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<br /> T(► W�IYCKI"{' 1`ili� Si►i:l:Rl1'ti uM' 1'Hl� UkkU UF' TRU3'f'. TIiUS4'f,liL9 l�liiiiil�Y WVW�IAli'C ADWW A4fiF4i: —
<br /> �
<br /> �� Tt�•l� rd•1 7�•. l�' ;�11:{�I��'� 17J lG2 i0!Ci;'i! :�. !4'! IA�:�:!:1!1! "I:C.".:Pl C1' '1'". :�, '"�l�t�1, ful 1A7 1�s �li�� 1:�9 I{ 'f:f:dl� �
<br /> ,� u• :ru i�r�r3r�r�•
<br /> Z. liJ�'T!lt► 11M '�j'f6 t'F i�+�.'�:dtt� i11 i�7: fet �ii4t i:�31iS::[li: '"I�:iIP ?iii :��f �'� :f.ii {C t'f�7-! L` ;Af �;?.^tilY. _.
<br /> a fn ��r. cu��er. �ii •�i•�. �x-t�i st� ��NRIi i:J ilt :'I�f •.ftti:i asi::a' �:r �r�;t�:f. :?;_tr :le sut e�c�•K a��s�.�IL �tit[��[i
<br /> iSl�l :lY 111 tll�lt l!Q 319li1���!� Y1::1��y :• :dll!d 1?`! Ctl��l�ll�! � '1��'Cf���tf!R ! il'/ l! i l�+ei '•t �rr1! �� t�!,1t`t ifClltb �![l��.
<br /> YI{I�i� �li110 �'v 31) �1Y �Ia�11y !� �I<<l!� I1.`"•1::i�1:1'IS •1 ��!Y4:�►C� 1!j :l.'l '��!�'PI {2"! L���ItlPSI."4t7• -
<br /> �, t+ Kit� !M• i1Fr��trN� �`M`.! Al�+���lt 1''IIt��1 !�� prcoerty �u�r�i C!{!!l 9i1���� tl«�� 1:"4 �?E!��l:llCtT 1!lk!0!1!�Ifll��
<br /> ay ;?�.ue, u u.::ts u: -.e�s;+!e �e:rets:l• ,.:11• Ft��ticury. 5�c! i9o���c? ��>:��r �Id r�►��� t�t��t�t! ti�r►p1r riuoe n hror of
<br /> druft�eur. ?rc9wr i�sll �n��tl� rap�u, uutu�►ee rr�lr.e tt�p��p�ri� or ��c3r� uerraf, s: �1�t, ei•e�1 tor cr�iurr�eu ui teu, tlr
<br /> �rap�rtl �1�!{ t�t arteri:r�te,
<br /> 5. :i t1� rr��!►�r pr��trt�, .�r u�pirr �aer�i. ��i!1 tz t�c�� oy�ui!tt e:•i���, ttr 6e�rfic�tr) i�e�tttlN t•� tallect ui teceire tll
<br /> tO1FlIAICICA YMIfI �!) t�Fud fcr u�pr�P:itY ��Ie� tt [J�/illjt9 14 OTO�ttIJ li� 11pl1, ud tlr�euficiup�Ul1 y�l� �.cl co���ttitioo, �t itt
<br /> o�ti•�, oitler w � rrdLCti;s�t t�► i��ebt�Jeeas ee:arN hereo)� ar ta reWtt s�i tettote tlt Frcp�tty w tttet. '
<br /> i. T�e S�eefu•►�rr ur. b�t�lall kue w o�lia�do■ to, ds Lr sr� rNc1 tror.sn lu• yre�d d�' fail�d to dr, uo tle or�etiriu� u� slsa C;.
<br /> iar �,:t �t deru �ecessary �o rr�ce�� i�e ttte Urr�t. Tn9t�r9 tstFe t^ r�r�t, sno� �!�:�8. u���u �o �ipe�Cei t� tle Brteiictu) for tle �:a9r
<br /> par;:iri, :sa i:y �u �c esEr�9�a elili :• u:te� t� !Ie uirDtra:e9s r�r�red iereks �id hece�e �ec�red Ir t1� lie� lerr�i. TMe @e�rticitt� rlt{1 n�
<br /> i���r up Ii�Cil�tx l�rsu�e �i �,rid�nq �t uy do or o�ic co d� �rreutlrr.
