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<br /> � _— _..��� -- - - - --- -_—=-�- `�--� ._..
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<br /> are repayable shal! not. re�ardless of auy ceceipt or cr�3it isswerJ tY�ecefor. coi�stieute �ay�neue
<br /> until the re�uioed amount is sctuxily rcceivod by Hoider in funds immediately avaiublt at the
<br /> plaee whera tho Obligatia��s are repaysbae (or such aher place �s Nolder. in gIoldec's sole
<br /> di�.c�ti�n,m�y��av�esabiis.'�e�by�1:v�.y o:w:�tw..:.o�:c;�.t���bVY sa t;.:.P,3rr�a�ar�)and sha�!
<br /> be a� �nd ac:.cpted subjxt w ttu caadidoa tha: any cha:k or cYr�ft may be I�tdled fur
<br /> cotlecdon in accordancc witls thc practice of tt�collocting baak or banks. Acccptanee by Holder
<br /> o€�Y PaYr�eaF in an a,-noun:ir.�s t�an t�-,z a�xxu-u t�.0�u� s�all b:. �...�.�`n a:c��ac,^,e on
<br /> account only. and the faiiure to pay !he entire amouni then due shall be an3 cuniinue w be a
<br /> defauli, subject to any applicable cure period.
<br /> Section 6.S. Exceptio s ro Cave nts. Grantor shall not be de�aned w be pemuttecl w
<br /> take any action or to fail ta take any action,notwithstandeng (a)tt�t the action or oraission may
<br /> be per�aitted as an exception to any af the�ovenants or condidons contaanod herein, or(b)tt�at
<br /> obligatioas o€ Grantor or rights of Holdcr are pmvidod t,erein with respoct to the action or
<br /> omission(ar the res�ilt therea�,if thee action or omis�sion would result in the breach of any otlxr
<br /> cnvtnant c�r c.�ndici�n r.onr�ined haein ar in any of the I..c,an Documents, nor sball HoWer be
<br /> dxmed to have consentcd to any such act or omission if thC same would provide cause for
<br /> a►.celeration of the Obligati�.
<br /> Section 6.6. �ge of Securitv. Any part of the Properry may be released,regardless
<br /> of consideration, by Holder from tiaie to time witlwut impairiqg, subordinatiAg or affectia�g in
<br /> any way the lien, socuriry iaterest sind other rights hereof against the nmaind�r. T'!� li�a,
<br /> • securiry interest and othcr rights graniod bcreby st�all not be affected by any other security talcen
<br /> for the Qbligatioas or any part thereof. Ttye talcing of addidonal security, Qr the exteasion,
<br /> reaewal or narraagement of the Obligatioas or aay part thereof, shall not retease or ianpair t1�e
<br /> �� li�a, security interes�and other rights gra�nted henby, or affect th�liability of any��iorser or
<br /> ; guarantor or impro��the right of any jwuor lienholder;and this D�d of Tnut, as well zs any
<br /> inc*e+,r„P�givea w secure any renewal, exteusion or rearrangement of the Qbligations or any
<br /> part thezeaf, shall be and remaia a�irst and prior liea, except as otherwise providod berein, on
<br /> ' aU of the Property not expressly released until the Obligations are fully paid and performed.
<br /> CMN��IS T f'rn�Mnllin�;�r�m�nt TI���i�c i���.L`�1:�:...�"..�.1 t.^.^�.^.L'.f.^...^�...�.�'^:.�j:�:�
<br /> • • _.. � .v - �- ---- -
<br /> -.� applicable nsury laws. All agr�ecnenis betwan Grantor(and any other pariy liabk for�ny part
<br /> of the Obligations) aad Holder, whether now exisstiang or hereafttr arising ancl whetlxr written
<br /> � � or oral, are expressDy limited so tbat in no event whatsoever, whether by rea�on of acceleratiom
<br /> . of the ma�rity of t��e Obligatioas or othen�rise, sbaU the intenst contr�ctod for, charged or
<br /> received by I�older hereunder or ot�erwise exceed t�e maxinwm amount permissible under
<br /> • applicable law. Tt�e terms and provisions of Section 3.2 of tl�a Loan Agreement shall contral
<br /> , , and s�cpersede evecg�other provision re8�8�PaY�of int�rast in alI e�usting and future
<br /> �greenaents betweean Gr�nWr and Holder, and are iacoiporatzd herein by referenca €�xr aIl
<br /> � P�P�.
<br /> 1 '
<br /> ° Sxtion 6.$. Effect of Transfer on Grantor's Liab�i,�{. If the ownership (�eg�l or
<br /> � beaeficial)of the Prc�erty or any part tttereof becom�es vcstod in a person oth:er thaa�tanWr,
<br /> : � or nn the evcnt of a chaage ia ownership (legal or beneficial) of any Graarar other than aa
<br /> coa�msca�r0000� 18 -
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