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� � <br /> �..-.�..� --����... . .. ___..�..�::�=�--.._-- _ _= <br /> .��s�.� _. . <br /> UEEfl OF TRUST r 9�' 103098 <br /> T6is DEED OF TRUST is m�de this 24th day of Apri1, Y99b,6y and emong CAROL M.MI�1'8, a <br /> single womaa, individualty �nd CAROL M. MIE1'H, s�Trastee of tbe STLFART VY. MIETH TRUST, <br /> hereinafter r�ferred to as "Trus�ors," whether one or more, whose mailiag address is Post Ufrite Boz 545, <br /> Cairo, Nebrasl:a 68824; THE STATE BANK OF�AIRO, a Nebrs� Banlcia�Corpor�tioa, heranaRer <br /> referred to as "Trustee,•� whose mailing address is l�oi 438, �airo, Nebr�iw bSS2G; ar,d '�E �:'A':'E <br /> BANK OF CAIRO, a Nebraska Baakiag Corparauoa, hereu�after refeerod ta as "Bead��ciarY," W►hose <br /> nnaiting address is Boi 428,Cair+o,Nebraska 68824. <br /> For valuabie consid�ratioa, Tnutors irrevoc�bly grant, uansfer, couvey and assiga to Truste� in tnut. _ <br /> with power of sale,for the benefit aud securiry of Ben�ficiary, under and subject to the terau and conditioas of <br /> this Deed of Trust,the following described real property located in NALL Counry,Nebraska: <br /> 'I'he East Half of the Northwest Qumiter (E 1/2 NW 1/4)and the Nort}uast Quartra'(r1E 1/4) of <br /> SectiQn 27; and The Northea.0 Quarte�' (NE 1/4) of Section 33; and The West I3alf of the <br /> No�thw�si Quarter(W 1/2 N/VII U4)of Section 34; excej3t Lot 1, Niiath S�or�3 SubdivisiuQ; a�1 <br /> in Township t2 North,Raage 12,West of tbe 6th P.M.Hall Couaty,Nebraska, <br /> together with all build.ings,imProvements,fi�ures, stre�ts, a11eYs, PassaBeways,easeroents.ri8hts, PnvikSes and <br /> ��located thereon,aad sU Personal pcoperty tl�at may be or here�a bocome w iategral part of such <br /> byildin,gs aad improvemaits, all crops raisod thereon, and aU water riglus, all of wi�ich, inc�udi�8 tepl�c�a�s <br /> and additions thereto, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estaie conv�yed in wst�at�y,it beia8 agreed <br /> � - tbat all of the foregoing shall be teueuiaftes referred to as tere"Yropaty.� _ _ ._ _ <br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECZ3RING: <br /> s. Payeneat oF indebtedness evideaccd by Tnutors' note of evea dste i�rCwith in the principal sum of <br /> 5185,000.00,together wiih interest at the rate or rat�s provided therdn, aad auY aad all reaewals,modif�cns <br /> aad extensions of such note,bath PrinciPal and intaest on the nou bein8 P�Y�Ie in accordzace with the t� <br /> ses forth thereia.which by this reference is herdby made a part hezeof <br /> - h. 'ri�e oerforn�►ce of each a�meat and covenai►t of Tnutors herein cantain�ed;aad <br /> c. The payment of all sums advanced by Beseficiary under the twrms of this �eod of Trus�t„tog'� �:u'� <br /> inierest there�n at tbe sate provided in the nou. <br /> d. The above amount is socured even though all or part of it may aat yet be advance.Fut�rse advaaces unda <br /> the agreemeat are contanpJatod aad will be seaued to the same exteat as if made on the data this doed of m�st is <br /> ex,ocut�. <br /> TO PjtOTECT THE SECURITY OF THLS DEED OF'TAUST,TAUSTORS�BEBY COVENANT AND AG�rr. <br /> l.�To pay whea due, the PnnciPs� �a�the iaterau on.the indebtedness evidenad W tbe aoto.chaz8es. fxs and z11 other <br /> sums as�u�vidcd ia We loaa��,•,r•,*�. <br /> 2. Trnstors are We owners of the propatY �ad i�r the :ight and authority to exavte this Deed of Tn�si ia r�spoct to the <br /> �� assasmeats �nd �11 other cLuBes agai�t the P�P�'tY• bcior� i�: sawa �.,�. <br /> 3. To pay, aLea due. all taxes, spx+al s intet�est mereia o�r upon this Deed of <br /> deliaqueat. Tnuton sL�ll pa}�all taxes wd assasmmts wLic6 may be kvied upou Bwdciu5r of We wbole or aay put thereof <br /> Ttust or tlse debt sxured benbY,cvithont reSacd to any law that u�ay be eaactod imposia8 Pn <br /> ���'' fire and sucb other ha�srds as <br /> �. To k,oep the imprwcmeuts now or hereaRer locattd oa tbe pmpatY inuu�ed ag,3iast dama8o bY <br /> the B��cia�Y�Y*�4�•in uuounts wd caznpanies�c�ta�to the Beadciuy,Sucb inwranoG policy sLa11 cootain a st�adud <br /> mortgage clauie in favor of Beaef'ki�Y• Tiustor s6a11 promptlY�ir• ma+�aad replace tl�e proptrty or aay pait tl�o�w <br />'-�� that,exapt for orclis�uY w�eu aad tear.U�e proQaty shall not dct�rior�te- <br />:.� S. Ia the cvenc We property. or aay pan ti�shall be t�kcn by eminent domain. iltie Benef+GarS'is wtitkd w oolkct aad <br /> receive all�which may be paid for wY P�opert3'takea or far duaages to property not takea,and tbe Beaei'�ciary stn11 <br />,� �pp�y such�ompeasation,at its option.either to a reduction af il�e indebtedaess sec.vred hereby,or w«�air�od cestare the Proyect3' <br /> so t�lcea. <br /> 6. The BeoeSciuY m�Y. but s9�11 have no obligatsoa to. do any aa which Trusion tiave agrood but failed to do, aad the <br />._� Bea�Ci�rY may also do�nY act it dee�ns neoessuY w Protect the lien hereof. Trustors agroc to re�y. upou deuurll,am sums so <br /> " expeaded by the Beacficiary for the�ba�ve purpaces,a�xl any sum so eapended si�l1 bo added to th�inddxodoas saauod herdry�d <br />.� <br /> � <br />