<br /> 1. tit Pe�eticu!j f1iII C1TP EE! riplt, po�er ua ��tl:rit� d�ri�1 ttr cc�tiunca ot�iio ?!t�ot Trat ta r,lle:t tle re�ts, i�e�ea u�
<br /> prrtitt :I tMe �tapert) u�i �f uy F�ttaul ptapertr I�catr� tleroc�vitl cr�itlait tiku f pmoeuto���f tle proFett� affected IereE), ud ttatorf
<br /> Irre�J �lcolotely ud c�co�Eiticui�)�oiQe �11 scch rrato, lt9il9 01A praFita to tte beutic�u�. t�� leceiic�nry, kreier. Yereb'co�ie�t� to
<br /> i�L'stJti� iJ��2�iii�i iiJ ictEiti�i ii S��:S i7iii� iGi:?i ��QfJf1iC� OJ j1C��iS:9�0:E S.� '..^t. i� l�..�. t!0"� l:�!i:".�!Mt►1 �y�.rt tn���ttlt n�
<br /> �y i�dehteiu�c eecued ieret�, or i� Ile per(onuu of u� eQrerce�t heraud�r. fE u� e�rit oi dei�alt de�ceih�i IrreaPter i�re��ect to tlir
<br /> �eed of Ttat r1�U lire occure� aad Ee eo�tiiaia�, tk� irtrficitr�, s� � �itter of riglt ud nt400t iocice to T�wtar� or�tau cl�iri�q eeder
<br /> 1rr�ton, ud ri!lo�t re�ud to t:!YLGP CP tI! t�4�t atite or 11r i�cerett o[ t1e Trwtor� turei�. ob�l1 I��e tle tiQlt to t►pl' to te� cout
<br /> livi�{ jori�dict�o� t�apFoi�t a rece;�rr ot tie proFertl.
<br /> 1. Tle Beaeticiv�, or ito �gnts, �rz uticritea to ater u anp rrua�iele ti�e i�oi cr i�iny ru� oi tle praperq fcr tl!puFe�e o[
<br /> i�ep�cti�p t�e eue ud taT t1e purpo�e at perTcnieQ tay of t!c uti khe� ue n��lariepd to perf�n aader tl�ten�ot tq l�y i��trueit�eiec�ted
<br /> b�tr�ator�.
<br /> !. it �I1 or�1 p3rt ot t6e prepertr or uq i�teteat of Trutcn i� wld, tr�oferred or i�rtlec e�cai6ered ri:lo�t t�e�ritta routit ai R►e
<br /> k�tticiu�, tle Beaeficiir��a�drelere�11 e�� ieccre�s� tli�tn�t Detd fo be iuedistel�dae a���ible ud praeeel eo t1e roedia a�ail�lfe
<br /> to it s:der t1e detwlt F:a�isiou cait►i�ed Yerei�,
<br /> 11. uJ ot tle follo.i� e�eiti �I�li be deeu0 u eteit o[detult leseuder:
<br /> � Trutor�9��11 hau f�iled to�ake ps��at ot uu in�till�e�t of oritcip�! or ieterr�t or se�otler �au sec�red leteb�dei dse;
<br /> 1. Tlere lu otterred a breu! al ot detn�it udrr a>>ten, rort��i, e`rcnr�t. cosditici,pro�i�iw. represt�titio�at�ututy cotttiMi ii
<br /> � tli� Detd oI irast, tYe wte or ul otler loL tutnutt Qec�red lereb�;
<br /> - � e. flerr iu i�ee a delul:by tle Trruton i� lie 4,r.e�t ot nr arior ct t�Eaeq:e�t !le!oi elcueruce ►e re�ect to�ii et W lt[t oi cif
<br /> EroFerty;
<br /> i. Truton elall (ile�votutvy petitioi ie butrnptcy ot slill De�djadietted butnpt or iu�lTr�t, cr�1�I1 u�e�n u9igue�t tor t1e
<br /> be�efit ot crediton io re�;e�t to t:e proFtrt�: er a� _ctic� to e�foree uJ lie� at�scuoruce or j�d�eaata �ti�si t1e�to�ert� i�
<br /> wueicel.
<br /> 11. I� t1e eie�t ot u�deti�lt, the Ce�eficitr��t�deeltte�I! iade6ttdaa� tecsred 1ere6�to be du ud p��tble ud tle we t1a11 tlett�qot
<br /> becau dte ud p►��ble�itha�t�T preteitu�t. �e�ud.�rote�t or�a►ice o[ uq tiid. ilereafter, t1e�e�eFiciu��q:
<br /> a. eitler i� per�o�or b��eat, yitE or �ittoot rri�{i�g a��utia�or procee�ii�, oe b�receirer appoi�ted b�i w�rt a�d vitlo�t re�ud to
<br /> tle �de�iu�of uj uc�ritJ, s�tec �paw aa�take Qoua�ic�uf t1e prapertp. or a� put ilereot, i�it�o��tue or iR tie ute of t1e
<br /> irutee, ua da u��cU r6ic1 it deeu�eceuuy ud deoirule to pre�ene t1e vilae, �uket�Dilif�or re�tiDility of tle qroperq, or put
<br /> tlereot, or:s<�,nt t�erei�, i�creue t�r uc!Me tbereFro�or proteet t1e�ec�ritp Yer�oi ud, ritlo�t ksfci�g ps�caio�of tie�rorert�.
