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� <br /> . _________ <br /> . -�� — <br /> ��s . .. . .-- - :_:__� - - <br /> �� , � . . .. ..- _ - _--_ :.= —_ , - <br /> ..�.._- . -- - _ - — <br /> _._. �.,� — -.- <br /> • � � . � � n 1�:q�b <br /> � �- i�: <br /> ti, Tc..ti�i;: �!� y:� :�-��r�, i:i •��� �.� +►..�. �M�tl�� �;t►tleE !: e�f�r^• f�fr�t ►�I 72ri�rua�r ,t ar �adebtN�yi or cblti��EC� �K+rri - <br /> 1�r�Er ui e:eirr,:�e �U �iQlto��� powt. uier un :c�l :� ft;it �r �iirc a;r iau iutrueat -r o�lrr ��r•H��� ^► ��! lu��or or hteattrr - <br /> e�i:r,N ��tviurtuJ�ti•»' -r�i: :t ':e eaN!!r��•n v8�•eliiict�u�rcorei leteb� �ltei ��t � r�r 1?t�►ltar C2 et�rtytt� sr�re�, ■aetler e� n�-- <br /> �rtq�r. a�ei;! t�u�, tir�tr, �i�e. uripu�t :r �t�rr�ir�. fieitl�r tl� s;•°ct=�:�^f t�l� [r�d ar iru� �or �t� ��f�r;�e•�t. �ietler Dr t,�rt •- <br /> i::l.:�C G9:0.1:� =J Z�.'�:Y'C :�lS�� ���ae1'��Yt'/iti.'•I! �tiS�tfii�� G���� �Ci j::1'^C S: ».1!`1"e 11�►�1 �1�di��i �`T !M! 3eufiei�rr'i r►a!1 ..- <br /> �a .ul,�. ..i.i.�► �if..t;: �.:1 plZt: t!`IU1�Y►'Y u[��(����tl' lrkd !p Tr��ee er !�? .�?liftci�rt, !� bttB� iitt[3 L.1� t►�r.e� ��e c�.�����<<.�r• � <br /> i1Q �l:M Oi !�!h i�11� !'' l��l��!�°L r���n e t►tt�rr3 :t itrat ud us :'«�' 5tii[l�Y 1'•Y Jf l!�l�l1t� !:.'I� C7 ter tle1►!iri�eq or ir�+iee i� rre: — <br /> :��er ��!�ut!t �1�►irr y�r ie tYeir �ew.�l�t� �tc't?tic�eeteni�e. IiJ fHt�) Sl1�11 f0�tl�t!d i;oe cr rerer�a� *r Trutet cr Pe�eftci�q i� _ <br /> i�te�dtC t^ Fe e[.iac�rt of �al �tler re�e:� here�� �r!� la� pnridrd�r Qerutted, o�t e�c��s�tl k�ruuti�e u1 c��ll tr ►s�id�tiea to e+:rl =- <br /> otler rHta7 R�rei Yrtealdrr ct �s� or Aetetttet�i►etie� st ls�er r;�tty Ot�Y It�t�te. L��rl p:rer cr re��dp Eire�Er ul af tlr lou i��tr«r�ts <br /> to ttc�ter�•r tlr e�e�!t►cisry �r ta �lic1 eitter oi cle� u�te otlerrue�ititle���7 be eurci�rd, �acarrr�tl)or :�de;ede�tly, iro�tue M ti�e _ <br /> ud �s elte�u�iy 1�dre�e3 e�p�aie�t br irutee or Beuticttry, ��f e�!Icr of ter�u� p�rcie i�-o�riotr�t te�edie�. Yatlie� �erei� tk�ll t� <br /> ea�yttaed►,� vtaliDitit=tl� �e�eiiritrs tra� e!el:����eiieie�c))�d6euat yiiut tr�toro !o tke �et?�t ri:1 ktite is penitted Ey lu. <br /> N. Ttuton �enty reqzr�c�copy ct u��otiee o( delult s�d tla► saY �:tica ef e�l� beter�3et t���iled to 1rusW:t 1t fle addtets iet tartl <br /> i� t!e tint ►utarul ot tki� �eni of Trwt. <br /> 1S. tle 9e,eficiur w. by s rrittee iiftruest eiecated ud actwtle�Qed by Bne�iciir�, ��iled to Tn9!en ud rrc!ried i� tie Coe�t± ii�wi�! <br /> t1� prorrr�:i� locue��a:► :y ether�tee t�opi!itQ �lt1 !tr prc9i�ic�o of t�e a;plicablr lu� ot t►e 5ute ot ie�ruts� SflCYtI�Yt� !