. ' &�rn�wcr. Imm��iia�ely prior a,a foreclo�urc .ule �il�he Pruperty ur i�� arquislli�►n hy Lender. Bc�rcower's account shall be �_;,.;�_. <br /> . ' crediteci with any bvlanre rcmuinin�li�r•rll instullmcnt+tiir ilenis lul.Ib).unJ�r1. =�—:,-_ <br /> �:.� o �. .�''� J. Applfcadon of Payments.All puymen�s und�r paruEruph. I anJ 2 shull hc applicd by L-ender u�foU�►wx: S <br /> � �,. <br /> `,�'.� " . � ° thc m�mgu�e in+ur•rncr premium tu Ix pai.1 hy LenJrr w thr Srrrrtary or tu the mornhly charge hy the Secretery 3• <br /> • ,, instead of the monthly monguge in�uranrc prcmium: <br /> . . , � . <br /> . '• '. t Secnnd,ta any taxe�.,p�xiul a�.c..mentx. Iea�chnld prynknt���r gruunJ rcnt,.anJ iirr. t1�x�J and nthcr h:u•rrd �murance <br /> • ;,� ; ' ,.r;>— <br /> . , prcmiums,us rcquircJ: `tt." <br /> ' , � ThirJ,ta inlcrc�t Juc unJrr thc Nu1c: )'{,; <br /> ' . ' Fuurth.lo umortituti��n��I dte p�inripul ul tlir NiHC: <br /> , ' FiRh,to Inte churgc�duc undcr thc Notc. ! � <br /> ��4NINE) °.�.,�•'.�,�. <br /> „ m <br /> i <br /> . , <br /> � . . • <br /> , . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> • _ .� .- - ----- -- -t--°°_ <br />