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<br /> • � �o3os�
<br /> � bocome sa.�rod by tGe lien horod: Tbe Btue�c�ary' shall na inciu uuy liability bocuesc oi a�� it c�y do �r omit to do
<br /> �.
<br /> 7. Yhe�3eazf�iciary shall ha�•a thc right.poHer�cki:.ulAwiiy tiurutg lh�c:aui�uuanG:of this D.vd of 7'tus2 W ca!lCCt th: rwts.
<br /> issues aud ryafitc of tbc propaty wd d'suiy pe�so�l p:up�at}' taata�ttwr:at�with or w•itt�out takiug�sstssion�'tls-.psopert}.
<br /> at�'ea�dereby.aad ti nutors t�ercb}•abcduuly and unoonditiaull�•asslgn all such rents,issu�s and profits tu tbc becseficiary. Tbe
<br /> b�a�f�ia�y, pow•��er, he:etr�conscnts ta Tr,uton'colkctiai and�tention af such rents.issuec and prof'its. so loug as Truuors arc
<br /> not,at such ame.in detault w�ich rcs��ect to payu�eut of�u}• ind..�btod��ess sccurod lzer�y, ar in tf�c perform.tiu�.of an�• agrc:mcnt
<br /> hertu.'tidct if aaY Ct•Ctit af d�sf�Wi desCrtbed drtc3lter tn tespeci to this i�eed ai i ruu siiaii i�ati�c�cx:�uzui:uw i,c wui:w�:,.�. 'u`a::
<br /> Beneficiary.as a cnatter of right and w�ithout notioe to Trusto�s or an}-one.clauniag under Tnutors,sndµithout rtgard to the�•alue of
<br /> the tcus�es;ate or r�icue;zst of tbe, Tsuctars therrau,s.'�II ha�°e the right to aFpl}•to an�court haE�ng jurisdicti�n�o appoint a
<br /> �eeeiver of the propeity.
<br /> g. The Seaehciary•. or its ageats, are awhorizod W enier ac any reasoi�ablc time upon or in anY P� ��PropertY forr th�
<br /> purQose of inspoain8 the saaae aud for tbe purpose of performiqg any of thc acts they are auitwrizod w perform under the terms af
<br /> aay bw�s czxutai by Tcustors.
<br /> 9. If�ll or any part of thc prdperty or any iatenst of Tn�swrs is sold,uwsfernd or fwtt►er euciunbered without tbe wTitten
<br /> oonte.at of the Btneficiary,the Btn�ficiary may doclare all sums secuted by tLis Trust Deed W be immodiately due and pay�ble atul
<br />� prooeod w the rcmodies avtulable w it undet tite default y�'o�isioas oontained baein.
<br /> 10. Any of 1hc Tollowing ct•rnts shall be dectnod an e�;enl of default ticreunder:
<br /> a. Tnistors shall havo t'ailod W makc pzyment of any i:�stallnuat of pmuipal or interest or any other sun�s soc�uod hercbl w•hen
<br />, u';�r;
<br /> b. Thet+e has oxvrrad a brrach of ur default �mder any term. oorea�uu, agr�ement, oondition, pmvirion, rePresec►tation or
<br /> wurantv ooutained in this 1)ood of Tnut,the note or any other[oaa instnuuent secured hen�Y:
<br /> c. 1'here has bow a deYa�dt by the Tcuston in the paynunt of aay prioc or cubs�equeai Uen or eu�ml�rauoe in respocx w alt or any
<br /> part otthe pro�est�:
<br /> d T�ustors sl�ll fiIe a vaiuntary petition in bankiuptcy or sB�zEl be 'adJ� banktupt or insolvew, or sLall make an
<br /> assignmeat far thee bene5t of aeditors in respect w the p�:or an xtion to eaforoe aay lica or eaa�a�brasx or jnd,gments
<br /> ag�iast the property is oomme800d.
