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<br /> '`�� u�We pow�er ot We�Wvokrd.Tnut�e�record a ootice ot d�lwlt la eac6 couuty ia whic6 Aay prt ot
<br /> _ ..;.. � �:�. , ble law to Bon�ower
<br /> _� . . ';- . IYe Propa�tY b loc�t�d�ad shsU nuil ouplea ot wcb aotics Is tbe nunner pres�c�ibed by aPP�
<br /> � �;;r�::°..:; �•�� �■d to trt otier perioai W'�cribed bY�PWkabk V�'•Alter tbe t6qe�e9uirod by opplkable Iow�Tn�stee�IWI�Ive
<br /> �:�,;:;;�r.:..�:;.r , p�Wk notice atswM to Ibe qr�ow�ad la tLe n�une�prs�crlMd by�ppUc�bk I�w.Tnutee,without daa�ud on Sor• -
<br /> , ,... . and under the terme d�d �- ,g.�.gs�
<br /> . -_,. ;�-. . ro�wr,�II seY tLt Pmpe�ty�t pubiic au�liuo w tlw Yi�Ct bidder at the Wme and pl�ce -
<br /> ,.'` ,� 4� 11�ao1We ot taM In onQ ar aae+e p�r+oea aad in wy oeder Truuee determlaa. Tnutee mry po�tpone wle ot dl
<br /> f ,�S'i�.:,_. Q oi wy prevlou�ly�c6eduled�le.I.eoder
<br /> ,� -- ;�' .� �`" o�'W'P�e+n!ot tbe Praperty b�P�b����t 1lrt tlme aod plwe
<br /> �'�,�•,.�,�':• ..0 °r W�n c e l p l o I�t o t W�e p k b i d,�T��h a l l d e p v e r to tbe p u r c h�e r Tru�tee's deed conveylaQ N�e
<br /> . . ;°�'4.^•�:•:,$'s''� p r o p e r t y�1 b e r e c W i 4 W t6e Tnut�e'�deed�bsll be primn fack evldeace oL16e Irutb of Ihe statemeat�made tNetYla.
<br /> i: �,.,�•..�:
<br /> .,�.r,�G _ ...; , Truqee eWU�pply t6a procads ot 1be aik ia lLe faUo�order.(a)to�II co�ts u�d expet�es o f exe r c W n�t b e P o w H' ��.�
<br /> �7` �� ., • ot nle.aud tM tWe.iaN�dioQ N�e P�ymed ot t6e Tn�rtee's[ees actuWly locur�^ed�not to arceed_.96 ot the priuclpol
<br /> ��, ., ° �roouot ot t6e wte at Ibe time oi tM decW'atbn ot det�olt► aad raiwnoble Attorneyr'fees ao perrNtted by bwi(b)
<br /> to a0 swm�ecueed by t64 S�cu�tY I�ati wd(c)auy exce�W t h e persou or p e r s onr l e�a l l y enWled w t�
<br /> y�.]Lr.4M�Y ^� ?2. Ihoorveya�ce. Upon PoYment of All sums cxured by this Savdty Instrument.Lender stwll request Trustee � _`�-� -
<br />•�'; • , .. to reconvey the PrapertY a n d s l w U surre n d er t h i s S e c u r i ry I wlthout wuranty and�without otgwr�et the pers n or perso� �. �.�,,;.���- _
<br />!' '. "_ , „ ' Instrutnent to TruWee.Ttuctee sha�l rccomey the Property
<br /> _ ;..'� �:' _ le��lly rndded to it. Such person or pe�ons sholl pay any rocordat�on costs. -_--- -
<br /> . .�L.; ..:• 2 3. S a b s t i d t t e T r u�t e e. L e n d e r�a t its o p t ion�m�y from time to time remove Trustee ani appolat a succxscar dustee _-__.-_
<br /> � �""`� to any Trustoe�ppoieted hereunder by an inswment recarded in 1he county in which this Security Insirument is recor d e d. � � �
<br /> W ithout convay�nce of tha Property,the succe�sor wcta�h�ll succeod t°all the dtle.power wd duties confer�ed upon �
<br /> ' Tr�uuee herein And by applicable law. �:;�:��--°-
<br /> . • ?,4. Requat tor NoWxs. Borrower requestc tlwt copie�of the notice:of default and rale be sent to 8orrower'�
<br /> o ., ^ vddress which is the E'roperty Address. _--
<br /> �� u, ��to this gecu�Ity ImRrurneN. If one or moro riders sue executed by Borrower and reco�dul together �°�---��-
<br /> .:_i 4_,., �L y.:.� W�th thid Securlty Insuumeat,the covenonts and agramenta of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall Amend �`�;,-,;
<br /> ., ond suppletnent the wve��anis atd ap'eements o f t h is S e c u dry l n e d v m en t a a i f t h e:r i d e r(a)w e r e a p u t of this Secud t Y Incpument• _ _
<br /> ., .'� � [Check applipble box(es)1 ' . °`-;;,_-
<br /> AdJu:t�ble R4te Rider Coadomiaium Ridcr 1-4 Family Rider ;�r;-
<br /> ..-- - anduatod Paymeut liider 8 Pl4naed Uait Developmeat Rider � &waldy Payment Rtd�x —
<br /> ��_'- :;_�',
<br /> � B�U o o q R i d e r ❑ R a t e I m p r o v e m e n t Rider Swond Huma Ri�r � . •,y r
<br /> Ot6er(s) IsPecifyJ � ""
<br /> �� BY SIUNINa BELOw,Borrower accepts end ag�ees to the termr And covonenla conteined in thi�Securiry 1nalruntetN
<br /> • ' . and in any rfder(a)executed by BoROwer and recorded with it. .�•:-:,:.
<br /> �• _v.. .
<br /> ., . � . r
<br /> W;�: _ . �
<br /> ���
<br /> , . -BOr►ow�I t�wr���r,u::;_
<br /> . � � 506-94-6739 �'�y`�'�'�%'
<br /> SocialSocurity Nuaaber ��,�.'�,��` _
<br /> „ .� _ ';:�:.,.,�:-
<br /> .
<br /> , „ ' ,',�������� (�) � . :'ii:'�: _
<br /> _�� '.�.�,����_��:
<br /> . Scx�,ial Socurity Number 505-90-0489 � - • �� v=
<br /> _���� : ,
<br /> . ' Social Security Number �`� .. ,}``'
<br /> . �.. .. ' - -�Seal� . �:~:_
<br /> � � � . •
<br /> ', Social Security Number
<br /> ••. ,
<br /> � �spee�elow11i14r�aA�t�o�Ylperl [�
<br /> �
<br /> .. ,
<br /> ° STATE OF NEBRASKA, County u: HALI.
<br /> On this, the 13TH d�Y �t� MARCH . before me, the subscriber, the
<br /> . undersigned offtcer,personally appeared t•ffCHAEL A. WISSING AND DE�Ii ISE L. iJI5SING, '
<br /> HUS BAND AND WI FE known to me l�r satisFactorily
<br /> proven)to be the person(s)whose name �subscribed w H�e wnhin mstroment and acknuwledged that �,y
<br /> executed the same for the purposes herein contained.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,i hereunto set my hand and olticial�eal.
<br /> My Commissfon expires: 7-2-9 Z
<br /> � . ..:.�-» �...'""!
<br /> �,1�:i � t 5t..1.,l a- ' �� L � -f
<br /> �.� t.S,.h�•Ni<r.l !�t / % 2� � r-LL /' , � .✓.J�C L� 7tJ
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<br /> l�17� �R�(A Fors�i� tlf0 Ipa%r S uJ S page.rl
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