<br /> sue for ar xt�i�e ecliect tle rat�. is��e� aui proiits tiereoi, i�cindiag+.iase p�sc�ne ud upiid, u3 saply iie s�se, ieu a�i��
<br /> � eipe��es of a�erttio�aid cv.11ectio�, iuladitg attoriey fees, cpai uy itdebted�ets ucattd Yereb�, ali i��ui order u t!e Beu[iciu��v
<br /> detenice. tYe ettecieQ tpo�tnd ttkicQ po9sttl190 Of LF! tTl9t Ht�tl, tie collectia�of racl re�to, i�ru�sad �rofit��aa�ppliutio�
<br /> tlereot�r uora�id d�ll iot c�re or riive mr defialt or entice ot def�clt lereaeder ot i�oilidite W ut ud i� tapo�u to ttcl del�elt
<br /> ot penauk'.x a�cM �otice�f dei��lt ud �otritlsti�di�R t�e ce�tiuuce i�po�4n�io�of tke propert9 ot tle colleetioi, recei�t ud�
<br /> �plicitio��f �t�t�, i�9aea or protits, Sru:!e or t1e oeuFicitq�i��e»ititled to r:ercise t�en right Grnided for i�u�oF tle lo�a
<br /> i�etrau�t�or E� lao�po� ocnrte�ce oF �ay e.eat ef teit::¢, i�eiwiiig Etr riglt to etetci�e t1e porer of s�:e:
<br /> � 1. conr�te u tctioi to foreclote tli�Deed of trcaF� i uste�e, appoiec a teceirer, ar �peciticilly eitorce s�ot tie c�se�i�i�iereoh
<br /> e. deli�et ta fr�otee � writte�declaritioe oP dei�tt �s�dcuad for e�Ie. ud �ritte�iotice of deis�lt uE electioi to euse ttuWt�'
<br /> , i�tere�t ia�e property to he aold, rlich�otice irestee �Wl ce�e to �z dal� filed lor recotd in tke cFficisl eecurds ot tle co�at� i�
<br /> : �yic1 t1e�r�e:ty io locate�.
<br /> 11. Sloild tk! �l2Il�1L�J!1lCt t0 foreclose hy ecerciee of tl?po�er of e�1► t�►eia coiteia�d. tle Bete[iciu�s1311 totif� tetttee tad t1aEP
<br /> de�O�it �it� Frutcs:hie 5e� cf izest �:d !Ee aote�ao :ec�rece:�F� nnd e�idee�e rf e:eea�it�t!a �s�e snd e!s�red lerebt es lrastee �n�re;�ete.
<br /> • s�cFoe reqtett ot Ste �eeef iciu�, ':e 4raatee shail csc�e to �e recorded. pCG1Il0!� ud deli�ere:tJ T[C9W�C{Ch r7t1CC oi LeI2SIt SCd WtiCt CI
<br /> Sile �e the� raq�ir�:y lay ud Ey this 6eed ot frast. trutee�i�ll ritlaat deuad oi irastor, �fkr tacl iiee u �u tYei�e teqoirtd Ey 1��
<br /> : iFter rccordition o:ecc�Notice of Det�ult�ad after lbtice of S�le Iirieg bee�gi�e�w req�ired Eq li�, sell tle propert� at tl! ti�e eed plue o:
<br /> o�le fiied b;r it i� wc5 �otice of Sa:r, tit�er w a �l�le, or i�tepuate lct9 cr �ucelo ar iiai�s Trystee 41�I1 dee� eipedie�t, ud i�rncl order
<br /> a� i! �tp de!er�io!, it FcOlis��ctio�to tle Miqheet tiidder lor esah ud Qc�ll deliver !� �ach oucEuer ot patc�uen t1!reof�deed to tle propert�
<br /> ��ld, coa�icteat uit! tY� 1►o tlen �y effect. Reeit�lc ie t6e tnitee'�deed altil te pri�a tieie e9ideue of t5e tr�tl oi tle�t�te�e�te��de
<br /> tierei�. iroitee 9��I1 �ply ti! rracerd9 of tle rale i� tle folloQi��order: (t� to all reuonable coots aed ezpee�es oP!�e sile. i�cledioq bat�ot �
<br /> li�ited to irc9tee's fees ef eet �cre tha�it aF the qrc9s�tl� price, rruc�»le tttor�!y Pe�t �ad coett aF title e�idcice; Ib� ro �ll �cu�ec�re3
<br /> t� tiir O�ed cf Trart: a�d (e)t6? ecc�cs, ii iey, !� t:• ;aroci cr F►r�ai� t!gtfiy e�titled LhereW. �ay psrso�, it:itli�4 tMe fe�eti�iu�, up
<br /> prci�se ni� propertr a!9�id oaie. iruytee up i� tic ■u�rr provided bp 1►r, po�tpou rile of il! or t�� portto�of tfe pro�ztty.
<br />