<br /> ll. in ttre eveat of ury default�the BeaeficiuY maY da]�r+e all indebtedncss secured hercby to be due and pzyable and the same
<br /> sh�ll tlkiCUpOII bOCOIDC dlie 7i1d jllyablC wi1110ui�11y rrrrcpn__�_L_r^�'^-�deID3Ild.D!0[CSi Oi AOtioe Of.�y klbd. ThCi�eARG�WC BCDdiS�a3y
<br /> �Y�
<br /> a. dtber in persoa or by�8ent, witL or witlso+st Dringin8 a� actioa or pmocxding. or by s�eiti�er appvintod by a ooutt and
<br /> without regard to the adoquxy of azry security.eater upon and take possessioa of th�propat9,or aaY Fart tbes�in its oan
<br /> name or in tLe natne af the Tnutee, and do aay acts which it doems tiooessary ud desir�We W p�esetx: the value.
<br /> mulcetability or rt�wbility of the pnoperty>or part tbereof.or interat tLenein,incre�se the iaootoe tta�,•zefrom or protax the
<br /> eecuriry hereof aad,without taking possasion of tbe proQesty,sue for or otheiwise edlecs the iratc,isars wd pro�fits tbeno�
<br /> i�t�ding those past�e and uapaid, aad apply tLe saufe, �ass oosts and ex��ses of opaatioa and odlaxion. includin8
<br /> �t�cneY fxs.�oa aap is�ebtodaas saurod Laeby,all in w;.h orda as the B�ficiary maY���. T��8�
<br /> and taiciag possrssioa of tbe trust e�tat,e,tbe collxtion of sv�:h rents,issues and pre5ts a�ap�Qlic�tioa tLet�eot'as al�ixrsaid
<br /> WWi!M Vwv�W'IYC�y�V�{�RiTi{K ,_{���L..�.�J..� aM� ��N w�iI��ewI�AN�f l\��II/�HH M "
<br /> WMYM�W tMt�i�i w� .�:_.���
<br /> plllSi3iLt t0 SuCv t10tiCC O���II�t��O�Wli�1�g IZiG OOIItl�U1OCG lA QOSSGSSIOA O�t21C p(OpCI[y Ot tbC OO�t00.ICCGL�t
<br /> aaa applicatioa of reuts,isa�s or w�f'its,rnsssee or the Beaef�cia�y may be�ntitloa co exenxse evuy right pmv;dea ror ia aay
<br /> af the low insttuaroat�oc by laa upon occurrenx of wy e�rat of default,including ttte tight to exerci.se tLe powu of sale;
<br /> b. oommeace w x�tion w faroclose this Deod of Tsust as a mort�aga ��a re�aveT• or�eaf�11Y��'a�Y oF tbe
<br /> ooMwnts Oa+oot:
<br /> c. deliver to Ttustee a writtea declar�tion of Be�iWt wd demand for sak, and writtea notioe af default aad elxtloa to cause
<br /> Tnutnrs'i�ia the p�roperty w be so3d,wLich notia Ttu.stee shall�uu to be duly filod far reoord in the officisi z+000tdc
<br /> oithe oounty in wbich the ptoQe�ty is lor�tod.
<br /> 12. Sha��d the Heaeficiary eiecx to foreclase by ex,aci�s�e af the poa�cr of sak hereia ooatainal,the BexSciary sLaU notify Tnsscee
<br /> aad s1�1I deposit with Tnulee this Deed of Tnut aad t�e note and such reaipts and avidrsx uf expwditiures m�cie ud sewred
<br /> hesrby as TYustet may nequire,aad upoa roy�:ett ot the�iciary',the e rustce sn�ll c�ase to i�e nw�i�,P+�isD�,+���u�:J
<br /> to 4'ru�iat ss�ch Notice ot Default aad Notioe of Ssle at then requiiod bY law wd by tlds Deed of Tnui.Ttusiee sLal!wiibout demaad
<br /> oa T=ustor,a8er sucb time u nuy thm be nquired bY taw and after reoord�tion of such Notice of De�ault aad aRa Neciot of Sak
<br /> yaying beea givea as requi�d by l�w,sell the pcapetty at We time aad pixe of sale fixed by it in wch Notia o€Sa1e,eit�eer u a
<br /> wboie,or ia sepua�e lots or parals or items as Tiustx ct�ll ckem expedient�aad in svch order as it maY deusmia�u Public
<br /> auctien to the WgLat biddes for cash and sl�ll deliver w sucb ptuchaser or purcLasers tlfet+eof a dad to the pioQe�ty so1d,oonsisteat
<br /> with 1he law tLea in effoct. Ituitals in the Ttusue's deed shall be prima facie evideuoe of die t�rutL of tbe statemeots m�de tberein.