/�Ctl930� 10 tIt <br /> ita�ter rued Irreie^r s;ti�b �ere;�ndar. <br /> li. Tlis ke� o[iry�t i�ypliee to ted i�rcr9 ta t1e Eenefit oi sai 6iid��ll Dutie� lereto, their 1ein, pert,�al tepreae�tat'tte�. ucce�soro �d <br /> usign�. Tle t�n 'ie�eticiu�'tlsll �eu t1e�r�!t ud aolder ot tYe�ote.rletler or wt �ued u Peuf iri�r�lerei�. <br /> lf. ilitl��k itfe�lieQ t1? litEtlit9 ���9 oEler petaoi li�ble fat tlr Qq�e�t of tip obliQ�tio� Itteit u�tto�ed, u8 ritlo�t ifiecti�Q tle lit� <br /> or clu�� ot tli� Oeeb oF Tnct�re� ul port:o■ o[t�e Eropert� �et t4e�ar tleretofere rrleue� u rec�rity �or tMe fall PU��t of�I! �npttd <br /> o�IiQttia�s. tle Be�eticiu��s�, frw� ti:a to tiae �:9�it:a:: :otice: (n� ralesee eq �er�o�r so li�ble: (i)ette�d t1e aatuit�ot�Iter u�of t!e <br /> ten� ot u'oaci o61iQ�tio�; (e) (r�t otler iid�lQei�a; �i) rele�e er recoi4rp �t t!e Be�e[iciuj':optio� �l P�rcel, ��rtion or tll o[ tle <br /> pra@etty; {e) tate or releue �a� otler or �iitio�:l :ecuic� ior s��ebliastice �erei�te�tieud: or (f� ute cotpooitio�c or otlec uru�etat� <br /> ritl debtars i�relali�i t�eteW. <br /> il. fli� Geed o(Ttut �1ill De ga�et�ed b� tke 1s�9 oi tMe Stite of I�Sr�t�s�d, it tle eoa�t up ou or wre of tle pro►ioiou witai�ed <br /> tErei�, er t1e wte or u� otYer sec�nt�iutrweit�ire�ic c:�sectio� ritl tlir truoictie�da11 be for uJ re�a�held to be in�lid, ilie��l ar <br /> ue�force�ble, it u� retpect, ��cl i�oilidit�, illegsl itY :- laeaiotceabilit)91�I1 vot ttfect ia�otler �rori9iou of tYi� Oe�!oP ftut� Ett tle <br /> D�ed af irast�l�ll k ca�stned u ii �zcl i�v�1;3. ille�el or audiorceaDle prori`io�t It�ie�et Eaet toitaierd iertin ot thereie. <br /> 1!. �ry torb�aruce E� tl: Fete[icitr�or!'r�€:ee it et�teioi�4 u!ti�1t oe reuiY Merer�der, or otlenite �t[orded b��pplic�hle lu, �1�11 �at <br /> he ��ai►er ot or �recl�dr t1e eiereioe oF u��ecE ti�1t:r -�red�yere�wdet. 6ikr�ife, Ele rsi�et 6� tle Qeieticiu�or ttutu of ul deiult of <br /> t1e i�it�r�uder tlis�eed af Tn�t elall �ot!e deeQS3 t�sz s Y�i�rr ot a�y otler�e�i�i'su deE�ilt nb�e�re�tl�occ�rr;eg. <br /> !1. �to�t!e �ritte�re�ae�t oF t�e &uFieiu) �t�ti�a tiixY all �u� �ecored IeteE�l4re bee�psid, ud yo�auteider af Lii�Deeb of iry�t ud <br /> t1e iota to tYe Sn�tee(ot c�xcell�ticn sd �etatio� a�d npoi Fi��e�t b�ic�eton ot lractee'� tetf. Trutee�6a11 recai+e) to tr�tors, or t1e <br /> p±na�or �eno�i le{tll�e�titled t�ereta. �,��t�irruir, u�portioe ef 1!e @tepetty tYe�►eld lrrwtder. Cecittl� it tu1 tecotrettnet of u,r <br /> utk�s ee ttcta t412 bs coael�i�e ptoof c° tYe tr�tif�lae�s tlereoi. �rutee: i�tle reca�iequce �ip 1e de�cri6ed u t1e'�ene�as perwn <br /> __ _ _ _.__ ..__ . - ------- - � -- --- <br /> K. i � ' _'_'_.'' ' '_"'—'.__""'__'___' '_"'_"____—'—'_ ' - . <br /> �iQi�jj P:�fl�l'A ....t:.0. . - - <br /> II+i fiITLiBSg �FAF, Trustors have executed this Deed af Trugt on the �ate first noted <br /> above. .Y `�.�e*t�C..Q�1e�+��+�. - <br /> r � LtAYD OOODIIIli ' <br /> �S ��i�� , S <br /> � FtAYD t�f)O�DiiIll . <br /> .�� ;�: <br /> 5?ATB OP IiBHQJ1.SfCA ) ,-.* <br /> •• <br />, � � �,_ <br /> COtJDiTY OF HALL � <br /> �'he foregoing instru�ent xas a�l:nowledged before �e on ��. 2'�''� 1992, by LWYD <br /> (�OOD�iIli, aa wui+rried saa. aad i�LUYD (�OODiiIN, sn un�arried �an, a� joint tcmaata aad not as . <br /> tenants in coron. • <br /> ��rMi� . <br /> �1�M1� �e� <br /> PlJBLIC <br /> . , <br />