<br /> w�� �- .. . _._- _ - ----- — =
<br /> � •-- - -r:.�:_•_. . _. r�'�.__ _ . ..__....:_--
<br /> , �, . ' � - _..�:,.::....: .�. ���-.��.�.�_ _—�--- `
<br /> ' ' �+ ���1��.f,1
<br /> individual� Holder nwy, v��itho�t naiicc io or conseiu of Grantor or tiro►ntcr'9 ceu�crYwrs, ci�al `
<br /> with s�ch successor or wccessors in inttrest wi�i� raiar2i.►-.e to this Dc�3 of 9'rtut arni tho =
<br /> Obliga�ians cither by way of fnrbearance on tIx paYt of ltok�u.or exteasloa uf ti�i�e og payment _
<br /> of tl�e Obli�atians, or releYSe of all or su�y► �rt�f t2� Property or�ny c�the: �r�2�ty stcur�t:� ,
<br /> r��• t �1. .�� �� �t f�i;._y�e in snv ue�����.lYfyi�1¢vT �ffC4tt�11j:HO�i1GC,.�
<br /> �'y[�QY ��.' VUII�'2lUUlil�Va VYwaw�.r..� :t � ..� � _-
<br /> rights and lieus t�nuad�r or nc� IiabUity of Gruuor or any othcr paetY li�blo f�or paynunt of �
<br /> thc �bligati�ns, in tvl�ole or ia p�ct. -
<br /> Section 6.9. V,Caivs� nf Riaht c� M�1. Gr�uuor hereby waives �11 ci�hts of
<br /> marshaling in event of any foreciosure of the liens and sccurity inierests t�ereby cre�ted• -
<br /> Section 6.10. SubroQation. To the extent tbat proceeas of ttye Oblig�tions atc usod to
<br /> renew, extend or pay any outst�nd'u►& debt or to perfonn any obl�gation. such procoeds have
<br /> boen advanced by Holder at Grantor's request, �nd Holder aHall be subro8ital to aq lieas.
<br /> socuriry interests, rights, priorities, powers. titks, equities aAd interests owned or held by�ny _
<br /> owner or hold�r of sucb ou�ing debt or ooligau�u, uu�a��;:":,�::..ar:"'�:i�-uf ww►rc�r
<br /> d�e same an teleased of record, and a1D ofi t�e same are recognized as valid aad subsisting and
<br /> are renewal,continued and preserval in force to secure d�ee Obligations:provided,hov►r�ver.tt�at
<br /> if and to th�cxtent Holder d:su+es in ea�ch case�the terms and Provisions here°f and of tt�e other
<br /> Loan Documents sball gQVeru thc r�,hts and r�malies of Holder and soaii supersede iiwe�,
<br /> provisions, riaHS, an�xe�.nedi�c un3er any liea, security inierest, c�arSe or other eacumbnact
<br /> to which Holdcr is sutr��ted t►�rev�dec.
<br /> Sxtivn 6.12. Covenant tQ Perform. Grnator and exh subsoQueat owna of the
<br /> Property� or any parc t�zeof, covenants and agracs that Grantor or any subseqe�eat owner witl
<br /> perfornn or cause to be perfo�mal, each and every condition,term,Pmvision and coveaant of
<br /> this Deed of Ti�ust, excepi that Grantor shall hav�no duty ca pay the indebtula�ss evid�aced by
<br /> che Loan Agc�uetft excePt in a�ordanca with the term�.s of the Low Agreemeat and all
<br /> ren�wals and e�tensioas thereof, and this Deod of Trust vr in accordanca with the terms of the
<br /> transfer w Grantor or any subsequent owner.
<br />_ _...- - - - _ .. . - Sec�� 6.1Z. ' . . ,.__,� ... �a.. ;►.� ^.r =`- - - --
<br /> �-c . r;�'�i 2S Ff]p{IiQCQ ln ti1C 11GUla�s �itias
<br /> otherwise provided hc.-r:n, all noiices, ro9uests and denoands herwnckr s�ll be (a) msde to
<br /> Holder or Grantor at t1�ir address as set fortt�herein, or w such other ad�dress as either may
<br /> desiguate by writtea notice w the other in aoccrrdance with this pravision, and(b)doemed to
<br /> have beea given or made: if by h�nd, immediately upon delivery; if by trlex. telegnaa or
<br /> ��PY (�)• ��Y � �iPt: if by overni,�ht delivery servke, one day atier
<br /> �ispatcli;and if by�irst class or cextified mail,three(3)days�fter mailing. To the extent actual
<br /> rxeipt is required hezeizc,rejection or otber rzfr.tsal to acc�pt or tbe inability w dWiver because
<br /> of cbanged address of which no n�otice was reaeived sl�all be deemed to be rec�ipt of the notice,
<br /> demand, request or otl�c connmunication sent. ,
<br /> Socdon 6,13. Enfor�ce�bilitv. If any�o�ision of thi� Deed of Tnut or tbe a�plication
<br /> thereof to any person or circumstance sizall* fQr any neasoa and to any �actent, be inwalid or
<br /> uneafomeable,neither the remaindrr of this Deed of Tnut nor the application of sucli provision
<br /> caa,wsc�,�0000, 19
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