<br /> Ttustoe shall appty tbe pmoeeds of Use sak in tLe foilowing order:Ea)w all reasotuble costs aad ex�enses of the ssl�,incladi�B but
<br /> not limitod to TtusUee's fas of not more thaa 2•/.of the grass sale price.m.ason�ble auoraey fas aad ooscs of atle evideme;(6)w all
<br /> sumc scaurd bY tLis�oea of Ttust; aad (c) tbe exoGSS,if aay, to We puson or perwns kgaUy entitkd thereto. AnY Pu�•
<br /> - inch�ding tt�e Bea�',maY Purchase said WnP�rt�'at said s�le. Tn�stoe mry in the mannes pmvided by law>postpone sale of all
<br /> � a�Y P�+���P�Y.
<br /> 13. 'L�-��and tht�carf�c+aiY.aad eacL of tiiem,shall be wtitled to esiforce payment and perEormaaoe of aay indebtedaess or
<br /> � obiig,�tioa secaued Lereir�r and to exencise all rights aad poa�as u�icr this I3oai ot Tiusi or u��,a�.y iusu�i,�..���u2.'ier
<br /> agroemeat or any laar nor or barafter enfuroed notwithuandin8 some or all of tbe in�xedness�nd obl'sgatioos sewt+ed beneby
<br /> whicb may now or �r be othezwise securod,whet�er by mortgage. dead of Wst. Plod�e, 1ien. ass�meat ar ott�e�ise.
<br /> Neitha tLe aoxptanoe of this Deed of Tnut nor its eAforanxat,wLetLer by oaul�ctioa or purs�at w the powet of sale or WLa
<br /> pow�ess Lrs�ein oonttinod.sh�ll prejudice or in atry maaner afPat Tntstee's or the Beoeficiat}rs right ta reali7e ttpen or eaforoe airy
<br /> other r,avrity noa or har�fter 1�eW by Tn�stee or the Benefic�-uY. it being agrood that Tnutee wd tLe Beaefiaaty,aad each of
<br /> Wem,sh�ll be entitled w eaforoe this Deod of Tnist and wy other seauity now or t�reafter held by the Beaefiaary or Trustce in
<br />- such orda aad mznner as tt�ey m�y in tbeir abwl�te discraioa determiae. No remedy berein ooaferted upen or raeived W Truttce
<br /> or Beaeficiary is inu�oded to be exclusive of 3ny otha r+�dY�or by law pra�ded or permittod.but exh sh�116e cumulative
<br /> � ��������yery other remody gi�ren hereunder or now on c�maRet existing zi l�w or equity or by statute. Every
<br /> pewpr or remody gi�'ea by wY of the lwn insUuments to Tnutee or the Beaeficiary or to which either of them m�y be othawise
<br /> w..*�*.�1 may be ex�erasod.coacurreotty or indepeadenUy,from time w time and as often as may be doemod expedieni by Truuee or
<br /> Bmeficiuy,wd eitba ot'them may pursue iacaasisteai remedies.Nothing herein shall be oonstruod as ptnhitatin�the Beaaficaary
<br /> from sedcing a de�cicBC�+judgmeni agaiuci Tnutors to the e.�cteat sncb action is permitted by law_
<br />